GameSpot Plays: Just Cause 3
GameSpot Plays: Just Cause 3

GameSpot Plays: Just Cause 3

Gaming Hardware
Hello welcome to another game spot place. The final game spot place on this floor. So we've decided to do it on the lobby set, Rob Handlery Geez, it's an honor A pretty good games have come out in 2015, this is one of the last ones. Just Cause 3, you've been playing it, you've played it Bunch over the weekend and last week. Let's jump right in. Oh yeah. What's gonna happen right here? What's gonna happen right here, Danny, is earlier I just hijacked this helicopter. Looking a little bit worse for wear. Yeah, there are some SAMs, surface-to-air missiles establishments around these bases. So they do some damage. But right now we are going to show you the Some of the newer features. So right off the bat [CROSSTALK] What? You know. [UNKNOWN] grapples like in between his legs, so like so he's got the grapple, he can do whatever the hell he wants with it. Yeah, this is Rico Rodriquez, the same Rico Rodriguez. The same Rico Rodriguez. Yeah so you can just, this is you're mounting position on any vehicle. Ok, is it like idling? Is it just staying in the same place. Yeah it will do that Not for very long. Determined. Yeah, but **** this helicopter, let's get out of here. All right. Obviously you have your parachute, And then you've got your new wing suit, which is an absolute blast. So you used it- [LAUGH] This obviously faster But of course, unlike the parachute, which you can basically tether and pull anywhere and everywhere, this one is mainly just like altitudes and speed oriented, so you're not using this one as much. If you didn't want to like dive bomb, can you glide in it? Pretty effectively? Or is that mostly parachute? You can get pretty far, but it's when you're going uphill that the wingsuit eventually kind of- It becomes your [UNKNOWN] Yeah, and you hit the ground and it's not fun. Look at this weird town. It's got like skyscrapers and then this little like quarter up on the top that kind of looks a little bit older. Yeah. Actually I think that's like one of the military outposts. Oh they're still there, yeah. Yeah I think so. But this is, I think, one of the biggest cities In this game. Is the game big, Just Cause three? Does it feel big? It feels pretty big. I've put in twenty hours and I've only seen about half. You can actually look here. You start around here and I obliterated all this stuff. Blue is you and red is them. Okay. So I'd say this is roughly half but I think I've only got a few missions, as far as the story goes. The stories all right, but this surprisingly I've done 20 hours of just liberating and it doesn't get old. It's so fun. That's crazy. Mike's review he did say that the story stuff is probably the weakest stuff in the game. It's funny that you were able to do that much. Liberating, like 20 hours worth without having to care that much about some of the story stuff. Yeah, absolutely. You can ignore it a little bit. Look at this! [UNKNOWN] people. So I wanna show some new things off. We're in the mediterranean, right? Exactly right. Like some fake [UNKNOWN] or New York or something. Look at these people, look at these guys. Oh, [UNKNOWN] there. So one of my favorite things to do. [LAUGH] [INAUDIBLE] get these booster mines. We gotta upgrade. And the upgrade. This one is actually pretty cool, so, I'll show you all this. So, here's my mine. Now you start off, and you can turn these off and on which is great. So, it's not just like a basic like linear one way progression system. You go back and you can turn these off. So, right now I There just mines. But then I put on these and now they're booster engines. So they have rockets coming out of them. Right. And here are things that I've, you've unlocked these challenges, this one's called like Crash Bomb, they're scattered across the map and you upgrade with gears but there are things you'd want off like for instance, proximity trigger. Will go off only if an enemy is nearby. Right. So if I just want to use these boosters the way they are, I want that off and I definitely want this off which is like safety. It won't detonate if I;m above it. Right. Or near it, which is weird. So that's if you're exploding but if you're wanting to do all that crazy stuff where you're triggering it on People and vehicles you want to stop off. Exactly, and so you want to do stuff like this. [LAUGH] Or- You might as well give this lady [UNKNOWN] Yeah. It's a party. All right, now watch this. And we're playing on PC right now? Yeah, PC. We're getting a little bit [UNKNOWN] Oh you know I forgot when they get in this scared mode they won't do anything. It's let the animation [UNKNOWN] go physically. Yeah exactly. You gotta do it to someone who's calmed down a little bit. Let's try it one more time. Oh no. All these poor people. [SOUND] [LAUGH] Christ. Oh, shoot. [UNKNOWN] Sticking out his ****, Rob. [LAUGH] I heard you say before that kind of, they react and say like Rico, stop! And things like that. Yeah! They'll be like come on, Rico! Come on, man. This isn't funny. [UNKNOWN] An idea. Should be able. Sometimes there's a vehicle. Oh, that's right. LB. Okay. Oh, here we go. So, you can just. You can strengthen the mines back on there inside that building. [INAUDIBLE] [LAUGH] Video games. 2015. Little bit buggy I heard Mike saying in the reviews as well. Yeah, you have issues with the parachute Which will okay this should work out. [LAUGH] Try it out. He like cackled Yeah. so what you're gonna leave him go? So I let go I just lb and now the parachute's gone. Okay and now he's fine. He's. Whoa dude. He's **** chasing the wall. He's cool. This place is falling apart [LAUGH] Oh, that's good. That's [UNKNOWN] bro. You know it's funny only- Oh, that's good. Sometimes it great when they get a little air. Does it explode eventually? Oh, God. [UNKNOWN] Yeah, that's basically that. So you have a lot of fun. You got that graphic at the beginning? [UNKNOWN] frame right here. You got the graphics up pretty high? Yeah their pretty high right here. We can [SOUND] [LAUGH] That is new. How was the performance then? Actually. Fine, fine. This is a different computer so I haven't optimized it as well as I though I was. I mean It's been off and on. For me it's been pretty good all around. [UNKNOWN] I've heard that some stories coming out that people saying they're having a little bit of problems. Yeah just check [UNKNOWN] right now and maybe turn off [UNKNOWN]. This is a big one. Okay what are you going to do with this car. Okay, so this is key, so you're going to do this It's all about having the higher tether, and I missed to secure it. [BLANK_AUDIO] Good enough. Oh, nice. [INAUDIBLE] This should do it, he said. Yeah. [INAUDIBLE] [LAUGH] I don't think other people's let's plays of this game will then be shooting people but you've cut to the core of the Just Cause experience and it's just you sticking mines on your **** vehicle. Oh yeah and what I've also figured out is so you can eventually unlock six mines. I have four now. The thing is is that- [LAUGH] The thing is- That was presenting. [LAUGH] Present yourself. The thing is the more minds you have, the more erratic it will get. So you want only one mind. And I've also unlocked, in each one you get stronger tethers, more of them, these are stronger minds, longer boosts. More powerful. So, you eventually realize they become a little too powerful. Right. So, you just need like one, maybe early on, you want like [LAUGH] My car back over? Right. You know it. Look, it's still in condition. What are you going to do? [UNKNOWN] Oh, I know what I'm going to do. Okay. Alright. [CROSSTALK] This guy is doing something. What is he doing? His tire doesn't have it's emergency break on. He is a cartographer. [LAUGHING] He must be lost. Let me help you out. I just took someone [UNKNOWN]. Can you take more people out? Yeah. Actually yeah. [BLEEP] rubber necking. You should not be watching this. Come on. Not cool. See ya. [LAUGH] Oh no. He's gonna turn and run away. Stick it back onto the car. [LAUGH] Oh we got lucky. You got away this time kid. Oh yeah so cool so that's you know that's some of that. Let's let me show you all another cool feature. So this was supposedly I haven't played much of two I played all of one. But two you know and it goes with the ten of two. The big you know these guys at Square Enix realize like You know the tether is awesome. Let's exploit that. Another thing with mods that is populate, you can know, just drop in a vehicle, drop it where you want. [CROSSTALK]. You can do that in the game. Yeah you can, unfortunately you get these things that are called like beacons, you get a certain amount and obviously you can upgrade and you can get more beacons So I can do something like this where- Show some of the cars, yeah the- Yeah the cars. Oh, this one actually you'll get a kick out of this. This one is so dope. Oh crap, it's like a Formula One car or something. Yeah, it sounds great. So yeah, weapons, sniper rifles. How do you get the beacons in? And beacons, they from having nursing they just come off with that. They just like show up like every life but you can, you go to supply points and you get beacon and you get also a Travel flares in order to like essentially. Like fast travel back. Fast travel yeah. So gonna through this guy. Okay and then after while it kinda. It shows up. [LAUGH] [LAUGH] It's that quick. Jesus, everything in there at once. Amazon Prime baby. Yeah with confetti and stuff. Oh my god look at this nonsense. It's like a a Ferrari, i guess, or. Oh! [LAUGH] Rego Jeez guys is not- My car! Come back, give me my car back. [LAUGH] Jesus Christ. Wheels are still spinning. Damaging this F1 car is like killing me. This is like such a beauty. There you go. Oh you had it. You had it So yeah, you gotta be pretty delicate sometimes, but yeah I mean this is great, so you know, like I've been doing a lot of fun stuff where it's like all right here's an outpost, let me attack just a helicopter. I get inland and such and like, it's just dope. But like, different ways of attacking- Yeah. Outposts as well. I saw you [UNKNOWN] a Tank to a helicopter and then drop the tank from mid-air. Then jump out of the helicopter into the tank. That was really hard to do. Then later on, you'll get stronger helicopters. Here's actually a perfect amount. So, you're attacking bases, is there any around here you're going to attack? We have to get an airplane. But, this is great. Who's got another guy? Who's got another guy? [INAUDIBLE] So I realise is what's not, I mean one way of doing it is, all right I'll attach it to my car. But then of course I brought my car to the gas station and the car went through or past me and blew up the gas station. Oh no. So the easiest way to do this is, I'm gonna bring him around. [LAUGH] [LAUGH] And then you do some like this. [LAUGH] You gonna tether it the whole way? It kind of failed [INAUDIBLE] is hurt. Did it really? [LAUGH] Well I haven't done that part before. You killed him. You killed him. Why you do that? You just bring it. You just bring it. People are just watching like, **** man Rico is just the worst. All right. So what we got here? You're on an airfield somewhere? Yeah. This is an airfield that I have liberated. Come stocked with like a F4 [INAUDIBLE]. But they call it something different. Get the fast one. Get the fast one. You know it. So this guy is legit. I found this to be like one of the most successful ways to liberate a base. Is you show up in one of these guys. Bomb the ever-loving bejesus out of the bay. With unlimited bombs and rockets? Oh yeah. This game doesn't give a **** does it? This game doesn't give a ****. And you know what's funny? You know I'm all for realism but like video games where like maybe I'll go back to the runway and refill my ammo. No if that was the case this game would not be what it They're just like, nah dude, stay there and just destroy everything. [UNKNOWN]. So let's blow the bejesus out of it. Alright. I like how it's giving you like a UI for your car to get there and you're just like nope! Almost on top of that mountain! Oh yeah. So yeah. Vista. Unlimited. [LAUGH] Everything. Shoot everything! You gonna make a good first pass on this? Oh, yeah. Great. God. Pretty games though, like we said. It is. It is a very pretty game. Oh look at that a little air brake. Oh yeah. This is This a base? It looks like a, like thanks giving. Oh no, it's just a town. Are you going to bomb it? Well I wanted to show you me running into a statue with the plane, because I can do that pretty well. [LAUGH] Can bomb [UNKNOWN]. Yeah. See, probably the ideal thing is to blow up. Bring some heat man. Oh yeah. Oh look at the statue. Bring it. Yeah, the statue is gonna be mine in a second. Do you have to knock over the statues? Yeah. So to liberate a town and base you kind of have to follow the same things like, you gotta, so this is a prison right here. You've gotta bomb the prison, you've gotta release Kill all the prisoners. But now you release them which is kind of weird. It's like, I'm a rebel but I don't know what these prisoners have done. Some of them are probably prisoners of war but some of them are probably [LAUGH] [CROSSTALK] bad bad dudes and ladies But no, let them all out, **** it, start the rebellion. They're free but everyone's house keeps getting robbed. Exactly. [LAUGH] All right, so I've, you know, I've done a little damage now and then, but next on the agenda, actually, I can do this Pursue aggressively Oh, so scared when you do that, so scared when you do that. I know, I always get scared, but no, there's a boundary Oh my God. This is terrifying. Am I **** up the jet pack but, this will work too. Well actually so I'll do this so watch bam I'll turn these things off. So now they won't. Oh you can just switch them off. So now there's gonna be just [UNKNOWN] which is good because I'm trying to run this into a statute I don't want the booster mine. [INAUDIBLE] Yeah. You funked up your missiles. Yeah, no. All right, here we go. I'm not touching it, Rob. The final GameSpot plays on the third floor. Well now there's pressure. Can you see him? See that guy? Same [UNKNOWN]. Yeah. Over there to the right where the waypoint is. Yeah there you go. Good luck. You've got it. [LAUGH] All right well I guess that town. Nailed it. I guess that town wasn't liberated. Let's call it. Sure. The perfect Just Cause 3 experience. Rob Handley thanks for putting up all these sweet videos on Gamespot. Thanks. People can check him out on the site. That's right. For more hot Just Cause action, and if you're looking to pick up Just Cause, you're interested in this game, you're a little bit disappointed with some of the performance stuff. Let us know in the comment box below. We'll be back real soon with more Gamespot plays not sure where it will be, won't be here. Somewhere. Might just be our voices for awhile. But yeah stay tuned to for more of those. See you next time. [BLANK_AUDIO]

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