Woman cleared of driving while Glassing

A San Diego traffic court rules that since no one knows whether her glasses were actively on, citing her for dangerous driving sets a dangerous precedent.

Chris Matyszczyk
2 min read
Cecilia Abadie and friend. One Minute News screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET

She vowed to fight. Now she has glassed the opposition.

Cecila Abadie, the software developer who was stopped by a California Highway Patrol officer and cited for wearing Google's society-threatening goggles, has been cleared of being a menace to society.

The Associated Press reports that a San Diego traffic court took a clear-eyed view of what happened and decided that no one could possibly know whether her Google Glass was on or off.

Given that the code under which she was cited -- one that refers to TV or video in the driver's vision -- specifically states that the device must be in operation to impair driving, Abadie was found not guilty.

Curiously, she was also cleared of speeding, which was the original alleged offense for which she was stopped.

At the time of her alleged offense, Abadie declared: "The Glass was on, but I wasn't actively using it."

Which will leave some enjoying an interesting debate. It will be hard for any police officer to know whether Google Glass on a driver's nose is active.

Moreover, inventions such as the Google Glass 3D Printed Sunshade even cover up the light that shows you if the Glass is taking pictures.

So the legal entertainment is most definitely not done.

Moreover, lawmakers in several states, including West Virginia, are considering whether to allay any doubt by simply banning Glassing while driving altogether.

This will present its own nuances, especially when those who wear prescription glasses integrate them with Google Glass.

Still, we know in our hearts that Google has us covered. Soon, we'll all be forced into self-driving cars, so we can bask completely in the joy of the screens upon our noses.