I'm doing it right now!

Leopard for all ADC members "soon".

The Macalope
Born of the earth, forged in fire, the Macalope was branded "nonstandard" and "proprietary" by the IT world and considered a freak of nature. Part man, part Mac, and part antelope, the Macalope set forth on a quest to save his beloved platform. Long-eclipsed by his more prodigious cousin, the jackalope (they breed like rabbits, you know), the Macalope's time has come. Apple news and rumormonger extraordinaire, the Macalope provides a uniquely polymorphic approach. Disclosure.
The Macalope

One of the Macalope's redoubtable readers says he received an ADC (Apple Developer Connection) email this morning promising Leopard would be available for download "soon", along with documents and code examples.

"Don't download it from some file sharing site! We're working as fast as we can, darn it!"

Well, really, if you're an ADC member (or anybody), you shouldn't download Leopard from a file sharing site. But, then, developers probably shouldn't have to.