Ep. 59: Stop judging me
Ep. 59: Stop judging me

Ep. 59: Stop judging me

-- it's Tuesday September. 27. Stuart. -- podcast. I'm Donald bell I'm Eric Franklin. The the enthusiasm. That energy. We were doing -- congress and and still on the -- Palin in my younger guys yet -- from your coffee. And your eggs Benedict went. Now though I hit I would be great if it goes like my thing -- -- riddle at a desk yet SanDisk came and should do that -- do any kind of review mean our tech reporting honor meeting just make myself. -- the hastily done -- -- should make it for the entire office nine and oh yeah yeah. Well -- that any of salary for being the built in eggs Benedict -- sounds horrible and I wanna do that the -- lose a few people around here. -- on your desk. That could benefit from some in -- -- tech company can't we -- -- that stuff and we used to writing these to get that console though the roaring nineties part of the the first thing to go in the when the delicate -- -- good eggs Benedict gag yeah. I thought maybe you it is going to be able to let the thing. What -- an explanation going to. It seems kind of expensive seems pretty fancy and maybe it is I think that the parents that gives off. Is probably only comes in with his like napkin over his. Over his forearm and while there -- -- and we can't in good conscience fire anyone around here before we fire today manic yeah. It does knows that -- About energy they don't need anyone review and renders any Margaret way to keep the eggs Benedict is hey have you have the expect this at. We don't wanna be without -- just a skilled it -- Com. Touch both 3-D technology. Even better than eggs Benedict yeah because you can touch and it's -- now in Tokyo. That. -- researchers have created a a kind of odd but awesome. Little box that can project a 3-D image -- -- -- kind of you know encompassed 3-D space by using -- and reflections to give the illusion of being like -- holographic. 3-D yeah projection and then He can reach your hands in. This little box. In winter and with here a little kind of finger He attachment. In the you can who are important thing -- those little dancing to be -- specialists. I've always want to touch this and -- -- yes and now I can well thanks to it's it's in the early stages here but this is. This is something you couldn't do in Star Wars right with the projected -- Lan will they don't see it in 380. But you couldn't might reach out and you know do we know that I miner may be if someone would actually try the touch that little immediately. -- -- -- -- Mean there it is being too polite a private little adult and -- you know this -- that's cool and acupressure detection hollowing them might be my sister a and I don't know why no that would enhancement -- yeah I'll just play it safe. It. -- He wants the F. I -- that exist now. Has a thing it's a thing it's kind of -- Q you can really only touched the projection with your finger that's wrapped in like yellow duct -- by. It's here. Boise -- looks kind of creepy though he's going back and forth that yeah this thing yeah it's it's really Coleman's -- without. Well no no load of bull creek well it uses it you know he's and that's what's really cool. Okay yeah yeah but you knows that inning after a quick and -- -- Isaacson. -- it's it's hidden pornographic. Not even isn't very origins is just -- an early -- -- -- horrible -- disgusting bull weight behind your per -- Just with the -- Gibson says great if this is how the show involves. So we get past the censors more robots sorry Iowa this is and that's a lesson -- an robot ideas in my mind. This is a broad body of robot -- mornings usually the first and introduced into the show and I'm here that damn. Excellent. Excellent -- this one's gonna help humanity. Help America. Re America's got a problem -- we do we have a problem apparently. We'll have a problem way and we have -- problem as well bright yes both of those things like America got a problem with your weight. And I don't have a problem Americans we at a -- at that as -- health epidemic yeah we are large needs all yes -- about appearances while easily health ray tube -- courtroom just to stay healthy. So this robot -- little limbless robot here. Is gonna help us with that yeah -- -- is autumn. Or all tumbled to home all -- It's gonna be 960 bucks any basically looks like a robot head stuck onto a like colorless iPhone screen -- But you get to talk to him. Okay and yet He ask you about what you're eating. And you and He basically is there to kill you to providing -- information with like you about what eating right how much you've been locking. In looks like He -- constantly constantly. Judges you can't look with Bluetooth and is this is what they don't this is that they may be built like the whole system first rate. How can -- get an iPhone app for an app in general that's right yeah -- -- there it. But you don't get big they're big I'd -- the -- there actually. Like why -- you slowly killing yourself enough food. As you get that -- less. See that giant often you work. If you take out of the fridge you turn around you see those ideas really need to eat. That makes it -- is that some people. I mean I guess you could have gotten around this by making a big dewy eyed robot head attachment viewer yeah iPod Touch. But down. This indicated we get it from way to. I don't think is a coincidence that little -- there are home. Looks like He could you lose a couple pounds himself content and they're -- -- looks a little if you wanna be intimidating doesn't MB like. What does seem like that it's obvious he's judging you like I'm betting is like all no -- holidays. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Exactly -- and I guarantee you can cable making. Is that well that's my job yes us all I can do. -- can't move so. -- -- -- -- Is that one of the questions He asked -- -- You think oh well firstly because lately what -- you -- Is there anything that you've eaten recently that you wanna you know -- -- coming about and then Sega and like you would need to get out and do any -- -- -- can you tell me about anything make fitness related that you see today that can account for yourself and -- -- anything -- -- you -- -- -- It's -- is begging for a confess it's like. -- Can you kill a man in the -- -- actually like. Well it's just here to ask you questions Donald home so what -- today. Okay as -- else so there's nothing else to tell me before I state. Take other you can if you can really mean anything yeah and I'm -- You sure you sure about this bill you'll -- the dialing right he'd like football sized deaconess imagine chugging out the window. Judged me. Adding I think the VD box of model -- the burst into our home of the town ultimatum -- should be like. A window. Like. Let him -- -- -- predation and addiction to him -- they -- -- -- sell him at a loss basically they they should make this. Like twenty dollars and it's just expect you're going to -- -- destroy and throw -- out yeah time's right at the make up the cost -- yet. They can make -- like maybe it make him get Michael stress ball head. -- -- -- -- -- The Iraq and -- and believes punch him in a guy in his head pops he'll get guilty about it they need an arms and soon -- slicker competitors. And -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Altogether. And then not gonna the -- He announced. It but -- Yet to buy another wanted to tell him about what you the last line. On it -- -- -- -- a robot before you. Diana I put -- on the garbage disposal. Slowly now Hundt who want you to worry but -- -- did -- -- -- -- -- questions just lets you know. Facilities keep this to -- -- -- anybody. And -- and back out into the exit ramp lined up her current cannot if you go okay -- -- -- guy steam on through. Two moving on towards another jab. He's an -- here now this one. Kind of adorable. Very creepy this is mommy tummy eight we know -- -- aid pregnancy simulator. That you you strap on -- gut as a guy you would -- And then it has AM component to -- -- watching you can see that the the virtual fetus. On screen and how is growing and then as it grows in its animation state on the Neary -- -- Ed though there's little actuators. And air pressure valves and 88. -- water Blatter inside there look at that all of that god can pump and grow and sticky you'll. -- as the and now there's also a -- portion of this. -- that He -- men which is you know I'm sure enlightening and collided on ways. That can simulate the the swelling. And they eat -- -- really done numerous errors are analysts -- At. I'm thinking unification of a pregnancy care what we're a little things that were there with him and I think it's I think there's -- way to -- -- to being like the new rock band. Russia and -- the or or at least -- -- -- where a year year and kind of making sure that your your media Israeli Irish come home and like sixty much US. Look at all the time then for that demon or is it like -- play this game for a couple hours. And now I'll put I'll put it on a night at night after -- you know you get home from work with that nine and then you know you simulate -- your -- -- pregnancy. And you like it could be a thing. Yeah right as silly as it sounds you know me and I'm a geek -- the tub like expression out here now He sits at the I think there's something here yet and -- there's a lot of last year the -- it. In the two punch rather than. It that it hasn't I don't understand Japanese -- -- at the chance and it grows -- this is the Chrome has gotten all the weird air pressure. -- that -- and years. Guy acted kind of make you aware and and in the water that they use -- like hot -- simulate the by temperature of having a home a little beings mean attached to your what's happening here. The -- that He not duel itself with some and it looks like there's some kind of animal portion of this. I that is the air hoses that are attached to a at Indianapolis it back -- and that there's a website to. Hobbling -- -- -- a mommy -- website that has a lot of weird creepy at lake kind of cutesy. You know renderings of of kids and they're being upset and that you feel it there -- right -- -- turnaround. At pokey with your feet. Right but this is all to help make. Part of this is to make men to get -- empathize with the stated being pregnant by I think it could be educational for -- -- -- Teenagers to know. Hey kids. These girls I read -- or even guys -- estimate and sensitive to what they might potentially. -- reflecting on teenage girls. -- get these detainees was -- there. Because they'll think it's gonna crack about more than anything it's exactly. But it's actually an amiga street saying that -- -- you can you can try to solve this problem of pregnancy simulation get this technologically at all it's it's it's really cool like that I think the idea of having this virtual baby the agency onscreen as well -- -- to that that. -- -- -- -- -- I could also just like indigestion simulator two -- -- -- Roll the what does that teach it as a second could a lot of doubt on Metallica has yet this goes back to auto -- you this is like -- -- like like you know like an add on to -- so -- no later it's like. -- -- -- -- I guess I guess would be and could be a cable could be this is how fat -- that again and in -- when -- this fat. This is how it's gonna feel great and is -- you're gonna feel that we remove them the -- -- Yeah like -- attractive pot but -- to -- right won't be attractive all assurance that. Because it is -- an -- -- feels like react exactly. -- -- -- We should I do realize now this show is basically the all Japan show because this is the they're -- -- that's coming -- -- Japan is. To promote these Star Wars Blu-ray dvd box set which you know here's another plug for it. I'm in Japan they have outfitted there. They're subway trains with little light Saber. Our wraps that go around that the handle bar where you're your holding on. And they actually -- -- there's a button on the light I don't know that whereas a string of LEDs through the is that the sticker will will -- at civic and feel like a bad ass yeah with -- holding until -- -- Kind of kindness -- -- combatants. Yet because it's not a real light Saber for rent and detached from you know that like this to be really cool like. For kids like an exciting. But like I don't want my kid necessary holding on like. Baghdad -- he's and he's part of reasonably yeah right. -- you -- want -- you wanna avoid touching noses if you can. But this is encouraging people mean in -- specific media is the now. Chlorine on a daily basis isn't probably shouldn't -- Japan will be on its. I do feel bad for like -- the American humanist how quickly added turning to. Giant anatomy yours that -- over the social buddies and -- It's -- -- -- again now and I think that it's a Great Lakes and this podcast out via. Grab and virtual lights and yes. -- If you want to see we'll we'll be talking about next week or within the womb can check out our I don't know where no -- we that we know everything we almost talked over the best I. Tires will let you do that now treatment and and and and and and and and so we need -- ports and -- -- I -- every time to put new pictures and okay okay now it's as good as any group in great pizza cinema yeah there's actually something new -- it -- -- it will do is to get a whole new. It's like a rorschach test it -- -- is still what you see where you CA -- you like -- -- com. It -- -- you know there was no hope in there at all. Really -- -- the first semi that and that was not an I think it's like a hot dog or something Harry sorority and and and very yet yeah. -- Iran issue right -- and tell us what you see in the animation -- that's -- can analyze you only just that I mean. And -- frequently used to analyze this. Okay on the Geeknews that -- somebody -- is -- -- hours dollars that would be very quick about this because I don't wanna spent too much time on this and become pressed for time anyway on the show. Column. BioWare or EA is finally announced a date for their massively multiplayer -- -- PG. Star Wars dual republic that's. It's been in development for a long time if you -- the last He has been -- about this. This post these giant while killer it while the most popular in the moon planets -- while you for years. This -- Star Wars. It's in the Star Wars universe is in the Old Republic -- played nice to go public it's in that same time period around that time. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I'm very excited David Nelson. I'm gonna be out of the country. But. When I get back. -- go to C yes. But then I get back from the Internet -- that. Then I'll buy it and EM all and your -- Old Republic Cologne and -- need to enhance windows and men by -- and you know hopefully. That'll give me time to talk my wife into letting me play. For hours hours and I and there's a low low a little preview of a dungeon of a dungeon game -- and give you that. -- -- Com looks awesome. I won't accept this game for awhile and then -- set a hearing things about how it's very I caters to single player. Players a lot. Is very very story -- every piece of dialogue and game is spoken. About the on the dialog it's it's -- -- dialog recorded dialogue. There's no text Yeltsin in a when you get its quest the guy speaks viewed as -- There's a lot of like -- -- that we call like moral like of the like morality system or whatever and in a huge make these choices based I'm -- -- a security -- like mass effect or you know any BioWare game the last few years. Com and -- -- and has animal. Troops as well as houses reads there's loving there's new armor and is weapons and it just looks. I'm very excited skip school and He can't play in single player mode you can't. But you know you can play a lot yours -- line but you can kind of you'll have to party yup it's what of that is what I'm giving you can just play and experience like a really awesome also -- told story -- if you want to. On PCs so they got -- -- there's there's Geeknews. That's actually sent the Hannah guy is seeking -- like -- seepage and simply like when it. This -- just watching what you're only doing -- auto home. Judging me and how. Because I nearly as adorable and He had to be judgmental DX and the robot now that's political. Yup. And lewd -- next week brewer Creighton. Gas -- isn't known. Him. -- or should we should. -- -- -- -- If you want to see we'll be talking about next week -- -- crave blog crave at cnet.com you can email us at crave at cnet.com. And you can just. You know hate us all the -- -- -- -- if you feel like it we've got to -- the pages you've got -- tweeters who got all that stuff. So let us now -- -- I've -- it back.

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