How to erase all videos from Snapchat Spectacles

Looking to sell or lend your Spectacles to a friend? Do this first.

Jason Cipriani Contributing Writer, ZDNet
Jason Cipriani is based out of beautiful Colorado and has been covering mobile technology news and reviewing the latest gadgets for the last six years. His work can also be found on sister site CNET in the How To section, as well as across several more online publications.
Jason Cipriani
Watch this: Spectacles are worth snapping up

Before handing over your Spectacles to a friend, or posting them on eBay to try and make a few extra bucks, you should wipe the device of all your videos.

As we recently covered, Snapchat makes it easy to share your Specs with a friend or family member without exposing past recordings, but it only takes a few seconds to erase all videos from the glasses and provide extra peace of mind.

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These steps will clear out the data inside the Spectacles.

Jason Cipriani/CNET

Prior to clearing your Spectacles, double-check that all videos are synced to your Snapchat account. Then go to Settings > Spectacles > Manage > Clear Spectacles Storage. A confirmation pop-up message will appear to give you one last chance to cancel out, or tap "Clear Storage" to get the process started.

A few seconds later, all videos stored on your Spectacles will be erased. You will still have access to previously recorded and synced videos in your Snapchat Specs album.