Ep. 74: Is Android too complex for your mom?
Ep. 74: Is Android too complex for your mom?

Ep. 74: Is Android too complex for your mom?

I got -- bull. I -- Cotton candy computer and galaxy nexus release date. And we mocked Apple's invoice all that more on this week's edition of Android atlas weekly -- -- for November 23 -- eleven adjustment as alongside Antuan Goodwin. Time. And it's good. A parent of clips Promos they are referenced index and mix it in the on demand versions so we'll just -- and picking I'm Bonnie -- -- Well that's one -- on -- RA who you are back we are back. We stayed really the only people -- -- office today ethnic agreement -- couple more people. You know it's just obsolete as the dual cores taken furiously -- -- -- as you soon. And yet many cues is that a lot of phones talk about. And Bonnie doesn't do that it Morissette oh -- -- twice Olympic upper -- -- still talk about and maybe you could take then. Until -- from the editor he -- I don't know how we're gonna -- I don't know you there. Supply side -- realize -- but you know as -- -- and T does. It for -- good for error. But maybe. -- swayed by the galaxy nexus. -- see if it ever comes out if it ever comes up as you like. The every -- phone worth its salt has to be deleted some point. -- Yeah almost -- -- -- if it does not the waited. Is it -- because it is delayed because they did -- isn't around November that it give us as of the date. That come November is winding down and now we have. -- semis. It's not official -- business insider -- and -- and have -- confirmed reports from Samsung that the galaxy nexus will launch in the US. On Verizon. In December. December what exactly -- December 31 at 11:59. PM fee at some point I'm gonna have to buy gifts for people. And you know while I'm doing all that -- and gonna have extra changes -- around to drop 500 bucks they're 200 bucks on a phone -- -- -- phoned her. -- -- you know. I was actually just gonna give everyone a gnome. Netflix USB drives that you get from vendors aliens were full of them from -- daily out of soon CES Sony have -- of and -- and -- USB keys. With your name on it awesome I do need a sexy hopefully its its large capacity have a bunch of 256 -- ones -- necessity regulates. This is vintage does so again efforts here if you're around. And -- so he asked. They are saying has confirmed and to be clear it is out in the UK this is the US launch event. -- -- certain reportedly. Was has one. Already did you read that story -- election would've been to -- officers took a picture in front of the ice cream sandwich. The sculpture and had a friend. -- -- So yeah it says that was that was all very -- and that's that's or was this I was reading Steve is Steve Jobs book last it and there's this one -- over. Even as they says it was has worked since nineteen sent me he's -- -- that the -- -- that it is like come on -- that do -- -- technology royalty oil little right away. What he wrote all the way to Google's headquarters on sigma sigma. This Segway polo that's replies yeah well not really. Com aren't so. Will wait and see. IA you know I played with the phone 88 stalled briefly from Jessica's desk -- the GSM version. Com. It's you know it's a nice -- it feels like -- very similar to the galaxies. As it did this to the com. It feels like a toy almost -- And -- I was comparing -- -- -- HTC resound riches the other sort of pretty nice phone for her Verizon. And found that thing feels like a brick can comparison. -- means for a lot of users it's you know it's it's a matter of. Preferences like which you wanna -- -- feel like a personally I like -- to have some sort of some heft some heft to and that's just because if the first real Smartphone that I owned. Now with the -- wine and it's just kind of what I'm used it was like well this feels like it's worth the money. This worker. But I mean you know -- a lighter phone takes at low speeds in your pocket annual it feels like it takes less space in your pocket it is not. -- constantly taking -- -- pants. Andy's -- easier to edit to hold a little bit for long periods of time so -- mean it's it's a matter of preference. I think I -- come around on the -- the -- form factors as long as it doesn't feel she. And flimsy -- size the thing that really mean is when he had doesn't feel like that so elect flexes and handed it viera. So this comes out December 1 say. He -- a series -- with eureka. -- and I want. To buy it. I don't know if found Mexican if you -- and unfortunately CNET just doesn't allow me to give -- and expect them. Lame well you know talk -- about that something im gonna hang with thunderbolt to the end of the year at least -- I am. I am destined to get something new before the end of the year. -- I almost guarantee it. Saloons where you basically looking at the resound at this went well I mean -- No -- at present does have a nice return policy now I can't remember what it is but this have extended to return. The plus -- the gap com so I think -- -- this doesn't come out by early December. I might just the -- at the resound and see what happens. Because. -- of -- four -- -- specially to go to CES. An army you could be like me and -- -- before he found that never actually it was and we're human and the news has a battery issues know because I'm running problems. Parents doesn't handle the three G four -- hand off will rather than no thanks he systems analysts and so. Sites touch in the nexus. Nam and feel in the hardware this thing I did -- take a look at Scripps sandwich shouldn't inaction here. And you know just -- court. Who you know seems to read every -- -- on the in no way that don't know when the end -- Galaxy nexus came out I mean it was it was kind of a meeting to see. -- that the madness that was happening around the office -- All the whispering past. The host whispering exactly feverish typing and shooting V news program says she has -- said. Pretty good video and ice cream sandwich and a long read up on -- of all the features and you know -- I -- cover all the features it has I think a lot of really good features. Nam and some cool stuff. Which I really -- however you know I think she says -- -- nail on the head when she says that it is chaotic. Really so when you look at that when you pick up the galaxy nexus and you look at the OS. Here's cycle heck is this -- of these buttons do I mean I'm an avid Android user obviously. But when I look at that a -- and only own I don't get it. It just looks so confusing and so. If you get the sense that there's enormous power behind it actually figured out what the buttons do and how to navigate to -- -- feel like. It looks prettier but it's harder to use in an obvious ones. I I didn't really get that and I'll admit that the bull of mine -- Well the bulk of my -- it might use of that though -- had been out with the emulator. With the SDK when it came out but I mean it seems like it makes pretty good since it builds I think. On and on the established UI it does -- not. A room completely late revolutionary change things are still where you expect him to be yanked at first to work -- you expected to work and others of which -- tab and -- -- I really like certain things like that have been better handling of the contact system although I don't really understand why it you know. I am at the top of the contact -- at all times late and I'm gonna be calling you wanna sell its idea of months. But I guess you know it's there there are some interesting things like that the kinda gimmicky things like -- unlocked and the mean that. There are things that really matter to me very much -- -- I mean overall -- I really liked the changes in the interface. But I think a lot of the countless smaller things like you know -- -- to a clear individual. Notification and -- there's things and opening custom roms. Out for months -- this points -- it got a may have eased into it a little bit. More smoothly than than some users. I like the features again but I just I really. Wanted them to progressed more towards -- AUI's that you instinctively get rid so. Keep trying to -- my mom to my desperate phone whenever I show her candor and by Al what do I do -- and I press vs. You know whatever people say that existing and a half -- like I mean as much as I am an evangelist of the -- platform for enthusiasts. I cattle like having to explain things to people like -- On -- I want it to move past the enthusiast. Category and it clearly has just because of price -- I feel like when you become -- more mature RS. Even though you add more power it thinks the UID also needs to get easier to use an -- -- -- it already is pretty easy to use went. And -- really understand what more is how it's my alarm on the next show on the you can ask eastern task rules. Well I mean the elderly but here's the thing at this very similar communities -- with -- and and you know. I've recommended we'll -- ended up buying elected -- me. 33. But you know -- -- I'll always recommend just like hey you know -- so that you know the -- to phone call late. -- either way -- context of you know XYZ I usually just. And I recommend the iPhone in the mean it's probably. I guess the -- -- -- to say on on on this show. But I -- and maybe maybe that means I'm just kind of disagree I mean I'm agreeing with you who -- out of that. Yet maybe it is a little too difficult. For casual users to understand -- it. I think you're saying that exactly at the point where use the host of Mandarin Alice -- -- and iPhone. For ease of use -- and public -- the end of the day. Like and I don't know that generated so I don't really have any stake in whether people use Android and I mean -- -- a fan of Android but. I mean if Google's standard today immediately in the in just decided tomorrow lake there's no more injury like how would sit here -- -- the journalists not to be objective about these things. I'm not an injury or. Like a Google mean or an Apple fan boy when it comes to -- meaning things to people -- but I mean you know I've made a personal choice to you know. -- injury Dili in and into didn't contribute to this show. Because I enjoy it. -- yet I have we're in agreement there are all I'm saying is they have. Some ways to go before it's at all in the same ballpark as instinctive easy this -- has IOS. -- -- -- -- -- -- So I guess -- I guess we've we went through all of that for me say I I agree with you again excellent of the interface is a little. Old difficulty you still but I mean I think that. It's typical for me to divorce myself mentally from the fact that I've kind of been using injury for a couple of years now. And for the most part things are still where you expect them to be. So I didn't really get and never had that moment -- -- -- -- god like the -- how to how did you use -- task switcher and they. It -- -- NT was used an injury enthusiast I think. After a day of use and the phone you'll know where everything is it's not that huge of a change here. I'm talking about the not a tuna spread. -- let's move on to another -- -- Sam it's feature. Or lack thereof depending on they look at this so terrorism -- sort of a bunch of fact concern. Over the last few days bout Tom Android four point oh. Hey guys -- him it's his support of the mass storage features -- you -- -- him. That is the one Republican your phone be used the and you -- -- -- derive. I'm because people are discovering that the galaxy nexus that you couldn't do that -- and so on to read it last week com. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The risk there was corresponding with tutors and said hey look actually this is a feature thanks and sandwich it is not a feature of the galaxy nexus -- And that's because it doesn't have a separate SD card storage it only has of the internal memory. And to use -- use the mass storage -- you need to be able to. Mounted device com -- -- -- they need to give the computer. Full access. To sort of mountain re -- on a device that can't happen with. These partition or as -- Nam. You know internal memory because the actual phone is using -- -- at all times right around so any phone. And there's not a whole lot of phones -- think the only other one currently that only has internal storage is the whatever the galaxy callousness galaxy S yet -- com. But you know he actually points -- a couple advantages to not having internal storage. Which is that in a previously there was an of that arbitrary. Manufacturers would soon sell like are you get this much space to install apps competent -- emirates. And with one storage device they've moved away from -- that. There is no distinction between your data storage -- your app storage and you know. There ran into this thing work Ira into all the time with my phone. Where I can't install apps anymore or I can't actually install a gingerbread update because I don't have enough. Room you know have tons of room in other areas. So there's pluses and minuses to this and there's actually. Ways around this kind of sort of so all -- you know you can't use a -- fault. Mass storage thing my guess on windows you can use media transfer protocol which is. Supported by default to transfer music photos and video Mac users can use. Com T -- file transfer apps. Around. They entered -- transfer out which is available from Google and then Linux users news the PTP protocol and -- Right. Though I mean is that there are ways to transfer -- NATO files. I to -- from the figures just not as easy to elect a USB mass storage now and then like weird hacks like you know a little -- There are certain phones that you know when you plug -- -- two for example a car stereo player. If -- quick enough with. Hitting the you know mount USB button sometimes the you know car stereo to reckon recognize Android phones -- -- just. In a Flash Memory drive you be a -- MP -- off from that -- -- -- really work on a lot of them but like those those situations where you kind of like. Hack interest -- a ways to use the hardware -- Microsoft sync does that'll. With a lot of different and sometimes it does -- sometimes it doesn't sometimes it really just depends on. How quickly you can hit the button. Pakistani you know what I've noticed is -- after him out a second or so. I if if if a car stereo for whatever -- device haven't seen something and it's looking -- -- an Xbox-360 for example it'll -- -- Note that the -- And it -- will try looking anymore. Through it'll just give you the device that supported of the film but there are they're gonna coupled to two weeks -- -- where I've had it work I would like a Droid one and Acura. For example. But you know that debt -- -- -- it seems like you know as if if more manufacturers or -- it's particularly in the case of the galaxy nexus. Debt sort of functionality is just not gonna be available anymore. But I wonder if this does kind of open up. You know 88 it will for one starters it has kind of like -- -- developers to be. A bit trickier as far as like. -- how old files go on to. Can be put -- -- -- or -- an office of the device over USB. And canvassing but I think I read something somewhere where basically the way that they're going about doing it on the galaxy nexus is like -- it -- again. And -- I have typical hack. But it's kind of -- there's a way that you -- -- trick -- -- I guess using these protocols for the computer and thinking that it's actually doing. Which -- used data. -- So is that though when do those -- the kind of makes it look like that. -- the windows. Then that's that dislike as a protocol it's kind of built into. Into Windows Media Player -- it's kind of its own Internet and it doesn't show it was a drives -- It of the play around with it a little bit -- -- I -- I think there is still wait to melt. And the galaxy nexus and is a -- -- device you can drag and drop non media files to an item. And just not sure how. I don't know where there has I don't do it very often. Anyway EM and I think. I guess occasion -- treated -- -- photo of something that normally. To transfer staff aides accused Dropbox or something like that yeah that's the -- -- -- is reasonably fast and use these faster. ESP is faster but to -- getting at a cable and plug it in and -- I don't know already needed fuel to charge it. The -- -- plugged in a different place than my laptop analyst and we're just saying. For the for allow users this is a point of contention. -- -- for a lot of users that I talked to on Twitter this is even a deal breaker. Where -- just like well you know like the being able leave my devices a mass storage you know. Is willing to basically a large hard drive that I -- router is a there's a big buying -- a buying point for -- phones and it's kind of lead to deal breaker for some users personally. I don't do a lot of plugging my phone to my computer either. And but I have had a couple of situations where I've needed to yank the SD -- offer present rate. That is what they just one case and in particular we heavily peaceful sports cameras -- used to record in car tech podcast. And we got on the road when day in the -- the -- cameras all. And we need to very quickly. You know kind of -- the Carter at least swap in another -- So that we can continue shooting. And how they will just -- my phone out of my pocket -- SD card out squat foam. And then you know we continued shooting on the day and then later on packages to whatever I need to do there. The me there is no that that sort of functionality. I personally have seen. We're worried it it comes in handy say it does make you a little a little -- that is now on the galaxy nexus. The of the -- isn't -- being hit as its citizenry do everything and it ended. -- -- -- -- -- It was advancements. -- -- until our last ice cream sandwich story before I would take a break com. I can only do this one exec at select -- me they just will pronouncement miss -- and as for -- on purpose -- -- not a cyan engine. I was his -- -- that's the proper -- he's and it's one of the dvd. Is the most widespread. Custom roms. For -- phones definitely one of the at that the most widely supported. And a heavily developed basically says that I date are working on a branch of their -- -- image and -- -- That it's if -- engine might not -- Which will love be based on the injury Ford auto. Software. So they're basically saying that I -- gonna take a -- -- a few months team get a running on. On devices in and ready for sort of mass consumption but -- Guess the code base on this is so large that it takes like 25 minutes with Google's fast servers to compile -- you know. Because from. So antigen is supported on so many different devices then you know of fifty -- -- None of which is -- ACC interval whenever it. Killing small. Amounts its enumerated where that button while it only took twice. Aren't really take a quick break and then -- front of Apple fan -- stay with -- And Molly Wood and Brian -- inviting you to join us for the 2011 edition of CNET holiday help -- happening every Monday at 3 PM eastern noon Pacific it's where we make you look like a brilliant tech gift giver as we take your live calls and -- your email. That's what he's and one right now the holiday help desk at cnet.com. Along with the rest of CNET editors were gonna point you to the right products at the right price it's holiday help desk Monday that -- and -- When your back we here -- -- and gather. I don't know. Com. Who said to. -- -- talk about the new Samsung galaxy commercials that have -- stent system. Folks folks being an Apple fan boys aren't do we have a commercial -- -- so -- stay here for three weeks. Now how winds down and almost in the -- -- to people just last. Hours away -- this is an events are blogs are saying the battery of extension of the looks the same help people know I am very. According to -- isn't it -- She got there. What is sad and ice flow. Growth we see your phone and I'm sure it's in my -- -- -- -- this thing. Check out the screens things -- pretty massive and it's got four G speeds -- Samsung Samsung and the Samsung yes I can never get Samsung. Greatest. Danger buries. Letting us get -- science thanks. -- galaxy S two. The galaxy S two. -- -- They're just getting cabin from the Apple -- -- -- have -- he did you hear the got it down market street on the wrong then and you have to cross the street to the hotel and then have -- -- -- -- -- created. And that's the most unrealistic part of the commercial for it for me -- there's also noted pinch anywhere near. -- -- -- That's neither here nor there and so I guess people are sent -- is just so I don't understand that I mean c'mon people. It says nothing offensive about that commercial -- this kind of the lack of -- better prepare people. It's fun in their advertising you know it is now a six month old phone recently and still like -- exist phones on the market -- -- it's a nice phone. Yes if you have that the restore the future deliveries -- The bad I don't know if you're upset them you know a true error. Taken us to seriously yeah well I mean -- -- -- hadn't seen the -- before -- so while I'm looking at the ran down his -- People are upset at the commercial. And to -- like a crap there's going to be some light. Some -- guy and like a turtle neck. And -- And usually people are gonna get -- because it's too soon after after Steve Jobs testing -- like people standing in line you're standing in the line for -- you do it wrong anyway. Sorry people you know standalone her for her -- wind iPhone four -- came out I personally went down and laugh at people who are standing in line and -- -- -- teased or. Source had a video that it's. -- -- -- -- A little more fun at Apple people out that says says that out -- -- it -- balances out me saying that I have recommended the and from the people that we can in the second half the -- now just patched Apple should. Now totals aren't. -- -- -- -- Google announced last two weeks -- that up to this point more than 200 million Andrew devices have been activated around the world. Which is a -- com and more than double. The number that they had noted at the Google I O conference this past me. Councilor activating 550000. Devices a day. Up from 500000 in June and to put this in perspective compared to. Apple Apple has activated. It was a two untreated. In fifty million IOS devices up to this point. And if that's not necessarily. Apples to apples. Harrison we choose to buy and so you can do it added. Arm -- Because. There's a large section of IOS devices that are phones right now and lives of very small section. Of -- devices that are phones -- throwing point it's grown with tablets and might airwaves can run. Around. And something apartment actually watches on candy. But. Anyway. Android's picking up a lot of steam there. From. Need either way it's a lot of devices and it you know it's also it goes against kind of stuff were -- -- it's like. Ingrid Stewart uses so you wouldn't recommend that to your mother -- -- clearly. Clearly this is estimating my mom will -- to move beyond the point of just sort of like this Kiki. You know power user thing -- -- there's 200 million devices activated program. Com and -- just 200 million geeks. There that'd be the plan. And and I -- We got here. -- A note the scissors is all of the elect IOS verses 800 block against. So Kindle fire is -- we talked about that was mr. don't know a lot lot last week. I've got to play with so little bit every last week as well. Thompson said he finds that after the iPad to the -- I can -- Is the second most. Desired tablet. So. -- 65%. People -- they plan to buy an iPad. 22% of people said they plan to buy -- Kindle. It is probably by far is the most of any -- -- tablet and in fact you know the next closest I guess was being. Galaxy Tab with 4% the rate. And I mean this isn't you know I guess did we elect to look at the sort of thing to someone's winning. And someone's losing. And I think personally that you know as long as -- not trying believe that you didn't you know decide. Whether Amazon's actually try to beat the iPad or they're just trying to -- bunch of devices. I if -- trying to sell a bunch of devices and you know just make their money investment and mean actually this is a huge success for them. You know just really depends on which -- target is -- you targets the iPad. And yet and it doesn't look that great user about a third of the news that the market -- share. But if you're trying to be the best seller -- third of people within a week of the operator to sort those out for what two years -- yet. Will I was saying it also -- just trying to be the best injury tablet. Trying to link you know. To get the attention of those two and a million people who already invested in the Android ecosystem and you get 22% of people interested in that it's a ton of people and potentially a ton of sales and his. Everything about the Kindle fire is that I would say it's not really about the hundred ecosystem at all because. You play with edit ensure it runs Android apps -- but it doesn't feel like Andrea at all. What it's about -- ecosystem it's about is the Amazon ecosystem. Yet and that that was going to be my next point okay by Indian blood or on the same page is there a worse because it like effort for Amazon this is a long -- device. And so everybody who buys one and continues to use it for the next. You two years or however long they're gonna keep the device around is of -- potential Amazon customer. For the next two years buying music and -- and movie using -- whatnot. The and it's a solid little device but -- Saddam. -- -- -- I still for most things prefer that -- had this size mainly. Now you'll and is on the and is still not the number of apps that I want lower entry tablets compared to iPad you know I think that will change over the next six plus months -- -- -- I -- bet that under the double edged sword of Amazon kind of calling off their own corner of the market is that they don't really get the the benefit. Announcement. Established. Sort of massive Android marketplace via Amazon still kind of discounted doing their thing in -- to make sure that. The -- -- make money off of all the -- sold. So needed if the double his sword there is that -- -- -- on the Amazon market you're gonna have to come into audio way to get it right you can get it. Tablet just yet -- -- -- any way to do so. -- Our last story cotton candy says this is well one does not -- -- and -- and not what I would -- -- the -- Willis C. -- -- -- Com cotton candy has this kind of cool but I don't really know why a what you do with it necessarily. And in practical life devices Latvian okay we will get a we're gonna get into when -- -- first. Basically it's a AUSB. Societies. You know looking USB key size device. I'm on one and it's got a USB ports on the other end -- each -- Video connection on in in in between there is a processor and memory a micro SD card slot Wi-Fi and Bluetooth antennas and a GPU. And the GP -- Kinderwater HD movies exactly so the idea here is that is tiny. Basically pocket size computer. Run the Android operating system. Is -- -- gingerbread W. Or. Runs a version of -- Yeah I think -- point is that it's a computer it can run other losses as well as answer it is what they're demery. So the idea is that. You can with the HDMI output. Plug this sucker into any TV connect a Bluetooth keyboard and melts and turn any TV into a computer. Conversely you can plug the USB port into a computer and have a new window popped open with a self contained version of whatever operating system. This device is using -- this case and rates he can have like a secure a little old virtual machine. The seeking kind of pop up on any any computer or TV in basically keep your whole. Computing experience in your pocket -- with even Uga. It's pretty okay so what would you use it for -- and it's kind of like. The promise of cloud computing without clout. -- whereas you know -- Chrome OS basically says that you can sit down in front of any -- computer and log in and all of your. Your desktop wallpaper -- -- your apps in your your data will be there in the cloud. This basically says that you can stick this device in your pocket walk up to any TV. Any computer. And a plug up and you'll have your entire. You know operating system all your settings all of your. Your applications and your files right there without have -- involve the cloud this kind of -- -- -- -- this for. And if I would use it for anything -- of news a mean but I mean node and just fun. -- a -- look what I can do. If -- mean a smaller netbook. It's true. And -- if you like -- -- think it ain't a thing with tears like the Motorola web tops out yet you can but I mean this is even smaller than that let's imagine what we're carrying your phone already well here's something like year -- year -- I go to CEX. Next year for example and a -- a phone. I'm a pack a Bluetooth keyboard and a mouse and I toss this guy in my bag and now I don't have to carry around a screen. Because there's already TV was in the HT -- put in my hotel room. So then and now I just get to the hotel room plug the sucker and decide -- my keyboard. -- 52 wind's screen that I can sit back and work from in my hotel room die and you'll have to carry around the web top. In this situation now imagine imagine this is this is kind of cool -- this it's super tiny. It's that the USB key device but now imagine that this was an HDMI port you can pop out of fatty phone. Now. It's also rates basically though the sort of -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Well I have mass storage device -- hear you like to carry -- around remember. RA com. Of the week is often its an app called -- elder signed -- and basically this is me. App version of a board game called are from -- That some of you who are into sort of like -- -- role playing board -- games will be into this. The the board game version of this completely 600 pieces. And it takes like four hours to play and often times you lose. The game the app all the -- -- the skeleton of a a toned down version of the game you get all -- same characters and basically it's based on. On the love craft. -- -- -- could do loose sort of mythology. And the idea is that she's basically pick for investigators. And you. I -- basically explore this museum and try to stop this sort of massive. -- creature from coming in devouring the world. It's really complicated. The average game takes about an hour to play out front like four hours of my -- -- this yesterday and kill my battery. But if you're sort of like into lake tabletop -- -- -- familiar. With the of the game are from horror and you kind of want you know you got a long commute you -- to be able to kind of think back into that world for a bit. I definitely recommend picking this -- out its four bucks but I think it's worth. Every dollar. Direct. -- don't have time to play trivia that was great perfect. I'm -- -- -- gone to some email first is from. Edgar is the M boss yeah and what -- -- I don't know anything -- I was excited to. And that this one actually I think he sent us -- text. I think that he sent over to the -- -- to PC at -- and in a message is sent the ad text from his a phone -- note that these seasons from my those who. So it's as nice move inviting iPad -- Angeles Donald bell -- and -- show LOO. -- I will note that he actually uses -- standard phone. I know he gave a totally unbiased opinion on Amazon Kindle fire tablet my stuff not turf -- -- -- -- piece of art and the Mac history test. I'll read it -- nice move inviting iPad and Donald -- to Android lets you know you know he gave a totally unbiased and -- will. I mean the fact of the matter is that the he is -- -- talk about a tablet you can really talk about a tablet numbering in the -- and into the -- and I'm pretty sure that. I've said nice things IOS devices on this usage and placing it about the iPad and Mary says. I don't know for gonna have jobs after the break. Up a at least not this release it was exactly we will relied on Alice. -- Aren't so next -- a question about viruses and mall where it's thefts and I -- -- love your show and hope to make your podcast my morning -- alternatives during my commutes. I've had suspicions of this can be a problem of touch has room -- have had lookout mobile security. Since he -- G1 pounds. And basically he sort of goes on to -- say that you know last week there was a lot of discussion in the news about malware and viruses and basically said that. -- -- a bright solar viruses and vulnerable you know your phone tons of phones are for honorable in the -- world. Com and how's that free and even paid antivirus apps couldn't detect most of them. -- But anyway he went and he downloaded a bunch more. -- and then Google's open source leader Chris Dibona says that it's all scare tactics to sell -- So it on what do you think. World I'll just say that personally. I don't -- antivirus software on current. I'm nearly ran it on my computer at its and I -- at a discount I think -- You know in the case of most of these third of -- things that you kind of you here like oh there's malware on the Android market and it looks like Netflix and when you click on it it downloads all your personal data to a server and somewhere. -- So -- most of these situations are I mean it's not early cases like that the platform being just like right. For. You know -- -- of people -- things out your phone without your consent like that but it's just in its basic social engineering. You give somebody something that looks good and they click on it and dumb stuff happens is kind of like -- Most data loss happens because some more on -- a laptop on a train or -- the USB -- at the Starbucks or some against the people the issue aren't so you're saying you don't need antivirus and does need to be smarter need to be more careful about what web sites you go to what you -- codes -- -- in public but if you -- codes like. Being in switch so the -- it's a little put up a Q our code. And you click on in India and it may take you where you think you're going to -- -- quick -- -- before and works on the ambient quality computers to be more careful about that. And in pay attention to who is the developer of the app that you trying to download for trying to download an app for a Netflix app and -- as the developers and twine. And not Netflix. And it's probably be a red flags need to go back in research that those of us it's a matter of being more careful. And not necessarily just you know relying on software -- -- team. Out of this or situations also pay attention to the permissions on that that your gonna download it said. For example just -- it -- an app that makes the thunder cats noise when you swing your phone does -- need Internet access to the need access to your contacts. If so. If it's asking for these things -- -- think twice about installing the apps be Smart about the sort of thing. Right I will agree but I will also acknowledged -- its its treacherous out there. Great and it's it's hard -- I don't know what the right solution is as. You know I do you have look at installed and never got an alert me matches tournaments marked down motor. -- be careful out there it's -- wild world. Our next -- -- from boomer. -- through dynamic kid looking to buy the Kindle fire I only have a couple of questions -- comes from the community that doesn't like to pay for stuff. If I take the movie from my computer imported and -- and car packed cloud drive. In the movies folder wide field distribute -- Kindle and I download stuff from Amazon silk street to the tablet thank you. Site and -- answered his question so I asked Donald bell com and he. Sent a brilliant response job and basically says that. He was able to upload edit gigabyte he's 264 movie ripped from a dvd. Legally Hampshire. Cut to Amazon's cloud drive and download it back down to the fire without any problem. Than navigating into the cloud drive on the 78 screen was hard. To didn't try to stream its images downloaded it and then plated. Off of the device. And then. Two of the things that he wants to note was that town no. They're able to fit the maximum of five gigs our video content on a device via USB. And the letter saying is that it's a little weird because T talent show up in the gallery app and not in the video menu. Com. Which is -- testing the video menus -- specific. Amazon Kindle feature -- it's like a section in the Kindle where is just like a regular Android phones or video show up in the gallery in red. -- yet and it bit there yeah there's a special video section. Said and I hope that answers your question thanks Donald for that. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- couple -- Twitter questions. From. -- -- -- apprehensive -- when Alaska. Says from Zeus me and news. Why is there a difference but when -- and Eva 3-D between one point five and below. I mean. Aren't effective -- and that'll better. Will it mean there's sometimes differences and redeem. Even with treaty between one point five there was one point five -- and a -- we'll get back to you on that -- -- -- or details assuming. Than -- from stand that Jeep. Acne talk but the best Bridgestone say the -- -- -- -- -- between now when the galaxy nexus arrives. Assuming it's less than thirty days. There's a good question -- I've been thinking about -- a lot -- with Verizon's return policy. So. You know associated jump in here I'm gonna tell you what I think the best -- phones or cares it's -- -- -- so I think for Verizon. It's either of the resound. Or the razor. Yes I'll agree with him and I would favor the resound now but and you know either -- probably -- -- -- -- -- -- and in the all right and that sort of compared for T-Mobile. -- at HTC amaze. You know has a really got it could camera it's a pretty hefty phone -- that. It's nice -- You know -- galaxy S two is also good -- I -- etc. I would nuclear. On Sprint's. Com the epic four -- Yeah in a good name. And upload a -- Verizon's. There's also the. -- there's a mean if you don't mind and there's also learned the -- the S fourteen. Which is area mean even if you decide if you go with sprint and you get stuck with a phone you know it's gonna get the ice -- sandwich update to mean the hardware is a little. -- this point correct but I mean it's not bad the nests were I would -- would look if Iran's current. And an AT&T I think his last one left here in getting Dell -- don't exist -- -- as an active. You know it's an editor's choice for and can't go wrong with that necessarily. That's why we have these things yes right. Aren't oh lead us through some voicemails you have yet to -- -- -- the first line is from and in Florida in question and a Bluetooth streaming and a quick answer for. They -- within the band -- -- a recurrence Florida premiere the show whether been doing a lot. I don't want to know if you can connect their Bluetooth and Wi-Fi either -- -- -- -- -- laptop or computer. And stream does sound audio to video you're watching. Route to the phone and then upload it into your own. Like you know audience there and a couple that old ordered Google would do that if you goes well. And so that is used to watching our thanks record anything entered by. And a long story short -- Thing is that that to both question yet to bull elephant -- doesn't -- Bluetooth as far as the team did you know just had a media audio output. And if you have an -- -- -- in you can use it was called a Bluetooth audio bridge and it's basically. If it didn't but it's basically like a small -- in the out of this is. Mechanics -- blue in this case and is basically if any of VL Adio input on one end and it basically transmits. Audio via Bluetooth. A two DP you can basically connect any device that receives HDP ideal headset or Bluetooth speakerphone and basically turn that into a -- wireless speaker. These things are pretty cheap I think isn't about if you're sixty bucks. But as far as your question of using your injury phone for such a thing as a receiver. I it's not so easy the problem is that the I think is of the -- -- -- and a lot of five depends on what phone -- using a lot of phones use -- sort of was called the blue Z Bluetooth stack in effect. Collection of of Bluetooth protocols. And drivers. First certain Bluetooth phones. And died just doesn't have an a two DP reception. Protocol built into it has the transmission protocol does not have the reception protocol built into it so if you wanted to enable such a thing. You would first -- to. Re compiled and Bluetooth drivers for your phone and then write software that would allow to do such things haven't found. Anything anywhere that -- it. -- enable you do that. So I would say that in your case it probably just be easier to pick album cheap Bluetooth headset. Of the day is a two DP reception. I have in and rule that. -- Alright to move -- -- next to voicemail from Bruce you know. Favorite Ottawa Florida a clear fluid -- is not correct. But you could -- -- as a question Ottawa Canada has a question about bloat -- on phones. They guys -- reached Irish excellent street auto -- just that had a question among my Android phone in the past start two years side made a mistake -- vote. Getting HTC wildfire apps and realized -- only got about terra. Fifty -- seventeen megs of onboard storage for apps which it's a little stupid. What is with that acts on caps off deal that I need -- Change to be able to over the phone. Really need for the phone to get off some of the bloat -- And speaking of that why is it that Google keeps putting Google Voice on Canadian Android -- if they don't allow the service here. What is coming is ever gonna come what's the point in wasting my space when I don't have -- space on my iPhone anyway thanks a lot of the show -- Doubled in fun and soft will both personal Google puts grew -- your phone has elected -- you. Hey they like to make Canadian -- it's not exactly evil for -- doesn't really go against their don't be evil sort of creed. But they just you know that they don't like you. But note that the S on S office is basically M the -- on a soft designation refers to whether. The what's called the need the -- -- portion of your phone's memory is unreadable and that's basically from our lives. And HTC phones use the S on -- -- off. So -- on means that you can. Not -- -- -- -- -- -- institute and write in May have that backwards but basically. ACC phones use -- well particularly the phones with locked boot loaders. Use DS online. S off. Value. To check to see winner in the firmware that your -- is. Official firmware so if it gets the -- value for -- on -- -- it will assume that you're not using the proper firmware. And and I won't boot this is what's called locking the boot loader so -- The idea is that. When you set the S off -- it had gone. The stuff means -- -- -- of it is unlocked and can be written to write. I had this in my hand and then -- basically when it improperly from the start over with a correction. -- S on an ass off as soft means that you can -- to -- -- -- that you can't. When you're in as fine. There is -- check that basically is looking to see if your firmware is readable. Your your firmware fix a broken into two parts there's an actual -- and then there's the firmware for your radio. God and when S on -- on and it checks. -- to make sure that -- running the right firmware and if you're not -- it and then it will not boot when you set as oft off. And then basically bypasses that check which allows you to run custom firmware that's what I meant to say. So that's why you have to set -- off to off. Before you can install custom firmware or even -- -- retain your route. Because if did they noted it. If it sees that the portion if that check for the the -- portion comes back with -- Craig value in the folder. And so he said he had HTC phones yet the market they need support them -- tulips and -- so it is that slide routing these phones as it is is a little bit harder than you know ready phones without a lot to voters because they don't have that check. It's -- to disable. To keep your -- essentially -- RX as. That would be easier to explain in my head it -- a day. To verbalize -- -- got it now and again in emails. And then also before we get off the air at Netflix when mechanics -- -- a little wrong also. Worthwhile lot editor for the error no no donated it to sleep in and -- out I'm -- would be wrong -- Eco mechanics there blues and it actually receives Bluetooth audio outputs. Analog audio through the headphones etc. this particular device won't work which you need unless you just wanted to player headphones and this. And -- stream from your laptop -- likely to separate. Bluetooth transmitter for your -- Tivo. I think -- can -- one and for your computer if it doesn't already have Bluetooth built into it that you just -- like Bluetooth dongle you Potomac when he thought it. Your local computer store. I'm -- -- that it is our show for today I think there runs the office programs yeah -- You can follow the all -- developments on our blogs and into columns are standard app list you can watch this every Wednesday at 10 AM Pacific. CNET dot com's last alive. Email us and -- Alice path cnet.com. All your corrections from today's -- damage to muscles and stream. Call us and tell us all about your Android Turkey stories. I don't know -- -- -- thing. It's should be and will be next my next week and into the Turkey exactly why you know you download an app that they have a couple of her cleaners are often -- and ordered by -- user via. -- 866344. CNET that is 866344263. -- to -- this show on Twitter. -- -- -- -- -- Can follow Antuan. -- and -- and follow me and not my real name. Tell you make a deal with -- weeds game I don't know -- -- twenty followers -- next week's show. Exe so will be twice as good as this week's Nokia addicts and give something women desk again -- -- -- -- -- just have to. You twice as president of injuries or any more followers. -- -- million annually from awesome note that while I wouldn't unless it's really in the least when he borrowers missing that and it so we'll check the -- right now this show on their wallets notes you. Have told -- -- so you should just tell probably 500 friends. Because you know only -- Simon we get a human. Anyway that's off -- you guys next week. --

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