Google makes it easier for apps to offer in-game rewards for watching ads

Watch an ad and win coins -- or whatever in-game currency will get you that next upgrade.

Shelby Brown Editor II
Shelby Brown (she/her/hers) is an editor for CNET's services team. She covers tips and tricks for apps, operating systems and devices, as well as mobile gaming and Apple Arcade news. Shelby also oversees Tech Tips coverage. Before joining CNET, she covered app news for Download.com and served as a freelancer for Louisville.com.
  • She received the Renau Writing Scholarship in 2016 from the University of Louisville's communication department.
Shelby Brown
Puzzle & Dragons.
Andia/Getty Images

If you're like me, you mostly stick to free apps -- even though paid or subscription-based apps might offer higher-quality content. Google on Wednesday introduced a tool to help developers make more money from apps, even from nonpaying users.

Rewarded products.

Android Developers Blog

Google Play's new rewarded-products feature picks up on the trend of watching a video or taking some kind of action to earn in-app currency. The feature, still in beta testing, will debut in video format.

"Users can elect to watch a video advertisement and upon completion be rewarded with virtual goods or in-game currency," Patrick Davis, Google Play product manager, said in a blog post. "In the example below, the user selects 'watch ad', views the video, and then is granted 100 coins."

For developers, rewarded products can be added to any app using Google Play Billing Library, according to Davis. No software development kit (SDK) integration is required, which Google said makes it easier to implement than similar competing products.

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