Holy smokes! Mobile Guitar Hero

Keep your iPhone; give us Guitar Hero on our mobiles now!

Joseph Hanlon Special to CNET News
Joe capitalises on a life-long love of blinking lights and upbeat MIDI soundtracks covering the latest developments in smartphones and tablet computers. When not ruining his eyesight staring at small screens, Joe ruins his eyesight playing video games and watching movies.
Joseph Hanlon

Now you don't need a console -- or a mullet -- to rock out like Axel Steel

At last, there may be a mobile phone game worth paying for.

Now, before you go berserk with gamer lust, the super-awesome mobile version of Guitar Hero is currently only in the US and even there it's only available for download with the mobile carrier Verizon.

The mobile version will include two playable characters -- the aptly named Axel Steel and Judy Nails -- and 15 playable songs. Gamers interested in more music can subscribe to receive three extra songs every month.

Before you ask; no, there's no mini Les Paul guitar to plug into your mobile. The five fret buttons from the guitar controller have been trimmed to three buttons and can be mapped to any row on your mobile keypad you find most comfortable.

With no Australian release date on the horizon there's probably no point teasing you further with details about how awesome the game looks or how much fun it is to play. Instead, allow us to multiply the torture by a thousand with a sneak preview video of the game posted on our sister site CNET.com in the States.