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The Best Horror Films on Prime Video to Watch Right Now

Why not spend the long weekend with a scary flick?

Meara Isenberg Writer
Meara covers streaming service news for CNET. She graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a degree in journalism. When she's not writing, she likes to dote over her cat, sip black coffee and try out new horror movies.
Meara Isenberg
3 min read

Prime Video has a lot to offer horror fans, from Ti West's Pearl to M. Night Shyamalan's Knock at the Cabin. Ads are now a part of the streaming service, but if you'd prefer to watch your spooky content without commercial interruptions, you can pay an additional fee to remove them.

Here are some highly rated horror flicks to satisfy your cravings. Dim the lights, grab the popcorn and enjoy your creepy feature.

Paramount Pictures

Psycho (1960)

Prime Video currently offers Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho, which is a pretty big deal -- the black-and-white flick frequently cracks the top five on lists of the best horror films ever. If you've never seen the film, starring Janet Leigh as Marion Crane, it's best to go straight in without looking up details.


Pearl (2022)

A prequel to Ti West's film X, Pearl stars Mia Goth as a younger version of the elderly villain in that flick. MaXXXine -- another addition to the series set after X and also starring Goth as the title character -- is scheduled to hit theaters this summer, on July 5.


Knock at the Cabin (2023)

M. Night Shyamalan's Knock at the Cabin is based on the novel The Cabin at the End of the World by Paul G. Tremblay. A family is vacationing at a remote cabin when a band of strangers shows up with an impossible demand: The three cabin-dwellers must choose to save humanity or their family.

Amazon Studios

Nanny (2022)

Nanny is an increasingly unnerving movie about a mother working in the US and separated from her son in Senegal, whom she hopes will soon join her. The powerful, chilling film -- led by a captivating Anna Diop -- takes viewers through her difficult, haunting wait.

Totally Killer (2023)

Want to revisit the '80s? Kiernan Shipka time-travels to the decade and takes on a killer in this new Prime Video slasher comedy. Randall Park and Julie Bowen also make appearances.

Paramount Pictures, Paramount Plus

Smile (2022)

An unnatural grin can be utterly terrifying. This recent release takes full advantage of that. Dr. Rose Cotter (Sosie Bacon, actor and daughter of Kevin Bacon) goes on a horrific journey after she witnesses a traumatic incident involving a patient.

Screenshot by Meara Isenberg/CNET

The Descent (2005)

In this British horror film from 2005, six young women go spelunking and rub up against terrifying humanoid cave dwellers. It's a race to evade the dark before becoming creature food. If you need another reason to descend, the flick's high user score on Metacritic suggests you'll be glad you went on this chilling expedition. 


Candyman (2021)

Jordan Peele and Nia DaCosta are at the helm of this gripping slasher. A sequel to the 1992 film of the same name, Candyman tackles issues such as gentrification and police brutality. Prepare for blood, swarming bees and people making the unfortunate decision to recite Candyman's name in front of a mirror. Candyman is available to watch for free with ads using Amazon Freevee.


Suspiria (2018)

If you like your horror films interspersed with a bit of contemporary dance (and who wouldn't!) then Suspiria is definitely the one for you. It tells the story of a supernatural dance academy run by a coven of witches and features themes like motherhood, guilt and abuse of power. An homage to the original 1977 film, Suspiria stars Dakota Johnson and Tilda Swinton. 

Amazon Prime

Coherence (2014)

Coherence is a huge favorite here at CNET and it's a terrifying watch. Not necessarily in the traditional, gory, horrific sense but more in terms of the concepts. It's a multiverse movie released before multiverses were cool and it's not what you expect. Coherence is the kind of movie you'll finish and immediately rewatch to try and rewire your brain. It's a fantastic achievement. A must watch.