We have no concerns about Anthony Carboni (Tomorrow Daily 387)
We have no concerns about Anthony Carboni (Tomorrow Daily 387)

We have no concerns about Anthony Carboni (Tomorrow Daily 387)

On today's show, we discuss a tiny, adorable robot that can be your pet, later this year. We also discuss free-range VR at a Sega theme park, and Microsoft's vision of a hands only virtual reality experience. Then, from What's News on Comic-Con HQ, And a show I'm told is very good called We Have Concerns. Anthony Carboni stops by to chat with us.>>I've heard that show is horrible.>>Really? That's not what I'm hearing. It's not, in fact they just won a Podcast Award.>>Oh. It's Tomorrow Daily! [MUSIC] Greetings, citizens of the internet. Welcome to Tomorrow Daily, the best geek talk show in the known universe. I'm Ashley Esqueda. And I'm Jeff Cannata. It's deep dive day! Get out your nose plugs. It's been too long since we've done this. Hold your breath, jump in! Yeah, I know, it's been a couple weeks. Just so many things happened. E3, Vid Con. Yeah. And now, 4th of July. We'll be gone next Next week all week, we're gonna go dark. That's okay, we've got good stories today. We do, so let's hit the headlines. [MUSIC] I'm about to throw Genghis in the garbage. Why? Because. You're gonna replace it? With Cosmo. We got Cosmo coming later this year guys. Sorry Genghis. You're ready to purchase. You're old hat. I'm ready, I'm in. You're throwing your money at the screen. Just take it all. I want 50 of them as my own personal tiny robot army. He looks adorable! He's so cute! So, Anki makes those really cool AI cars. Yeah. And now they've made this little tiny, [LAUGH] it looks like a bulldozer. He's a little Wally-esque sort of robot, and he has all these little facial expressions, and he can learn, he can recognize your face. He's got an emotion engine. He's got some AI going on here. And they're saying this is the most, yeah, look at all these expressions, this is the most advanced pet robot that you are able to buy.>>Pretty amazing that the most advanced pet robot can be this tiny.>>It's so little!>>It's very tiny. Right! And that's really a testament to how far AI has come in the last, I want to say five years? It's pretty impressive. Those blocks come with him, they're his toys. He loves knocking them over! Well you can't have a pet, and you gotta get your pet toys all the time. So it's like you gotta make sure your toy has its own toys. Yeah the face recognition stuff is pretty amazing. He'll react to your specific face if you are his owner. Yeah if he hasn't seen you in a while he gets excited. He's like hey friend. This is the kind of the final promise fulfilled of all those toys in the 80s that I bought and that weren't very good. Right. Like all the robots we wanted in the '80s and '90s. Even a few years ago. It can play Pong. Yeah, he can play Pong with his eyes, it's amazing. He can rollover, I'm gonna teach him all kinds of tricks. What kinda tricks do you wanna teach your Cosmo? I need him to make me breakfast. [LAUGH] I know. Can it do that? I'm like Rosie the robot really is the gold standard. If I could just have a robot assistant that follows me around everywhere, that would be A+. I do kind of think He's a little smaller than I would've hoped for. I agree. I want a little bit bigger robot that maybe could do a few more things. That's how I felt about the BB8 FURo. Right. I really loved it and I think it's adorable and I have one and it's awesome. But then I'm also way more excited for the much bigger one that's coming out later this year. Right. I'm like, that's the one I wanted. Why don't you just life-size it for me? [LAUGH] And we'll just skip all these small ones, Yeah. And get right to the large ones. So I want a giant, I want an actual pet size Cosmo. Like the size of a small cast. That's what I need. I would love to know what the design decisions about giving him bulldozer arms was about. I guess it had to with manipulating those blocks, but I think there could be even more interesting applications for this kind of tech. If I'm not mistaken, I think [UNKNOWN] said that they Would take this idea and sort of apply it to other robots. If Cosmo was successful they might make other types of robots. So ones with arms- Can you imagine- Whatever, little different shapes, you'd have a whole little family of them. Little friends for Cosmo? And they can interact with each other and you can play favorite Yep. And then create little infighting. But then here's the one inherent problem with products like this. So let's talk about the Sony Aibo. Yeah, I know, right? Because everybody who bough a Sony Aibo, which is a little dog, little robot dog. They're dying now. They can't be repaired. You can't get parts. They have very proprietary innards. Some people are saying, maybe we could 3D print them. But there's some circuitry and some boards that are inside AIBO. So people are actually, their dogs are dying. Their robot dogs are dying. And it's very sad. Maybe you shouldn't get so connected to your robot dog. I'm just saying. I know it's a beautiful, wonderful thing. How dare you. I know. I know. How dare you say I can't make a connection with my future pet. I should know who I'm talking to. My future robot pet. [LAUGH] Sometimes I like robots better than people. We know a price on these things? Yeah, the preorder's open right now. It's 159- That's not bad. If your preorder it. And then I think when it comes out it's 179. So still under 200 bucks. I think Spiro's what like 139? Something like that. Between 130 and 150 so it's in the same price range a little more expensive. Cool. But you get all that great AI and honestly I'm gonna get one and it's gonna live on my desk. And if somebody steals my Cosmo we're gonna have some real problems you guys. Don't even think about it. Real problems. Poor king. Logan. I'm listening. Logan. Real problems. Serious problems. All right. You want to talk about some free range VR? Yeah. This is pretty exciting stuff. It is. It's pretty good. So, zero latency is sort of a I would call it a competitor to The Void. This is a company- Well, not a competitor. But yes. Similar- Parallel concepts. Parallel concepts, yeah. So there's also doing things a little bit differently. So I love this concept video, it's like amazing. What it is is you wear a backpack that has a computer in it. So they're all wearing backpacks. Full computer runs the headset and the gun that you're carrying around. You can see they have some modified Playstation Move stuff on there, which makes you look crazy, but it's actually kinda fun. It looks very futuristic to me. Right. And honestly much better than the Move controllers that Playstation has. Which looks really dorky. So I totally love this. You wander around inside a giant warehouse and everything's set up to where you actually feel like you are in fact in that scenario and it's free roaming so you just wander around. You're working with team mates to take out all these zombies and stuff, it's really, really cool. So you can see that, that's the warehouse it's all grid. It's a big grid and everything, so they know exactly where you are in the game. The thing that I did when I was playing laser tag in my head. Right, in our imaginations. Now it's actual, you can actually see it. Now it's real. The Ghostbusters Experience is opening On Friday as well in New York City, The Void is doing the Ghost Busters experience. Scott Stein got to try it and said it was flipping amazing. I want to do that so bad. I'm so jealous. I might have to fly to New York next week while we're gone. That would be awesome. I won a gong. When we heard these several different PC manufacturers announcing their backpack PCs for their VR, I scoffed a little bit. Kinda dumb, yeah. But maybe this is really the target market. This is exactly the target market. They're not even really intending to have them The people at home could just your Ikea hat. [LAUGH] Right? Right, well not mine. Reddit, Reddit. The idea isn't maybe to sell them to any users but Sort of an enterprise but yeah, you could have these companies buy them and set these things up. I think this is really cool. Yeah that's a really good idea, like Backpackwise, what do you think is running in there? Do you think it's alienware? Do you think it's maybe a razor blade? There's two companies and I can't remember which specific ones it was that announced backpack PCs all around E-3. Right. And I think maybe one of them was Alienware, but I'm not sure. I wanna say Alienware announced a backpack PC. But they're pretty beefy PC's and they have ventilation systems in the backpack and stuff so they don't get too hot. To help them cool down. And the fact that they work for about an hour at a time before the batteries are drained. It's perfect for this usage. Exactly. Perfect for a [CROSSTALK] Yeah, cuz you go into the Void for an hour, you go into this place for an hour, and you have a great time, and then your PC's dead. This story actually surprised me in one way that I was not expected to be surprised by, which is knowing that Sega has a theme park called Joypolis.. Yeah. In Tokyo which now is on my bucket list of places to visit. I was not aware that Sega owned a theme park so now that's a thing that you know about. Yeah. I think you're gonna see a lot more of these. As you predicted 100 percent. I think this will replace laser tag and it will be a thing Yeah. That crops up in strip malls. Yeah and I really like the idea, Andrew Lansley said in the story, they were like we really feel this is the same as choosing to go to A movie in I-Max or if you're going out to the movies, you're not going because you can't get a good experience at home now because we have these great home entertainment systems. You're going because it's an experience. You're going to experience it with other people. When you go to an opening of a movie on the weekends like you go to Civil War or you go to Batman vs Superman or Suicide Squad. When you go that opening weekend it's a shared experience with everybody Right. That really is so memorable Is it gonna be birthday parties. You're gonna have My birthday party what are you talking about Birthday VR parties yeah It's a little bit It's too early for your birthday. I feel bad. Next year's Jeff Kinada birthday is going to be like let's all go to free range VR zombie killing. It'll be amazing. So cool. So, last, but certainly not least, because we had some interesting thoughts flying around about this. VR hands. So I want to talk about Microsoft- Microsoft Research, I should say Yeah. Is looking into hand only controls in virtual reality and this is very precise. Look at how well it differentiates fingers. This is something that's been traditionally pretty difficult Very difficult. for computers to figure out is where your fingers begin and end. But it looks like this is pretty great. And they're interacting very precisely with the things in these virtual spaces which is pretty impressive. So you can see they're not using anything that is particularly high end Right High end equipment their using inexpensive technology and computers as well. And it's compact right? You don't have to put up Very compact 47 different You've got to connect their I I think this is really where connect shines the best in research, and I think that I know, he's just manipulating this whole thing, and tearing this poor rabbit apart. He's the worst. But yeah, there's all these data points, I believe it's 150 per hand, which is a lot, and that really enables it to do what it does. Yeah and I think that unfortunately the kinect has sort of been faced out by Microsoft lately I think [CROSSTALK] I am hoping that pairing it with VR and having some of these applications that actually would enhance. The first thing everybody does when they put the headset on is raise their hands up and look at them. Right. And then Oculus and stuff, it's really disappointing when there's nothing there. There's no hands. Yeah, exactly. To be able to have that one-to-one. To just boom, look up. The finger, the amount of dexterity that you can have on display inside the virtual environment, it's incredible. And I think it will have a lot of really good applications. A virtual keyboard maybe not one of them, but- Piano, learning piano maybe, okay. I could maybe see that. Maybe you don't have room for a piano or a keyboard in your house or your apartment, and still you're gonna learn. You know where I see this being the most, I love the finger guns. I see this being used the most with augmented reality, not so much virtual reality. I think this is key. Instead of bundling something like Kinect with an Xbox You obviously would bundle it with Hollow Wind. Yeah, you certainly would want that. That's where it's at, guys. Save your Kinects from your Xbox Ones and maybe it'll be compatible [UNKNOWN]. Yeah, that's where it feels. That's where it feels like it's gonna be like you are gonna wanna use your hands. And I don't want, I don't even wanna see my hands. I just wanna see maybe like a cursor that is the corner of my index finger so that I know where in space they are. But then in augmented reality being able to swipe through things and move them and throw them. And zoom in on them and whatever is the way. Well, the only thing you lose there is any kind of force feedback, right. That haptic feedback is really useful, even having used the vibe so much even just simple vibration in the controller goes a long way in selling the fact that you've made contact with something. Maybe it's a silicon just for your index fingers. Yeah. And your thumbs. Well there's a lot of companies experimenting even with puffs of air and stuff. Yeah, ultrasound technology. We have a long way to go but I love the fact, I imagine so many different kinds of interesting uses of being able to track my fingers in real space. Yeah. So, so many. I have to say, one person wrote in, I need to discuss this immediately because somebody wrote in. @jkimmind wrote to me and said what about people with disability in their hands or amputees, any method for them to control. Please don't forget people we should care for and to that I say, we actually did cover a story about people with disabilities in their hands, or who were unable to use their hands for whatever reason, a team of people from Johns Hopkins is working on controllers, game controllers, for feet. which is pretty amazing stuff and we covered it on Monday's show. So if you're so inclined, please go watch that episode. Yeah, and I think that it has become more and more a priority to make these new input mechanisms accessible to a wider and wider audience. Sure. So I don't think that's not on the docket. But it's pretty exciting to see how- Yeah. Much data you can now glean from just simple camera inputs. Simple movements and things. All right. Well that's it for headlines. Let's take a quick break. We'll come back, we'll reset, and we will bring in someone you've clearly never met before in your life. I was dead set against him coming on the show but it seems to be happening anyway. But I said yes, it must happen. Anthony Carboni is gonna be in and we're gonna talk about all kinds of things like the fact that you guys won a Podcast Award and also his. Experience at E3 and a whole bunch of other stuff. He's doing What's News on Comic Con HQ like we all said earlier. So stick around it's Tomorrow Daily. Welcome back to the show. Our guest today is a man above towns Yeah. Yeah Yeah. You've seen him on the Sony E3 coverage. You probably saw the Playstation coverage. It was really amazing with Meredith Molinari. Yes. He does a show on the new Comic-Con HQ Channel called What's News that's hilarious and fun. And we'll keep you up to date on all the geeky news. He's also an award-winning podcaster, with his podcast We Have Concerns with somebody else, some other guy. I don't know who. It's Anthony Carbone. Hi guys. Yay. Thanks for stopping by. Of course. We've been trying to get you on the show forever, and you've been avoiding my calls. I know, but I'm such a bon vivant, though. [LAUGH] Yes. It's so hard to pin me down. Well you have that little 1960s suitcase that you carry with you all the time, it's just got all your worldly possessions. It's my sample case full of brushes. Great, perfect. Because when you do three internet shows you also have to sell brushes to make a living It's not untrue. Probably on Snap Chat. What's news is awesome. Thank you. It's really fun. Thank you, yeah. It's the thing that I've always dreamed of of like a weekend update or Daily Show for things that I love. Yeah, we really wanna be that sort of thing like a Daily Show or Last Week Tonight. For fandom culture. For people who are really because when you watch things on network TV. Or even on something like an e or a sci-fi when they try to do a new show that Explore fandom culture. You know, they can't get as deep into it, and as nerdy about it- Doesn't it kind of feel condescending a lot of the time? Yes! [LAUGH] Because you get a note from [UNKNOWN] people who are like, This just feels like they have a stereotype in our head of old school "Revenge of the Nerds" nerds, and I know, like This doesn't sound like nerds like nerds they're terrible and they live in their mom's basement and all this stuff and you end up with all these weird jokes that people get. Or a lot of is anybody gonna get this and yes millions of people are going to get this joke Watching [CROSSTALK] If you don't get it, trust me, it'll go over great. So that's why it's great to be doing this. We do it with Attack Media, so that's Kevin Pereira's production company. And all the way down, it's just people who know and love this stuff. And so that's been kinda the most exciting thing for me. If it's not, something where I went in and I read the script and I was like no. [LAUGH] Yeah. I'll do it cuz I want this to be good. But it's not gonna be good. Yeah. This is a really Really great show, and we have a lot of fun doing it, even when Jeff comes by. [INAUDIBLE] [CROSSTALK] I got a giant amount of what they classified as griffin poop dropped on me. Yep. Everyone does [INAUDIBLE]. He was our field reporter from Azaroth. Yes Which is great. That happens all the time in Azeroth. [LAUGH] I mean, FYI. I've been playing WoW for a long time and I seem to recall a lot of Griffin poop. And I also played Apocalypse so I got painted blue. Yep. I feel like there's a little And had no personality? [LAUGH] Yes. [CROSSTALK] You know what happens, you know what happens. Too soon, too soon. So how can people watch What's News. You can watch What's News, you go to ComicConHQ.com. It's in beta right now, it's in open beta until after Comic-Con, so You can watch all the stuff we've got on there for free. We've got our show two times a week. Me and Trisha Hershberger on What's News. Steve Zaragoza has a show every Wednesday called Mostly Harmless which is kind of like a late night talk show.>>I was also on that show.>>He was also on that show. Adam Sessler has a show where he's kinda like the Charlie Rose of the nerd world. Is he not? He actually gets to be the Charlie Rose of the nerd world now. It's kind of amazing. As well as when Comi-Con rolls around, we're gonna be streaming the panels live, which is gonna be the first time you've ever been able to do that. So, that's kind of exciting. I have said that for so many years. People who have watched this show since the beginning know that every year after comic-con,I am like, why don't they do something like Blizz-con virtual ticket? I should be able to choose all my programing and watch all the stuff and it's great, and man, I am so excited that you guys are actually doing that. Yea, It's going to be really awesome. We are going to have a live Staged there as well and I don't know too many details about that yet. But, we'll be broadcasting live from comic con, from FDCC. Really siked. Preparing my cosplay right now. Yes, I've seen pictures of what he is doing for a cosplay. [CROSSTALK] Boy. You;re actually doing cosplay Are you viewing? Yeah, yeah no. I'm doing In a full on, civil war-style Spiderman there's a group of people- That's pretty exciting. These guys in England, No Limit Designs, are actually making it. They're doing all kinds of 3D printing onto fabric. It's gonna look so dope. I'm so excited. Trish is gonna be Black Cat. We think Steve is gonna be Doc Oc. That'll be perfect. Amazing. We're not sure. Yeah, I'm really excited. He'd be a great Doc Oc! [UNKNOWN] Doc Oc. I don't no man, like, it's really hard to put a costume together with only a month left for Comecon. Yeah. Yep. Especially when it's articulated robot arms. [LAUGH] Yeah, yeah that's true. So, we'll see how well- PVC pipes. Some PVC pipe. That would be so hilarious. [CROSSTALK] I've got like a team of people in England three D printing carbon onto my suit and Steve's like, I'm made out of soup cans. [LAUGH] Now I'm a Doc Oc. [INAUDIBLE] in soup cans, okay. Just get him a T shirt that says Doc Oc on it and then you're done. Yeah, I am Doctor Otto Octavius. Just a little hi my name is. Just add it in post. Just add it in post cuz that's the easy way. Just add it in post. Okay, so, because I know Jeff won't bring it up because he's very humble, let's talk about we have concerned. He's so humble. How long, He's known for his humbleness and his biceps. [LAUGH] [LAUGH] He's know for. In that order. How long have you guys been doing weird pictures, it's been a while. I will say we were about to hit our three hundredth episode. I'm the guest. Sorry. I don't know what I am doing. You ask and I answer. Ask him. That's the way this goes right now. [LAUGH] That's the exchange that is happening. We are at two ninety five right now? 297 just came out today. No! Yeah. Surely not, but we do three episodes a week. So that means we've been doing it for a little over two years. Yeah. Wow. And we won a podcast award. Well, I mean, Anthony, didn't you win a podcast award? Yeah, hey, tell us about that. [LAUGH] We did, I'm not here to The god name of the Podcast awards there was some confusion as to whether or not we won and I'm not going to get into all of that. No, we won. We won. Official. Yeah. It happened. We paid a lot of people of. In the entertainment category. We sent so many checks for 25 cents. Yeah. There's a lot. I took all the revenue you get from making a podcast from the government. Yes. Because when you make a podcast you get that government podcast. Yeah yeah. [INAUDIBLE] [LAUGH] Yeah no so we won that. The year we started 2014 we got an Apple best new podcast award. Nice. We're on their new to podcasting list. It's great I think it's Particularly for people who watch this show, I think it will really appeal to them. Well it's very complimentary in terms of Science In terms of science and future stuff, you guys talk about like we have concerns about this thing or robotics or people living in virtual reality or whatever it is that you guys riff about It kind of compliments what we do here Yeah, they're nice companion pieces to one another because we actually we cover stuff when we have concerns that you guys have covered the same week here but where as you guys kind of go more into like the nuts and bolts of it, we're kind of just like robot spiders creep me out here's why and we kind of get like something that I was thinking about this week is An example of a good we have concern story would be big dog. Boston robotics. Big dog. We all kind of looked at big dog and we were like that's kind of silly and stupid and hilarious. And you can kick it and it comes back but we're not afraid of it. And then last week they added a head neck on the>>Yeah. And now it's terrifying. Yeah It is. It is. Although watching a slip off video was pretty great. Yeah. Cause they threw it a the end to humanize it. Yeah That's what I think. They threw it on the end. To make them feel better. Yeah It's like it's fine. He's very harmless. That won't kill us. It'll kill you. Probably. Okay. But it is watching. It is waiting. But to me the head was very sharp, and that was the thing that worries me. I am like that head looks like it is going to puncture my skin through my chest. They did not even give it a mouth. Yeah. It looks like a sacrificial ram skull or something. It does. Like you would see in temple of doom. Yeah. Like that is the scary thing. It is dead, or almost like Nightmare Before Christmas stop motion. I am going to go with. It is, yeah that's what it is. Or it looks like what is underneath my dog's skin because I have two Italian greyhounds and they just look exactly like that. [LAUGH] Fine. That's my peeler pantomime. That's good, you don't want to do that How long have you been doing hosting stuff? How long have you been doing this and what made you get into it? I guess since around 2008, 2009. I moved to New York to be an actor. Because that's what you do when you're in your twenties. Sure. Is you move to New York to be an actor. And then I kind of fell into the comedy scene there and then Hosting things there, because next new networks was just getting started. My damn channel and a lot of these video platforms were starting up. And I just kinda fell into it cuz a lot of friends were doing it. I started with a show about indie games called bike jacker in 2009. And that sorta just spring boarded the whole thing. Do you still have any games? I do. Have you played inside? We're going to talk about it later. So, here's the thing. Were going to have an inside discussion now. I still don't have an Xbox one, and now- Which one do you get? Now, that Scorpio is coming. I know. Yeah. What? I'm going to buy an Xbox One now to play- And then buy another one next year? Ugh, because this is the thing. Inside is out Below is coming before the end of the year. Love below. I still haven't played through Sunset Overdrive. Cup head. Cup head. There's all this stuff that I wanna play but now I'm terrified of buying an Xbox One, because what am I gonna do? I'm gonna buy it and then six, seven months from now I'm gonna buy another one. But it's easy, you do that with- Bad decision! They're like you do it with your phone so why not just do it with your Xbox. Well cuz I haven't bought the initial Xbox yet, right. So Yes, I do upgrade my phone every year or two years. But, if I know that the new phone is coming in four months, I don't buy that phone. You're gonna wait. I don't jump ship to an iPhone. Right. Four months before a new one comes out. That is fair. Or buy a laptop four months before the new laptop. So, it's like, [NOISE] Waitin.>>But next week I think it's out on PC. So I'll play it a week after everyone and I've just kind of been like la-la-la I can't hear you, all week, about it.>>I'm just gonna say it's amazing if that's all right. So far so good. I'm really enjoying it.>>Can't wait. I can't wait. I love to limbo. I love those guys. Yeah. Really great stuff. So, what- My elbow keeps creeping in. [CROSSTALK] He just wants to be a part of this. It's all good. I'm just like watching and I'm like [CROSSTALK]. Just come over every- I'm sitting like this an answering questions. [LAUGH] We're a cozy- I look like I just got let out of the Shelter where I've been living for 15 years against my will. [LAUGH] Thank you I'm glad to be here. So glad to see the sunlight and, fake sun lights. What's it like working with this guy? Well, it's the worst and I think we can talk about that because we both have similar experiences and we Both hate each other. Like a real mutual hatred but also respect there. I see it Yeah it's great. When we started, we had concerns Jeff and I both did shows for Revision Three, and that's how we knew each other, is we got to do videos together twice, in the whole time that we both worked for Revision Three. So when I moved to LA, I was like, we should do something! And so we just recorded a podcast to see if we could Stand each other? Kind of? [LAUGH] Sure, yeah. You know what I mean? I didn't think of it that way. Well, you can't stand to work together. You know, like how are you gonna work? We have chemistry, you know. If it was a good show, I get it. He said stand to stand to work with each other. I'd say, you know, we would come up with that idea. Because you know what it is, you know why You know why I say that? Cuz he comes off just so square jawed and all American and perfect on camera. Very Mason Drake, he does. Yeah, I know. And so you're worried that he's gonna be some kinda **** when you actually meet him, right? Cuz who could be this nice and perfect? I know. I didn't wanna invite him. [LAUGH] I argued vociferously. But he is, he is that nice in person. We've been trying for months To get you on the show and I'm like Jeff hasn't been trying at all, I have been trying to get you on the show. Yeah, Jeff and I see each other multiple times during the week. Jeff's like, yeah, whatever, if we're in another room together that's fine, we do that a lot already. It's true. You know, it's great, it's a lot of fun. One of my favorite things. Honestly, you know, it's, he makes me laugh every week and it's always fun. Yeah, and we kind of You know, we picked doing it in a way that very much a lot of people don't do podcasts. We do 15 minutes 3 times a week. Yeah. 3 15 minute episodes. Because it was kind of like, how are we going to work together and what would we like to see in podcasts. Because you already do 17 hours of podcasts a week I think. Yeah. I'm at my limit by law. And that was actually Anthony's idea. He was very, very adamant about lets make short shows that are easily digestible. If someone is on a commute, they can put it in and listen to the whole thing. Yeah. They don't have to have a two hour marathon of elbow. [LAUGH] A two hour marathon of elbow. That's the other great thing about audio. Can't see him. I'm constantly elbowing Jack. [LAUGH] Well, we're doing video now. We're doing video now, yeah. I know,y ou guys just started doing video. So I'm gonna wrap things up. Yeah. This is almost too much, you guys. [LAUGH] I don't know We even where matching shirts. I know. We always do. It's adorable. It's really adorable. We do that walk they do at the end of The Breakfast Club when we walk together. [LAUGH] We just did that for [INAUDIBLE] Wrap it up it's cool. Yeah where can people find you on the internet? You could find me on twitter. I'm @acarboni. My YouTube is youtube.com/acarboni and we have concerns is wehaveconcerns.com. And Comic Con HQ. Comic-conHQ.com. The dash is silent. Well make sure you check out What's News. It's really fun, and of course our other friend of the show Trisha Hershberger is on it. And she's a real delight. A true living embodiment of a ray of sunshine. And so, thank you so much for coming on the show. We really appreciate it. Yeah, thanks for having me. And we will be right back, so stick around. Tomorrow Daily. [MUSIC] Welcome back to the show. We return. Yeah. He's a good guy. He's such a champion of people and fun. I feel I'm privileged that I get to hang out with him once a week every week at least and I'm always laughing. I wish I could hang out Anthony Carpo once a week, every week You heard me, Anthony Carbone. So, we don't have a Back It or Hack It this week, but we do have something maybe even better. This is Mod Squad. [MUSIC] Of course we've all been very fascinated by [UNKNOWN] attempt to land rockets on tiny barges. More and more successful. They've been doing better and better. It's been great. Yeah. But I have to say I was so impressed by this that I genuinely did not even know. I was agog. This is one person's Homage, to the successful landing. [LAUGH] And you know what? It just looks like real life giant plants. Yeah, so this Youtuber AJW61185, made a small scale Falcon 9 rocket and landed it in a friends pool on a tiny barge. Tiny barge, look at that. Boom. Right there. On the target, this is incredible. It even kicks up dust like the real one did. I know I love it he puts a little dust on there, it's like fantastic. He says that it has a removable flame, you could see it's painted as a SpaceX. It literally is, it's one meter high, it's about three feet high and yeah that's That's the drone. He modded a quadcopter, and I love all the misses. So, we'll talk about [CROSSTALK]. There's a little removable flame there. You don't get it one. You don't get it in one, you just try, try again. You can see the landing gear, actually, will expand, and get ready to- [SOUND] Land itself. Nope, that was a miss. I want to read a little bit of the description here from the video. It says my latest RC project is a tiny version of a Space X Falcon 9 drone ship landing. The rocket is build around a stripped down blade [UNKNOWN] 200. Using a variety of model rocket and custom parts. So cool. The legs deploy in flight and I've got a removable flame that can be attached, which you guys saw, it was like a little piece of maybe like cellophane. Yeah. The drone ship is made from one inch insulation foam and is built to the correct Scale for the one meter tall rocket. That's the coolest part is the attention to detail and everything. That's the scale. It's amazing. So he says it is a tiny landing pad and gave me even more respect for the amazing accomplishment that is landing the real one longer. And then he said he'd post a longer video, which is what we're looking at now. If you look really close behind that pot there's a tiny Elon Musk. [LAUGH] I know, and he's clapping, and he's like, great. Great work everybody. Let's keep going. I mean, just so incredible. I love stuff like this. It just cheers me to no end. It's a fun celebration of a thing. And it feels positive. It feels like this cool homage. And I think he probably learned a lot about the project by having to go in and make things scale and have it all be perfect. Yeah. I like to think, I mean, I can feel his enthusiasm for the entire concept of commercial space tourism come true [UNKNOWN]. I mean, to have put that many hours into it. Like obviously, this person loves The idea of reusable rockets. When I was a kid I remember having a little model of the space shuttle that like snapped together and everything. And it was cool because I learned about all the little parts of the space shuttle. But I didn't have the ability to actually fly that thing. Yeah, exactly. This is so rad. He's flying it around. He's just like, all right, well I'm just gonna pretend that I'm [INAUDIBLE] and I rock it. Amazing stuff, and high-fives to you, my friend. My YouTube friend. Well done. That is it from [INAUDIBLE]. Yeah. Do you wanna talk about what we are into before we go off, see our phonetographer for the day and go off into the good night for a week? [LAUGH] Yeah, let's do it. (Music) Jack what are you into this week? Well I have something that I've picked specifically because I think that it's in your wheelhouse I think you will be Okay very happy to hear about it. As you know I'm big into the VR and I've been playing a lot of these experimental cool things that people are just throwing up. It very much is this wonderful time of Experimentation where one guy will make something and put it online and people down load it and give feedback. All the early access games are great. But one in particular you are going to be really excited about. Because of your love for splitoon there is a game called Battle Dome, which is basically one person. Attempt to create first person, VR splatoon. It's pink! It does not look like much. The graphics are definitely not its strong suit, but as I said, it's made by one person. Its really just a proof of concept at this point. The concept is proven! It is phenomenally fun! So in one hand you have a paint gun, and in the other hand you have a gun-gun. So you get around the world by teleporting, Okay. But you can only teleport to squares that have your color on them. That sounds very much like "Platoon" Yes, so you're NVR with other teammates now look, see the graphics aren't great. Yeah The other people look like little punching bags, almost. It's very simplistic. But the amount of fun that can be had in just the simplistic version now is very very impressive.>>That does look kinda fun.>>There's no limit on how far you can teleport. If there's a square all the way across the map->>You can go to that square.>>That has your color on it, you can get there. So there's all kinds of really fun, strategic ways You get your paint all the way across the map. See he can aim his beam all the way across that map on that ramp over there and teleport to it- If he wanted to. I was having so much fun. I thought I'd try this out because I know of your love for Spatoon. I'll try it out. I'll play for about 20 minutes. Two hours later, I was, like, I'd better stop because this is crazy, I'm sweaty, it's fun. That's amazing! So Battlezone, right now I think it's part of the Steam sale, summer Steam sale right now. Okay. So I think you can get a discount on it. Get it cheap. If you have a vibe, I think it's only $13 right now. And I guarantee fun. It is really, really fun. You heard that here. He guarantees fun. This is the future of Splatoon. Pretty awesome. It's gonna be you're in it. Just on a side note before we talk about what I'm into, did you see that super duper exact copy knockoff of Splatoon that a Chinese company made and put up on Android? In the Google Play store. Yikes. Like I mean it is Splatoon. I'm sure Nintendo will have stern words about that. I'm sure they will. Yeah. But I saw that and I was like somebody's getting crazy, last Splatfest ever next month. My goodness. Just pour one out for Splatoon, it's coming to an end. But hopefully, Splatoon 2 on the next, they would be crazy not to. Okay, so here's what I'm into this week. I am so excited to tell you Inside, which is a game from Play Dead Studios who made Limbo. Limbo, one of my favorite indie games of all time. I really love Limbo. I love, obviously you guys who have watched the show for a long time, I love weird, macabre, indie games, and this really just sort of fits that bill. Keeping me occupied until We Happy Few comes out. So Inside is really interesting, it's very similar to Limbo, that there's no dialogue. But it's sort of a puzzle platformer, which is just my jam, and its a little boy, alone, just like in limbo kinda reminds you of that, but it's so, so far. I haven't beaten it. I just started playing it last night. It is a- gorgeous, b- super haunting. Everything about this game is just really, just Haunting and it sticks with you. It's one of those games that really just kind of stays with you a little bit after you're done playing it. So beautiful so well done. The controls are brilliant and simple. Easy to pick up and play. But yeah, it's just I don't how these really small studios make these games that are just so, that have the ability to sort of reach inside you and hit something that you didn't even know was there. That art design is so evocative, the You know Limbo came out and it was really one of the first games to use that, those stark shadows and silhouettes. Sure. Yeah. And then there was a bunch of games that did that. Not, except no substitutes. Right. Well it's interesting to see how these guys have progressed from their first game. Yeah. For sure. It is a really beautiful profession and if you thought that maybe they were a One time home run. Yeah. No. This is, I might even say so far, if it says on track, it might be better than Limbo. Inside. Really enjoy it. Really enjoy it. [CROSSTALK] And it's on the? Xbox One and PC. Cool. Very cool. For now. We'll see if it finds its way to Playstation, but I don't know. But yeah, it's so, so good. I highly recommend it. Great. So that's it for Into It, which means Friends, Romans, country men. Lend us your eyes. Lend us your photos. It's time for phonetographer of the day. [SOUND] Our very last selfie. Yeah. Our very last [UNKNOWN] It's been so fun seeing the selfies. It really has. You guys have absolutely done a great job sending in your pictures. We love seeing you. Which is really nice. Yeah. I know that it's nice to see. You guys get to see our stupid faces everyday. [Chuckles] We don't get to see yours, so it's really cool to be able to see you. Jordan sent in this. And you know that house looks familiar. Right? Does it look a little bit familiar to you? It does look familiar. [UNKNOWN] familiar. Whose house is that? So Jordan writes in and says, hey, guys. My name's Jordan. This is the house in the famous painting American Gothic. Wow. The farmer and his wife. My family stopped here on a trip to Illinois. Most People take pictures imitating the people in the painting. But I decided to take a selfie instead. It's a modern twist on the classic scene. Well done Jordan. Taken with an iPhone 5S and I give you permission to use it in the show. And representing NorCal where I grew up. Nor Cal Nor Cal represent It's hella good. Is that what people in Nor Cal say? They do indeed. Hella good. I love that this is sort of the modern America. Even now I'm going to officially title this Modern American Gothic. Yeah I like it. Because the selfie is truly the staple of the 21st century. Yes and we have a new theme now that we have conquered selfies. New theme guys. Coming up it's we want to see your pets. Any kind of pet. Maybe you have a robot pet. Maybe you have a pet rock. I don't know. Maybe you have a pet rock. Just saying. Maybe you were excited in the 70s you had a pet rock maybe you've had it ever since. [LAUGH] Because it never dies. Maybe you have a pet tortoise you have to will to your niece. I have friends who have one. It's gonna live longer than 100 years. That's a good point. They have to will it in their will to a family member. My gosh. Make sure it gets taken care of. It's a turtle-me-down. Yeah. I guess. It's a hand-me- Hand-me-down tortoise. Yeah, hand-me-down tortoise. Anyway, you can send those pet picks to Tomorrow@CNET.com. Yes. Just make sure you give us four pieces Of info. There are four. Ready? Tell us what device you took it on. Boom. Tell us how to pronounce your name. Essential. Very essential. Make sure you give us permission to use the picture. Also essential. And also Story about why you took that picture, delightful! Tell us about your pets, please. I wanna know. We wanna hear a little story, and we wanna see your pictures, so tomorrow@cnet.com is where you send those, but we have a week off. We do. We have a week off, but we'll be back the week after 4th of July, so the week of the 11th we will be back. I'm excited. We'll be back, but until then guys! You have a long time, but. Throughout that entire period. [MUSIC] [BLANK_AUDIO]

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