Tomorrow Daily 129: Walking on the sun, post-mortem Facebook and more
Tomorrow Daily 129: Walking on the sun, post-mortem Facebook and more

Tomorrow Daily 129: Walking on the sun, post-mortem Facebook and more

On today's show, NASA is giving you away to experience what it might be like to hang around the surface of the sun. Facebook is introducing it's very own Facebook graveyard. Oh. Yeah. Will it bring dark? And Google is working with some interesting data trees with their brand new feature, Knowledge Graph. We're gonna tell you all about it. Really nerdy so it's Tomorrow Daily! [MUSIC] Greetings citizens of the internet. Welcome. Tomorrow Daily, I'm your co host, Ashley Esqueda. Joining me as always, Cale Anonymous. It's out face, it's our Valentine's day episode, woo. Yay, I wore my red Sriracha shirt cuz love is hot. It's technically our Valentine's day episode, because Friday we don't and then Saturday we don't. Because it's the day, two days before Valentine's day. So. [CROSSTALK] A little weird. We didn't seem it in any way, so. I wore red. As much as I just said, it is [LAUGH] the all inclusive amount of Valentines Day there is in this episode. Yeah, yeah. So you're, you're welcome. Think of it as Facebook graveyard thing. So let's- Yeah, we're gonna, well listen, you could gift some. Somebody the gift of a legacy moderator as Valentines. That would be so dark. That is like yeah that's about as giving them the key But that's a. to your apartment. That's a gift. Yeah. That is true. Alright guys list of headlines. [MUSIC] Okay, so I saw this and I thought it was so cool, and now I want to immediately book a flight to Maryland to check this out, this is called Solarium, and it's from NASA, so NASA has has what it's called the Solar Dynamics Observatory, it's been up in the sky for five years. It has been taking pictures about every second of the sun for that last five years. Okay. So they just released this video and it's in super super high definition like, the resolution on these pictures is insane. So, this is, you know all those videos of like, those beautiful high res videos of the sun moving and all that other stuff that you've seen online over the past years. Sure. Usually compiled from images from the SDO. Amazing! Yeah, so basically how it works is, it keeps tabs on all the UV light that's coming out of the sun, snaps a picture, like I said, about once every second. And each picture is about eight times the resolution of HD TV. So it's pretty, it's like 8000 pixels. Which is pretty awesome. Wow, why aren't they comparing it to four K. Anyway. And so yeah, yeah, yeah. So so the, the cool thing about this is there, the pictures are actually in black and white. And because they, actually the [INAUDIBLE] records the images in binary code. And then they bring in the code and it can create these images, and then actually people signed into Nasa colorize the images. Yeah. And show us what different things look like. So they colorize based. There's like a whole color code based on like oh if this is UV then it would be this color, and if this is this it would be this color. It's really, really interesting. Okay, so. Now that we've established the SDL let's talk about solarium. So solarium is the exhibit that they're gonna be doing. This is a huge video art installation that allows you to stand in the middle of basically the sun, or rough things like [LAUGH] Look at that little girl. It's crazy. This little girl was like, whoa, that is what it's like to be on the face of but check that out. This is [CROSSTALK] So what do you mean. Stand in the middle. So they have a full a full like three wall installation where you basically walk in the middle of it. And then it encompasses you. It's not all the way around. It's not 360 degrees. But they have this whole exhibit where you are able to walk through it. And then there's like this huge video wall where you stand there and it will show you all of these. Crazy beautiful high definition images, like right in the sun. And I just, I love all the pictures that they showed of this. One minute of footage for this is about ten hours of work. Wow. To colorize, and get all the data, and create the image [UNKNOWN] stuff. So there's a lot of work that's gone into this. And so, two different places where you can see it right now. It's on display at the NASA Goddard visitors center in Maryland, as a permanent installation, so it'll just be there. And I mentioned it's free there, I found that out on the website, which is cool. Very cool, yeah. So if you live in the area, I highly recommend you go see this. And then it'll also be shown in Tuscon Arizona until May 17th as part of the as part of the at the center for creative photography. As a it's gonna be a traveling installation. Cause there's nowhere hotter than Tucson Arizona and that's a fact. And that's why. It's basically like the surface of the sun. It is like the surface of the sun. So they're like, let's just put it there because people won't even know the difference. So come in from outside and be like, Oh, it's just like being outside. I'm on the surface of the sun. Yay. But, yeah, just I thought that it was so cool that they were doing that and I loved those you know, whenever they have the, all of the different coronal mass ejections and stuff from the sun I always like watching. All those videos cuz they're so beautiful and fascinating to me that we, we can see the sun in that amount of detail, it's just so cool. Yeah, it's terrifying. It is a little bit terrifying. Like it's beautifully terrifying, it's scare-sighting. It is. [COUGH] So speaking of scare-sighting. Okay. It's a little weird. We're gonna bring it dark. In, in a way,. Facebook today has turned, turned Facebook into kind of a cemetery. All right. So previously. Like a nice mausoleum. So previously when someone passed away there was no way to kind of curate what showed up on their Facebook. Right. Well now they're allowing the ability for a loved one. To kind of takeover your account after you pass. Right. And, and curate for you. Right. This is called Legacy Contacts. And basically what happens is you get to select one person who will be able to post on your account. Not as you. Mm-hm. But as you're, as you're, as them, as themselves. [CROSSTALK] Memorial, memorial post posts and they can pin it to the top of your page. And. Basically just to give you a nice place for all of your friends and family. A nice digital send off. Yeah. To kind of leave their comments and what not. They can't access your private messages but you can grant them permission to download and archive posts and photos and stuff like that. You can only pick one person though. So choose wisely because when you pass that's going to be the person that's responsible. For creating [CROSSTALK] Creature content. And I think this is great. I think it's I Cool. It's scary though. It's something that you don't think about. It's scary that, that Facebook is like, yep. People are gonna have Facebooks, and they're gonna die. Well this has been a, an actual. Real problem Mhm So when people pass away, traditionally on Facebook, they were very adamant that no, our user privacy is paramount to us, and, I just rolled my eyes if you were just listening to the show. But they said, you know, no, our user privacy is very important to us, and we're not going to allow people into these accounts. If we find out they die, we lock the page, and we turn it into a memorial page, which you can do, like you can submit, like to Facebook, and say this person has passed away. And then, I think you have to actually send in like a, a death certificate, to like have it converted. Because, here's the thing, you don't want some troll going over and be like, I heard Cale Anonymous died, yeah, it's real terrible. Like, you don't want that. Well, what do I care? Somebody comes and takes over my account. Rest in peace, Cale. It's not gonna be any worse than it is now. [LAUGH] So that was one of the things that a lot of grieving sort of, family members and friends would say. They're like, well, how can we even, you know, if someone gets a friend request or, how can we. Manage this page without, you know, obviously, we, we're not, we don't want to troll, we just really want to manage this page. And we want to make this memorial or whatever. And so Facebook finally kind of caved in on this, which is really interesting. But I think it's one of these super fascinating areas of like future tech which we don't consider as like, what happens to all of our social media profiles when we die? And what happens. You know, what do you do with all that stuff? Mm-hm. Like, and now, being able to like delegate, like you can actually will your, your profile information to people. Like if you put it in your will, like Facebook will give you legacy. Control over that account like if you do if you just will it. Which is so weird. And it's a little bit morbid is that it's also something that you, you just don't think about. Man you are super into this. I really am. It's super fascinating. Again, again I think it's very interesting. And it should be interesting to see what happens. It's, it's such an inevitable I mean obviously like. I know. Not to be a downer. It's definitely a step forward in how we approach the... How we deal with stuff. it's so weird. It is really rocking your world. Well it's just like these are part of your affairs now. Uh-huh. Yeah. Control. You're like gosh what am I going to do with my Twitter page? Like what am I going to do with my Twitter handle? Like can you will your... Twitter handles with somebody? It's Yeah. just so weird. I hate it honestly because I think that ultimately That freaks you out? the life you live and the people you know in person are the, the things that should matter. To kind of like Fair. kind of have that like digital space be an important thing to you. It's a little unsettling, it's very important these days, but to me it's just kinda like, like, those, you know, getting the initial out there But like having to worry about it that much is, it's so stressful. Well, the other thing that I, I'm already stressed out, out enough, like, I just hope somebody likes my post. Well, you know, without having to worry about like, who am I gonna put in charge of this thing if I suddenly like die tomorrow, like. Yeah, yeah. I don't want to worry about that. No. I wanna go home and be like. Well better hope the people like my post. Run it back. Picture of Khail in a, in a coffin. Like, like, like, like. Herp-a-derp. [CROSSTALK] [LAUGH] I'm just like, it's fine. You know me. You're a sea crater because just with like L-O-L, Khail is still gone. Like, lol lol lol. Like, whatever. no. I just, I find this really fascinating. That's spooky, yeah. It is a little creepy like, to think about. But the thing is is it also is one of those. Future problems that we're now starting to have. There's a certain amount of people you can't reach because. You, there's only a certain amount of people that you are going to reach because of social networks. Yeah, there you go. So super interesting. All right. I find that very fascinating. You just love the dead. That's, it's really all it is. I do. It's so true. So I should have been like a medical examiner in a prior life or something. All right I've got to tell you about knowledge graph. So data is not necessarily the most exciting thing ever but I found this to be really cool. So Google announced knowledge graph this week. They have this video and it's super interesting. Basically- Knowledge Graph is going to try to bring your searches into context. So and, and link a bunch of things together. So remember when we saw the galaxy for Wikipedia? Yes. Okay, it kind of reminds me of that. So let's say so they're gonna add this panel to the right side of your search that actually utilizes Knowledge Graph. So. Let's say you look up, something that you're interested in, but maybe don't know a lot about like peripheral topics around it, or people around it. So, Knowledge Graph is gonna help you find that inform- Information much much easier as opposed to continually typing in like okay so you type in like DaVinci and then it shows you a bunch of search results for DaVinci and and nothing else and it might say like related searches. Yeah. Like somewhere. Yeah. Okay. Kay. Now you're gonna get this panel on the right side of your Google Search. It almost reminds me of a Wikipedia entry. Uh-huh. Which I think is a little bit clever and also kind of it's a little bit of an undermine on Wikipedia. But I, I think it's a really good idea they're doing this. So now let's say you type in Leonardo da Vinci. You've never heard of any other Renaissance painter. You've no idea what you're looking for. Now it'll say here's all these paintings by Leonardo da Vinci. Here's other renaissance artists. Oh, they already have this with like movies and whatnot Yes, and so now And actors and, like, when you have an actor, it's like here are the movies Like IMDB-ish Here are the related, yeah, so now the news is that they're doing it with artists? They're expanding this, well they're just. Banning it for, it's called, knowledge grab. So it's gonna be everything. That's cool, I like it. So they're even, they're working with, the thing that I found really interesting was, if you look up, like, measles, for example, that's been a big thing here in the news, like in California, because it's at Disneyland. If you look up measles, on the right hand side in that panel it'll tell you like symptoms, and what it is, and blah blah blah, but it's all. Double fact check, by like, by places like the Mayo Clinic. So it's like very good, solid information, it's not like, just, well, I'm not really sure I'm like clicking here in this like, list of links. So they're giving really good information that has actually been fact checked by different organizations depending on the topic. Which I find very, I think it's great, and I think it's much. Easier to search visually through something like Google. Yeah. And I think it's really smart of them, because the thing is it's like, sometimes you type in a search phrase and you're like, I don't even know what I'm looking for. Like sometimes, I'll type in something and I just, I need like either a visual reference, or something to like give me that context. So, I think this is really smart. and, they're saying, for me I think this is, might actually change the way that we search, like that we use search engines. Because of just giving you, you know, text Right. and links it's all [CROSSTALK]. Well, they, they already ha-, like I said Yes. They already have this for actors and stuff like that. [CROSSTALK] People, notable people. It just, it just creates that rabbit hole. That you fall into- It's a search rabbit hole. Yes. Just like YouTube. Like Wikipedia, and- Yeah, Wikipedia and YouTube. So they're trying to do that now with search, which I think is really interesting and, also very smart, on Google's part. It's a good, kind of a good, kind of a good move forward for them, in terms of search engine. Mm-hm. So, all right, guys. We're going to take a quick break. We'll be right back with a [UNKNOWN] because it is Thursday. yes. And then also we have your user feedback. You guys [LAUGH] came up with some really good user feedback about those sheep. And. Oh god. We also have our phonetographer for the day so don't click away. It's Tomorrow Daily. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Welcome back to the show. It's finally happened, ladies and gentlemen. Kahlil Anonymous has consumed too much sugar. It wasn't that much. It was. It was like a bucket. The surge? Remember you had the Surge on the sub soda. And drunk one more Surge. I feel like that wasn't even as much sugar as that iced coffee that you had. I dont' feel good. [LAUGH] Yeah. Like a little kid. They ate too much candy. So what are we doing now? Well it's Thursday, which means we have to tell everybody all the cool stuff that we like. Which means it's time for, into it. Cale, what are you into this week? Okay, so I actually do like to find something and then get obsessed with it. Mm. And then move onto something else. Okay, so I actually have never really listened to Podcasts. Okay. So I was like, I'm gonna start at the top work my way down. Gotcha. And start, it all started with cereal. And so, I'm into the nerdist podcasts. I know this is nothing new but I'm really glad I waited this long to get into it. But it's new to you. New to you. Yeah. I'm really glad I waited to get into it. I'm the only talking about the audio podcasts on iTunes and I'm only talking about the interviews. Okay. Like, because. What this has caused me to do is look at this wall of like all these people and find out hey who really inspires me. Who would I like to know some, some stuff. And so Gabe Newell. I just listened to Metallica this morning during my workout. Oh, very nice. Super interesting. Yeah it's great. But listen [UNKNOWN] the day before. Oh, that was a good one. Yeah. So it was it's really cool to kinda like get some insight because we're in this industry. Into how people think, and everybody has a different path, that's always what's crazy. Yeah Yeah, it's really interesting to me, and I'll move onto something else very soon ? ? Yeah But yeah, it's been super entertaining, bides your time very well. And I know nobody's new to podcasts, but- Right. If you haven't listened to the Nerdist podcast in a while. Try it out. It's cool because you can just go back and see if there's anything that interests you, so. That's one thing I really like about the Nerdist podcast, and other podcasts as well, is that they're very evergreen. Like, you can just go back and listen to, and it, it's not super timely or otherwise like, oh you gotta listen to it this week otherwise you're gonna miss out. Like you can listen, you can go back like, years. And be like, oh hey like, I really like that director or I really like that person. Although some of them, some of the, they're evergreen but there's one I listen to, Kevin [UNKNOWN]. Mm-hm. And he was talking about Guardians of the Galaxy. They had just started filming it. And he's, he's like I really think people are gonna like it. I really think it's. It's gonna, it's gonna do okay. Like we, we're scared. Yeah. I like that, though. But, but we, we think we're gonna do okay. I mean, it's like, he's like, we're just worried that, like, if we make this and it fails we'll not get to do another one. And I'm just like, this is great. [APPLAUSE] You don't know it's going so good. Oh. You're like, I looked in the future and I'm gonna tell you it works. But it's, it's really cool. it's, and it's also great that Hardwick lets them talk. Yeah. Which is like, you know Oh, exactly. Usually anybody that hosts a podcast, there's like, well, I'm the host. [UNKNOWN]. So what? That's what I do every day on this show. It's just like let them. I just, the, the information is what's important so. Anyway, that's what I'm really into and [CROSSTALK]. That is a good into. And probably next week I won't be hosting a podcast anymore. We'll see. Ever again. Yeah. You're just gonna be done with it. So what are you into? I okay so Playstation Plus has a few free games this month. And among them is this game called Apotheon that I've been playing. And I like there are it's not a you know, it's not a ten out of ten. Oh okay. It's a little indie game. There's some there's some control issues like here and there like sometimes. But. It looks like you are on a Grecian like urn. Cool. Like the entire game has this beautiful, 2D Grecian painting. Right. Like it just looks so awesome and you pick up. It's kind of like an action RPG. You can pick up different weapons that are all kind of, of appropriate for the timeframe that this takes place in. You have to like, go up to Mt. Olympus and fight the gods and like all this stuff. That is a beautiful looking game- It is gorgeous! And it's actually pretty intuitive. Like, it's, it's pretty straightforward. It's. Fun. I, like, I've just been having a really good time playing it and it was free because I have Playstation Plus. So I was just like, Yeah, awesome. Like, I was really jazzed about that. I didn't have to pay for it. So I mean, I paid for my Playstation Plus, but, but yeah, like this, it's, it's actually, it's so good and there's so many different, like, weird little mechanics. Like there's, you can throw stuff, like javelins, and you can craft. They even have like crafting. And he's like, he's fighting the Gods right now, this is a really big God that you're fighting, and you go up to Mount Olympus, it is really really cool, and so that's Apotheon, and I've just been having a really great time playing that, and it is really, That's really really beautiful Yeah. I love. Like, stunning. I love those indie games, you know? I do too. Like, they have, they have a chance to like, try out some new stuff, you know? I love it. Beautifully stylized. Yeah. Like something that you would never see in a full-length, like, you know, 20, 50 hour game. Mm-hm. Like this is the perfect like, sort of indie game is exactly what's cool about indie gaming. It's really neat. So Apotheon. It's on PlayStation 4. But you can get it on I think you can get it on Steam as well. Oh. There we go. So it's available for PC as well. So if you if you're so inclined. Yeah. You can check them out. But I grabbed it because of the whole like playfishing plus thing, it was free. So alright guys, it is now time, and I'm very excited to say this, for your user feedback. Oh, you guys. I knew it. With this TD sheep hashtag, we asked you guys to say what you could do with animals and technology. And you really just came up with some great stuff. You're gonna make a robot walk off the thing, because he will. He'll talk right off the ledge. And he sparks. So Edwin wrote into us and said, small cameras on migratory birds, they fly all over the world. Combine all of that imagery for more up-to-date Google maps. Oh, okay. Yeah, make the birds do the work. I like the idea about Google Sky. Yeah. Like Google, instead of Google Earth, Yeah. Do a Google, Google Air. Rick wrote to us and said, add some wearable tech on the tags, connect is with Apple Health Kit. Healthy Sheep's a good night sleep! [LAUGH] I like that. And then, you'll, this is gonna be your favorite. Goat plays goat simulator, that was from Mark. Oh, that's a great idea! [LAUGH] Goat plays goat. [CROSSTALK] Yeah, get in there! And then Jesus wrote in and said we need to be careful about tech and animals cause before you know it cows with guns. And then he sent in this video. Did he have a picture of cow with a gun? There you go. Woah! [LAUGH] They don't even care. Those cows look serious. They are naming business. Okay. [CROSSTALK] But yeah, I sent in a video, and it was really funny. It was like, we can't get past th animals. But then all we have to do is wait till they're asleep and tip them over. Yeah, that's true, wait till they're napping, and then we just knock them over. But yeah, that's what you guys wrote in for for [UNKNOWN]. I no hashtag of the day today, because two things. One we have president's day on Monday so there's no show. There won't be a show on Monday. Yeah. Gonna hang out with the presidents. And then and, and then on Tuesday we're actually pre taping that show today. So full disclosure. We'll get more into that. but, just as an FYI. So we're going to be wearing the same underwear. Yes. Yuck. Just FYI that is a, that's- Yuck. No, I brought extra.>>We're going to be wearing it all weekend. I brought extra. Just so you know. [LAUGH] Cale did not. And, and like in the virtual sense we will have, be wearing it sat, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. Sunday, Monday, and then all the way in to Tuesday, ug, gross. All right. Get it in there. Yeah, settle in. That robot has come to life. I'm terrified. I wasn't expecting that. All right, guys. Time for our phonetographer for the day. [LAUGH] [MUSIC] So [UNKNOWN] wrote into us. Not Del Toro. That would be amazing. I'm making, I'm making Pacific Room 4. I know. That was so good. You skipped 2 and 3. Skipped 2 and 3, don't care. I'm [UNKNOWN] I can do what I want. Guillermo says, Hi Ashley, Caleb, producer Logan. Oh! I just wanted you guys to know how, San Jose looks before that Indominance Rectrum, [UNKNOWN] gets here. What a shame. So there you go. That's that's San Jose. I took this with my old iPhone 4S that lost a button in Metropolitan Park while having a running session. Love the show! Yeah, run sesh. Do you listen to us while you run? Maybe he's, it looks like he's running on the water. [LAUGH] He like has, like, some sort of water skis that allow you, some sort of water things that allow you to run on the water. If you run fast enough you can run on water. I heard that. I've heard that. So yeah, I'm assuming you're jogging on a lake. Which, great job. You must be a really fast runner. Yeah, it's beautiful. Very nice. Looks really, really good. Yeah, cool. And I'm so sorry that it's gonna probably get destroyed when Jurassic World comes out this summer. Well, you know. It, life finds a way. As you do. You know, as one dino does. As they say. All right guys. If you want to submit your phonetography to be considered on the show, you can email us TOMORROW@CNET. COM. You can always send us over your user, any user feedback. Tips, story ideas, whatever? Anything. Anything. Just send us anything. Cooking recipes. Cooking? I've, I'll, I will also take that. Do you want to find us on social media because you hate emails we've got that covered. We're on SnapChat, Tumbler, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, All Tomorrow Daily and then we're also on Google Plus at Tomorrow Daily TV. There's gotta be the one that we're not on. I think we're on everything. We're not on Pinterest. [NOISE] Yeah. We don't have any like cool cakes to show you. Yeah. Anyway. Also if you're on YouTube, don't forget to like, subscribe and leave a little comment. Maybe a smiley face, who knows. Frowney face, whatever you want. I don't care. Whatever. And if you're listening to the podcast, hello, everybody. And don't forget to rate and review. [UNKNOWN] Anders is here that's why I did the, hello everybody. Oh, perfect. And, and if you wanna share this show with anybody you can just send them to It's the easiest way to find us. Oh. And if you wanna find on social media as individual people and not as a show. You can find me @AshleyEsqueda. And I'm Kanye West. No. Exactly. I'm Matt [UNKNOWN]. And, that is it for today's show. We will be back on Tuesday. Don't forget it's a holiday on Monday. so, have a great weekend, be good humans and we'll see you next time. Bye guys. [MUSIC]

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