How to restore deleted Google Calendar events

Google just added a way to recover events you've deleted from your calendar. Read on to find out how.

Nicole Cozma
Nicole Cozma has an affinity for Android apps and devices, but loves technology in general. Based out of the Tampa Bay Area, she enjoys being a spectator to both sunsets and lightning storms.
Nicole Cozma
Nicole Cozma/CNET

If you use Google Calendar for the majority of your schedule planning, then the newest method of handling deleted events will be a welcome change for you.

Have you ever tried to pin down an appointment with a busy attorney? Tuesday at 4 p.m. is fine, and then it's not. But then it is again. Google understands that you may need to add an event back to your calendar that you previously deleted. Instead of setting up a new entry, you can now recover your deleted ones. Here's how:

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Screenshot by Nicole Cozma/CNET
  • Move your mouse over the calendar you deleted the event from, click the arrow that appears on the right and select Trash.

Note: You will need edit permissions on the calendar in order to recover an event.

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Screenshot by Nicole Cozma/CNET
  • The list of deleted events will load. Check the boxes next to events you want to recover and then click Restore selected events.

Events are permanently deleted from the Trash menu every 30 days, similar to Gmail.

If you add a lot of details to your entries, like the location or notes, then recovering a deleted one will help you skip a few steps compared to recreating it. Plus, you can edit a recovered entry as if you just added it to the calendar.

Although this feature is only supported on the Web at this time, you can still recover events that you've deleted via your phone.