Extensive iPhone OS 2.2 Screenshots: Google Street View, Bus Schedules, more

Extensive iPhone OS 2.2 Screenshots: Google Street View, Bus Schedules, more

Ben Wilson

Over the weekend, we reported on the release of iPhone OS 2.2 beta 2 for developers. The new revision adds support for audio-in devices in all third-party applications, meaning apps will be able to receive audio input on all devices and possible paving the way for genuine VOIP applications for the iPod touch. It also adds support for Google Street View, the ability to view walking and transit (bus, train) directions instead of driving directions, and the ability to share locations with other users.

A user of the iPhoneYap discussion boards has posted an extensive screenshot gallery depicting the new update, which is currently available only to developers. The images show Google Street View in detail, buttons for switching between walking, driving and transit modes, and more.