Ep. 801: Where just like Sacajawea, Erica is moving out west
Ep. 801: Where just like Sacajawea, Erica is moving out west

Ep. 801: Where just like Sacajawea, Erica is moving out west

And you. It's Monday April 18 2011 and you're listening to the full report podcast -- show. I think well I'm Jeff Bakalar I'm both day and I'm Justin yu and this is the show weighed just like. Can't wait till I did I know it should be very I'll wear it just like -- Julia Erica is moving out west. -- -- I can be part of the show yeah I'm yeah. Ladies and gentlemen all the way from my San Francisco headquarters. -- -- and how are you Erika and it will query. This -- and yet the writing for CNET purposes and -- -- -- -- hi Erica Erica is being newly wed. In T just like me so congratulations to look at the both of us to do it but -- and -- -- -- -- and another note -- And not -- together with me -- okay. Now. I can't remember that some of any of them recommend persons -- -- that -- can get enough. I. It didn't how are you Erica thank you so much for being here -- -- pretty. -- -- on purpose and show off it's. So what you think of our fine city. I mean I -- you've been -- -- -- she was really upset because the what is it Teddy Roosevelt house is close okay. -- its army and -- learn from -- had to -- united all the boomer is a good thing that's the only thing you told them. Hello I'm satellite came -- New -- I did it's well known and interest and Vincent know. I don't know why I mean everything I -- I was historical landmark -- -- interests. Closed his house won't. Let me just it was only close on us but still -- -- ever call -- now it's not like the -- -- bacteria. For the weekend -- and it up close before I don't understand. -- close well I. -- -- that's the part that sucks the most by a new markets like it -- is close on the weekend Sunday or Monday when people can actually go yeah yeah yeah unbelievable. Anyway I really -- electricity despite. And today finally got some nice weather. Yes it's pretty good -- -- there was -- little windier and yeah I am I did lots of walking -- -- -- -- -- I am not here for just -- loveless purchased and rented you can. -- -- -- -- Released senior of the first -- to actually see it because every that tell you know -- a -- is in New York. Orbiting about how much -- featured right yet well. So that's like an I didn't have to accede rights -- way. I keep your -- bitching like walking up the assembly -- -- -- I think I had a buddy who has independent from Chicago my -- -- was here last week. And he's from a big cities Chicago and he complained about the walking and -- yeah. From Chicago is three boxes currently. And he is gonna -- and the reason people walked that much in San Francisco even though the city's only seven by seven -- well -- Because. Prince Edward Island. I -- live blanket ten minute -- from the closest. -- -- -- And it's straight at. And finally hearing my -- in my computer yet I get read. Your shirt that's understandable but you know -- -- as walking between. -- Were you here for -- -- It was it was -- this Saturday it was not only did foursquare because that's where did you make that. Now that is -- probably worse -- cared for sixteen. Well that was part of the nerd -- but Mayor Bloomberg actually made this Saturday foursquare today. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And an I didn't get your till evening and I didn't I -- an yeah I wouldn't know it and the Zoellick would happen he loses on this question and is again number one spot. -- -- Really Bloomberg did this they -- cells. That's. Where I'm elected I -- up and -- -- rights of get a few stories in the run that that it would love to discuss with Erica if you militants shore suite. -- -- we can thank god all our talk about something that I I think we can all. Speak on behalf of -- of you this is uninteresting story about a comedian. I heard. Just heard about interfaces you're making -- okay so I don't wanna talk about this -- north America's heard about this -- down. I I I feel very strongly about this really worried because I don't know which I usually -- -- really you think I'm taking. But -- -- side evil side there's a comedian on YouTube okay. He Phillies a 21 year old from Michigan. He filmed himself. Singing in front of a a group of children and an elementary school -- He sing them a lovely song they -- they giggled it was cute. Okay done. Then he goes into the same classroom -- its anti. And proceeds to sing. The filthy disgusting on the development and I can hear it schools closed no one heard -- He then which is what I would've done -- -- however. -- went home and idiom that tanks caught yet Q performances together. Look like the children were laughing at the obscene song okay yeah basically one of the oldest tricks you can -- -- yet okay. Apparently this got this you know made headlines. And believe it or not I'm not joking this poor kid -- -- got sentenced to two months in jail. I'm not joking two months in jail for them for doing the video -- okay. Now will say yes you whats -- -- you line I. I'm actually an apparent side I'm on it and I'm yeah definitely nebulous territory now now he's okay -- now I'm gonna say phew okay -- okay it's number one. Made the big problem with this means that apparently. -- I don't know what the details are this this article does not get into that it apparently heeding. He really would get their permission right it will rest of the crowd it's a prank gone horribly it is a problem which is a problem -- -- but other then the lack of a permission. Okay. I see no reason. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Now he did this and I'm imagining obviously the parents they they sign waivers yeah okay but now how would the kids I guess it's. It's reasonable to imagine the kids saw this eventually right right well it. You know I don't know it's not -- he sent it to their house hearing mean okay so if -- is two months in jail. -- like is this what the kid deserves two months in jail but what kind -- what is that humans or is it for not getting permission. Or I think or -- I'll prostitution because -- -- had to do with sexually explicit lyrics. And when the parents so that -- sued him for job prosecution even though they weren't in the right because we hooked all these -- right are so without giving without hitting a patch management network. The study area the original specific law that he -- -- whatever the the original character had -- -- to get the next few days and threat so this together and like years this would have been -- he also would have been listed as a sexual -- healing touch one child -- tag. On two years' probation. And 200 hours of community service do you know -- long that is yes. Yeah let's put it on the couple's explicitly ridiculous okay mandatory counseling fines and costs. I'm sorry and then ultimately gives -- -- jail he's not allowed to come within like 500 feet of any child under seventeen right. Which is okay and he himself has 21 -- I got a little brother -- sixteen exactly right so. What the ho lol let me ask you -- can you seem to be on the side of the I'm not saying that it was -- yet but I guess I'm saying he should have gotten permission from the parents if you're a parent and use all your -- in this video -- write this with sexually explicitly right you would be angry I but I would not necessarily enough to press charges now I would -- -- them on a maniac I would have. I would have a -- that it -- been like many little Jimmy learning and did you you know you just you and you you know did you hear that song you know yeah I didn't hear it and your -- -- was cool he's saying is on about your essence of the great regret. -- but like I feel like that just. It's really just about violating your rights and then also write and I'm with -- on that and it's not cool that -- get permission it's a cool but you know if there's so obviously like it was just a joke and threat rank right but as a parent. -- my kids exploited that way usenet is six weeks with site and it does he -- but does he deserve two months in jail too much isn't that -- -- -- lot on -- You guys are eager to -- Erica and I. Agree with them it's -- any more information when in need to know. So the charges actually child prostitution that seems extreme but it's. Clearly he fits in this category is a technicality yet. And I that our ideas you'll control it because clearly he does not process children -- -- sucks by the way. -- -- is great the initial sentence was let's be twenty years expert child porn dogs so -- I didn't agree we got it down to him that he's. Corny you really told what are you -- -- -- satellite Centre well I mean like if not this actually goes back to something I remember a couple years ago. Is about fifteen years ago I think that the Supreme Court. There was a case where someone had virtually created child pornography. Like no children involved with -- reflects all zebra it. And they ruled that you know it's one of those things it's -- -- And it could potentially hurt children that it's still legal even though no children were actually hurting I'm almost I almost agree with that because it's the the act of which is. Off you know it but there's no link that -- kid was a good news using -- -- using. -- -- and I edition addresses like mile thing is is like the oldest joke in the book you know like making you know it would admit qualified to do is like us. -- like you're sitting at night I don't know that is easily one of been funny though. I. That's all that matters is the matter is that these kids groped Scarlett and I agree like -- don't get me wrong if you wanted to do this the right way -- you should have been on pissed off -- -- because you should've done the right way. You get twenty kids permission I -- -- you you could find it if it's not hard. You know you pay and maybe twenty bucks for that time you make sure the kids every shoot video. You can -- it. Case -- and not in jail for sixty days you know. I think it then also brings up like a bigger question being in the media like when I say if I have to interview like a child. I have to be sure that I get their parents' permission and Alex anybody does -- upload anything to YouTube and it be seen by millions of people -- potentially be like very scarring. Right I like that sort of where it blurs the line right but how. How many how many Judd Apatow movies have you seen or dad in -- was where kids appear like their hearing the most. Gruesome stuff ever and -- -- areas. But yes there's a line it's acting and permission and what not and what I mean this child actors churn out perfectly normal. All I -- -- -- public -- lot of progress in the journal molecular data. You're gonna marsh and eventually I feel directly on the Oprah -- -- -- had a rough start yeah I would like the world that's wanted to. I thought it right. -- -- There essentially steady production company is an -- not -- the discussion go to jail but maybe we just need to moderate. Appropriately and it doesn't it. Sooner if that was a good option during sentencing that operates two months in jail or you can -- -- area all of it. I don't think you in the -- -- -- that it's got a kick in the pants. -- time is too much and as the offender over -- -- on sex registry to differ of course -- -- -- even the kitten kicked in the balls is too much of punishment filed -- a final -- five grant hungry loud. Right and reducing -- -- again how the he you know have to be there but anyway. I wanna bring up an interesting story yeah there we are able to civilly discuss then yes I can't believe that you're the only. Exploit little chill out burger and -- I'm -- apartments. My campaign. -- exploitation. With permission I can't wait to have had skated -- And coincidentally reminds him out -- -- that's -- going back and you know if they were pleased to bring their babies the first thing dozens can view when you know had -- sounds can be stacked a release form. I didn't get all and I'm I'd lot of video zones it's great. That's crazy I was -- one more story before we hit this little breach here would you think you'd -- in your pants speaking of pants that. -- -- -- -- -- -- Which prevents him from it the united related. And I -- like this it's Monday they don't forget there's a woman in that is the department -- -- get an identity. Before I go again. But nearly over the weekend. We have situation happened in organ with the postal carrier and that's what -- this morning. Consumers via a mail carrier dropped up more than a package on the customers -- is the headline. And I guess what happened is -- Postal Service guy couldn't hold it via. And he ended up -- -- -- on this -- On now in plain view of the guide which static camera shot video and multiple snapshots of the it's too happy middleman a couple of can't approach. Is that you -- -- -- the date of -- That's not protection okay what a felony enlarges the image store -- lives then now okay so he ironically -- it right for the compost heap with. Tell you if he was put by Emily did it in -- landscaping and on an album right threatening me. I -- -- -- out the window all the when he sees and I drop in popular squadron line when you regularly -- ago that the counties hundreds of these videos are like people doing much worse please write you know like in a mall. Fountain BC I've seen -- yeah but not on Avian and Rogers in Canada and if -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I don't think it is also every other episode of like Jersey -- yes I chickens out you know these -- -- -- -- averages I don't want such -- -- and also -- down here. I know you're better -- this -- -- just knock on the guy's -- nasty has bathrooms -- -- -- I don't -- in the obvious thing to think about it like how many times you do you. In the -- -- and then like this -- on the road for hours and hours users. You know it. I'm sure it happens a lot more than no I'm sure he does it -- I was sure -- have to say that people just coup in the middle of the hand. PM yes and I didn't get off school like that amendment and I guess they can just go -- like a MacDonald. At Starbucks Starbucks -- mean you know put -- a deal on this is going on in rural. It's all been yeah. I'm I'm I'm almost daily you just tunnel -- and then to -- Available and you gotta go yeah yeah yeah I think you can ago concluded that -- goto -- That I should look -- it I probably viral marketing -- You're gonna find out tomorrow June 5 -- Unbelievable pay no exploitation. -- if I didn't shutter release various. We gotta take a break when we come back more with Erica Ogg on this lovely Monday episode 44 she's currently exist yeah okay. I that lets you can't put that story -- -- sorry we just do these people -- -- forgive us we'll be back. This is the floor room floor and -- Panthers a show where we -- -- David. And Andy and -- -- -- oral or which is a million times better than ever -- -- waving her. Australia I like how. Apropos it's okay how are sure -- -- got a lot of calls people there you know just yelling -- Natali Morris who were talking about. In her disgust for the film. Then in returns well in her defense she really likes the original bad man alive who doesn't yet right. Would argue argue did you like Batman returns the Danny -- woman used the penguin now but I was -- -- but I was young at the time the it was real scary dark scary -- Asher. I like is the yes I like -- -- -- -- Alec the first insurance actually goes dark too. It's -- start -- that there's more like sort of like goofy moment to boost mean sure people don't dialed the time okay -- Look creepy yummy super review third line and a totally camped I think it was three aged men you live forever. I'm forever I never having it now. The VHS of that I like that -- -- it was great and then they had Robin in their two agenda as O'Donnell you know exactly the term -- the next -- that the man in our former governor and not a. How do you feel that that's funny. You'll about it -- -- -- behind my yen graduation really sorry college now. This is -- you worthless I don't now. -- that's funny I. It's gotta stop asking people -- kind of -- if I think it does is put it to bed in the field baton and things all right bloom good to know we got a few calls from the public you ready for that -- and I am ready again if you're real calls from the public and additional room. -- -- And it. You so many people calling up about Batman -- I wanna play one more about our children and this is this guy has a certain -- for Natalie here let's. I couldn't wait -- the end of the -- to make this content at the -- commercial. That is probably the best Batman movie of all time and we battled -- Need to be builder probably could bring the ever -- -- oh yeah. And on top of that movie -- -- really nice guy. You're model in late. It truly geeky -- -- all the more that the fine and dandy that you normally chat and all that. Starter so you were at the hotel where the -- -- it -- have been able -- -- our. Even then -- personable. Actor will -- -- I've heard that about in Q that is like the coolest dude and -- hasn't -- do with whether it doesn't add anything you know how. Particularly nice guy I had just don't understand that. Amir Hussain but at Edwards agreement we regard -- men service -- Hitler. Yet people are really matter at hand me about that -- legacy once she gets you Batman forever Batman -- -- gonna think Batman returns is Oscar. She isn't seeing them that's -- a month. I don't think she's -- that's crazy. I'm hunts he talked about how crap I'm I know you guys like the Batman forever I don't like them. That -- I am I am really I mean I don't eat right. I mean nothing now yet an issue and go rent it on ourselves. -- To compare Batman forever -- Batman returns in the original because they're just different takes on the same store area there's only one cohesive they are totally makes no -- I still remember watching in the movie theater in and when you're twelve or thirteen and you know that movies crap right leg then I can even imagine what -- be like watching it had deliberately avoid watching them enter registers and total score -- I saw some crap this -- and easy so scream for. These imaging -- -- in -- We'll hit the market just always a goal of being easy is it die -- -- -- -- grown -- she laws are right. This was. And this -- water as one of the -- move users. I like that that I -- it it just awful. Just awful just -- Campbell. -- Campbell doesn't smile every seat in Amber's she's -- guy still don't have to -- three she is that what happens is she -- Yeah well who's played by Courtney Cox according cars and it's still yet they're all -- our. -- -- it and Apple is stupid -- Net Campbell a guy she's got an agent because it wants China by the story from her and gale wrote about -- -- got to wrote about it. And on the -- she comes back to the west Borough or is he hasn't stopped coming back every time -- I guess they stop coming back to it -- she's got stuff coming back -- like staying alone and how. -- -- At night and -- -- is you know there hasn't been a screen moving almost two decades -- so everyone's like. Texting now and it's just very bad this is. Just be like -- -- just committees stay out of let's go ahead. It's. Daddy. Why would you go that's a yakking into jail in I was in that thing but that's what what happened today they could do is like a mass murderer around -- -- house. Ever which -- get -- tweet about -- -- -- yeah there is no problem in this. This move. I didn't ask is back RAU gotta get the mayor of Westbrook speaking to kill me his she'd love screamed and she said good news he -- them what's it like gruesome in the wind tunnel removes there was at least terrifying movie I've ever seen. I do not -- jumped. You know no cut off their foot or anything like as gore but not enough and I could enhance you know nothing. That I would let those little kids and an elementary -- how. -- know that no doubt without right okay are easily get permission solution for this movie was benign and there is nothing on our next call. They -- that the Milwaukee from Iraq and I'll actually outlook or radio here Milwaukee and I remember a couple -- ago. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- If Vienna -- up and god public about the labor record right now that maybe people will go a lot because they double yet to be NHL are all that happened. I have to figure out Lee cook our -- puppet that that they will take over and help they have their dispute -- a lot. -- -- -- -- -- the lingerie. While Lee and that the built -- -- -- update -- -- -- -- and what -- -- the hard getting gridiron action. -- signal and well. Interest thing. I've never heard parents but I have is currently a review under the surface -- -- a role -- I rolled out where it's basically exactly with sounds like a bunch of when interest in lingerie that's what's it like to contact they'll tackle each other I don't know how much and you don't get broken without protection on these poor women but -- -- -- horrible. We -- -- show you a screen shot right now. This -- if they did okay and you mean look at the I've -- -- -- -- weekend. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- That combined and screaming. At a terrifying look at we could show that right now -- and they're not they're just. Okay so we're looking like -- and in our lives and -- -- shoulder pad is but the -- public areas completely and even had uniform yet. I have numbers on their -- -- distinguish itself also please go hurdle I mean. I mean they're choosing to do yet and it's barely tilt left and maintenance and probably -- need to get through college is now and -- And they get it out yeah I saw yeah I went. I'd like good news and headlines the all right. Let's get into something more relevant here and -- YouTube is sent copyright pirates -- back to school what is then exited story so I guess before. This week and if you ever. And -- if you ever put uploaded put -- uploaded a video that you didn't own. And you infringing on someone else's copyright laws then they would send you basically like a three strikes rules the things here we did -- -- -- -- they would. Leader right now they're up there making YouTube copyright school. Where you can take off one of those points from your account checkpoints and realize that -- -- -- And today. It's really easy thing that's kind of a joke but they put up the video of what -- have to watch if you take it off. The fifteen minute video about how copyright law works which is really obvious threat I feel like if you're uploading -- YouTube yeah. A lot of people don't know that I really believe you put -- an episode of -- have meant well I tell everybody can say I don't have been -- everybody thinks that doing something. On that everybody else is doing -- is -- okay but it's not you know it's it's not legal source like. Pirating music everybody thought that downloading music off -- -- everybody but a lot of people thought. Downloading music off Napster wasn't stealing it's not when. Now I just you're right there is for whatever reason and -- They've really -- I can remember each rich appealing to a new people -- did you know fueling -- gorgeous like this historical. I mean it like it has a really great grasp air uses a hit him when -- instruments. And -- -- sent. If someone -- day. -- my friend -- my brother does whenever ink high. Break it and its its its its its property of like there's a chance of -- of -- -- and school of music you were downloading church -- don't I remember people backing church would be like oh yeah I've heard you can get free music and -- Yet but it's called stealing to me. We got discusses how -- I know but. -- had that happen in church and school yeah and then it sort of like you tried explaining to them. Well it's no different -- going into a store and see in the CD right -- which in the editorial MPAA didn't like a really big campaign -- and they you wouldn't steal them collar write you an idea all I needed navy. -- -- -- let you make your dollars are at the zombie upon the -- the spelling cards left and right. Palm but -- yet they didn't get a huge initiative in the in the deserted trailers like break for -- it's simply that we believe DT may feel like people don't know if it's located just upload audio from the song -- to the music media -- are a lot different everywhere -- -- It's tricky though is that when you -- make something we crates and -- -- -- something from something else and then to be honest like a lot of it is also lake. You know I'm not profiting off this -- like I'm not. I'm not stealing this insulting to someone else. I'm like editing and Chris Brown signed into behind progress -- And what are along the idea which is -- it's -- grand -- gets really tricky and that's pretty much as it stands right now it's really up to the artists bright -- academic -- -- -- uses -- -- turns -- he sold twenty million -- -- now we watched that -- videos last week -- -- about -- they're doing covers of songs what's the I think they should actually be. From a legal -- they should be paying these songwriters a royalty based on the amount of money there yet -- instances -- President lawyer. Actually listen to -- -- if you are couple weeks ago when they're talking about a lot of the labels they don't is -- -- just saying apparently pulled out went on. And and think these Chris -- -- examples Ambien was the -- -- Like Eric wears can make money off this even -- technically it's not right we have developed the DMC air yet read whatever so I think that. If there's an opportunity they're like erect a fight every single random house stay at home mom your uploaded videos. I was cute right. Non it's continents gray area to a greater access it for answering -- like suing everybody differences that should business let them write a book is little tactic to put on your own YouTube video to make it okay for everybody else you'd like Creative Commons sort of thing on and you can do it on -- yeah you can accomplish I don't know. And to your question I would get that we gotta get ideas. I think you do Lady Gaga is in the -- to get me -- God thank you so much for being here always a pleasure seeing you you keep us safe trip back where can we find you on CNET specifically. You can find me at news dot cnet.com yet. There it is -- that she's -- -- -- I we got a -- guess this week in the iPhone gets and garner glasses two years newcomers are you gonna give those away thanks when you -- -- a computer screen your eyes and heard after all right -- Centre ice from melting and Buchanan who read about on the Internet not the rescue phase frank universities. We will be back tomorrow have a great Monday on Jeff Bakalar Wilson tang and I'm Justin new it's a 44 high tech low brow. You celebrate passover. If we're not discussing it. And when people see guys from.

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