Parody of BBC dad shows how woman would have handled it

Commentary: A comedy show in New Zealand shows that a woman would have handled Professor Robert Kelly's interview with the BBC very differently.

Chris Matyszczyk
2 min read

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No losing one's cool here.

"Jono and Ben"/YouTube screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET

Professor Robert Kelly of Pusan National University has managed to turn political science into entertainment, even more so than many politicians do these days.

After his now famous BBC Skype interview that was interrupted by his two toddlers, Kelly explained that he was flustered and amused and tried his best to get through it.

How, though, would a woman have handled it? New Zealand's "Jono and Ben" comedy show explored this in its own parody version.

Here, then, is the very same scenario with a woman in Kelly's shoes. Or, rather, in front of his camera.

Instead of feeling slightly perturbed, instead of pushing her child away, the woman handles it as if it was just another normal day in family life.

She multitasks by setting her child on her lap, while continuing to discuss the fascinating political situation in South Korea.

She finds time to do several other things such as cook and defuse a bomb.

Of course, the one lame character in all this is her husband. He can't perform even the most basic tasks. I mean, he could have at least tried to defuse the bomb, couldn't he?

It seems that this video might have hit a small nerve. Since its posting on Thursday, it's already enjoyed more than 700,000 YouTube views and incited the usual reasonable commentary you get on the site.

It's funny how comedy can make people angry.

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