Ep. 706: Where grandma got ran over by an iPad
Ep. 706: Where grandma got ran over by an iPad

Ep. 706: Where grandma got ran over by an iPad

Everyone -- started. This is Wednesday yes yes I was it would be easy to like he's. Morning news technology show because I'm not contained I'm Scott -- and I'm Justin new -- this is the show where grandma got ran over by an iPad. That'll get into the holidays I did not death of a Christmas carols Korea. Highly modified because it's always telling its in the pre show about why I don't wanna give anything away about it. A secret kind of family -- yeah -- -- I -- and listening to you the show right now but that you're nobody knows mode where Islam. As requested an iPad as a gift for the holidays so we're gonna get. He decided that that's again if he wants the most yet he's -- said -- Al that's nice. Reviewing anything it is and I'm sure it -- -- you said that he hates well behaved but he's not really that great with technology in the first place. What it's like semi surprising that he really wants an iPad very well he -- uses a computer. A lot but it's true he's not like -- -- -- really love getting -- intact -- he's really having used my own little bit and seen them he just feels like this is exactly what -- needs in the war. What he calls the leaders of computing which -- email. Web surfing and then dot dot dot. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Three. To eighty apparently yeah yeah -- -- -- then and Nintendo still hang on because my mother in law told me that she wants a Wii Fit. -- -- -- -- -- -- the conference you can play video games yeah she's -- -- a commercial it sounds like you would begin all Intel. Still have something man one how about happy yet is so that that's where all what about the connect widget can you would never say to me that -- wanna connect into an even know what it is -- Connect it is just too much though it is it really is too much because I I think when it did you hurt yourself I plated the other day and I gotta say you they had to be hammered in. All I hope Tucker you projects -- -- -- of some sort -- actually used to connect in public yeah right and out of that lake. It's it's really just too much like that I can have I'm okay with using like a Wii mode and ordered Nintendo -- The bowl and whatnot but -- certainly. -- essentially doing DDR legged dancing -- and your willingness slapping an invisible but with some of those stands. Commercials on TV that that played so often now for the connect and it's funny because -- -- doing the -- are playing a game on TV is really good to have written on -- -- Looks like that in real life right now way more jaunty and awkward when you're planning on the worst part is that it's trying to relax uniqueness is don't worry about it yet almost every single game has a moment at -- -- -- recent snapshot they secretly dug in the right here's -- you -- Yeah I thought how time can. And again. Elevated Jack exact and I think somebody it's on the games -- have options to upload to YouTube. Things like -- like I don't want people seeing it it. You're doing it myself as they should include Microsoft -- tequila it. Yeah what you need to do to prepare for that it actually exactly it is it is -- -- on emotion and you do the right dimensions in the room -- -- ray will. It's really hard to places in New York City unless you like. Incredibly well because -- is just no room to actually play connect. You know in a east a closet sized studio -- yeah I mean like -- comes into our podcasting yet because there's more room yeah. Yeah. Dancing and that's. Tightly connected tell my wife that she -- has to leave the program like daddy you're playing connect right now because yourself collection is is no room there's an ergonomic you're gonna do something -- you have to leave the -- Like I say nowhere yeah. I don't places my game right will hit you and dancing and yeah like that's just navigate your way and -- but you're talking about the iPad sort of coming into. Really hitting the mainstream in taking over the world and -- a legitimate way and I just remember six and many months ago. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- That oversize pop. IPod out telling millions and millions and no we're really data -- in districts that have to know in fact I I would almost say that if whatever we -- is not can be successful -- I would put money into immune. Yeah I mean video and -- I don't want that crap again. Watching video of the day after -- TV and it never. Delivery of dvds -- your home hello. It's. That but -- met her standing outside of Carlos junior in 2002 you my segment balancing like. In the future all video's gonna be streamed. And I said Kleinman of the -- -- I don't know. Easy I want to buy it. Its own box it's literally when I told him you're like on your desktop computer the -- -- take a compact. Yeah then like okay. Yeah and I actually do remember that time when people like. Oh there's always can be a place for desktops -- And now I easily see myself would never buying anything but either an iMac or a laptop of science or even just that I'm an iPad. Yeah I mean as long as you don't have to sink this thing in the future the only annoying things things that you have to sync it stone yet and most people who buy them don't -- think it's a possibility you have to do that -- my wife and asked the people last. You're saying can you sync an iPhone with the iPad cat which is not a ridiculous question that a lot of people assume -- but that's. Possible maybe we need -- should -- I -- -- and I've. Pod thing -- and iPad as sort of like incestuous threat like if you happening on that device. You should have your iPhone two already it's like a little BB animals cycling and it's -- But that's not even the highest level he's Java desktop computer that you and they figure I'd have. Yeah Apple iPad family recycling. Undoubtedly take creepy. Remember it's like the human senate -- Analyzes the Apple seventies when. I know that amber and -- -- -- film can. Let me tell you that -- it's like the elephant walk of life and yet these easy chain them together it's you need to take a photograph now the whole bunch of I don't. Well yeah I I had a digital -- yeah that's sort of movie -- and. -- -- one day that'll happen and in fact we've been talking about this like earlier during the pre show. Here's a stream wasn't working for -- -- We're actually wondering when is when is Apple gonna replace iTunes. As. Because it's really -- and get to a point where. Just -- it takes hours to sink because is pulling everything from everywhere your photos it's. Bring back US -- -- message is doing XY and Z. -- and all the work in the cloud -- and if there's one company that's gonna do well it's gonna be Apple which is gonna have to wait five years and pay a hundred dollars and export them. And that's the part alike may get -- maybe and is an old man but as an effortless is getting stuff onto your. While want to talk here I'd better iPhone it's great man but the process of syncing and then also actually it was running out of space I know people say -- -- -- -- -- -- external hard drive etc. I just I feel like most people are still dealing with the problem were like. He's running room we don't know where but this stuff and it's like going -- based. Easily to solve the media that's the cloud part of it like mean that's the part we try to explain that to a grandparent or someone. That's where they get lost -- like a like copy putting it on mine I fumble like what kind of ideal all the stuff now that's now my computer's awful read them like when no one's really. You can attach it easily hit great library on an external hard drive and -- like. Fast. I don't know very angle for them like to hold the whole idea of like a file system like -- keep your files here next -- that. That doesn't compute. These just think it lives in iTunes -- -- and I can't get literally lives like for them literally lives and I tri yeah the -- it. Actually residing -- -- the ones and zeros the hard drive platter someplace else right so far removed -- -- They do is -- that was telling me that story about your mom not understanding the concept of of virtual storage and web -- versus what's just on your hard drive I can retaliate oh can you pull up that website with all the pictures video -- it. And you're just like oh you mean -- pictures folder and -- -- Well I -- that -- that it what is called my computer. It's like the creepy animal metaphors why -- -- -- software like is that of iTunes why isn't just like Ralph yeah good how are -- click here. Thanks a computer open up ralphie dazzling couples and it do you -- As well. Yeah like Abraham like there's no point in having these summer breeze is nobody understands what's underneath them and -- -- go it's in the nineteen well you know it's funny. About about talking about iPhone. Iowa -- iPad and future my windows phone seven came up on came out on Monday. I don't care yeah. An overlooked the electorate that's the only part of their ads are really clintons I think it's like peripheral is -- -- -- -- Any anecdotal I've it was a fun yeah yeah and also in a phone in your pockets in the head -- -- you know it's -- it's the really saying right there again really come yeah well I don't think it sells phones though right right how are you gonna cell phone by saying get off the phone right yeah. Phones your phones are horrible idea in some -- -- and -- urinal Afghanistan how that advertises use long and when this month that it finishes with a girl -- I can't flushed face and she's about to cry and it makes me is apparently. Isn't there seemed like a little teary like smile at each other maybe -- on something. Your mouth. It's my blood pressure medication. Downtime it's like and is nice and notice it's only you ready to -- That we've been notice that and then it went on again ten minutes later and it. Those who -- what's wrong they played a lot. As another commercial that really gets me is you know that. It's that. Based on commercial. -- -- soldiers like -- I adware has -- is what is life what -- -- -- executive talking with kids at home -- showing her first -- yeah -- but now it's it's the baby when likely he -- like his -- link and ultrasound for the first time that cool. I was. Yeah. It's not cool man that. Yeah well speaking of Apple let's talk about -- story really quick -- here that Steve Jobs is now pulling a lot of the iPhone cases out of select Apple stores because. Apparently didn't scratching the back of the iPhone four case -- this is what I really just don't understand Mikey I guess being super popular and what navigate. You're obviously gonna get. A ton of -- because people have there you know phones everywhere you -- don't number one. Selling Smartphone on the planet -- this could be problems right and I'll be honest I keep this my iPhone in my pocket with my keys and not a single scratch on the glass attracted dozens of times right nothing nothing on I don't know what people are doing with the iPhone -- -- that. -- different because they're talking about the back of the case and with the direct contact to the -- they sell a lot times the cause scratches which I. It is really applicant would have been Stan -- and Casey yeah yet the F sand or is as dirt particles that are ready against the about out of me with my iPhone 3GS it -- it did not crack but I I -- -- when he kept sliding the Yankees won on and often and then I'd like to -- to the plate right. The thing that's Andy's site and like -- let's -- that out. I -- and these are likening the thing is yet to be we're like you know you basically have to like clean out your case to -- traditionally particulate and the like. It card applicant -- and into. Yeah I had 3GS I think people just feel betrayed with the iPhone or because when this thing that the collapse back of the iPhone four with thirty times stronger than the plastic back of the iPhone three but it doesn't mean it's indestructible know what I mean it's ironic that a taste would be that -- -- -- -- -- -- -- it -- is very very Chiron had. But at the same time -- -- the all the other phones out there grade are you demand a plastic or some sort of yeah. Arrest sheet metal and it is one thing after another because where they -- eating -- cases because of the reception issue but -- that you use indicates it's cuts and -- just one problem and the -- -- yeah they're getting those up but not anymore -- -- -- it's not -- -- activity solution is to use a bumper and not a case because the -- don't -- the back the only reason of I don't even know why people really have cases where they are from four has like a city and in normal practical -- use. Just does not scratch have not ever had promised that the only reason why even have a bumper this is damn thing is so slick. It slides up to the table right it's that I mean that is the number one reason why that's the reception issue. I mean let's not forget about that. Really handle before if they're expecting your phone okay I think I I finally got to work if I held the phone like right there for -- a -- -- squeezed as hard as I could. And I get it then I can see the bars I never use a phone like this -- right this is never gonna have and you never make phone calls anywhere else irrelevant. I like it a little bit just because it adds it literally as he bumper raises the edges -- it's a tiny bit -- on a flat surface you won't end up. Pushing it up against any finger pressing your luck with any one -- in a playground and organize and let's move by and a been talking a lot about Apple we've got a lot more other stories or more I guess more for four. Esque stories. Let's talk. Are you -- -- great video let's talk about this story now let let's talk about this story I I really wanna get this as we mentioned this on moody yesterday and they're apparently. People are developing any. Mobile phone. Possibly for the -- possibly for the iPhone. Where you will -- to test someone for STDs. So I imagine not. Then you do you like it. Do you like welcome I'm gonna go into the router he does not bode gruden dude I LA. -- I say I don't have an antsy and you know all the time I come here every day you do that crap I got rid of it okay. Walgreens is very efficient with their drug distribution and it was just a simple little rats. That many believe god. Yeah you there is only trying to yeah it. And -- totally -- totally different but you're right. There is a new app and it's gonna be hardware for your phone actually the to connect to the bottom of your Smartphone and you know actually prick your skin. And it will measure the it'll measure the amount of disease in your blood if. If any I mean this is I don't think he's a natural evolution did it the thought popped up in my head after I think during the one of the demos of -- four whereas somebody had developed a blood blood sugar right as for diabetes for diabetes exactly and I'm -- -- This money is especially -- -- you're in a bar here for pay -- you know. I gotta -- and a -- -- the iPhone now I'm gonna make sure that you're entirely clean have you actually seen it to someone. Yet I can prove it to yeah. I'm I can't really -- even more disturbing those that. The device supposedly had a container for -- urine and or saliva which are alternative ways for you to test it is -- you play that you can't even. You plug it into your opponents it is not actually materialized yet it's it's. And concepts so far but yeah I guess disposed to put a little bit of your year and or drip -- And I didn't do it. They're gonna have to warn people in the device and not your phone doesn't sound like afraid of water and fluids in your phone and a cardigan now now I -- and urinating into my -- And you get the warranty I'm gonna get a warranty protection on that if I didn't realize I I'm just like and -- and -- in the dvds and in. And this -- say that. Most of us have sort of been there were rolling -- meets a mind. And. No I'm -- Automatic daddy don't agree. I don't see everybody on it well you you meet someone 198 and you're really attracted to. And bad I didn't you have -- I've got I've got I've. So much that's a tough tough tough. -- you mean in drag and you're -- red. The idea although all of that get into like spin it into -- -- -- -- -- Vega yeah and -- it you know in the road might. Being here blood. I think your name is Britney. I'm neither really need to spit on this. I'm sorry I'm I'm just China he's safe to respond and read and -- enough on my phone spoof an audience. I. -- thieves know that is the take away that is particularly well we gotta take a little break right. Now. We've got some more craziness couple voicemails. And lots of fun here on the 4040. Look at this right this time around. See you guys on the you send -- This is the floor -- phone or an amateur camcorders a show where we all sing -- It. Is that it. Or don't got so. Then yes I think out I was in reference to our audio feed the act -- accusing me of making up the word audio -- act I would really use Steve Guttenberg. Of I love how we will call people out. Even our fans who really know that one rate and I scratch my back announced graduates don't don't colony criticize and inspect it's like -- that -- pick -- line that after you film has been on different you know creaky back patch -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- that they got in the break you were saying that they should install these machines. But they say they're growing -- and -- does doctors said that -- or the article says the app could be sold in grocery stores pharmacies are nightclub then machines. Another one pounds. In a British currency that's cheap and it's coming out of vending machine in about their next to the content and then nightclub bad. I or how women are being XP the don't they have like pregnant like self pregnancy tests and about the -- yet pregnancy test those little plastic disposable toothbrushes on the machine Canada he sometimes other like. Titillating novelties and ends. A way to check -- -- in Europe and noses and he has the we've measure is -- About the sort of like these strange. Queue of people in palate in the drug store every Sunday morning. How people still wearing elect who creates outfits dad and guys like you -- Jennifer right yeah actually as -- what you that you bring that up today after Halloween I was in between read by my house and saw a bunch of people -- And lied to pick up some kind of got to the bottom yeah I'm pretty sure I know that -- probably you've nailed it hey I -- after enough. Yeah because there it's still got him -- like he walked in times cannot. Like -- anyway isn't standing in a pharmacy on Sunday morning it's -- a -- wearing a bumblebee. You tile -- you know once the -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Oh nick that now yeah. And let's get in some more stories before we get into voice -- doesn't want it's you who. Let's talk about let's talk about hyper texting teens that we don't talk about crazy -- All day but apparently -- said he has come -- -- they're saying that teens that text a 120. Times a day or more. Are more likely to be susceptible to -- sex as a youngster. And also violence. And drugs and drinking at an early age. -- they're not saying that there's a direct correlation there but. I guess they're claiming that people or kids that text excessively. Aren't being monitored by their parents. And those kids. Have a tendency to get into illegal activities -- -- and China because like yeah now I. It's it's almost like -- you should let me. As I go back when we were growing like the kids who spent and whose face is like -- into making -- mobile device or laptop. Were probably the -- used. Least popular probably get the ones who are -- that an engineer and now like it it's like you PC kid walking astute their -- -- in their cellphone. There's probably no good they might even be pregnant threat to hook up at least according to Fox News anyway that's what that's where we're getting. Yeah and -- for this -- also saying that one in for a quarter of teenagers that they interviewed which was. A lot of kids they're saying that one in fourteen -- have sex did or said that -- message in their life. That's crazy to me of course affects -- you know that's got a few fixed us some things that you -- forties xmas yeah. Okay what I think yeah audience -- and what that is very run I think there unhelpful message wine yeah bronze experts often. I don't know well I guess is you know here's here's what is this is a sex messages like a sexy to the security text message -- which in my my art style of I would exactly well no no and and -- -- we're talking about regular text cases. I would consider like the amendments to also be six right but that's a different level of best that's -- pornography to me I mean I'm not advocating this but. I would rather kids -- then. Actually engage in the activity -- I mean this is like an outer courts and to. And it's somewhat literate yeah. It's they're practicing their vocabulary being green though 'cause it assures me because it's connected to you using decades -- -- most likely have sex in real and it's I. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Right I mean I'm terrified of Nelson having some weird futuristic hope that things -- evolved so far in ten years -- a whole -- universe as -- like holographic you know happy. -- -- my friends -- in my hand right dad that that's what it's gonna be it is it's -- it I mean it's inevitable it's surveying and yeah I don't know you can do is our house and in terms of my thing -- like. Parental controls. I still -- -- can't demand around the fact as a parent of what you do regarding the Internet in general and in and like adult web -- is because. I know that exists out there but I've never really thought about it as a parent -- because growing up. That was like. In impossibility yet there is no way you could access it or if you did have some -- what happens injury dirty magazine in summer camp. -- reality yeah it's like some some -- are passed on to some caters. That's a but like to be handed down or be describes. Ordering the oral situation where somebody was telling the tale of what something look like rackets and I was like yeah it was like cave men around him. I like describing the story I. I know I noticed that that you know you -- -- you shouldn't seeing so I -- -- I heard editors yeah I give you like I heard that someone -- -- -- this but now you just amused it's terrifying. You have to sneak into the -- -- -- -- section of your local Barnes & Noble and read that in the corner which is now when I did. I read about that on line that's something I heard about it. -- It's in in I can't even imagine what you do -- easily give my kid and intended to yes and -- -- yeah just giants that step. Just imagine like you like you're saying -- -- -- IE I see the point in the future were elected to accumulate. Ideally consider -- -- when inevitably looked up at HT sex tape break narrow it -- on eBay CEO whatever you like. Yeah -- any day -- this is crazy. Yeah in assessing kids who don't have the best judgment down like legacy and it's Indian HD it's -- it's in. This can be so easy to distribute and a lives -- even an even what's on YouTube like you mean. -- adult sites there's tons of stuff on YouTube that for a kid. Would be zero a very questionable I mean I am very -- -- like tons of stuff on that just like would have. -- my mind maybe even weirder so when your kid you know -- it's getting old enough to use the Internet. You can use something like net nanny I think I'm gonna have. Have to you on and I also think -- -- a lot of this. Really comes down to. Parenting and control and I'm controlling but. It's really about how you raise your child responsible I think it really with the shows that just like anything like you really technically. Can't stop anyone from doing anything in life. That everything's Al there that's bad even -- the Internet but it's about educating a child. To filter things properly -- not involved a -- to school not get -- of that stuff online and -- that's really the only way. This topic is -- with a net nanny let's face it kids are so tech savvy. It's -- anything yeah yeah it's all about monitoring the amount of time is yeah right you can't build -- you can't build like oh I don't believe you can build like like Caver or or. Or hutch and then just ignore your child and be like in the technology is taking care and only do worried that a good idea of their kids -- -- -- is survived because they may think Andy if the Toronto. Because it even things that you -- -- completely benign like at aged thirteen 1415. Kids find every single way to turn into like the worst thing possible TI 89 with the color -- -- you know eight L. Calculated native to -- -- -- that well we've got some voice -- here. On a closely in the show but we will -- to as many of them as possible. Additional of them. -- CNET. Well I I think this one was directed to us the other day we were talking about. Who nobody's listening to the boss -- anything that yeah. But Nils you know we're broadcasting that's on the Internet right people are listening to this. We get figures every month yet. -- they do we we have like. Milf meter. Read these like you mentioned at thirteen that's a human origin is laid oh we've got another one this -- Smith can predict when. That can aren't about -- And I wanna saying outlook not -- I am going to be other -- and I'd like my development deal. But I mean I think -- let -- -- on the show. -- -- -- You'll -- I will probably be the right to breathe again I get -- -- -- I. I was thinking games. Wow let me get a -- -- talk about -- Right now it's three dudes I think we would prefer to talk about put that -- -- forward -- -- Deal daddy I'd like to kiss yet -- organic light a lot of -- yet. The idea like to shake hands with completely edit like to talk to you I -- and on this very very very strange I mean industry. Deal justice. That I'll be sure not to put that in the blog today. Dot -- -- -- get jobs and iPhone force cracking and I don't like to. I don't. And I like elves still still wouldn't the end. -- got -- it's it's a pack of films. I we gotta get going. Justin yeah humans and now I guess that's gonna do -- -- yeah yeah -- -- show so sorry about the live stream. Hopefully it'll actually -- in the show this one more week. Jeff comes back this can. Murder yes. Anyway I am Wilson tang and I'm Scott Stein and I'm just in you it's the -- for its high tech it's low ground it's hiding your kitchen appliances that -- -- -- it's a cave -- yeah that's a data.

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