MacInTax update loses data?

MacInTax update loses data?

CNET staff
Steve Konick and Steve Schiffman both succeeded in getting the MacInTax 98 update (mentioned last time). However, it may not have been worth it.

S. Konick writes: "After I save and leave the updated MacInTax, while my data file still exists (and takes up about 200K on my hard drive), the program reads it but won't display any of the forms or allow me into the interview. Sometimes I get formset errors, but usually I get no response other than a blank screen with a few options on the top menu bar, none of which will get me to my tax return. Essentially, the data is lost."

S. Schiffman similarly notes: "I've done my taxes 3 times now and each time after I finish and quit the application I am unable to retrieve my data upon reopening the application. I either get no message, Invalid Index, or Bad Data File. I am able to save and quit up until I get to Itemized Deductions at which point I can no longer retrieve my data."

There are still other reports of this on the MacInTax Excite discussion board. Obviously, this may not be a problem that affects all users. Indeed, some have now written to say that they have had complete success with the update. Still, a an alert seems warranted.

[Note: the same item from last time also has newly added information about the Kiplinger TaxCut update.]