Is this the best job title in the world?

I met a guy having a quiet drink at CES. He handed me a card and I have to say I was impressed. This chap must be keeping Apple out of some serious trouble

Ian Morris

I've always been delighted with my job title. The fact that it's got 'editor' in it means that people think I'm important. Obviously, that's not true, but that's why a good job title is so important -- it helps people work out just how big a deal you are.

So imagine what I thought when I met one Apple employee having a quiet drink at a CES event. He handed me a card, and on it was written his job title. I have to say, I was impressed. This chap must be keeping Apple out of some serious trouble.

Is this the best paid person at Apple? Because he should be

I have no idea what a 'Senior Armageddon Avoidance Engineer' does. But it certainly should be paid very well. As for the man in question, both he and his Apple business card persuaded me that the company does have a sense of humour after all -- even if it isn't always obvious.