A recipe with precise timing

How would you like a recipe that timed each step, telling you when to take the next one? Emma Caselton's Kitchen Timer does just that.

Thursday Bram
Thursday Bram is a freelance journalist of over five years experience. She has worked in real estate and property management, learning the hard way the difference between the appliances that people like and the appliances that actually work in a home. Thursday currently lives in Maryland.
Thursday Bram

There are some recipes that mean I have to keep resetting timers for each step on my way to a finished dinner. Emma Caselton has come up with a novel solution to that problem with her Kitchen Timer. The timer is a little longer than the length of a sheet of paper; specially designed recipe cards slide into it. The combination of the recipe card and the timer allows you to easily follow along with the instructions, while hearing an alarm every time you need to complete a new step. Where you might normally set a timer to remind you to take a chicken out of the oven, with the Kitchen Timer, you would also know when to complete each step of making gravy (like how long to stir it) as well as when to put vegetables in the oven.

The Kitchen Timer is not yet commercially available, although I know that I want one as soon as it is. The only major drawback seems to be converting new recipes to the special cards. I have a few recipes from my grandmother or out of favorite cookbooks that I'm willing to bet won't be available in the specialized recipe card format necessary to work with the Kitchen Timer.