SEC revamps site's search services

The Securities and Exchange Commission says it will upgrade its Web site to provide people with easier search capabilities. Spokesman John Nester said the site's layout will feature two new search engines as well as specific categories aimed at the niche users, especially individual investors. One of the new search engines will be for the SEC's Edgar database, which lets people search and download corporate filings. The other search engine, for the rest of the site, will be capable of narrowing searches and providing thumbnail descriptions of documents. Nester said the SEC expects to unveil the improvements to its site by the end of February.

The Securities and Exchange Commission says it will upgrade its Web site to provide people with easier search capabilities. Spokesman John Nester said the site's layout will feature two new search engines as well as specific categories aimed at the niche users, especially individual investors. One of the new search engines will be for the SEC's Edgar database, which lets people search and download corporate filings. The other search engine, for the rest of the site, will be capable of narrowing searches and providing thumbnail descriptions of documents. Nester said the SEC expects to unveil the improvements to its site by the end of February.