Odds and Ends: Shareholder meeting; knowledge base updates

Odds and Ends: Shareholder meeting; knowledge base updates

CNET staff
2 min read

What happened in Cupertino? Yesterday (May 10) was Apple's annual shareholder meeting in Cupertino, and, as expected, Steve Jobs had plenty of support from his board of directors, as well as from the heady rise in the price of AAPL stock over the past year, so no meaningful challenges were mounted. Nevertheless, Jobs did have to extend to attendees the courtesy of taking some of their questions, and while he was evidently able to brush most of these aside with a jest, it seems this was was an opportunity, unlike the annual Macworld Expo and WWDC rallies, for some feedback from the public to pierce the legendary Reality Distortion Field. One report comes from CNET News, and another, even more intriguing, from Daniel Eran's Roughly Drafted magazine (which criticises the SF Chronicle's reporting as misrepresenting the tone of the meeting). The excitement over the iPhone seems to be intense; Apple employees are apparently already using it.

MacFixIt user survey TechTracker Media (part of the parent company that owns MacFIxIt) is running a survey to cull information about our reader demographics. The questionnaire shouldn't take more than 5 minutes, so please stop by and fill it out if you have time.

Apple Knowledge Base updates

  • #305395 Mac OS X 10.4: Restart or shutdown delay if AFP volume is mounted but server is not contactable

    "If an AFP volume is mounted, but the server becomes unavailable and cannot be contacted, significant delays may occur when trying to shut down or restart the computer." This point is well taken. In more general terms, apparent delays during shutdown, restart, or startup can be caused by attempted network activity that is failing and therefore causes a pause until a timeout occurs. One diagnostic solution is simply to cut off access to the network (for example, if the computer connects to the network by an Ethernet cable, pull the cable out of the computer); this causes the computer to abandon its search of the network more or less instantly.

  • #305459 "iSync does not support the device" alert, or red dot appears next to device icon

  • #52318 iSync: How to troubleshoot sync issues related to .Mac

  • #61798 Apple security updates

  • #304357 About the security content of QuickTime 7.1.3


  • price of AAPL stock
  • CNET News
  • Roughly Drafted magazine
  • SF Chronicle's reporting
  • survey
  • #305395
  • #305459
  • #52318
  • #61798
  • #304357
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