Bug Knocks Out 200 Cisco Networks

Enterprise network supplier Cisco Systems experienced a bug at 12:01 this morning that shut down more than 200 computer networks worldwide. The bug wouldn't allow computers to save, download, or upload information.

Enterprise network supplier, Cisco Systems experienced a bug at 12:01 this morning that shut down more than 200 computer networks worldwide. The bug prevented computers from saving, downloading, or uploading information. It was found in software made by a company Cisco bought in November called Grand Junction Networks.

Cisco's technical support team received about 300 calls from confused customers who couldn't connect to their local networks. The engineering department has sent out instructions to fix the bug and is offering help over the phone, according to Cisco officials.

A technical support representative said she received more than 40 calls from across the country in one hour and said that the problem has been resolved. "We found an internal timer bug which programmed the system to reload from December 27 to January 1. In a sense, it was like a self-test, but it is fixed." In order for the networks to end the self-test, users are being instructed to set their clocks ahead to the new year.

The glitch hit a small percentage of Cisco's customers, but did not affect computer data or computers outside the network, according to Cisco officials.