Me? With the Pussycat Dolls? With my reputation?

This week I got a call from the folks at Samsung who said they wanted to take me to meet the Pussycat Dolls.

Rory Reid
2 min read

The world of tech can be a pretty boring one. Sure, it seems glamorous to be inundated with all the latest gizmos, but you can get jaded pretty damn quickly, particularly when said gizmos are utter rubbish. Thankfully press shindigs -- events where PR people pretend to like you while they show off their wares -- throw up endless opportunity for amusement. This week I got a call from the folks at Samsung who said they wanted to take me to meet the Pussycat Dolls.

What this had to do with tech I had no idea, but after some digging, I worked out that Samsung is sponsoring the PCD's European tour and has managed to get its YP-K5 MP3 player in one of their music videos. That was good enough for me -- tech plus hotties is a no brainer.

A seven-way gang-hug with Rory Reid: every Doll's dream

I popped along to the pre-show VIP drinks and got a chance to hang out with the Dolls for a few minutes before they met and greeted a bunch of pop-obsessed teenagers. Are they hot? Yes, yes and yes again.

Sadly I didn't get a chance to discuss the amazing jacuzzi feature I've been pitching for Crave TV, but I got pretty cosy with Michelle. You can't see it, but her hand is actually somewhere it shouldn't be.

That has to be the best hands-on test I've done in a long time. Props to the Dolls. I can't stand your music but you rock my world. Keep doing your thing.