Wander virtually through a musician's mind with 'GE Neuro' VR experience (Tomorrow Daily 235)
Wander virtually through a musician's mind with 'GE Neuro' VR experience (Tomorrow Daily 235)

Wander virtually through a musician's mind with 'GE Neuro' VR experience (Tomorrow Daily 235)

On today's show, a 54 propeller man-carrying drone. A VR experience is going to let you go into the mind of another person. And that Amazon Prime video service that everyone has Now is offering one thing that Netflix video service doesn't have. That sounds exciting. Tomorrow Daily. [MUSIC] Greetings, citizens of the Internet. Welcome to Tomorrow Daily, the best geek talk-show in the known universe. I'm Ashley Esqueda, that's Khail Anonymous. There's never an applause. Are you applauding for us? That intro. Oh, all right. Great. Very cool. I'll take it. Right on. Thank you. So do you wanna talk about some VR? Of course. Okay. [UNKNOWN] [MUSIC] You're gonna be really into this. Can we start all of our VR stories with, so guess what, James Cameron? [LAUGH] Yeah. So listen, James, JC as you're well known, sir. All right, I gotta tell you about this really, really cool VR experience. It's called Neuro. GE put it together, General Electric, big company. They worked with AMB to do this. It's kind of amazing, honestly. So, it is available for, I believe, Gear VR, Oculus, you can watch it on YouTube if Cardboard they have like that. You'll see the split screen in a minute. But this is the trailer that they put out. So GE and AMD used neuro imaging data to make a visualization of musician named Ruben Woo's brain. Okay, so this is sort of the WinAmp of the inside of this guys brain. Remember WinAmp visualizations? [CROSSTALK] Yeah. That was an interesting choice. Yeah, yeah. So this now are his synapses Axis firing. Like neurons. Wo Pretty amazing stuff. So it's a visualization of what's going on inside his brain while, inside the creative person's mind. So they used MRI scans to map his brain activity to what they wanted to show. This is the actual experience. This is what you would see. A YouTuber put the experience up on YouTube and basically this is kind of a big deal. The experience itself is really cool. Number one, first and foremost really excellent experience to see sort of the brain of a creative person working in a very visual way. But the even more interesting part for me is that they were saying that neurosurgeons might potentially be able to see things like brain lesions and tumors in a way that they have never been able to do before. Because I believe there's a general, I don't know how general the consensus is, but I've heard That we know about 50% less about the human brain then we do pretty much any other organ in the body. And so this could be a really helpful way to teach what goes on inside the brain, in a very visual capacity that we can actually see. Oh my god, this is gross. They're gonna go in to his eye. So they're going in his mind's eye. That's how you go in. Wow. It's like fantastic voyage. You're screaming the whole. I don't wanna go. Please no. So, yeah. You're like inside his eye and then you go into his, they take you through what they call, they're like this is his imagination and then it's all the, it's the bubbles that you see with all the different lights and everything incredible, yeah Super cool Right And so like I said, you could watch it on a few different types of headset, so I highly recommend So totally accessible to anyone Yes, it's out there, it's called GE neuro N E U R O. So pretty amazing stuff, really cool and that brings us to our hashtag of the day which I thought would be really fun for everybody including us which is TD mind And if you had to make a visualization of what the inside of your brain looks like. What would people see? What's the experience they would have? One of those little water drinking birds. [LAUGH] Just that? Just that you go in and it would be like It would have that crazy time space thing and then it'd just be a white room with that little drinking bird. [LAUGH] I like it. I like it. And then it would go whoosh. Like, what did you learn about the human mind? Okay, what's yours? I think it would just be Dismal Land. [LAUGH] Like you get right in there and it's like, glitch area, everything's all messed up and all sad and depressing. I think this is probably gonna be one of my favorite I think so too. I got really excited thinking about the hashtag that day, I was like oh man I can't wait to hear what people say. [CROSSTALK] Going to be great pictures. and there going to be like oh well done that would be cool. Yeah make sure you have a visual representation of what the inside of your brain looks like send it to us, I would like, send you the link to Dismal Land. I would be like that's pretty much it. Fine. That's it real cheap to get into, [CROSSTALK] Let's talk about these streaming services because we're finally having some battle there going on. [CROSSTALK] [UNKNOWN] Now we have actually some advancements in the tech they are offering. Because Amazon Prime's video service now offers offline video. Oh boom. Drop the mic. Now that doesn't sound super exciting just straight out of the box. But if you really think about the way that you consume this media, it's gonna make it even easier. Because right now, Netflix and everything has to be continuously streamed over the internet. Yep. Well Amazon video, they have announced that today the US, UK, Germany, and Austria are going to be able to save the videos to your tablet or device and then you can have it when you're offline. So you can watch any of the movies, television shows, anywhere without having to be attached to the internet, which is a huge step forward. That's a big deal. Yeah, because let's say I want to go on a plane ride. I can't watch any of my Netflix or Let's say I wanna go to a bus. Like, anything where there's no, and I'm outside of my house. Yeah. Because I don't have a tablet with 3 or 4G. Right. I'm not rich. So you could download all that stuff. Are you're gonna watch Transparent at McDonald's? Well, no, they get free wi-fi. But you get where I'm going with this. But yeah. No. Especially on planes. Yeah. This is the big thing for me is that, I want so badly to watch Watch movies on Amazon Prime or Netflix. And I hate the fact that I can't just download something. Because I pay for the service. Why can't I just borrow it for a second, take my plane ride. And I don't wanna pay for Wi-Fi. I just want it to work. I just want it to be downloaded. I just want it to work. And that's what I'm saying, is it may not seem like that big a deal until it becomes a part of your life. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, until you need it! When you're, no. Well I'm saying is once You can do that all the time, then something comes on Netflix and you're like, wait, I can't do that on Netflix? Why can't I do that on Netflix? Yep. So yeah, again, like I said U.S., U.K., Germany, and Austria you used to only be able to do this on Like actual Amazon tablets, and stuff like that. Yeah, the Amazon Fire tablet. Which almost nobody owns. [LAUGH] Yeah. Or your Amazon Fire phone, right guys? Right, all you Amazon Fire phone owners. Right? You, Scooter. That's the only name I could think of. Scooter. So there you go, you just need an Amazon Prime membership And you just hit, there's gonna be a download button, and you'll be able to download it to your thing. iOS and Android. Skateboarding down the street, on one of those little two wheel things. Your airboard, your hoverboard, as the olds call it. They're calling [UNKNOWN] airboard a hoverboard. Yeah.>>It's an air board guys, it has wheels on it actual giant wheels not hovering anything.>>So there you go.>>Cool.>>It's really great.>>Yes awesome.>>I actually plan on using Amazon Prime Video now which I didn't before.>>I, me too.>>I didn't want to or care to. But now he will. I downloaded the app onto my iPad because I don't like to use data on my iPad. I like to just be able to, if I'm taking my iPad to travel, I don't wanna buy extra data to be able to stream. Thank you Amazon. I appreciate that. Really helpful. And also, I hope this pushes Netflix to do the same thing. If we want it on a very geeky level about streaming, because I get geeky about streaming, I wonder how the content licenses are gonna work out? Yeah. Because Netflix will get a movie for three months or whatever, or however long they have a contract with them. And then they have to pull it off Netflix. Right. But if you're downloading stuff, does it download a timer as well? So like if Amazon Prime has like a one year you know, thing, does it like not become available. It might be that it pulls it away from you, once it's unavailable. So you actually can't access, like you download it, but it might be something like, you used, you can pin stuff on RDO, and it'll download to your device Your music. So I do that a lot when I travel because obviously I can't stream when I'm in a plane. And so, I don't know. I think I have a feeling that it really kind of, I'm sure they've covered that base, but the thing is, I would. I don't know. Has anybody pinned? I'm curious actually, has anybody pinned anything that has become unavailable? Like what your experience was with that. Yeah. Should be interesting to see if that works out. Cuz that's one of the reasons why Netflix wasn't doing it. So. So hey Spotify and Apple music are already music so get your crap together. Get it together guys. I censored myself that was actually impressive. You could hear the s starting. Really. Okay what else you got quickly hurry. IT's been an interesting thing to see. You got to just look at this. I call it up 2.0 that was my [INAUDIBLE] This guy, whose a YouTuber, his name's gasturbine101 on YouTube. He created a 54 propeller drone, super drone. Wait, for himself? For himself. For his own body. Watch, he's going to lift off right now. This is amazing. This is ridiculous is what it is. Okay. So he calls it the Swarm. and I would imagine it's called that because it literally sounds like all of the bees in the world are coming to attack you. It's really loud. It's made up of fifty-four counter-rotation propellers that can carry a person that weighs up to three hundred and twenty-six pounds Oh wow and that is some serious lift happening. It can stay in the sky for about ten minutes. And you might be wondering, you might be watching this video going gosh, why would he sort of get in his own way in terms of his view by putting that little cap on the cop of the drone? Why wouldn't he have an open view? And I'm gonna guess that it's because if any one of those propellers snaps or malfunctions, He is gonna get his face slashed off. [LAUGH] You could just wear a helmet! Like a biker helmet. Yeah, like a closed face helmet would be good. Yeah, [LAUGH] I feel like he focused a little too much on the wrong part. Yeah, but it's this weird pentagon shape. I just So bizarre and I just love that he's a hobbyist, he's not like a professional company playing this guy. He just was like you know what, today, woke up one day and was like, I'm going to make a 54 propeller drum that can lift me up in a lawn chair. Yeah, I've got a lot of money and a lot of propellers. Yeah. I got some propellers laying about. Can we hear it a little bit or is that, are we gonna regret. I think you'll regret it. Okay. It's not just, you can head over to Gastro by 101's channel. If you really want to hear the majesty of how loud this thing is. But no one's sneaking up on anybody in that. So I would imagine if you're trying to escape somebody like James Bond's trying to get away, this would not be the device you'd use to do so. Yeah can't think of many uses for that. No not one. It's just whimsical and delightful. It is whimsical. And the only thing it's missing, to make it even more whimsical, is him pedalling it. Oh, that would be great. [LAUGH] But he still can't see. just some like DiViNCi Esk like fabric wings for no reason, they do absolutely nothing except just kind of flap in the wind as he pedals. That would be amazing. Oh and let's step it up mod squad make it a Millennium Falcon. Yeah, just put a little 3-D printed casing around it, make it a Millennium Falcon, and we'll be all in. We'll cover it again. Okay, we're going to take a quick break. We'll be right back with [UNKNOWN] Finally the video game drought has ended. The drought of summer, we're getting some great new titles coming out today. One in particular we're all going nuts about. But before we go, you have to check out what this enterprising individual is a fan from three did with his Superman doll. So don't click away, we'll be right back. [MUSIC] Welcome back to the show. We are going to make this quick and painless because we're sure you feel just the same way as we do. Phantom painless? Phantom painless that's exactly right. You'll get it. Let's talk about new releases. You'll get it. [MUSIC] The drought's over. It's September 1st. Well, not the actual Los Angeles drought. Not our drought, no. We're still running out of water. It's still, we're messed up. Moving right towards Mad Max. Yeah, go ahead. Right towards the wasteland. But it's September 1st, which means holiday season has begun for video games and we're kicking it off with a very highly anticipated game, probably Kojima's last for Konami, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is out right now. Snake! on just about every platform they've got [UNKNOWN] Xbox one, Xbox 360 This is the first for the old Snake used to be very exclusive to Playstation. Yeah! Then there was a couple of break outs that made it to Xbox and now everybody gets to experience the massive cut scenes of Hideo Kojima. Oh, he does love his cut scenes. but it's such a beautiful game. It is now ready for PC. It's like they totally figured out Like put it on there and it's a great story. There is always the craziest [CROSSTALK] I can't say. I was going to say one thing you see within the first like ten minutes and I don't want to ruin it. I already know what you're talking about, the person that you meet? Is it the person? No. No, okay, different. No, it was the crazy- Oh! animal. Oh! Oh, that! Yeah, we won't say any more than that. No, I don't want to talk about that. But, it's incredible. Okay, let me ask you this. If you haven't been in the Metal Gear world before, can you jump in with. I will say this. I have never played a Metal Gear game from start to finish and. Ugh. I know, I know. But remember my problem with open-world games. It's hard for me. The earlier one I got almost all the way through but I just got distracted. I was a very bad video gamer for a while I just never finished anything. But I have never played a Metal Gear in a very long time and this game was. I got to play I think seven or eight hours back in around E3 time. Uh-huh. And it was So good. I had so much fun. The open world environment that you can manipulate in different ways. And the way that they allow you to just choose whatever mission you want to go on within the map. The fact that you can go into those areas before you go on the mission. You can sabotage stuff. We watched some guy go into a mission area, and you can literally choose any way you want to finish a mission. There are a million ways to finish everything in the game. That's cool. He went into a mission area, shot out all the lightbulbs, left, started the mission, did the drop and chose to drop at nighttime, like at, I think it was like 1600 hours or 1800 hours, right as the sun was setting. And, I think it was 1800 Drops in at 1,800 and all of the guys, all the bad guys are like, why don't the lights work? And everything was dark, cuz he had gone in and previously shot out all of the lights. That's really cool. It was brilliant. and they're. So your answer is? Absolutely, get into it, even if you never played a Metal Gear game. If you like open world games, if you just enjoy great stories, just crazy stories, with big plot twists, and just great stuff, I highly recommend. See, long answer, yes, short answer, 100% yes. Ok, there you go. Ok, next game. Maybe getting not as much critical acclaim but I think still important. Mad Max is coming out today. Look, so many people are excited about this game. Yeah. And it was on the fence before it came out. Everyone was like this could totally suck. BUt it could be great. Yes. And so the word is the combat is fun, the car battles are fun, The world is okay. It's too spaced out, but apparently there's enough of what you want from this world. Apparently, the story doesn't add enough to the Mad Max like cannon, it comes after the movie. Right. But like it doesn't add enough. But I guess it's fun. I guess that's all you really want. It might be enough for you, it could be enough for you. And also if you decide this isn't for you and you just wanna watch the movie again, great news everybody, the blue ray came out today from For Mad Max, I know the digital release was a couple of weeks ago, but if you want the Blu-ray, you can get it today. Boom. There you go. So that wasn't on the list. No, but I just FYI. We don't really do Blu-ray releases, otherwise I think we'd be inundated. New releases would be like ten minutes long. And then the last thing that's coming out this weekend is The Transporter Refueled, which I had not even heard of until like a month ago, when I was like, wait, they're doing another Transporter movie? Jason Statham, who you have met by the way, and did not like your shirt, Not this one. said, I believe he said he will never do another Transporter movie. If that's correct? He was like never ever ever ever ever. I heard this one is stupid. Yeah, I haven't heard super great things about this. But its sounds like a very action packed and I will probably catch it on Netflix or on Amazon Prime when I download it offline watch it offline. The series needs to die if you don't have Jason Statham and its all gone, they had a television show too like just kill it series. Yeah. Come on. I like the idea of different transporters maybe, if it wasn't like he's the transporter. I like the idea of a different transporter in a different place. There's so many better ideas out there. Yeah. You're right. Come on. You can spend it differently and it costs something different. Or why not just focus on these broads and their bank robbery? Yeah! Make that the whole movie and just give this guy the secondary character. Bank Broads! Yeah, Bank Broads. That's what we're gonna call it. That's us. You're welcome Hollywood, we just wanna say you're welcome. Paul Seed can direct. It will be a hilarious romp comedy, starring Melissa McCarthy and somebody else robbing a bank. All right. That's it for new releases. We're not gonna talk about that anymore. We do need to talk about weird breakfast inventions which means it's time for user feedback. [SOUND] [MUSIC] I thought we would be very Surprised and delighted by all the answers that we were gonna get? [CROSSTALK] Not a lot of responses, I think- Bacon gloves beat them all out. Well, $800 bacon gloves for sure. I think you ruined it for everybody, honestly. It's sorta rude. But when you have such a good idea, you just gotta get it out there. They do fingerless, by the way. Fingerless bacon gloves. Yeah, but they would be finger-lickin'. Fingerless, finger licking bacon gloves. That sounds like a kickstarter to me. Yeah. That sounds pretty great. We asked you guys to come up with your weird breakfast inventions. A few of you wrote in and came up with some good stuff. SpikeTiger wrote in to us and said who can can improve upon Rube Goldberg's TD breakfast other than a replicator? Oh, yeah. Yep. Got to have a replicator just to replicate that food. Jeff, one of our colleague copy editors. Jeff over at CNet. Jeff Sparkman. Wait, one of our own guys? Actually wrote back to us and watches the show. Amazing. Said spring-loaded jelly donut filler/launcher. I like that. Oh my God. That sounds terrifying. That sounds amazing. It's like a t-shirt cannon but for donuts. Yeah, you can just sit in one spot in the room and you just shoot donuts at people's heads. That would be amazing. And then Cru wrote in and said microwave pancake PB&J tacos. Which- Okay, wait. Let's work this out. Microwave pancakes. So you can make pancakes in the microwave, okay. And then PB and J Tacos, so you take a pancake and you fold it up and you put peanut butter and jelly inside it and make a PB and J taco. I think that's what happening. That actually sounds kind of brilliant. Wow! I'm going to be honest with you. Wait, he's done this before. True, you have eaten a million PB and J, Microwave pancake tacos. You know which ones we missed? The out of the world moon waffles that Homer Simpson used to make. You're so right. He would put liquid smoke in it. Yeah. And then cook it up. It was very gastronomy. It was really gross. Homer's not very good at making [INAUDIBLE] Well he's not good at making almost anything. I don't think. Shrinking. Wow. That got dark. Got dark real fast. On that note, should we cheer up and look at some pictures? Sure. Okay. It's time for our photographer of the day. [MUSIC] I'll be honest with you, I picked this guy because his name's Igor. Guy's name is Igor. He wrote in and said hello everyone. My name is Igor from Belgium. This is a picture of Las Umbra a river in Nemure Belgium. I thought about you guys while jogging and beautiful scenery so I thought I'd share. The second picture is La Citadel which is, well, a citadel from the middle ages. I hear that. Feel free to use whichever you like, and keep up the good work. From Belgium, with love, haha. PS, I took them with my SAMSUNG GALAXY CORE LTE, hence the bad quality. Sorry. Oh! But. Thankfully, somebody was just like, yeah, these photos are sweet. Sorry phone isn't so great like. Phone not great, but. I think that's an important part of phonetography. Yeah, you're being honest. Is being a good photographer, but pointing out when maybe your tools aren't so great. Yeah if your gear is failing. Right. We like to learn which has, what cameras have good phones. I do. I mean which Phones have good cameras, so it's good to know. Oh yes, I thought that was a nice little aside there. Thank you Igor. And Igor, thank you for sending in your photo, or your photos I should say. If you guys want to send in your photography, you can email us, tomorrow@cnet.com. Send us the picture obviously, a story about it, what device you took it with, and permission to use it on the show. Show. Don't forget that. Don't forget! And then of course, you can always follow the show. If you wanna know when it goes up, everyday, Monday through Thursday, on social media. We're on Facebook, Twitter, all that stuff. But really, come find us. Cuz we are We are super entertaining people, at least we like to think so. I'm at Ashley Scale on Twitter And I'm RightNowKaleAnonymous. But you probably won't hear from Kale unless he starts streaming BattleGearSolid. Which I think I may do tonight, depending on how good I get. What's your stream? I don't know if I should do the YouTube gaming one. Let's tell them both, and then that way they can just come look at both and see which one you're using. My YouTube is just KaelAnonymous, one word, and then my Twitch one is Twitch.tv/PowerfulStream, one word. So check Kael's streams if you want to see some Metal Gear Solid Five. The phantom pain gameplay at some point this week. And that's it for the show for today, we will be back tomorrow with a brand new docket of weird, wonderful side facts, science fiction, geek pop culture and gaming blowing up in your face. But until then, be humans. We'll see you guys next time. Bye.

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