Automated tea brewer like a glimpse into the future

The Breville Gourmet Tea Brewer & Variable-Temperature Kettle automatically raises and lowers tealeaves into water.

Brian Krepshaw
Brian is the author of two culinary based books published via his imprint Storkburger Press. A lifelong Californian, he has been consistently exposed to some of the best food in the world. With a deep appreciation for the kitchen, he is always on the lookout for that perfect appliance that combines style and grace with the ever-popular ability to save time.
Brian Krepshaw
Sur La Table

Automation is a wonderful thing, and sometimes it can even be fun too. The kitchen is one area where one doesn't expect to see an automatic conveyance too often (including the pop-up toaster might be a stretch). While we wait for the future to arrive, with robots and automatic jetpacks supplying our food and cooking our meals, we can at least enjoy a little glimpse of the automated future right now--and savor a nice cup of tea while at it.

The Breville Gourmet Tea Brewer & Variable-Temperature Kettle provides entertainment while automatically brewing and steeping a pot of tea.

It features a submersible tea basket that lowers tea leaves directly into properly heated water. When steeped for the right amount of time, the basket raises out of the freshly brewed tea. A keep-warm feature ensures that the 51 ounces of resulting tea will be ready when you are.

Fully programmable settings complement the five preset options of black, green, white, oolong, and herbal. Additionally, brew strength can be selected from strong, medium, or mild, and again, a custom setting is programmable. Combining automated tea steeping with monitored time and temperature functions, the tea brewer offers an ease of use that's enjoyable from start to finish.