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CNET Book Club, Episode 2: 'Walkaway' by Cory Doctorow

In our new podcast about tech-related books, we talk to the author of a novel that explores what happens when people just walk away from everything.

Dan Ackerman Editorial Director / Computers and Gaming
Dan Ackerman leads CNET's coverage of computers and gaming hardware. A New York native and former radio DJ, he's also a regular TV talking head and the author of "The Tetris Effect" (Hachette/PublicAffairs), a non-fiction gaming and business history book that has earned rave reviews from the New York Times, Fortune, LA Review of Books, and many other publications. "Upends the standard Silicon Valley, Steve Jobs/Mark Zuckerberg technology-creation myth... the story shines." -- The New York Times
Expertise I've been testing and reviewing computer and gaming hardware for over 20 years, covering every console launch since the Dreamcast and every MacBook...ever. Credentials
  • Author of the award-winning, NY Times-reviewed nonfiction book The Tetris Effect; Longtime consumer technology expert for CBS Mornings
Scott Stein Editor at Large
I started with CNET reviewing laptops in 2009. Now I explore wearable tech, VR/AR, tablets, gaming and future/emerging trends in our changing world. Other obsessions include magic, immersive theater, puzzles, board games, cooking, improv and the New York Jets. My background includes an MFA in theater which I apply to thinking about immersive experiences of the future.
Expertise VR and AR | Gaming | Metaverse technologies | Wearable tech | Tablets Credentials
  • Nearly 20 years writing about tech, and over a decade reviewing wearable tech, VR, and AR products and apps
Dan Ackerman
Scott Stein
2 min read

"Science fiction writers are not fortune tellers. And the ones who think they are, are horrible people," says Cory Doctorow, the blogger, activist and author. His latest novel, "Walkaway," is our second CNET Book Club selection, and it's a work of thought-provoking utopian/dystopian science fiction that doesn't attempt any fortune telling, but does explore far-flung ideas about the future of technology, commerce, and even human consciousness.

Doctorow joins us on the podcast for a wide-ranging conversation about "Walkaway," the evolution of the internet, and even Brian Eno. You can listen to below, or download it from your favorite podcast provider. 


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Largely set in near-future Canada, the novel starts with a society that has effectively cleaved in two, with most people still living in dense urban areas, where a small number of astronomically rich families increasingly control all aspects of life.

Tor Books

Breaking away from this are the Walkaways. They're people from all walks of life, but especially scientists, programmers and makers, who have left everything behind to wander off into polluted, damaged, mostly uninhabitable territory. They form social groups that work together (or don't), share resources (or don't) and build whatever they need without the need for money, leaderboards or even leaders.

If someone doesn't like how things are going with a group, they can simply walk away and start over a few miles down the road, thanks to advanced open-source replicating machines that can turn raw materials into food, clothing and building supplies. It may be the only novel where 3D printers have a starring role.

Of course, the ultra-rich elites, called "zottas," are horrified to see people surviving and thriving without them. And when some Walkaway scientists discover what they consider to be a key to possible immortality, conflict ensues.

Since a big part of "Walkaway" concerns ideas of artificial intelligence and the line between humans and machines (which becomes more blurred as the book progresses), Scott and I circle back later to talk about Blade Runner, its new sequel, and its source novel, Philip K. Dick's "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep," which was the subject of a recent article by our colleague Nicholas Tufnell. 

About CNET Book Club

The Book Club is hosted by a pair of self-proclaimed book experts: Dan Ackerman (author of the 2016 nonfiction book "The Tetris Effect"), and Scott Stein, who is both a playwright and screenwriter. We'll be announcing our next Book Club selection soon, so send us your suggestions and keep an eye out for updates on Twitter at @danackerman and @jetscott

Previous episodes

Find "Walkaway" at: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Google Play

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