Konami cancels 'Silent Hills,' bums us out permanently (Tomorrow Daily 168)
Konami cancels 'Silent Hills,' bums us out permanently (Tomorrow Daily 168)

Konami cancels 'Silent Hills,' bums us out permanently (Tomorrow Daily 168)

On today's show, PC's that come from paper and a little tiny robot that can pull 2,000 times its body weight. And there is a ton of drama happening over at a major studio including game cancellations that are making a lot of gamers cry so. Boy do we need to talk about that. It's Tomorrow Daily. [MUSIC] Greetings, citizens of the internet. Welcome to Tomorrow Daily. The best geek talk show in the known universe. I'm Ashley Esqueda, and joining me, as always Khail Anonymous. Hey!. Long weekend? Long weekend, lots of controversial stuff. I mean the joker thing happened this weekend. So much stuff happened this weekend. There was also a huge tragedy. That happened this weekend can we talk about that. Really briefly so before we kick things off today, Our hearts are with Nepal. The earthquake in Nepal took the lives of some very so many people. I think it's over. Is it almost 4,000 now? Yeah. So many people, and it's gonna be more. And if you can, please donate to groups like The Red Cross who are on the ground helping people there. We just we, we can't believe something this terrible happened. And And it just sucks. It sucks. Yeah. We don't want to bring the show down, but that's a really important thing. Hopefully, hopefully you're able to do something. Yeah. I know that, we all don't have access and, and, hopefully, if you know anyone from. From that area? From that area. Even visiting. Our thoughts, our thoughts are with you on that, too. Yeah, really, I mean, it's very crazy and just a sad tragedy. Terrible. Right. Well, we wanted to make sure we address that, before we get started because it's super important. Right up front. So hopefully you can donate. Okay. Be good, be good humans. Yes, be good humans. But let's let's talk about- Really quick before we get into headlines. Oh. This weekend another thing happened. The heroes of the dorm competition. Oh yeah! Shoutout to Michelle Morrow. She did a great job. And so Heroes of the Storm was broadcast on ESPN 2.. And it was this big college tournament and the winners ended up getting college tuition for the rest of their college career That's amazing. Super awesome. So, Blizzard was kind enough because I was on a local radio station this morning talking about it, was kind enough to send over some beta keys for Heroes of the Storm for our lovely Tomorrow Daily viewers to to capture That's you. That's you. So if you're listening to this and you want one, we have ten. So I think what, e-mail? I think e-mail cuz then that we will time stamp. We can pick the first ten. Oh, okay. So I think, I think e-mail us. E-mail us tomorrow at CNET.com, and we will get you a key if you're one of the, if you're the first ten callers, like first ten e-mailers get the, a beta key to [CROSSTALK] Then we'll create a clan. And we'll- Two teams. we'll get college tuition. So there you go. Totally. So yeah. Email us, you saw the, you saw the lower third. Email. Send an email, get a, get a key code. News now? Now it's time for the headlines. Now. [MUSIC] So many things happened this weekend. So many. They did, yeah. So what's? Okay Okay. Cancellations [INAUDIBLE] So, so- Kick it off. Alright, yeah, alright, first off, this is, this is about Konami, alright? Lots of stuff is happening over at Konami. It's got a lot of people scared, there's been a lot of rumors of what's going on, but let's just, I'm just gonna get right out, the first thing is that Silent Hills has been cancelled. Boo! Now, Silent Hills is a continuation of the Silent Hill tra tragedy tril, like Trilogy. Series. And it was, it was super exciting because Norman Reedus was going to be in it. Guillermo del Toro was involved, and so was [CROSSTALK] Hideo Kojima who does the Metal Gear series but and, everyone was excited about it, it had a demo out and it's been, it's been cancelled, officially. As of this morning, Konami released. Officially gone. Released a statement. But this is, this is just the beginning of the shake ups that people are worried about over there. Okay. At Konami. Because this has been going on for like a month. Since, I think I have it here as, April 19. Okay. Or March 19. March 19. Okay. A couple months almost. So, about, about a month ago. Hideo Kojima is, he makes Metal Gear. He's working on Phantom, Phantom Pain. He is Metal Gear, I would argue. Yeah. He is Metal Gear. He's making Metal Gear Solid V right now and so that's the reason he's working on it with Konami. Okay. Well about a month ago Kojima Productions was changed to Konami Digital Entertainment, which led to rumors that he was going to be leaving. What? Okay. Well then Ko, Konami came up and was just like, no, no, no, we're just trying to make sure that Konami's name is up front. Well then they canceled Silent Hill. Mm-hm. Right? Silent Hills, sorry. And then on Friday On Friday they took their, Konami took their, their their name out of the New York Stock Exchange. Oh, they de-listed their company. They de-listed the company, from the New York Stock Exchange. Still in the Tokyo and London Stock Exchange. This is serious. So that's a huge shake-up over there too. And then yeah, and then, then so people were like, then he started taking Kojima's name off of their website. Oh wow, off of like the Metal Gear, because it says like a Hideo Kojima game. Yeah, off the branding and stuff like that. What is going on over there? And then there was like a confirmation from like Kojima, Kojima that yes, he's going to follow through for Metal Gear. So there was a lot of questions about what is going on. There's obviously, about the New York Stock Exchange thing, they're actually, they like make slot machines and that is apparently the most profitable part of their business, practically. I didn't know that, I learned something new. So it's, they are thinking that like, maybe there's some change ups that are going to happen Obviously they're not focusing on Silent Hill's anymore, which is a huge franchise, has a lot of buzz around it. Kojima is one of their, is their big dog, so they're pulling that out, so like we have no idea what's going on. What do you think is going on? I think it's, I think it's, I think Kojima is like. He's out, he's done? He's out, I think he's out. Do you think he wants out or do you think Konami is sort of done being associated with him? If you, this is total conjecture. 100% speculation. It is conjecture, this is just completely off of Kale speculation and not completely off of this. I think, you know, they are trying to make a Metal Gear movie, so I think maybe Kojima is like, I will figure out a way to do this myself. There could Konami just wants to have their name there instead of, like, if Kogema leaves, that his name will still be there. Not if, yeah. I think there's some sort of deal going on. Hmm, that's interesting. The gaming thing, I don't know. I don't know. I, it seems like, I mean, a lot of times when these companies de-list themselves from the New York Stock Exchange it means some kind of restruct, company restructuring is going to happen. And they keep, they kept dropping that. They kept saying restructuring. So, that, they're [CROSSTALK] Which is never a good, it's a bad way of saying a bad [CROSSTALK] Bankruptcy. It's like a bad way of saying like we're in trouble. But again, it's a lot of times Speculation just because there's a lot of things going on. Right. Thing is, it's such a general term because it's all like stock exchange and people leave and moving. Yeah. But it's, it's a huge tragedy that we lose Silent Hills [CROSSTALK] the gaming, the gaming world that's a sad thing. And potentially Kojima. I mean if he leaves Konami then like what are they, how do you go forward without. That, like you were saying, like that's their big dog. Like, that's their dog in the fight and it's like, we have Kajima. Yeah. And Kajima's been all about like, hey, this is re, this Metal Gear Five is like a re-freshening of the brand. Yeah. from big box's standpoint and whatnot. I'm heavily invested in the Metal Gear series. That's kind of like my, one of my bread and butter's. Yeah. Beside the GTA. Well, so many gamers like there, this is a huge. This a, a legendary game franchise. This is not small potatoes. This is a big deal in gaming. So.. But this is, this is a story that is still developing. Oh yeah. So even as we're saying this now, there might've been something that happened. Yeah. And there may be something that happened tomorrow, because like I said Friday was the announcement of the of the stock exchange thing. This morning. [CROSSTALK] Silent Hill is officially cut. Crazy stuff all the time. Who knows, tell us how you feel. Tell us how you feel and that's our hash tag of the day TDKONAMI, I want to know your unbridled conjecture, speculation. What do you think is going on over at Konami and where do you think What do ya think the outcome is gonna be, is it gonna be the Konami, Kajima leaves, is it gonna be that theres something different in the cards for Kajima, how. Ya know why do you think this stuff is going on. Aside from restructuring. Cause I have a feeling we all kind of know that was. Do you ever think we'll get another Castlevania 2? Is that what we're learning here? Ya know, listen [INAUDIBLE] Konami. Just really [UNKNOWN] for Castlevania. Just somebody. Just put Simon Belmont in Super Smash Brothers. Thank you. Yes, let's do that thing. Cuz that's, I love Simon, Simon Belmont from, I would play Smash Brothers a lot more. Where's my Simon Belmont and Meebo? That's what I want. Stop with the Meebos. All right. Fine. Let's just, no more Meebos. Can we just do the next story? Okay, so, yeah. Help us out here. All right. I want to tell you about paper pulp Paper pulp is really interesting because it is it uses conducive ink cartridges. So you can actually like, put an ink cartridge inside a printer and print out sort of a circuit board. Cause it's conducive ink. So like here's a guy using a, and playing a little game on paper. With LED's. Cool. So to be fair, these are layers. Like there, there are layers involved in this obviously the top layer is like the fun design, the game or whatever it is that you want to do. So maybe like a business card or they had other options, other things in there that, that as examples that you could use. But so, you have this bottom layer that is printed out with conducive ink and then you put these stickers. To act as, you're sort of like, components for your, for your paper. They show you. And the print out is really cool. So this is like a drag and drop interface. And it, you tell it what you want it to do, what you want the paper to do. And it creates the code for you, it generates it automatically. So you don't have to be a coder to use this. And you have a, you have a micro controller So you have like a little tiny micro controller. And then what happens is you print this thing out with the conducive ink and it shows you exactly where to put all of your components including your microprocessor. And then you put the top layer on it after you lay out all the stuff. So see, those are the, those are the different layers. So you attach all of your components, it shows you like, oh yeah, okay, we're going to cut out the middle part and put the micro processor in the middle, so basically like you build this in conjunction with that app, so you say here's where I want all of my lights to be and then it shows you exactly what the blueprint needs to be on the second layer, which is kind of cool. Yeah. So in essence, it makes paper interactive This is like a really cool thing. So it generates the code for you so you don't have to do it yourself. You you plug in your microprocessor via USB and it automatically like sends that code to your microprocessor, so it knows exactly what it should be looking for. It actually offers suggestions on how to fine tune your code. Like, let's say, you only have a code for a light to go off if you press a button. But maybe, or a light to go on if you press a button. But maybe you haven't put in the code for the light to go off if you release the button. So, it's like, maybe you want to put in that code. So it helps you to sort of like, make things more fine tuned So what they were saying is that technology like this-- we always like to talk about goals. Yeah, what's the goal? So goals could be, really neat stuff like interactive, packaging. So we could go to the supermarket and there it would be on your cereal box, because these are very inexpensive components. The ink is just about expensive as a standard ink-jet printer. The conducive ink. And then also the, the pieces and the parts, the, the components, the electrical components are pennies on the dime. You buy them in bulk. You can just crumple up a project and just throw it out and it keeps a microcontroller, which is pretty neat. But they were saying, yeah, like maybe you'd have like cereal boxes or so these like little games and stuff like that. So this guy's like playing a game where you get to the top of the tower if you tap the things diet tracking card. So you could say "Oh I've had three servings of fruits and vegetables today." And like you have this little card. And these are all super-early prototypes, but they were saying that, they are developing more sophisticated ways, and more complex ways of using this tech. And they're saying that. So some day we might see baby business cards. I was going to say I liked your business card idea. I do not like this gangham style card though. Yeah. That's a little weird. Not a big fan of that [CROSSTALK] but no. I like. I like the business card idea. That's really cool. Cool. It is pretty cool. Yeah, nice. So, I thought that was really neat. Yeah. Some interactive, like, computerized paper. So that was kind of cool. And then, the second story. Okay. So you've got another story for us, all right. I got one more. It's super strong robots, but they're tiny. So, it kind of reminds me of ants How they can car, lift and carry a lot, lar. Yeah. Much larger amounts than their weight, as we all learned from Honey I Shrunk The Kids. Oh yeah. Yeah. So then. A Bug's Life. Yeah, A Bug's Life. [UNKNOWN] So this comes from, mechanical engineers at Stanford University. This, look at that little tiny robot on the wall, climbing as it's carrying all that stuff at the bottom. What. Yeah. So these are super strong robots that can pull up to 100 times heavier than their own weight. So these ones are actually going up a wall which is pretty impressive. But it's 100 times their weight. It's pretty awesome. And how this works is they have adhesive on the bottom of the robot's feet that let them grip walls kind of like a gecko. And when the weight increases a, the surface area of the, of the sticky foot actually expands. So the surface area gets bigger. Makes it easier to grip. That's incredible. Yeah. So they took nature, was a lot. They inspired a lot by nature here. So these are some of the other bots that go horizontally across the surface. One of them is called you tug. And it can pull 2,000 times its weight Is this [UNKNOWN] right here? I, this might be you, this is [UNKNOWN], this is [UNKNOWN] right here. These are incredible. So yeah, they're drying your things and there's little tiny ones that can, that's a robot at the top and that's pulling a paper clip because it's 100 times its weight. Isn't that nuts? So, these robots are really cool, and they were saying that they could be used in emergency situations. Yeah. Like, for example, getting a, a rectie like a rope- Up. Up to somebody in a burning building. They could also be used in situations like, I think my favorite one was construction and hauling. So then, like, if we needed to get some, like, blocks up a building, we would build bigger robots that could carry heavier weights which Send them right up the side of the building, crazy. There's so many possibilities here. So many. And my, I think my favorite fact about that Utech robot is that it can pull 2000 times it's body weight, cool. If you don't have an idea of what the equivalent of that is for a person, it would be like Kale pulling a blue whale behind him. That's how much more weight. These bots can pull. Pretty awesome. Yeah, well, I could that. But, anyway. I know you can. Well you've been doing CrossFit, so it's you've been profiting. Yeah, but with, I trained with a lot of blue whales, but that, that's so incred- there's so many, so many possibilities with this. It's really cool. Yeah. It's their super strong robots and it's just really neat and I love that their going up buildings, and like across surfaces, and they're Basically their saying the next step would be to build bigger versions of these robots to carry heavier weight. This is maybe how the Egyptians made the pyramids. I think so. This maybe the exact way that it happened. Of course, we know aliens gave them that technology, obviously. Otherwise, they just never would have happened. But yeah I'm going to assume tiny, I'm going to assume tiny robots we couldn't even see helped the carry block. Actually your like. You're like. Try to bring in the groceries, you just have your little robot thing. Like a man. Pop that thing on the ground and just like brings your groceries in. I like it. Yeah, you need to tow your car somewhere. That would be weird. Oh. Could you imagine opening a little, like, first aid kit, you need to tow your car somewhere, it's just this robot that's like this big and you put it in front of your car. Small and these guys are awesome. I like them, what are they, who are they again? Yes. Stanford. Stanford University. They're- Oh great. They can't blend- Geniuses. Mechanical engineers at Stanford. So. Yeah. Good job, guys. Guys, you should have played Amazing. Should have played Heroes of the Storm to try to get your tuition paid for. Ouch. I heard it's not, not too genius. I don't think they would have made these robots. That's probably true. Yeah, you probably wouldn't have had time to make those robots. So I guess it's a win-win for everybody. Be involved. That's it for our headlines, we will be right back with a round of Back It or Hack It, something I think you will be very interested in. And, we also have our user feedback and our Phonetographer of the day. So don't [UNKNOWN] away. It's Tomorrow Daily. [MUSIC] Welcome back to the show. It's Monday which means it's time to look at a particular crowd funding effort that we are interested in, telling you if we would give our money to it or not. Time for Back It or Hack It. Cal, I'd like to tell you today about the couchlet. Okay. Alright, do you know what that is? Can you tell what that is, based on the name? The Couchlet? Is it a little couch? It's a tiny little couch. Tiny little couch, a Couchlet. A little tiny couch. Am I wrong? You are wrong. Okay good, because that sounds dumb. That does sound dumb, the Couchlet is actually, so you know, how you are sitting on your couch, maybe you are binge watching Daredevil and your battery is running out of juice, because it's the end of your day And you don't want to like, usually on a couch there's no outlets really, like right nearby unless it's up against a wall, so kind of a bummer. Couch outlet, got it. Yes, it's a couch outlet, so we've got some video of this. Pretty interesting, they did this video where they are like, oh if you are laying in bed, like, this is actually true for me, I have to really reach for my phone and I don't get to Take it very far cuz it's you know, tethered. So, this is the Couchlet. It's this little tiny device that you, you can wedge between your couch cushions and it will stay there and it's two USB ports. So, you can just like plug in your phone right there and your can stay on your couch or, or use it in your bed. So, they also have this like little hinge that you can Flap out to make an L shape and then you just sort of slide it under your mattress so that it's stable, like it doesn't, like, flop around or fall over. And, yeah. See, there you go. So you can put it in your couch cushions, you stuff it in there and it's got two USB ports. You can plug in your phone or whatever. And then it's got, it comes with a six foot long USB, because obviously you do have to plug that in to something. But it comes with a six foot long USB cord so you can plug it into a nearby wall outlet, a wall ward. Back it. You're, you're in? You don't even know how much it costs. I don't care. This is something that should've existed a long time ago. I agree. Now I think even couches should be built with that stuff in it. I was just thinking that this weekend. No. Just yesterday. I, I, I wouldn't say yelled at but had a, had a confrontation. A heated Yes. Discussion. Because my girlfriend thinks that it's okay to have the wires going from the opposite wall cutting straight through the living room. [LAUGH] And I trip on them every single time. That's not good. And I was, like, there is an outlet behind Fire hazard. I am going to get to that, there's an outlet behind the couch, plug it in there, but anyway. It should be more convenient. It should be built into the couch. It actually should be more convenient, because this is the world that we live in now, that whether you like it or not, you're getting bored, you are going on your phone. I will say this though, I am worried about fires. Because [CROSSTALK] Even with surge protectors there's chance of a surge and it being right next to a flammable material. Have a couch made of rubber. It can start a little fire. Yes. From Experience, because I had a fire in my house as a child, burned up all of my stuff. That's not good. It was through a surge protector. Wow, okay. So it was supposed to not even do that. But it did. But it started a fire, so this is a potential. So be careful. Risk, but I'm still backing it. I am still taking my chances with it. I'll take my chances. Okay, so they wanted $30,000.00, it's on Indiegogo. Again, Couchlet is the name of it They asked for 30,000, they currently have over 45,000, with like 40 days left, so they're definitely gonna to make these, they're gonna to go into production, people love them, like, they're, they're just like you, they're like, I'm in, I need an outlet near my couch. Eh, but it's like, $30. Twenty four of them right now. Twenty four bucks right now gets you two. Early bird. Sold. Pretty cheap. Wow! And then I think it's like three dollars shipping, or something like that. You know, and that's one of those things, your friends come over and they're like- They're handy. They're like, can I charge my phone? And you're like, yes, Mickey, it's right there, in between the. I got it. I was just telling my husband this weekend while we were watching Daredevil. You know what I think? I think we need like a USB hub. [INAUDIBLE] Next to our TV, just as like a charging station for our friends and stuff. That feels like a thing we need to have. Now, I feel like I just want a couple of Couchlets. Put them on each side and you're good. Maybe I'm too easily impressed but I feel like this is genius. It's a pretty good idea. And I feel like you under sold it from the very beginning. You don't understand that this is going to change the way you charge your phone. Everybody is charging their stuff all the time when they're home. Pretty good I know. Even last night I was sitting there with 1%, I can't. I was too! [CROSSTALK] Hurry, crowds read it. I gotta Tweet this! I know it was terrible. With Logan? I'm in! He's in. Three out of three. There you go. Back it all around. Good find by the way. Yeah, [INAUDIBLE] Go though. Selling on Indiegogo. Wouldn't it do better on Kickstarter? Yeah. But I think, well, Indiegogo they let you keep any amount. So they could have gotten less than the actual amount asked for, and then they would still be able to keep it and develop it but it might take longer. Okay. [CROSSTALK] So they're saying they, they hit their goal which means they will deliver by December. And there you have it. Okay. Well that, that's even better. Cuz now I'm gonna buy A, a buttload of [UNKNOWN] They had a 6-pack of them for like 4, it's like $40, so it's so cheap, and they, those are sold out. They did that for like the first day or two. But they're still really inexpensive. Like the tiers are really [UNKNOWN] I am buying, I am buying at least $100 worth of these. Alright. I am not even kidding because I know, I like- I know what I'm getting for Christmas. All my family, they're all tech heads. Oh perfect. I am just going to be like, stocking stuffers. Everybody has a smart phone, so it's like, that's a no brainer gift. I mean that's a pretty easy gift. I am sorry if I am way too excited about this, but I am telling you. No you can be, it's rare. It's going to be, yep. It's pretty cool. I am stoked on this. I liked it, but yeah, Couchlets. Thank you Ashley for alerting me to this. There you go. Yeah this is great. You're welcome. All right guys, we've got to talk about what you think about NASA's Modular robotic vehicle that we talked about last week, so it's time for your user feedback. [MUSIC] Okay, so I know you're buying Couchlets. You're buying Couchlets right now, yeah. But we've got to talk a little bit about the TDMRV hash tag we asked you guys to use last week to tell us how you would use NASA's modular robotic vehicle Which was so cool and a lot of, you guys came up with some good answers. So, Neil wrote in and said automated MRV as an emergency vehicle that can get to patients quickly that normal vehicles can't reach. Like that? Yeah. Good one? Yeah, of course. Christian wrote in and said, I would like to see a Pac-man themed MRV chasing ghost themed MRVs for endless autonomous fun. [LAUGH] That's great. Cuz yeah, they can drive themselves, so you just have them, like. You know how he just randomly like stopped at like La Cienega and you just feel like you are Pac Man chasing a bunch of MRV Ghosts and you're just like, yep. That's terrifying. You're like, Los Angeles. That's LA for you. Noah wrote in and said Ok Go, the band OKGO, with the MRV, would just be simply awesome. I would love to see OK Go do a synchronized music video with four MRV. That's what I'm thinking. That would be amazing, yeah, that's creative, they should hire you as their next music video creative director. Yeah, a creative director would know all that **** [INAUDIBLE] Creative director [INAUDIBLE] you know. And then also Dave wrote into us and sent us an email that doesn't have to do with the MRV, he said Hey, guys, thought Kale could relate to this. I see this on my kitchen counter at least once a day. Oh, my God! And it's a ha. [LAUGH] It's a ripped open Splenda packet. Oh, my God. Okay, if you haven't been, if you haven't been following along, there's been the epic saga of my girlfriend leaving sugar packets right next to the coffee machine. Right next to the trash can. Found some this weekend, too. [LAUGH] I love getting pictures of this from Kale. I found some this weekend, and guess what? Date. Was his name Dave? Dave. Dave also found some. It's an epidemic. Yep. It's an epidemic. This thing is spreading like wildfire. Do not let this happen in your house, people. This is not good. Oh, my God. [INAUDIBLE] Oh, my God. I just love that he said after, can we pull that graphic, can we pull it back up again, Logan? Can we, Producer Logan, do we have the, the picture again? He says You hear that? He says our kitchen is set up a little different from Kale's, you actually have to turn around and walk a couple of feet to the trash can. Hang in there, Dave. Look at this, it doesn't even make any sense, it's just like 1 little small package. I love how upset you are by this. It's just ridiculous. It's every day. I love it. It's like That's so funny. It's like if somebody left a little on my desk everyday and it was just like I hate you. Because it works. Just I hate you, which it's just like come on don't leave that little note. Don't do that [CROSSTALK]. Hang in there Dave. Hang in there Dave. If we have solidarity, splendid solidarity, we are with you bro. Alright guys, we're gonna talk about our last piece of viewer feedback, which is always our Phonetographer of the Day. [MUSIC] So this is actually not from Scott. Scott emailed us, but this picture was not taken by Scott. This is by Scott's daughter Scott's daughter took this picture. He wrote in and said my 9 year old daughter took this on a school field trip with my iPhone 6 plus. Sad to say that my daughter takes better pictures than I do. Looks like it. Can I, can I, can I just suggest maybe that this is a family of pigs that are on a school field trip, so that Scott and his daughter are also like, sentient piglets, like Charlotte's Web or Babe. That's terrifying. No, I think it's really cute. Babe was adorable, what do you mean? You really think that farm animals are, are watching our show? Yeah. All right, fair enough. I, I really like that. [LAUGH] Just saying. [CROSSTALK] You're so messed up, Ashley. A field trip, come on, they went to another farm. Ok we wanna see how [CROSSTALK]. Relatives. Yeah and [INAUDIBLE] some relatives. Cousins. I like that she got all close and personal see and I bet ya Scott wouldn't have got all close and personal with you he wouldn't have gotten close wouldn't have looked. Well he's a lot taller than his nine year old daughter, I'm sure. That's what I think. Yeah. So, she's closer to like, the action. The faces of the pigs. Yeah. It was a really good picture. She really got in, in tune with the pigs, and it was, like, down there. Yeah. Seriously. And also, kudos to you, Scott, for trusting your nine year old with your iPhone 6 Plus. Yeah, it's a brand new phone, dude. Something I don't think I would do. Yeah. Cuz I'm an untrustworthy person. Yeah. So, anyway, if you guys want to submit your phonetography to be considered, to be on the show, you can email us tomorrow@cnet.com. you can find us pretty much anywhere on the internet, I feel like, our email address, and you can also find us all over social media. We're on Tumblr, we're on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Tomorrow Daily on all those things [UNKNOWN] Nope. Not anymore! [LAUGH] Goodbye Snapchat. And if you're watching on YouTube, don't forget to like, favorite, subscribe, and leave a comment. And, if you're watching on iTunes, don't forget to rate and review. And, follow us on our personal Twitters at @khailanonymous. And @ashleyesqueda. Well, that's it for the show today. We'll be back tomorrow with the weird wonderful world of science facts and science fiction colliding. But, until then- Be good, humans, and we'll see you guys next time. Bye. [MUSIC]

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Massive car-straddling bus completes test journey in China (Tomorrow Daily 402)

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