Are you a klutz? Perhaps you could use an extended warranty with that notebook...

Are you a klutz? Perhaps you could use an extended warranty with that notebook...

Andrew Gruen
Andrew Gruen
is an intern who reviews products for CNET.com and CNET News.com.
Andrew Gruen
NotebookReview.com has put together an extensive look at extended warranties for laptops. The review covers a plethora of topics, such as what the standard terms of a warranty are, whether you need to upgrade beyond a standard one-year warranty, if you should buy a store or manufacturer warranty, and the value of adding accidental damage coverage.

Notebook Review's recommendations are well thought out and reasonable. In summary, the organization suggest buying two years of coverage from your laptop's manufacturer, cautions against spending more than 25 percent of the laptop's cost on an additional warranty, and only advocates accidental coverage if you want "peace of mind" or would characterize yourself as a "klutz." We here at CNET can't agree more on the klutz point. Though we're not naming names, a certain red-headed laptop reviewer had the unfortunate experience of emptying the contents of a can of soda on his laptop...

For a more detailed look at whether you should purchase an extended warranty, check out the full NotebookReview article.