A knife appropriate for a pizza party

The LamsonSharp Stainless Steel Pizza Rocker Knife replaces problematic pizza cutters with an easier approach.

Thursday Bram
Thursday Bram is a freelance journalist of over five years experience. She has worked in real estate and property management, learning the hard way the difference between the appliances that people like and the appliances that actually work in a home. Thursday currently lives in Maryland.
Thursday Bram

The LamsonSharp Stainless Steel Pizza Rocker Knife LamsonSharp

Cutting a pizza can be a messy job. It's hard to be sure that you've made it all the way through the crust, cheese can jam up a pizza wheel and it can all combine to make a pretty big mess. The LamsonSharp Stainless Steel Pizza Rocker Knife offers an ideal alternative: you can make one cut all the way across your pizza just by placing the Pizza Rocker Knife across your pizza and pressing down. Rock it back and forth a bit and you'll get a clean cut all the way through the crust, even if you've loaded up on all the toppings.

The LamsonSharp Stainless Steel Pizza Rocker Knife is 14 inches long, long enough for most homemade pizzas as well as most pizzas you might order in or pick up. It's 3.25 inches deep blade is a thick, beveled piece of high-carbon stainless steel, with polypropylene handles to protect your hands. The whole Pizza Rocker Knife is dishwasher-safe, eliminating the need to scrub pizza sauce off of anything. That's an added bonus--most pizza wheels I've found can only be washed by hand. And since it comes from LamsonSharp, you can have your knife sharpened whenever you need for life.