The future of the Internet of Things with Intel's Bridget Karlin (Tomorrow Daily 360)
The future of the Internet of Things with Intel's Bridget Karlin (Tomorrow Daily 360)

The future of the Internet of Things with Intel's Bridget Karlin (Tomorrow Daily 360)

On today's show Jeff and I deep dive into the fine arts of drone fireworks as entertainments, the UFO home that lives in the sea that you guys were very excited to talk about and of course, I IBM's quantum computing cloud experiment. And we do not talk anymore about robot tongues. But Bridget Karlin stops by from Intel to tell us about the internet of things, and how your home is going to get smarter. I'm so glad that everybody agreed that that robot tongue was The creepiest. The worst. [LAUGH] Tomorrow Daily. [MUSIC] Greetings, citizens of the Internet. Welcome to Tomorrow Daily, the best free talk show in the known universe. I'm Ashley Esqueda. And I'm Jeff Cannata. It's Thursday it's the best day It's the best day of the week, I know. It's a great day we've got lots of great topics today, you guys really had a lot to say about that UFO, the 'Unidentified floating object' Wow you guys really I love our hey TV talk backers, it's the best. Pretty good we got really great people. So without further ado let's hit that one. First up, drone fireworks. Yeah. This is my favorite story of the week in the sense of this is a thing that I need to see in person. I would like to experience it. I want to see it at football. Listen, we just got the Los Angeles Rams. We are going to have a stadium. [LAUGH] This is the kind of entertainment that I want to see at half time. Yeah. Man. This is a half time show. This is amazing. Look how cool. It's so coordinated. So basically we got, we got drones equipped with cameras and also equipped with- Lots of LEDs. Lots of LEDs. So they are creating these cool light shows in the sky. Yeah. These synchronized light shows that, can actually, almost. I mean they are spherical because they're in cages that have the LED on them, but you can see they almost look like fireworks. They're obviously not as big, we get it you guys, they're not as big, not as exciting as maybe a fireworks show but it is much. That is the one thing that made me think, how loud is this? 20 drums it just sounds like 1,000 swarms of angry bees. Yeah. But if you're playing music loud enough like in a stadium, you wouldn't really hear. There's no way this isn't part of the olympic opening ceremonies this year, right? I mean it's got to be. We're going to have some sort of drone. Well no, Tokyo 2020 because we've got. We got Rio this year, so who knows what Rio will have. I'll bet they have some sort of drone thing. But Tokyo 2020 I have been keeping tabs on, and and we did a story about manmade meteor showers. There's a company that wants to do this idea where you would put things up in and and instead let them go and it would be this manmade, very controlled meteor shower. Sweet. That would go over the the side, it sounds super awesome. Really wanna see that. Yeah! You can go back and watch that episode, it's really, really cool. So there's man made meteor showers, there's gonna be a robot village, at Tokyo 2020. Of course. Instead of the athlete's village, which they will also have. There will also be a robot village, because they will need a place to house, all the robots that are gonna be assisting people. Guiding them, translating for them. Imagine being able to speak English to a robot, and have it speak English back to you, or Any language. Or be able to, if you meet somebody from Japan, and you have a translator robot with you, you could talk to it just like Google translator. Amazing. You'd have a conversation- So by 2020, we'll all be robots, right? Because that's 30 years from now. It's a billion years from now. Could you imagine 2020 Wait a minute. It's like four years from now. Frightening, 2020. We are old. [LAUGH] We are so old. The thing is it's got, so Sky Magic really quickly before, and also we'll talk about some of our user feedback. Sky Magic also has these really great conceptual videos. Yeah. Where they have these ideas. You should definitely go check out Sky Magic's website because if you haven't seen it There's a lot of really great, as I said, conceptual ideas. There's some CG involved. But this, none of this is CG, and that was the thing- Cool. that I thought was just so great about this. Well when I was a kid, you would go to like the Pink Floyd laser light show- because they just figured out laser lights You know, or like, you know, you go see. Pink Floyd is a band for those of you who are unaware. Ask your parents. Yeah, ask your parents. But I feel like this is the new thing, like you go see Radiohead's drone light orchestration show. Well Muse is. This whole tour was called the drone's world tour and they incorporated a lot ideas, like drone ideas. [UNKNOWN] this is kind of entertainment that we're going to start seeing. [UNKNOWN] Adam wrote in using HeyTD and said I can't wait And so this can be the better option over New Year's eve fireworks, I agree. Really? Cuz I love fireworks. You think this is better? I don't. I don't think this is better than fireworks. I think it's a different thing. I'm gonna tell you right now. I hate fireworks. What? I hate fireworks, because two reasons. Why are you telling me this? Two reasons. One, I enjoy them in a location where it's controlled. I like going to, say, a show and seeing fireworks. That's fine. But when I'm at home, I'm gonna get a little angry right now. When I'm at home, there are a lot of people in my neighborhood who think fireworks are great. I see what you're saying. And they set off huge fireworks- That scare your dog. That terrify my dogs to the point where they are shaking. And I have to, not medicate them, but we have to buy stuff that calms them down and it barely calms them down Yeah. And so many pets escape their homes, they get hurt, they get killed because of fireworks in neighborhoods. I hate non-controlled fireworks, they are the worst ever. Yeah. And I'm sorry neighbors if any of you are watching this, you guys are awful, please stop doing that. It's just, and I don't want to say anything because I don't want to be like or I don't want to go out there and be like, get off my lawn, now you're ruining all your fun. It's right around the corner, too. 4th of July is coming up. It is, and it's really frustrating and I absolutely hate it. I, drones, great, fine, whatever. I'm sure your dog would not be too pleased with a swarm of angry drones in the sky. I'm flying drones around the house all the time. They love it. They try to bite them, they run after them, it's great. Fair enough. I wasn't thinking of amateur fireworks but you're right, amateur fireworks are annoying, but the big cool fireworks- The big giant stuff Great, beautiful, super awesome, love Disney Land park. Bedjam, our friend Bedjam also put in a user feedback and said "Hey TD! Drone fireworks seem like an awesome idea and much less dangerous. I'd definitely like to see a drone meteor shower." I'd imagine that's where you send the drones up So high that they hit our atmosphere and they just burn up. They just plummet. They just burn up in the, like that would be great. [CROSSTALK] Just use up a lot of drones in that meteor shower. Yes. Yes, very much. Okay let's talk about the UFO home because wow you guys had so much to say about this. Definitely the most popular story of the week, a hundred percent. And why not? And why, because really. [CROSSTALK] Floating home, are you kidding? [CROSSTALK] How could you not like a floating house. This is one person sustainable pod. Look at that! The design. That is you live in it, you- Shower in it. You shower in it. That's #butts. [LAUGH] Butts. We gotta, what is that, pixelate that. We gotta pixelate that, this is a family show. It looks like, do you ever have a What are those things called? Balance board? Yeah A giant balance board. I do like the welcome mat to the pirates that are going to show up and inevitably steal all your junk. Like because seriously, they're gonna know you're rich. But yeah, you guys have a lot to say about this. This is from Jet Capsule, who makes mini luxury yachts right now. You can actually buy a little mini, it's like tiny luxury homes but on the seas. They wanna make this, they say it's gonna cost $800,000, but People who buy them after the prototype made $200,000. So cheaper than the cost of a house here in Los Angeles. Let's all be honest. That's true. And probably the same amount of floor space. Exactly. Jay wrote in and said, sign me up for that UFO today. He's in. He's in. A hundred percent. He's saving his pennies. Roger wrote in and said, no floating pod, unless it is moored to shore in a secluded cove with no waves I prefer little to no rocking around in bed. [SOUND] [LAUGH] Then you don't come a knocking. Yeah, exactly a lot of people mentioned that they're like what's going to happen? There are storms in the seas. That are so with waves so big they would make a battlecruiser, battleship but you're tiny. You're not going, you're not taking your little pod house out to the sea I mean. I know. People live on houseboats already. That's very true. And you take your houseboat. Can you imagine the whole harbor. Not very far [UNKNOWN] people. Full of this like weird pods it would look like Something was about to hatch and kill us all and then Jim wrote in and said in reference to Tomorrow Daily's story on the floating Pod home, how about a more hydrodynamic underwater shape and semi aero dynamic shape above the water line and add a mast and boom. Then you might be able to move faster than five or six kilometers per hour. I think that's called a boat. A ship. [LAUGH] [CROSSTALK] gonna be a problem. They have those. I mean but, I could see where there could be some adjustments made. Derrick wrote in, said okay, you're floating out in the ocean and wondering why the mail is late, LOL. What happened to my bills? [LAUGH] Well guess what? I like how it's got a mailbox. You don't have any bills because You're out in the middle of the ocean, and you're living sustainably, yeah no more bills. No more bills, you got gills. You live out in international waters, you could probably escape your student loans. Anything goes, international waters. So I think, yeah, you just get out there and you're done. You can have a drone fireworks display out there, you don't care, who knows. Yeah, whatever you want, sky's the limit, guys. And then I would love a tiny UFO pod. Rafael wrote and said, I would love a tiny UFO pod but in the North Pacific Ocean close to Alaskan Coast so that I can admire the views and take photography. Yeah. I like it. Yeah. Exactly. If you live in a harbor like health book. And then the last one is [UNKNOWN] Who tweeted us probably the number one asked question about this [INAUDIBLE] If you poo inside of the UFO, then where do you think the poo goes to? The sea. I think it goes to the sea. Goes to the sea, or maybe there's a system they want to develop where it's like you go, and then it like it composts, almost, but then it's like for the ocean. Like you can release it out to the ocean after a certain amount of time. You have like a sewage tank? [LAUGH] I think that's called instantly. Well, yeah, I guess. [LAUGH] How much time does it need? [LAUGH] Do you feel weird about that, though? To do what? I feel like I'd be poo littering in the sea, that doesn't feel right. I think that's what most people do on boats. I think it just goes into the sea. You You know that fish poo in the sea, right? You're aware of that. [LAUGH] Yeah I have heard that. I have heard that. That's a really good point. Damnit, touche, all right. I think that's what, I mean correct me if I'm wrong if you are a experienced naval- Yeah, if you're a pirate or a sea captain, please Email us and tell us, cuz obviously, we live in a coastal area, but we do not, in fact, get out to the ocean very often. Yar, we poo in the sea. Yeah, I don't know that word. So yeah, that was what you guys all had to say about the [UNKNOWN], and so many more great, like YouTube had great comments, everybody had great comments about this. I think this thing could catch on, based on the sort of, underground excitement. [LAUGH] Underwater excitement that's growing. There's some real underground, yeah, there's a movement. This is an underground movement. Okay, last story, and then we will get out of here, and we'll come back with Bridget Carlin from Intel. Let's talk about quantum computing. This is rad, what Intel is doing. So if you missed the story yesterday, Intel, or I'm sorry, not Intel. Microsoft. IBM. IBM yes, right. I'm the worst. IBM is doing a thing where they have opened up a cloud portal where you're able request access and once you get access you have access to a five cubit quantum Computing. Sort of simulations. Right. Look how cool that is. This is amazing. So you can start doing the sort of linear, you can do logical equations for this computer to process as experiments. If you are interested in quantum computing. And on top of that, if you make something that. Too complicated for the five cubit machine, you can actually have that equation sent to IBM for their full [UNKNOWN] [CROSSTALK]. The idea behind quantum computing is that things exist in multiple states at once. So, it can actually do more calculations because it's doing them simultaneously rather than. Back to back, so- So let's say you have a regular computer. You can do an equation that's very linear. It's 1s and 0s, one at a time. Right. Okay, so that's a regular computer and that's what we have right now. So it's like it needs to go through it's process of solving an equation One zeroes one zeroes, like one at a time Like a human being would Like a human being would yeah, you walk through a process, exactly. Because that's how we know how to program computers. But with quantum computing Things exist in multiple states at once. Right Which kind of boggles the mind, it's a little bit beyond me about how that actually works. Ones and zeros can exist and be calculated simultaneously. Well no, it can be in the state of both one and zero at the same time. Right, it can exist simultaneously. Which is crazy town but I love the fact that they are opening this up. This is the coolest part of this for me. They're getting this kind of in the hands of people to use now Right now. Which is fascinating that they're allowing people to have access and kind of stress test these systems on their own and I feel like Anytime we see that, anytime we see you know with the world astronomy with any kind of science where, they're kind of letting people have access early. I feel like throwing amateur minds at all this stuff is such a great way to accelerate the progress on all these things. Sure. Because it's blowing open All of the amounts, the number of people that are, have input. Have access, and have input, exactly. And over time, like the IBM has said, what they want to do with this is they wanna scale it up, so it'll be five cubits now, and then some day soon, hopefully, with. With input from other people would be 10 qubits, then it will be 20, then it'll be 30. And they said the goal is to get through 50 cubic quantum computing machine, which would be the world's most advanced machine, in which it's It's really mind boggling if you don't work in that field and for a lot of it like we've said it's sort of hard to wrap your head around the idea of ones and zeros existing simultaneously to be able to do these multiple calculations all at one time. This is how Moore's law stays relevant, right? Because we get to the point where physically it's impossible to progress beyond. Shrinking stuff down or making things. So it's actually stacking processes one on top of the other, in order to continue Moore's Law and continue to have processors be more and more powerful. And that's extremely- If you imagine a square and a computer can go like this, like a little book. And now it can just do equations like this. Now imagine A bunch of those same squares all stacked up on top of each other. Right. Doing equations. All different equations all at the same time. Like that kind of quantum computing. Like visually. That something to think about. Yeah. This is really exciting stuff. It's not robot tongue. It isn't. But it is, I think. Let's be fair. Probably the most exciting story we've done in a long time. It's pretty cool. I feel like this is really, this is the thing that we're gonna be talking about. 10, 20, 30 years from now. Yeah. As being someone that changes [INAUDIBLE]. [CROSSTALK] And younger minds, like I think it's great that they're sort of doing this visual interface for the equations and stuff. So that younger people can get into it and really check it out. All right. [CROSSTALK] So kudos to IBM. Yeah. High five, IBM. High five. [CROSSTALK] Yeah. That is it for headlines. We're gonna come back with Bridget Karlin, the Managing Director of Internet of, Same group at Intel. I hear that Intel and IBM are trying to separate them and not go crazy. And then, we will have some really cool backer hack it stuff, and our into it's this week are pretty much the most predictable things in the universe. Its the best week though. You know what, you're gonna deal with it. [LAUGH} Because it's Tomorrow Daily, so don't click away. [MUSIC] [SOUND] Welcome back to the show friends. Our guest today, a very special guest, she is the Managing Director of Internet of Things Group at Intel. Which means she might have the answer to the question, should everything be smart? We're very excited to welcome Bridget Carlin here. Thank you for being with us Bridget. [LAUGH] Thank you for having me. It's a pleasure. Yeah, we're so excited to talk about the Internet of Things because this is sort of a A very broad category. And a lot of people don't really even maybe know what specifically the Internet of Things is. Maybe we should start there. What is IoT, as we love to call it. So the Internet of Things is essentially taking everyday objects and connecting them to the Internet so that they can collect and share and analyze data so that we can extract more meaningful information. So in a nutshell it's taking things like your phones, appliances, your cars and connecting them to the internet so that we can get the data off of them and then understand a little more about what's happening with the device. So that will, what's the end goal there? The idea being that. Our houses, our things, our appliances will all better able to serve us, right? Right. And so the purpose of connecting these devices and getting data off of them is so that we can understand a little bit more about the environment, the conditions around you. These are translating into new types of experiences, new types of business models And for many of us, better efficiencies with businesses, with our resources, and being able to sustain our environment. So, let's talk a little bit about smart objects. So every year at CES we see Amazing things at the Intel booth. And a lot of silly things all over the place. Yeah. For sure. So we've seen spider dresses, we've seen interactive baby onesies, we've seen laptops with Intel chips in them. And we see a lot of products. Obviously Intel does a lot of different things. So We don't expect you to know every single product that Intel's ever put a chip into. But in terms of sort of trends that we've been seeing in Internet of Things what do you think are the most popular Internet of Things products? Or sort of ideas that we've really kind of seen bloom in the last maybe six months or so and going forward. Great question. Well, I think we're in a very exciting time. We're in an era of computing where customers are choosing experience over product features and functions. And what we're witnessing are three basic trends. The first one is that we're becoming a smart and connected world. So all these chips that we're embedding into things are helping us Make the device itself smart and then connecting it. So that's the first thing that we're seeing. The second thing we're experiencing is that the computers are gaining sensing. We call this the sensification of computing where we used to see in 2D now we get to see in 3D. We can detect Temperature and motion and things like that. So that's, we're gaining more senses from our devices. And then the third thing is that the computers are now becoming an extension of you. So we know how we take our smartphones everywhere we go. Now we have our smart watches. And we're seeing that more and more in devices where we're now becoming more seamlessly integrated with our technology. And you mentioned CES, it's a terrific show. A lot of really cool technology technologies, it's a great showcase. But you see things like for sports. We now see what started with smart glasses we now have, we have a partner called Oakley. Their a Luxottica smart eyewear brand and they've integrated voice and storage and processing into glasses. So that as your runner and you've got your sunglasses on, it can start giving you voice-activated coaching. Wow And one of the things it starts to incorporate new experiences that we didn't originally expect that out of our glasses Right. So new kinds of things like that. Yeah. Keep breathing, keep breathing Jeff. [LAUGH] Don't stop breathing Jeff. [CROSSTALK] Don't run too fast, you might break your ankle. That would be me, don't run too fast Ashley, you're gonna hurt yourself. So in terms of, one of the things that I have sort of noticed Is cars integrating with internet things. So as your driving home, you kind of let your car know, hey, I'm on my way home. Or, now, it just sort of knows you're on your way home and says like, I should probably bring down the thermostat a couple degrees. in them, like get out. I feel like now we're training our cars to be our dogs, where they bring you your paper and your slippers. Yeah, I'm ready for that. And you get home and it's all very nice and cozy and stuff. So do you think that when you are Sort of managing the strategy of Internet of Things Group at Intel. What are the types of questions you sort of ask yourself in terms of, is this something that Intel wants to get into? And how do you kind of make those decisions? Cuz obviously as we've mentioned, Intel does a lot of things. And so how do you say, this also Is within Intel's vision, but is pushing the envelope in terms of what can be done. Yeah, great question. I mean, when you're thinking about strategy, and what markets you should go into, what technologies are appropriate for that market, you first start with the customer. You start with what Problems we can solve and that initial is how we approach innovation and I would say we look at the IOT and sort of two basic segments. One segment would be consumer where you got your watch And in fact that's a really exciting area for us because analysts and telling us that we're gonna have about 780 million wearables by 2018. Wow. So it's happening. [LAUGH] [CROSSTALK] Things you've never even thought of. And then the second sort of bucket is the industrial side. And that by far and away when we think about the total economic opportunity for IOT which is about 4 to $11 trillion globally, about 70% of that is Coming from the industrial side. When you think about the industrial side, what does that mean? Well, it's transportation. It's retail, it's healthcare. It's smart buildings- You even have, I was gonna say you had CEF this year, a smart hard hat. Yes. This was really cool. That is so cool. That is with a partner called DAQRI, and they took essentially our Intel RealSense technology which enables 3D and that sort of thing, plus our processors. And they took what used to be the old hard hat and they made it smart by putting in these technologies. And they created an augmented reality situation. So when you have an industrial worker out on the oil rig repairing something. And if he's up there and they say, hey this part needs to be replaced as well, they can, In real time, send him the schematic, so that he can look literally see through augmented reality, in 3D, the schematic that he should work on, and exactly where to go fix the part. And it will give him the instruction plus be able to do the real time collection of the data. So that is the kind of thing, when we think about new experiences. But really new, product, and production level efficiencies. We never even thought that, in the past. Yeah, it's really interesting to sort of think about the idea of Convenience giving us more time to create? Yeah. Or to sort of pursue other interests? I mean obviously in the Industrial Revolution that was sort of the start of leisure time for everybody. [LAUGH] Yeah. We're able to sort of have leisure time. And now with robotics, IoT and all of the different things that we kind of have coming together and converging right now. We're starting to see maybe a second age of that where we're like okay, So now we're increasing productivity in the industrial market. Or increasing convenance in the personal market. You're sort of able to kind of get that sense of. Well what do I do with this little tiny bit of like two minutes. Yeah. Of extra time I have now? Well it adds up over time. Like what do I do with that time? Yeah, and you mentioned when we think about the crossover where you can see IOT taking hold in the industrial side, like, let's talk about retail. So Levi's is one of our customers, a great partner, and they essentially were trying to address one of the big retailer challenges, which is out of stocks. I mean, the last thing you wanna do as a retailer is not have the right pair of jeans in the right spot when you go in and you wanna buy them. So we implemented our Intel IOT platform which also includes Intel retail center capabilities and we worked with Levis to read the data of off their RFID tags that are already sewn into your jeans, so as the jeans literally move around the store like the dressing room, or on the shelf or something, the store knows exactly where those jeans are. And knows if they've been sold or if they're stuck somewhere in a corner. So when a shopper comes in, they can make sure that they've got the right pair of jeans in the right spot for the consumer. So- That's awesome. The consumer benefits cuz they get the product they want. And the retailer, in Levi's case, makes sure that they've got the right product at the right place. [UNKNOWN] like that story just for some reason reminded me of being a kid, where you take a bunch of clothes into a round rack and you would just pile them in there like as a fort, everybody did that right? I don't think I did that, no. Well now they'd be able to find those pants much easier, I'm so sorry bullet [LAUGH] Yeah. I'm so sorry. All the poor employees are like. That's where they are. Harris' co. Like I'm so sorry. What do you think is a product or an appliance or an item or an object in our world. That is not smart. That should be smart.>>> Well that's a great question. I think rather than trying to answer that, I think what should be smart that isn't is sort of like, I think the question is what's next.>>>Yeah.>>>Because literally, it really is up to our imagination. In fact, Intel sponsors America's Greatest Makers. It is a new reality tv show. T.V. show where are have inventors coming on that have thought up of all kinds of things like taking a glove that will now translate gestures into speech Right? Yeah. Or helping a kid put a intel processing into a toothbrush so you keep the kid on track when he is brushing in the wrong direction. That was the impetuous of asking you on. Right? Gum plays, this little attachment in Japan that it syncs to an app and it lets you either watch the news, play a video game, or play a song while you brush your teeth. And we're like, do we need this? But then that's the point, you've gotta keep kids on track sometimes and that's a really good way to do it. And another one is a brain controlled joy Stick. So think about, when you're gaming, or even for, the disabled, that have the ability to do these kinds of controls. So the possibilities, are really endless. And when we think about, what's the one thing that should be smart, we sort of think of it more like, what's the next thing that's gonna be made smart. Right. So pretty much, it's an inevitability, for just about anything that you have ever used. And I'll you, you mention, you touched on with our CES show, with the Intel Curie module, literally the little processor the size of a button, going into things like a toothbrush or something like that. In addition to that technology, we have 5G communications coming out that we're investing in. And that's another technology that will make not only these devices smart but make the connectivity and the experience much more seamless. So they're not just smart in isolation, they're smart together. And they'd be able to share data back and forth with each other. So my glasses, when I'm running are like you forgot to brush your teeth yesterday. [LAUGH] Your toothbrush told me. I'm very He said that your breathe smells bad. Well thank you. Seems we're just about out of time. But thank you so much for coming in and stopping by. My pleasure. We find IOT and, I mean we love future tech here obviously. And everyone at home love future tech. So Thank you for coming by and talking to us about this. Stop by anytime. Well you know it's my pleasure, on behalf of Intel. I think we're at a time where technology is being valued not just for the devices that it makes, but for the experiences it makes possible. So true. And I think that's very exciting for us. Very cool. So, so true. Thank you so much. That was The very lovely Bridget Karlin, stopping in Managing Director, Internet Things Group at Intel. We will be right back. We've got a lot more delightful things that are gonna happen on this show that you're probably more familiar with. Stick around. Stick around. [BLANK_AUDIO] [MUSIC] Welcome back to the show. Thanks again And Bridge Karlin. Is there any part of that stuff that were you like I don't want all of that stuff listening to me. I mean that's a huge topic I know but just Yeah. I mean there's always the, it's hard because there's always sort of the fear of privacy issues. Like that's of course the most important issue of the 21st century, in terms of computing is personal privacy and internet of things, this is a really big deal But I think over time companies, including hopefully Intel, will find ways of sort of protecting that information so maybe it becomes an encryption issue. But I do think at some point this is going. Going to have to become. That information is going to have to become encrypted. It can't just be like your T.V. is just listening all the time to what your saying and it is going to serve you ads on your phone based on what your saying. We can't have that. You got to able. We have to be educated about this so we can decide how we want to progress. It is tough because in order to get all those great things we think of cool features, we need to have some of that. It's an interesting place. A sweet spot that we need to find. Are you ready to talk about this little drone that honestly after the drone racing thing last week I think that everything is a little bit less exciting [LAUGH] than what could possibly be. But do you want to talk about a video game drone. Yes. I have been wanting to talk about a video game drone forever. Let's talk Back It or Hack it. [MUSIC] I found a funny [UNKNOWN] And I thought it was terribly fascinating. This is LUMI. LUMI, the video game drone. And there's some really good technology aboard this drone. It's cute. It's small. You fly it in your house. And how this works is there are different options. So you'll see this video. This is follow me technology, very ease to control, they have these games that you can play, there's obstacle avoidance, it will avoid hitting stuff, that's always my big problem when I fly drones in the house. What a first world thing to say. When I fly drones in the house. [LAUGH] And it will flip. Yeah. You can do one touch stunts so you don't actually have to know the controls to teach your drone manually how to do flips or do spins or things like that. You can actually just do it with the touch of a button here. Which is the thing that they want. They want the serious Accessible sort of fun thing. So they have gamified flight, you can do this Lumi on the beat thing where you tap all the stuff where it's like "here's the one to tap and I'm going to do this thing" and it changes its flight patterns and all that [INAUDIBLE] It's really cute. But I wanna know, is this the future of toys? Nope. Does this seem like the future of toys to you? It does not. I say no, I say no. I think this is one of those things that you unwrap on Christmas morning, and then like 15 minutes later, it's sitting in the corner while the kid plays with actual toys. Actually, that's fighting words. You know what I mean? I feel like this is a thing that gets old real quick because it only has a few sort of set stuff. I mean what's fun about drones, I think what is why people get drones is the piloting is having full control over it and taking it where you want and You know and exploring and putting the camera on and knowing all this cool stuff, but that's because you have complete control over it. This feels like it is opening up drone flight for a younger age group- Okay, yep. By taking away a lot of Of that freedom and just having a small subset of pre-programmed actions. [CROSSTALK] Okay, yeah that makes sense. Right, which is cool, but I think I truly think that it'll probably get old very quick. Is it one of those things that you would play with it for like five minutes and then you'd be like, I want a real drone. Probably, yeah. You're like where's my DJI Phantom, Mom? It's like some five year old. Mother, I'd like a DJI Phantom please. Yeah, I mean, it, I don't know. When you said video game drone, I was hoping that somebody put a Playstation on top of a drone, and then you can walk-around. Yeah, that would be amazing. I mean, we have seen many things mounted to drones. I would like to see a drone with a screen mounted to it. There you go. So that I could watch movies while I was [UNKNOWN]. Right, just chasing it and playing video games. Come back, drone. I don't want a drone that chases me. I wanna chase a drone. Yeah. Maybe it's like, okay, you want to talk about something that'd be great. Guys, [UNKNOWN], scrap this idea. Make a drone that you can set a cupcake on top off. And then have me run after it. And then as soon as I hit my goal, it pops the cupcake into the air and I can grab it. That'd be great. That's the technology I need to start seeing. You need to get that on Kickstarter immediately if not sooner. Don't steal that idea everybody because I'm coming. What should we call it? We should call it Drumcakes! Yeah. We should call it- Drumfit. Cake on a stick! [LAUGH] Just like a carrot on a stick but with a drum, we're modernizing the carrot on a stick. Yeah. I think that that is a great idea. Yeah. And I think a lot of people would agree with me. I'm just saying. You run, right? I do. I don't run now nearly as much as I would if the cupcake was in front of me. [LAUGH] I'm saying, I feel like you put a favorite snack food there and you just do your jog. And it's like, okay, hey I'm gonna dole out a hundred calories of this every mile you go. Can I one up your idea? Yeah. What if it's a mystery item and when you get to the end you find out whether it's a cupcake, or maybe it could be- If it's Mario Kart. Some sort of treat. It could be Doritos, you don't know. It's gonna be good, it's gonna be something good but you don't know what it This has to exist, you guys, right? Like I feel like this is the thing that must already exist. You just put in something that fits the weight class and then it just like makes you chase it and you're like, wait come back. What you do is you take an easy bake oven and you put it on a drone- Amazing. With a spring loaded catapult so that as you run, it can launch little, tiny cakes out in your mouth and you This is why we are marketing geniuses. Guys, we're gonna be millionaires. We're gonna quit this show next week cuz by then we'll be rich. So I think we're not backing it. [LAUGH] Here's the thing it's, okay, they want $25,000, the flexible goal, which is not a terrible amount of money. That's not a terrible amount of money. How much is an individual one of these things? Right now the early bird is 59 bucks. And it comes with the drone and it comes with the cable, batteries, like all this stuff, and they said basically it will retail for 90, I think $109 or a hundred and, 100 bucks, about 100 bucks. And then it has the app and all that stuff. And then there's also a higher. Level. I think its close to 150. That is sort of an SDK kit. So you get the drone and everything. And program your own stuff? And then you program your own stuff. That's fun. So that's kind of fun. And for the price of a BBA Sparrow, its around the same price as a fun interactive toy. But isn't it better when your BBA Sparrow can do whatever you want it to do? It doesnt just have like six tricks that it does. You push a button? I don't know. Well, but it can watch Force Awakens with you. I know, that's cool. That's pretty great. And now they added a bunch of other languages, so now you can watch Force Awakens in like Japanese. BB-8 knows Japanese now. That's good. That's what droids are for, really. But seriously, you guys, cupcake drone. Cupcake drone. Make that happen. You wanna talk about Into It? Yeah, let's do that. Yes. [MUSIC]. Friends. This is a great week. Wow what a week of contents. If you are a geek and you like things that are awesome, it's really. Who isn't? We, Ashley and I had sort of pass up of which one of us wanted, which of this. We both have the same into it. Yeah. Producer Logan asked guys what do you in for this week so I can pull graphics, trailers and B-roll and all that stuff. And we both said the same two things. So we each decided to just pick one. So why don't you just start? I will. You know what guys? It's finally here: Civil War. Maybe you've heard of it. It's a small indie film that hopefully will make some money this weekend because I would really like to see Marvel make another movie. I mean, who knows what they're capable of? This scene is so good. It really is. Every scene is so good. Ashley and I have already seen Seen it and we both love it more than we should. More than life itself. I am obsessed with this movie, Black Panther. Chadwick Boseman is my heart. He is so regal and terrifying. Spoilers And also so vulnerable. It's so great. Tom Holland is Spiderman. What? Yes all day everyday give it to me I'm ready for Spider Man homecoming. I wanna see that movie so bad. I'm in. Yeah, you're already going who're we kidding you're already going to see it. You're going you already got a ticket. You're gonna see it. Let us reassure you. Some people have already seen it. Because it came out last week internationally. Internationally yeah. So we just haven't seen it yet. But let us reassure you, you're money was well spent, you're time this evening or tomorrow or whenever you're seeing it this weekend We're just gonna reassure you and say, you're gonna have a good time. Yeah, you're gonna find one of the best uses of your money, your hard earned cash this weekend. Just go see it, go see it. And then go onto Twitter and talk about it with us cuz we have been Dying to talk about this movie with everybody and we have not been able to. That's so good. And now people are finally gonna get to see it and I can have these conversations with people, and we'll get to see the post credit trailers. There should be two. Yeah, there's one we haven't seen. There should be a mid credits trailer Trailer. Then we have post-credits trailer supposedly that we did not see because of the press screen they did not include that. Another thing that's coming out this week that a lot of people have been waiting for. Another indie thing. A small little release. Uncharted four, a thief's end. Naughty Dogs, I think they say the last Nathan Drake adventure. And maybe more their magnum opus. We have both been playing this as well and my goodness is it good.>>>Great.>>>Yeah, this is them at the top of their game.>>>Yeah.>>>They have nailed cinematic storytelling in video games.>>>So well.>>> It is. I think they have improved pretty much every aspect. The fighting system has been improved. Stealth. The stealth system is improved. Really great. But even the climbing and exploration stuff. Very good. It's outstanding. The story is wonderful, the acting is fantastic. The graphics are insane. This is the first PS4 Uncharted game for real. It's so pretty Yeah, its real, real good There's a lot of chitter-chatter on the Internet right now about the Metacritics. Score for Uncharted 4 and people are flipping out. Hey, listen guys- What is it? Don't get angry. Somebody was screaming at I think the IGN reviewer because she gave it an 8.8 and they're like [NOISE] and people were freaking out. Listen. It's real good. Right now, the multi-player, because it's not out yet, is in these sort of time, they're in these little time windows, and I can't speak to the multi-player yet, because I have. Yeah, I can't either. It's not, it's like I haven't played it really, and it's like I can't get a sense of it. I'll know better when everybody has the game. So, I think that is probably part of a lot of it, but really, I mean, just the single player alone is so good, and it. I'm not all the way done with it, but I just, wow. Yeah. Get that game if you have a PS4. It's interesting, I have- And if you have an Xbox, sell it and buy a PS4 and get Uncharted. [LAUGH] I don't know, dude. I was comparing it in my head to Tomb Raider, which was such a great game from last year. I think Tomb Raider is a better Video game? Yeah okay I believe that [UNKNOWN] started as a better sort of, movie as game. It's a better story telling experience Right, but I think that But we're only two in, we're only two in, would you compare Uncharted 2 To the second rise of the tomb raider. I mean, well, I mean. That's hard to do. The tomb raider names, I love the roleplaying system that they have. Mm. The leveling up systems. All that cool stuff, I think makes that game more fun. I think there's some great puzzles in Uncharted 4, but the density of the puzzles in Tomb Raider, I think is better. It's so good. But just The way you're kind of playing through a film, experience, Uncharted, amazing! it does feel like you're playing through a film like that's what's really cool. It makes me playing Uncharted 4 makes me excited for an uncharted movie. Yeah. Like, I got to see that movie. Also there's a soft spot in my heart for Nathan Drake, because people tell me I look a little like him. That's true, and also if you have seen the mobile version Of the Uncharted mobile game. It's actually creepy. Can we get, Logan can you get a picture, can you put Jeff up on the screen just by himself, and can we get a comparison there? Yeah, yeah, there it is. So I'm saying it is uncanny. I mean I'm just saying- I hope you have your lawyers to call. My lawyers have been alerted. [LAUGH] Very serious. All right, that is it for everything that we talk about on the show. Except for our very last thing which is our Phonetograper of the Day. [MUSIC] Scott wrote it, our old friend Scott. Scott? I just act like everybody He's just been an old friend for so long. Scott wrote in with this picture on his iPhone 6S Plus. Of Spring And says, he gave us a reason why he chose this particular picture. Hi Ashley, Jeff, and Logan. I was walking through the courtyard of my office after lunch today when I noticed this little guy popping up from a literal sea of concrete so I captured the moment on my iPhone 6S Plus.I thought that this really capture the resilience of Spring. Spring time because despite all of the foot traffic through the area and lack of any real soil, this flower has managed to survive and endow us with a little beauty and color in an otherwise gray surrounding. I tried to get the flower to sign a consent form but no go. So instead, you have my permission to use it on the show. Thanks for the constant entertainment, Scott. Great picture. There's a little poetry in this picture There is! There's a little, little something to be said. I like the diagonal, it cuts across the picture. Mm. It's a nice slice of, it's really good. The composition is actually quite good. I. Spring. A plus. Spring will not be denied. No. You can try to pave over Spring. Spring won't be having it. Winter might be coming. But Spring is here guys. [LAUGH] That's right. Spring is here. If you ever want to send in your phonetography like Scott did. To potentially be featured on the show. Email it to us tomorrow at Yeah make sure you tell us what device you took it on. Give us permission to use it on the show. Tell us how to pronounce your name and also give us a little story. We love finding out why you took that particular picture. Yeah, and our theme this month is Spring. Which we just mentioned but we figured we'd just reiterate that for you I love it You can also find us on social media. We're Tomorrow Daily all over the shop on the internet and we're also at You feel generous and you'd like to share the show with a friend. Do you want to be a little selfish this week? That's fine. Keep it yourself. But then next week share it with somebody. [LAUGH] Sometimes you can keep the show to yourself. But other times you want to just give. To people, so you give that. Great gift for Mother's Day. And it's a great gift for Mother's Day. A little piece of paper that says and just send her right over. Hi mom, hi mom. Happy Mother's Day mom. That is it for this week's show. Thank you again to Bridget Carland from Intel for coming and talking to us about Internet of Things. She was delightful. We will be back next week. With a brand new docket of science fact meets science fiction. And becoming as I have said when you were gone this week. A delicious sandwich that I would like to see. So. [LAUGH] That is it. Thank you so much guys. Until next time. Be a good human. Bye. [MUSIC]

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