BBC news clips, trailers travel to YouTube

British broadcaster partners with Google's video-sharing site to showcase news and TV programs such as Doctor Who.

Tim Ferguson Special to CNET News
The BBC and YouTube have joined forces to bring specially commissioned content and news clips to the Google-owned video site.

The deal will see a number of channels--BBC, BBC Worldwide and BBC World--appear on YouTube, with some content partially funded by advertising.

BBC Director-General Mark Thompson said the deal is a ground-breaking partnership between the BBC and YouTube and "fantastic news for our audiences."

He added in a statement: "It's essential that the BBC embraces new ways of reaching wider audiences with non-exclusive partnerships such as these."

The BBC channel will include news clips along with short-form promotional content linked to popular programs such as Doctor Who. Video diaries by stars of the shows--including tours of the sets--will also appear.

The BBC Worldwide entertainment channel will show clips from shows such as Top Gear and Spooks, along with factual programs and a "limited amount of advertising."

BBC World will offer around 30 news clips per day to users outside of the U.K. and will also be funded through advertising.

Users will be able to rate videos and recommend them to others in the same way as with other YouTube content.

Tim Ferguson reported for Silicon.com in London.