Conceptual hands-on photography

Japanese designer Mac Funamizu's idea of the future camera is just a pair of sunglasses and your hands.

Leonard Goh
Mac Funamizu concept photography
Hold your hand up and wink with your left eye to take a shot. Mac Funamizu

In movies, photographers hold up their hands and form two L shapes to use as a frame and compose their shots. This has almost become a universal sign of photography. But what if technology comes into play, and you can snap a shot at whatever is in the frame?

Japanese designer Mac Funamizu's idea of the future camera is just a pair of sunglasses and your hands. When you wear the shades and create the frame in front of it, Fumanizu said the eyewear will recognize the varying dimensions that the two L frames create and prompt you to take the picture by "shutting your left eye."

This is a really cool concept that takes point-and-shoots to another level. What would make this gadget even more super cool is to allow sunglasses to display useful information about the item you're looking at. But this wishful thinking still belongs firmly in the realms of Minority Report and Terminator.

(Via Crave Asia)