Microsoft feels licensing pinch

Changes in the company's licensing policies are angering longtime corporate customers, as the software giant tries to grab new business with online initiatives.

CNET News staff
Microsoft eases costly license change
The company backs off a controversial licensing provision that forced some customers to pay twice for the software they purchased.
October 5, 2001 
Survey: Anger at Microsoft's new licensing
Information-technology professionals aren't happy about higher Microsoft costs, and some may move on.
October 4, 2001 
Microsoft revs up alerts service
The company will announce next week a new Internet service, tied to its .Net strategy, that will let eBay and other Web sites contact and send messages to customers.
October 5, 2001 
Making sense of Microsoft and the Net
newsmaker MIT Dean Richard Schmalensee puts the antitrust controversy about Microsoft into historical context. Also: Why no e-businesses will exist 10 years hence.
October 4, 2001