Crave 56: Midi-chlorians vs. MIDI accordions (podcast)

This week, Donald and Eric discuss the future of mind-controlled televisions, and an iPad joystick that looks like Atari's vision of the future from the '80s.

Donald Bell Senior Editor / How To
Donald Bell has spent more than five years as a CNET senior editor, reviewing everything from MP3 players to the first three generations of the Apple iPad. He currently devotes his time to producing How To content for CNET, as well as weekly episodes of CNET's Top 5 video series.
Donald Bell

Watch this: Ep. 56: Midi-chlorians vs. MIDI accordions

This week, Donald and Eric discuss the future of mind-controlled televisions, and an iPad joystick that looks like Atari's vision of the future from the '80s. The horror of the MIDI accordion is revealed for what it is. And in Geek News, Donald and Eric sum up the unforgivable digital vandalism George Lucas has wrought on his masterpiece.

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Episode 56

-Haier Mind Control TV

-Atari Arcade

Viewer feedback

crave@cnet.com -- EMAIL

I just got the chance to watch Wednesday's show, two words...""you guys killed it""!!! Okay, that's four words but it was a terrific show. One thing though, was I the only one who heard Donald's Freudian Slip about his true nature and skills? I am speaking about when he meant to say ""Mini-accordians"" but actually said ""Midichlorions."" Donald is a Jedi...I knew it!! ""Help me Donald Bell, you're my only hope."" Also, Eric's new segment was great, the content and delivery. I think a lot of adolescent young men will like the way the new Wonder Woman is drawn...I anticipate an unexplained shortage of petroleum products upon it launch. Finally, Steven's intro to Eric's segment was ""Totally Awesome."" Geek News Rocks. Great show.

Earl (from Texas)

-Roland FR7X V-Accordion

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