Ep. 54: Hammer not included
Ep. 54: Hammer not included

Ep. 54: Hammer not included

It is Tuesday. August 23 and you are joining us here on the crave podcast I'm Donald bell. I'm Eric Franklin. Donald partner and not so much podcast three answers I this is okay -- -- street yet. This is how little sorcery yeah a little like I need in glorious for these spells these -- has to be snow can patients yeah yeah -- Is there a chance Michigan -- -- yen. The guys -- advertisement telling -- not only candidates played that would be a great podcast yeah we desired and basically I jokes again you'd get easy -- And they -- it had -- new technology there yet. It's got that idea -- words that go over. I if -- if -- street car and I. -- we can hit the can we get like that about backward in time travel button and now goes and do the -- But we who you cannot turn back the clock HP. Right but they would probably -- tile we want him. Last week I think that of all the crave things that were written about there's really nothing that could have trumped. The news about HP dumping their PC -- -- -- division and pretty much. Cutting loose any webos related products and -- in the hands -- it. And that moving on to move and I know what -- briefly what are they moving on with like I Leonard -- -- little. Really know they make a lot of money through there their print learn it's not just consumer elect professional right applications are -- in you know large. Format planners and grow -- business. But I haven't yet know that it -- -- these maybe the are no idea. Stuff it is yet that it's -- even with agency don't need webos hardware and -- they don't tend to make it and. And have no plans for a little level us with the web OS software software -- like -- -- -- like oh we're gonna you know licenses software it's. More than we ever wanted or anything I haven't snag I think -- -- now they have said that. Like look we're not when I told the giving up on the -- level as being something -- it when knocked me making hardware afford anymore right and it didn't seem at their hearts into it and share -- probably this -- pass something else. I wish they would open source does let you know people nuts on every great that be as big an a bird -- -- the tech industry as what they did with the -- which -- -- it liquidated in 99 dollars over the -- crazy if if you're -- not to listen to this podcast you probably already know about that half an -- that -- -- -- -- behind pure panic anyone who have their guns but it is that what was -- in synch -- with the mania. It if this is the crave podcast and we want talk about free things yes we crave. That touched on -- -- yeah and those people who had otherwise I'm not ever be talking to me about tablets or touch pads or even -- -- relate. -- to hear about and 99 dollar. My -- -- -- here is -- tablet gets under your books in a gallon Turkey. Suddenly turn into this whole other thing I thought those -- in Phnom late summer. People who. We know your life who -- had anything do with tech out like normally throw out the idea that its its H -- touched at a level western lake. People we're talking about 99 dollar tablet. That wasn't a total door stop -- that is that the key to get people talking about mainstream users you know Joseph six pack. Or you know. It's talking about tablets is that the key. Discussing here tablets and pay nine dollars is that that that this. The solution to this tablet conundrum -- -- people wanna T yeah and that's actually -- funny because like a couple weeks ago I was going to do and CNET roadshow or talk in a different vendors and going and meeting. People like each team ready to HP actually. Talking about like our data on -- -- and show like what users and CNET are looking for most in the different product categories with all the different kind of -- tests and then quit -- -- but it will not attend this survey that we didn't. We bring them in and like everything that is not an iPad -- care the most about. Price and over like when OS it runs screen quality right now battery life. Cheap cheap cheap keen to hear about that the sort of paid money. Way to -- to be free -- even better. -- -- and then it's devalued the here's the thing I think it sucks about this as much as I kind of like. The party I mean that's like you know it well and I would have done -- -- -- issues like that that the bird flip of this movement right now and are liquidation on the tablet like -- Libya -- invisible birds and company and I -- Is that I think it is is now gonna screw with people's expectations -- how should pay for tablet. From here like I know -- even if the UU rationally know that housing a one time deal. And HP lost money on the whole thing right. I still feel like -- 99 dollar price point now -- being crossed you think has not just -- -- some might even a tablet that's you know. Manufacture and -- -- know public horrible condition her current -- -- tag falls apart in the hands like a genuinely great hardware that was worth 500 dollars slate. Until now it's great now I did not name reviews said they are -- -- -- and dollars. Inspect. Directly -- -- -- -- gotten so lot of lack not not as a -- saying I feel like. You can't have that your hair without the context. Living. Daring your head as well with that with that -- -- -- -- in expecting you -- Amazon's rumored. I tablet to come out in -- comes out and that is rumored to come out around what to fifties and like that. Do you see that he's somebody -- last -- too expensive for my blood in touch -- came out that you'll be totally liquidated was nine point 99 dollars. And I hate -- -- mean yeah you're just being in an unreasonable. You know. -- but here's what you can't. You can't factor out is that if even if He even if Amazon's tablet is awesome its 200 bucks okay let's invent things because -- -- need. Like better than no pricing apparently even if it -- exists at all right show around. You're still gonna get bad guys -- like a touchpad -- -- -- nine dollars. Graham and -- that they -- come back Amazon MP in Africa and feel good about lake community appeared too much for Intel this guy's got 99 dollar touch pad does everything -- until those. It is not supported. Him in new new new apps being made for -- now is that now there's a whole thing. You gotta consider and you know I mean the apps that are out there -- right now probably go to Amazon Amazon -- a bit -- likely run Android. More sport there I don't know it's I see what you're saying that they're there will be dudes like that out there. Girls those bands out there right now they're planning to scheming to steamers. Here -- trying to control their little world Holland particularly chatter and right now to see if -- RD year. I don't know bare butt and you gonna hubble's people who are unreasonable like that in the majority of people -- You -- have some you know. We don't have some common sense about pricing. And what they can get for the price -- nobody using a new there's a new floor and now for it. -- -- feel like what's the matter how good stuff the comes in between now in between this price is still gonna feel. Quite as good an argument that's easily one -- like when people corrupted you know. Apple or. Zoo were more role of whoever when viewing a few words was used tablet. -- is I mean it's like well that company kind of job that that company dropped a tablet that's why they liquidated. In -- I'm saying but what if you -- a cease. Sitting on a big -- of years -- 399 dollars -- eat at transformers that were yesterday's hot business Jim -- and now I like. Like somehow three remaining nine dollars seems much higher price for tablet okay it's like yeah yeah -- does do that. It does make it seem more expensive when you just got your touchpad which was around the same pleasurable or more -- price. 400 books -- but I think that's going to Wear off after a while. I think there's gonna be that that this time the next may be couple weeks where people feel that -- -- -- Wear off after these videos give it time and people forget. This happened and say yeah this whole podcast program. -- before this turns into the tablet podcast I'll move on. Aside -- into something that is has really know. You know. Legitimate and real implications on anybody's life because it's a one off product but. Genuinely capable. For when you really want -- ride in style the custom sort super Star Wars by -- school. This is coming from Steve into. Instead arrived in staff -- -- one element on this this this one off its. -- school that I I find the most. Appealing which is bend down in the bottom right corner. I can see via the little stand -- -- risen on its on the the bike pump. -- -- the that's a nice little detail -- -- like it actually would I would probably steal that and it's not by schools. Just take that -- patents -- -- typical of a I'll just share -- to routine bicycles. Show now why did it. Now that -- -- neurologists. One -- call these kind of likes trucks bicycles pets bikes trucks -- located. They are they there they're like old stock and a bikes a really big and had them. The big we'll cover things on the model -- -- those things and have the big lake or key seat. You know what went out right when our race might be MX is back -- -- -- we call those trucks is in -- -- trucks and now add in an area known accounts that -- that I did it does bring up the add the point that this is most inefficient motives into transportation. -- Now you can lead to chasing down rebels in that thing they can't taking east on -- seriously is right now. Cycles beat cops that ride bikes you know like on the beach or -- -- -- -- and -- I don't have less than was originally they have they -- they public of them the mall cop kind of pseudo segue -- accommodate. To me what the -- -- ancestral yeah exactly it has that weird little front He could totally pedestal entrepreneur. So let's see that next to at a bit of authority to the year already at the earliest amusement for -- present right now. The -- -- -- if you want people to take you seriously. -- analysts corn chip giant and on the front of year. Chosen mode of transportation. Works -- that yet this was made by -- the bike. As a whole new dimension to mixer from behind and from rust away. Now. -- been. Well -- -- I rocket that effort different on we're gonna jump -- to do we need a commercial break. Now no one. Just into. He did ask him again it is an -- realizing it totally forget gloss over it should be -- -- commercial break there won't let us know. It's like it's -- -- Now and it is -- love me here I. I have I've -- for this next segment this is Eric Franklin and check in. But what's going down. And -- pop culture nerd universe yet man -- What is going down this this this this little segment. We may have it every we mean I don't know -- -- -- ten transition Pendleton gas cycle. Geeknews and then -- -- You today. -- -- -- so is admittedly this is gonna cover like like in geek movies on comic books video games and being pretty much limited to those -- each -- is. Of media but come. This week -- the avengers. -- -- -- -- I didn't see coming out next year an actual live action avengers movie. And has been leading is we've been leading -- -- will be. With with the last few marvel studios produce movies with the Iron Man -- into the incredible Hulk or Captain America. Are all leading to this big team up movie -- -- -- got together into one movie coming next may. Obviously I'm not at all excited about this -- -- -- -- -- let's -- this kind of excitement from you since you know a year before the Green lantern came out and now. And don't remind me thanks a lot thanks to bring me down. But this is written and directed by Joss Wheaton whom I trust you if -- -- -- -- receiver and a firefly Buffy. Odd you're receiving movie serenity you know just -- knows how to deal with ensemble cast and giving each character their due. So what he's really that the cancer anyway. They're filming this movie right now there are -- -- Cleveland and eventually outside what Disney film outside Donald. Is that you can and its people tend to notice and they bring their personal recording devices. Com with them and -- will record stuff on the street you're filming from whatever perspective they want. You know from the house -- so when you see is not exactly as it -- will be but. It's pretty cool now I have a couple of links here. Or a couple movies here that shows. -- filming an action scenes from the avengers. It's awesome -- like -- can't become the line is it really is that don't sell too hard as much her feet decently but I'm ready I. I would at least interest or is is overseeing it was -- does -- -- flip over a car offers. Now there -- now they're using Cleveland. They're filling in -- but it's supposed to be Manhattan whenever and it's our captain Americans or out their fight the bunch of dudes with these are Mo cap so that sun. So the thought is available galloping balls on -- -- ass that thought is it gonna be -- -- -- some CG creature or alien -- we don't know what that is yet. But we do see or an action. -- -- that accurate you've got it. -- is -- -- well you know you don't. The soft. And com. The thing about that that clip in particular. One yes Lawson commons and you'll still really hit that thing fifteen B going to get into orbit and -- -- -- For one. Maybe it's on his his his -- -- or maybe maybe hesitancy out. -- pull your punches but. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Let's wait to see what actually happens in the movie that -- -- flying CG enhancements. You know He could wanted not who He may He may be trying to control or the ill will in all god -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Anyway done all this He -- -- fight others you know capped at. That Americans or fighting back to back it's really awesome you get to Comcast. Comic book fans called -- like it's now I'm gonna announce it. -- -- Now He and I can't -- yet He got it got put in the time mr. Mr. Stephen. -- just go to the -- of -- And there are -- of the motion captured guys. And back to back. Hey you know -- like. It doesn't like shooting at him you don't see that it's just it's just kind of a good insights on how movies and and there's a slow right now mostly assembly code and you dismount the cover of many of the bad special mention in my becoming a -- -- -- its outlets like have been losing captured advancement guys is that a looks a bunch of firefighters are getting. I'm sorry to tell him out -- it out there that -- -- Do look at what the yellow terrible but they could well be fair they were attacked -- -- cabinet clip you know there is a fab they were attacked and tell us about those who is most of the -- running and about go to that store throws hammer or one that's pretty cool room. In especially if you know you wanna know how these movies or maybe it's interesting to watch a clip you see let me. So there's the -- Norton -- a hammer outside the frame. Except you know Captain America and -- and it's not a little bit at some point obviously you know -- his -- his camera always comes back to them in here it is for you -- Just throw -- -- occurred and it doesn't take -- heads roll just like. Cameron handler -- idea that you know He was like I think this right you know you easily practice is gone through this -- perfectly because he's like in other you know at least when He picks it up off via the targeted -- twirls it around like you. Yeah yeah yeah vehicle or spending and actually looking at his along here and stuff He looks pretty -- feet -- -- It's this so I'll stick to -- without -- -- He had a movie does know that some dude off camera and it does. -- camera -- exactly anyway that's all vessels on them with geek news this week. Actually is one more thing. This -- gonna watch the whole first season of the avengers cartoon -- -- -- on Netflix streaming. Go check it out it's really awesome -- be -- just as -- -- a limited you like that show. The show is just as good maybe even better -- animated show. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- For the very end the tail end of crane of we're saving the best for last though are maybe -- We actually got them some reader feedback or listener feedback. Of course it's from the same listener who is like emailed us three times now bless his heart I'm glad and buys out -- -- -- -- dedicated to the show. I think He is this is John console. He wants to tell us so Korea that yes network were we're offering game. -- It's -- screenings. I stumbled across crave. Do an average due to an advertisement and that's allowed my opinion it seems that the -- drifting. And at at surprise He hasn't seen this episode yet. -- -- is. Predicting it. -- the gadget blog but yet is filled with the IPs saying. This show is filled with robot arms and many other things which I honestly doubt viewers actually crave button. Buzz out loud as a clearinghouse what's happening in tech in the day and popular -- popular its popular. It makes that point yes -- -- what this -- popular. While your show I'm inclined to not on the other hand it's popular IC -- struggling to find it here I suspect it's not popular that's lot of caps and -- And by you guys are still so well so don't be sad. Feeling -- -- well and I need to -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Eat we aren't even -- the show -- I think you guys should get back to basics and start talking about the gadgets that people would actually would end Dubai. Then -- add 10% of the filler stuff. That's way way the. This is instantly. The -- of her. And this shouldn't create be stolen gadgets like this and He points to a 130 dollar USB three point oh you've seen every two bay drive which -- Okay and 880 dollar Divx player that docks at their iPad and the iPad to not so well that He bought it. And some pretty cool mini PCs that He almost. -- Sybase who we have to -- you -- the show. Two. Johns preferences or preferences. As far as gadgets get Disco. Right. Now this is like I I think John is like actually like the good friend who would tell you. Gonna bring in those and yet when you or have too much nose hair are right there a present that expansion to -- -- that take someone. -- -- looking -- I think that's where his hardest. It's okay. So I shouldn't get defensive now well you can get defensive if you want. I will say though that I had no intention -- -- -- not for everybody but that's okay. Community. There is it's it's not as well now you visiting this is this may be getting to -- -- our media's dislike the culture of reviewers here at CNET. Is that there's a lot -- that the we have we have to write about yeah sure that we we're we're interested in we're interested in whatever the new Samsung phone of the week is -- asked the man. You know the things that people are actually genuinely going out there and buying new cars and -- -- up as -- territory covered by the -- -- we can't. I too much -- actually. How those who could nip into a little -- -- of our beat goodness RB has no other podcasts out there instantly diving deep into it but I don't want months. Yeah -- being. IE generally crave every week. The future -- Right now and you look towards the future. And the stuff that can actually go out there and by right now is in the future now you know so -- -- the president now that's a rare it is the Iran buy it most likely. It's happening now its present yet. So yes I I a definite -- and I tend to. Gravitate towards things that are impractical. Probably not even viable. But I mean that's -- my -- coming from week to week -- I wanna find -- cool stuff that feels like a gets me excited about. The future price. And that's mean that is except that I can actually share issue that in mind it being kind cheap hello kitty stuff. And I. Cases of McDowell that's. I think that's what sets our. Podcasts apart from the others as you you know alluding to. I would be really -- honestly just from a personal standpoint. Wouldn't wanna talk of well the latest eSATA drive in LA and I mean I could. But it wouldn't excite me as much as talking about you know. -- cat ears that you know. Because you know the shows are motions to be three years these cat union -- -- -- because it fell below some woman haven't missed connection in Japan with some of the dude he's looking at a pile of crap on the ground. Because of his -- that's why I -- was partners with you because you call you you you career always -- -- beings and this is kind of it's when He out -- and balance. -- not for everybody is -- not for the entire audience of the crave blog. Yeah I do I think that there is a disconnect there a little bit you know -- -- I think that there could be a really cool podcast for creative that's not. You know us that's more comprehensive share. I don't know if we could pull anyone could pull -- often this studio with the equivalent we have. So they aren't gonna focus in on the things that actually you know a genuinely excited me nor -- they -- and I can talk about and He skits and humor. I think you should I think you should I think you should -- -- -- kind of neat this shows your baby you can it can -- -- open the cupboard and if it ever. Divergence from what you wanna do then what's the point you know -- it has to be asked to a line with your interest. Well -- the -- -- -- -- pretty transparent that way I mean they're interested in under an idea and not really very good feigning interest I think to a man and discredit. It's certainly -- -- -- and I think actually things to your credit its people trust you. Don't like. If you wanna stick up for us or if you agree with John -- if you have another idea for the direction on the show. Or if you want to each year average year Eric's introduction of geek pop culture cheer or jeer -- Let us now here you can send to crave at cnet.com. I don't think that that pot definitely -- lesson that the actual footer of the thing it's gonna point in the right. Out -- what we get that. I can't can. Says just do that -- even try to college just yet Belichick Davis cnet.com that's really the only way I -- -- it. Until then now. We'll be back next week with more cool stuff even if you can't buy it and even it is totally impractical. Does -- makes me. But.

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