Ep. 48: Google united, Google divided: the I/O show
Ep. 48: Google united, Google divided: the I/O show

Ep. 48: Google united, Google divided: the I/O show

This is the show all about Google bio that happened this week we're gonna talk about the next generation of Android and whether Google's kind of going up against itself what next generation of Chrome OS all -- more on this week Android atlas weekly for me the twelfth 2011. I'm Antuan Goodwin alone that special gift both which -- -- the adult court from the dialed in podcast. Oh and we've got CT have been being and whose. -- injury and boiler -- and her husband local injuries -- Just an account that actually got here this week he's out Washington there. So let's talk about Google I know it's like the big news this week it's actually all the news this week. Agca could actually release stingy with air invites the fears that CNET had a limited number of spots but if I were lucky enough to -- snagged. A path. A path that we shared between. And there could turn our it's a good idea and got to see this show and of course we weren't there for -- -- some of our colleagues work. But we did get a chance to tour the floor and -- was your favorite part. All of these gigantic green and -- their ruthless Romans three -- a -- with green. The republic. They were in a replica teeth pulled all of the injury phones with a little injury meaning if -- -- -- fine but I. The say it the case I look at it and like okay this is depressingly boring with all of the -- -- -- is the exception of some of the really tiny phones like the Motorola charm and in the flip out a kind of elects. Really it's clear they're all saying if you know blue black and there are likeable lightweight on the don't like Lu -- a look at -- how exciting -- more time looking at the injury figures that it right -- bigger spread the color. I did -- a little time looking for my. The court noted like the iPhone could make it easier later smiled at -- picture -- it actually at the -- imposes one it. That know that that's hooked up Google and that's my is in person meeting Europe. I've never -- I don't now I've -- there's documentation -- -- Somewhere but of my favorite part actually in addition to the giants soaring in greater robots in the green -- I loved. All of the -- that they had on display especially to show off. Something they just announced that they accessory is an imprint at home. And shameless plug but I created an album -- on my -- spec. Profile pages. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You'll find it in there and it's called -- about -- Google land and it's got picture of the actually everything that I think the two of us like between -- So when it pictures is a giant and green plastic and rate others. The wallet phones and being from now there actually fix the blues is the 360 -- -- the gather personal ads and -- like small percentage of what was it even the six landline phones with lake. Posing Andrew -- printed for -- really I -- two or three like. Violently -- guidelines as they're not yet exactly and it's double sided -- opposite side of each one there's another. Shelving unit -- they also had these big gleaming plasticky -- narrative that. Charging station there are -- seasoned simply giving -- with micro USB cables put out -- -- weird they were all over the place everyone was just like tethered to the Android and something addict I just kept thinking that interest in the lot of -- a -- yeah that's what it looked like. You can also -- you certainly -- serving tray against. I guess maybe Sony has yet regarding yard -- commercials like about injury and anatomy. Who -- the grafted to thumbs on the than Android coda. Within commercial division after you play. -- Africa that I remembered and I just remember the rebels and the so there are also some other things there are some robots ever rocking around they have little tiny robots with. X phones that you snapped into your head they have like and the best part I think I mean it's like -- at -- and that -- oversize -- or even now. I'll be Atlanta that it was ten -- hit theaters and yeah like that applicants wrap let it -- for those in a -- with a little elaborate scheme yeah maze with a metal ball and I had a decaying orbit around in the object of the game and -- -- -- kind of like dialogue on either side with the old -- you would turn the dial -- And -- CU. Control that acts and why act these tilt and in this case. You have a big hundred tablet. And you move that the tablet left and Friday -- and it uses -- ethnic color monitor and other things and it kind of and it routes this oversight -- and -- bowling ball. And your objects as two of wave moving the bowling ball ensued if she would not coming to him over for you -- -- -- hugely awesome thing -- like you're on one end of the floor. And you just here. Because somebody got it never went -- excited of the huge crowd of people around the thing that this is a -- -- for the news NFC stuff in. This isn't -- point one it. -- this doesn't and it seemed as those -- -- at home so it's basically -- talk about it but it's basically. Giving peripherals and other devices. Kind of -- an ability to. Can -- -- eleventh that was another part that's actually. -- little lasting about a silent as key on a -- cycle bike. And back kind of -- in Q a game. If you're watching the video you can -- That there is there's Smartphone captain onto the spike and the faster he cycled a higher. By your little guy you know goes your avatar this game goes and your object to -- cycle faster and slower. To avoid the peaks -- -- and game. About the really nice -- then how finally your exercise that. -- pretty fun coop. -- Like like these against each other -- where correlate how united in -- on non. I'm with what the folk pop up space quit gaming yet to synchronize like your -- -- -- -- games -- to -- any delay in -- -- With keep that you were keys. Agassi unit kind of animation thing on. -- -- At the weird game proved you don't know -- -- -- this Google QWOP. At the flash game. Work you have four keys on your keyboard that controlling guys -- and it basically -- and mimic walking -- leaving your keyboard and it -- hard wanting it is hard is so funny. And they but we're in the burglary a path that I guess if not or are we talking about the sort of hardware implementation with go ahead and -- -- -- into it. These are all parts. The next version of honeycomb. That was actually announced at -- Android three dot one. And one of the the biggest changes that we saw in this is that support of external accessories via USB and also blood through the Bluetooth connected -- use in the HID profile. It's so cool. Yes totally great it's just gonna blow the doors open lobby for me this is. Google's answer to be worked with iPhone. If I work with cars alive and -- we always see. IPod docks -- -- connections iPod integration but -- guys are usually in gals are usually stuck. -- Bluetooth audio streaming or you -- artillery yet. And this. Sort of hardware integration for me yes the you know. Did you being able to work -- that reflect cars being able to work with things like digital cameras froehlich you know connected there. -- again things like gigantic -- -- Or robot Hasbro actually head of Google -- -- them injury dot. The head legs and little alert and little legs little tiny -- they're almost like pink. In Ohio circuit yeah like so attract -- attract and -- don't know that but they would walk around and -- for you and if they saw a big picture view and interact with them. And then knocking over poking in the united it would be one and then I robot -- one that -- around it would try to find you're not for you. Chocolate yeah that's scary but in this sort of like accessories that work -- the phone is something that. Apple had for a while mean metal walled guarding you have to go through Apple's hazing prospects -- hard to get access to that but it. In order to you know seeing that potential for injury being able to work with more devices very exciting for me. The most practical application that I filed with with -- -- -- you see that where they basically. And had an -- And you could use it to control all of the lamps around so that if you're locked into your -- you control your -- and then you know also by extension link. Your refrigerator your dryer your TV anything -- being -- enabled you can control with an app. -- followed a pretty -- -- implementation from a Korean company. And they had. Automotive and -- and where you can do things like turn off the lights on your cars and set the alarm so if you go into your -- a lot of apps like that anyway right with -- a century and -- the idea is. But they actually have. Partnerships -- with a couple Korean auto makers -- they wouldn't name but I mean. I -- -- anatomy that are there. More actually than they were aware of -- like Andy Andy we're hearing IKEA -- part of that but if it's actually really kind of I -- that being interesting because up -- now although -- -- team were. Again Apple implementations of the news -- like things like the viper smart earned him a death so you're saying with the new Android tablet update of the kind of cool like the I dislike. Ultimate remote controlled type device where you walk around the house -- -- set -- ways that. -- to turn on in the house as you walk around. And as. You turn them on on the iPad and you know you did have a dimmer switch -- your finger and kind of -- -- back and forth today Metairie you can just happened top and on top it off. Or like if you related be really cool to have one button on your pad that you hit it your TV come -- -- -- her -- profile -- yes. That's about music countdown adding the the the the -- quagmire -- and -- -- like Lawrence -- proximity sensing -- in these devices so for example like lights and turn on or turn off as you like leave -- room. Or -- room but what fun well lake proximity on -- and most smaller scale -- -- obviously the NFC which you and it seemed to be excited about that -- -- -- communication we saw a little bit of this. About the time the nexus -- wooden house but they've really got to put a lot of weight behind it on Google I -- this year. I with often pretty cool things one -- with -- with and -- called double tap. That allows you to listening to a song you recorded video on your phone your -- -- -- -- and -- the phone back -- back in your both running double twit that'll actually -- Either over Bluetooth Wi-Fi ray bubbles like rate by Google and it's pretty music like bump it can account for payments PayPal had quietly added that there is -- well. The and as entirely life history from him pumping me and not like. -- and what information -- -- over in Macon and that what -- -- -- that have -- -- The when a law. -- but is -- going to be any type of -- RI AAD link you might but the phone you halted development path that it the bid represented represented a double twist beneath -- that -- -- everything happens locally. -- -- on the local Bluetooth network it online. A local Wi-Fi network. -- -- Which you on the honor system. The biggest kind of like they -- that the files they were using for the demonstration -- Are acting in the -- community common. Files smart if anything it wants it ready -- -- it. -- where -- and. The -- tight -- on it if kind of like you know -- you can you can see that if you had a -- keep it at the -- but that doesn't mean they're -- outlawed united because there'd be used to -- them excellent legacy is he doing that -- on the -- party -- to admit -- -- awesome. -- Olympic. And somebody better bug me the -- part -- and did -- has and I think all the way that if but -- get. Guess now it it. Speaking of the content. -- -- the other thing that we saw canals were. A content services such as movie rentals which if -- -- again it's it. And I dead as soon as I heard about that I had it for myself and I downloaded -- maybe it's from the Android market. And it I I was saying women -- -- podcast yesterday. That I guess last week I've read about how Google is going to try to use YouTube. And capitalize premium you know. Premium video on it Nelly yeah right I'm not going to use it I don't associate YouTube premium content off and I refuse to you pay money on YouTube. But they tricked me because if you actually rents and movie on Android market. To play locally on your computer you you coupled with the spring night and the web you can play on the zoom at an app and -- a couple weeks you'll be able to -- -- -- -- -- -- On any every department to point two or higher but if you do it on the web as I did. It will plea for YouTube -- February -- I ran against spyware and -- rented -- movie and watched premium content and -- put movies you rent. It is inside job and I haven't actually seen -- -- -- you know I would love to -- around all afternoon and watched it for research purposes it. I -- other things to do what they say. Other movies to a -- For true this CNN business. If -- business here -- -- -- -- by the that looks annoyed Netflix is definitely the effect of standard of streaming video and like I told her. We're not plex but I think that any option that you have -- -- and forgive all this with all and this is out of revenue they don't need it they make so much money. They don't need it but if it's convenient for people and again they already have their own ecosystem in their ecosystem. It in its stance computers it stands on line with -- that simulate everything with maps you already have an account and I could see people gravitating towards that because it's convenient. -- definitely if if you can get by with one -- law again if the money doesn't have Netflix. And they just want to bring Harry Potter. And they already have a Google account they'll be much less likely to sign up for Netflix on the chance that the media bolstering an Ice-T V usage being much higher for people with entry devices not I think the usage actually -- -- -- moving until another little bit about the three -- one. Is that when Google announced that Google TV's gonna -- and -- that one through and read once that happened when it when it and that extra value of that being able to buy movies. From your TV or read rip movies from your from your TV your -- -- -- That's where the value here is -- -- vs verses going like you would with Hulu and Netflix going to the site and streaming it on your computer right. Right so I think it's gonna be in conjunction with the -- -- think about Hulu Netflix of their services. That are subscription -- so you can't just get a movie from Netflix you gotta get a month from net debt and neither is it all on there. But you know Al iTunes has the U wanna watch a movie you can just get that movie you don't have to commit to that if rings Google Google at least to a similar. Not close to level playing field. Dad and I I kind of feel like a lot of the themes with -- as great as they are for end Brandon. You know -- users any Google user I felt like a lot of -- was kind of playing. He to -- fear that with school itself as they become opens like great ideas. But in a very good -- like pushing them out to make -- support everything by for example one thing I really see about. Like Google hardware is that they're definitely web based company that user bureau K we're dealing with a little bit of things out working here and there a perpetual beta. But if I know by -- TV and have a tablet talk that TV and -- talks like my other devices in their work or only his out of like. Something that we talk about and -- and a lot is when it comes to Google is where's the line for responsibility. Google doesn't make hardware unlike rim and Blackberry and unlike Apple in any IOS device that Macs. Google's not responsible for the hardware they see themselves as the software company's software and services completely. So you have problems with mobile phones and at other things you know where people have an issue let's say with the -- update or whatever it is. And they don't have to dig into Google did -- -- -- the manufacture and a lot of the times that manufactures. And it well with Lindsay upn networks to you you've got the sort of triangle blame. And the parents that being a Bermuda Triangle where -- your complaints just fall through the center. Had a similar experience when that when the Nexus One came out an attractive buy the phone couldn't -- the damn phone. Because I like on Google's website. And Google with telling me that there was an issue with my T-Mobile contract -- needed take it with T-Mobile. Michael T-Mobile and -- like -- even knew about this bone -- the customer service people -- any contact with. But then you know Google didn't have a customer service. Though they have Wiki as well let me add -- at the -- -- they didn't have like a chat I can chat when he wanted to call anyone that I spent like four hours trying to buy -- phone. -- like please let me give you my money. And a lot of these problems have been fixed now to do with gonna take in themselves out of that purchasing loop. But I mean similar thing happen when Google announces a really cool feature like hey we've got video chat and Google Talk. It only works on this one phone and -- everybody of the -- to upgrade when they -- a -- -- Incidentally reality officials -- and -- -- -- scientist at the bit frustrating. Good. Here -- gaming and with with TV is not working at Google TV is not working that's gonna be something that is going to be squarely on the shoulders of the manufacture. However if it is a software glitch that's nothing that they're gonna be able to control -- that you do have. More potential. For the Bermuda Triangle of blame and customer service. So I guess and US war going as that I'm -- say this -- and what that's for Apple excels because he controlled the whole widget. And so the hardware and software they make sure that it works as you'd expect to. And right and then they've got their retail shops that -- a problem you can go and yet it can even take that thing if you think that. So I think you know this is kind dealing with like when. No windows X year old windows back an -- people dealt with. All kinds of different driver issues are different hardware issues because of warm and the same software but everyone had something else running on it right. Speaking of controlling the whole widget. -- of leaving it that way it. Is this your Segway and Theres an elitist if the little bit more I have totally recyclable widget. -- a couple of other apps either of the things that ruled in and -- one we've doubtful ran down. I'm over on the Internet of law and human take a look at that we'll put a link in the show notes. -- another thing but being that Google did tell -- though is that what is actually coming through outline and that is. We've known that the name gonna be ice cream -- -- for awhile but eventually confirmed. It's gonna be ice -- and was but more importantly they've been -- what exactly the next update and marine. And they have confirmed some but not all. There. Their intentions yet -- think it had mission statement we're gonna fix fragmentation. Is what it seemed like that the body of the if they've got into -- so how far -- gonna go back like is in the past eighteen months with the phones at the time and look forward so. -- basically it or not right they're basically ice cream sandwich it doesn't have a version number yet. But what it will do isn't seems to sort of coalesce when he come and it is also the next generation for -- -- And it it's gonna be this idea almost like IOS. Of a unified operating system for tablets Smartphones and potentially other devices. As well right so it will and that sense bringing all of honey comes. Now holographic -- user interface multitasking. Those widgets we were talking about. To the Smartphone. And it the smirk and hasn't had that yet. And then going for a -- and also beat the next operating system -- -- sort of help with fragmentation and it comes to hardware. Did that -- devices of different screens that developers have to worry about the rule making a lot easier developer -- as well. Right. So it did in one OS to rule the mall financially and -- basically change -- -- To fit whatever device -- on one of an interesting thing that I fell as they Google actually -- like an alliance of manufacturers within. Basically -- promise. That if you're gonna move up to -- next globally OS you have to keep your phone's current for eighteen month after the launch. -- this is fixing pregnant picking fragmentation going forward. Any new phone that come dealt with if I -- that -- the west you can be pretty was -- for the next year and a half. Google come valid a new feature you're gonna get pretty quickly -- although the doubles and the details yet also with the carriers like for example like you know in the -- the Droid at the -- you update it took forever. Because they're saying not because Motorola's testing -- because Verizon is doing their testing. And so I wonder if they also have on board AT&T T-Mobile rose seemed like hopefully if we give -- if -- can ping -- onto a little bit of hope here. This is exactly what Google's trying to if the salt if people sitting around billing pay when am I gonna get -- -- -- and that's gonna happen to -- than I ever gonna get -- men like you wrongfully. Being so good -- hasn't said anything they got in -- lot of claps for -- This promise that phones are going to be current for at least the however -- there -- -- details about. It sort of the ratification how much -- time each manufacturer when half update the phone -- -- -- six monthly video. -- -- -- you could still be sitting around waiting and we know that Google and into Rubin has come on the record to say. That they're going to be much stricter when it comes to approving the custom UI skins. Like HTC sense and it Samsung TouchWiz. But often times let down these updates that we don't know that much more about it so hopefully it's gonna be a shortened process on both business. We've gotta go back to the whole entry to open source but it. And won the lock it down a little bit everything we talked about audio and -- I opened the -- yet. Through this is what they say net -- Android 2.0 was supposed to be -- -- that they said no more skin is a problem it is he wouldn't need it. Well in the -- -- Skins can have always been part of and -- But I think that the new move is financed to reduce -- a little bed or at least reduce that we time and make sure. That it manufactures -- -- -- the -- on C news the stock Android will kind of think a little bit about playing nicer with updates. Because I think this -- I mean I like the stock Android experience and we talk about -- a lot. On violent -- up. It's like a pet topic of -- but the thing is there are some nice addition I was recently looking at -- Samsung galaxy STO. And there are some nice -- but Samsung TouchWiz offers you know kind of eats up the music and adds if hugs. -- it's got a different look and feel and are nearly it only happened in this case I thought it out of something a little bit different. Like -- steered another -- phones and they all start looking a little cookie cutter you it's nice to have some sort of different shades and. And here's that another person looking at the -- -- on it at C -- -- like this looks just like my phone to open a well as an awesome storage system and much more often the only difference is a hardware. And a camera. And a -- as a person who is it admitted in grade. The problem like fanatic. Am I am a big fan of the the -- -- experienced -- -- just make it easier. For people to -- -- again in their play around with it -- -- -- -- let me ask your question -- on how many times this week at dating to around. -- In one week -- mean if you count like just trying to rom for a couple hours. And installing the image in my defeat if it actually worked this time in public only they know they have actually been in two. It into recovery and -- around like three times a week -- Italy Thursday that include kernels. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Because I think goes in -- -- the -- -- seven point one phrase -- for the honorable that's one the first stable on the denial of means haven't been around for weeks on the honorable business doesn't work with four G. Consistently. But that's neither here nor there -- both get back to the Google I O news there was actually another Google service that was announced. That I think a lot of us saw coming. Yes -- -- as -- yet nobody was surprised by this. Google's music beta service. And this is basically there cloud based music storage. Also comes along with the new update -- -- -- music app. -- in the injury to open source. Project. But basically are year old Donald bill -- and back -- and Nicole will it fall into. Google music data -- you what it is. When it does how to use it and in the -- even actually compares it against injury -- player. We're the notes of in the show notes but I mean. It would. An awesome day by the way I dishonest and it's -- walking around and there's Donald Sharon and Nicole kind of all huddled around Zeum. Comparing net and night in a brainstorming and talking about it there really was lot of collaboration and teams at the thinner yes. In Q it's been digital and on the development. Of -- basically uses again cloud based music. Google basically wants you put all of your music on their servers and then listen to it from any device or computer. You IOS device you're -- great phone. With potentially Google TV at some point. And then in addition to uploading your own music you can actually when you first sign up for -- sort of click your musicals on -- interest. And they'll give you some free content you Donald really -- about Chris Chrome really excited about relief that it dockers and totally croft now camera. The whole album that we inherit -- we have a show did you hear about. We have new -- -- entertainment. And crews -- -- after that it'll be a pretty good path. -- truly crossed out concerts. Below a cappella Holland's -- -- from you put the sold back and soda. One out is the. It is the uploading of all my constant because like you could almost say that filming music -- question resource and having it on a -- -- like -- like that -- -- DRA kind of like being K. Because it's on there we have four minutes of TV I think it's -- -- have the ability nightmares about our I have a good point. Would -- -- with beautifully I was like so you know putting almost -- out there. Kind may implicate certain peoples who have certainly isn't going to me Google -- target Google -- with legal. That they came out it specifically our service is legal writing it it's legal for those of CNET news reporter Greg Sandoval that it has also. Well. Chris Kohler leave the calorie fees illegal Nokia denied outright that you know it I'm gonna -- And just -- -- in regard we can put away the but any questionable. Legality aside. In it it is new Lime Wire. But if kind of if you wanna consider Amazon beating them to the punch. You basically we've -- -- -- compared to that service. Agreed deal. What you get any I've been using Amazon cloud player pretty heavily. I got a couple of issues with it but it and I haven't had an opportunity to use the Google music -- -- -- -- believed to be invited -- Well I can get you and about -- -- will make it. All of a plan. Well -- one thing that tunnel an Apple noted too is that unlike Amazon cloud service you can't download your own music collection -- -- different computer with Google music beta. So its its upload and stream -- lame but the upshot of that. Serio is that there are gonna be really -- app so that you can very easily play it back from your device. And we'll support multiple streaming like for example a -- and right now downgraded on quality and -- three G1 have that's a really good question I'm not sure. -- I think that's something -- keep coming out and yes I think if if if I hate it can't you're Indian up. Then I'm sure Google can -- but -- right I don't out -- video codec is crappy it is and it hasn't changed according to connection. Arms and wait for utility to -- or just like he'd be open and whatever. The two companies do the Android video platform like like Apple's iPhone has -- change streaming bit rate according to your connection on the fly. And done with the union is talking with just -- with CNET TV. Is that on Android phone it's the same yesterday accused the lowest common denominator like the lowest bit rate that's equal -- all phones -- can't you can't change because like. You first HQ on your you to play different bit rate. But if lake suddenly lose four G -- in the -- verses actually downgrade to like a lower. -- -- -- but they get more hands on time with that and left bottle yes -- know lose everything in court. His -- The ability and -- dead in -- -- yet. They adds -- millionth check out Nicole's music Vietnam -- and -- out of at a -- chart. Knowing on -- one less thing with where we go into the ad break. If the other big announcement from Google way think that. Google is really throwing its weight behind Chrome OS with the announcement but Treo. Of they're pretty Chrome books is what they're calling them now the successor to -- CR 42 is it you're 4840 yes and number -- -- -- which which was never available in the market rates in just testing and L query yes I was really sad moment when all nonsense look at that moment to think they -- left me and put them. But like my question here -- -- -- also a question that. It's been answered by our own enough even willing if fielded -- Stephenson Oakland is. Would Google putting so much of its energy. Behind Android -- -- -- -- -- You know juggernaut that there's a list is a does that make sense for Google to a -- basically be fielding with another. Mobile OS. In the Chrome OS are there are they gonna come head to head of the room in the market for both of them do they even actually. Do the same thing. I don't think they the -- -- Don't they compete I -- -- like a top global perspective like they're both OS is for portable devices but you know I can see that. The angered -- -- is mostly for touch screen devices wall a Chrome is kind -- under Chrome browsers so. When the kind of cool as elegant as -- -- -- apps and here. Bookmarks or whatnot and like even your user histories so it's -- a unified is that. As it as a netbook like Chrome OS is the perfect idea and I can definitely see. -- proceed to assign it to be aside for both C all -- to acknowledge this on the web. And so I can see that you know if we -- -- 21 day it could issue employees all Chrome net. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I respect your opinion but I -- -- -- what would you why would anyone choose a Chrome netbook over. A windows netbook or an Apple netbook -- the Chrome browser on it I mean it basically just taking a chunk of -- -- the PE variants. It is faster it starts fast via instant on up to and from absolutely and it lighter and as leaner it. Personally I -- options -- things locally and a. Yet there's something like -- -- and very little right now for I look for -- -- I mean using. But by -- from a company respective like buying -- licenses for XP or Windows 7 across the company. -- just doing instead with the Chrome notebook is a -- -- That's common reasons why -- we switched to Gmail account -- Outlook is because the -- I guess fifty bucks a year for user verses like a few thousand dollars a month for a certain set of users for the server. They're there are also definitely benefits of having an -- -- got a mobile workforce to be able to -- everything online but there's net security there's no assurance what happens of the server goes down. He -- happens. I mean they're marketing these -- consumers. These things are gonna be sold on Amazon and best buy daily the first generation -- and fun. Three G in in the Wi-Fi model and the -- model may fifth. Both of them that all three -- You -- and Chrome book three g.s and on homework while eighth Chrome book. Either consumer products. And I think that in though I have a fan way moment when the Colbert came out with when it was announced like oath that I got got a pre order when -- -- I really wanna Chrome but a part of that was it gets a little left over from me being -- and in -- CR 48. But then I did some thinking and unlike. -- they've. The Samsung Wi-Fi models -- 300 bucks. For 400 bucks you can get a netbook that does everything it does is for 305 -- -- you can get a netbook that does everything it does and more. So what's more and then -- of the issues that that I feel you had a GT. With the end of the -- that in the divide the lack of things that and -- -- would need like VPN support. Or. It. I mean you'd think if they're gonna get them sort of offline stories -- for things like Gmail and whatnot but I mean if you ever find yourself in a situation where you don't have. An Internet connection here in all your music stored on the -- and all your Google -- -- -- a -- You've basically got a portal to nothing and the super -- -- and I mean -- emissary to be a -- frequently -- the policy covered them with some Google stickers on the back of Italy often that I mean. Feel like at the price point -- their offering these devices that. I mean it's -- but I mean netbook or tablet is the better mean an iPad. -- most everything. That the Chrome look at things -- -- for about the same price in a -- slimmer sexier form factor in as a keyboard. But -- -- as well yeah I mean you'd -- up a but I feel like you'd have to offer the thing. Either yet to figure them but way to make it a better value in it is I can agree I can see like to fuel buying Chrome notebooks left and right if the price -- like 250. What is feel about the rental apps you mean like the -- the education -- -- like twenty bucks a month yeah I don't know a -- I'm not a big fan of -- -- as -- the rent to own like you -- simply couldn't -- -- -- -- algae could end to order buttons by Coutts. It seems a little weird to me I I happen to agree with you. -- an interesting business model because that's not when -- think. Luna is a -- to you renting out a laptop and access and everything and and -- I think such not a bad idea -- -- -- -- if you. Go to device is pretty quickly. The natural fast technically the Lenovo notebooks even change the lake a cost me 250 free year and then -- -- new new computer. Looking after that putting a month. -- and appended to send me his ninety year contracts -- I don't think there's going to be a contract -- some months yet -- month to month even unlike I think the that if you despite -- -- And use that BG I guess what nice -- about -- rental is that you don't have to worry about maintenance. And only spot that back -- is only trying -- Ehrlich a month he dropped twenty bucks now. Hang it up like and then when you -- your -- when you want to buy and when you if you decide you like it after that moment you descended back and buy new and all your -- in the cloud anyway. Definitely look with -- on -- device. Or you can. Do like they did in the -- -- if the information or video in through in the river. So yeah I'm gonna see if I can dial -- just to kind of play around -- I think I I and a lot of other people I think -- curiosity. About this and sometimes it takes getting -- device in your hands in front of you to release with the potential is and how would you use -- it can you actually fit your life around. Yeah -- will have you back on the show you play around with that done. But for now we're gonna take a very quick -- break. And will be back with a bunch of you -- the email -- him. Sorry guys we are back Antuan Goodwin here with CNET editor Jessica Gulfport and GT -- -- We just spent the first half of this show talking all about Google I -- and now we're gonna jump -- to send -- your emails. The first email comes from Hong Kong hitch. Often named by the way a fifth. -- and -- allowed Syria -- love your show. But what I'm looking for right now is an unlock -- -- And usable T-Mobile prepaid phone with a good music player. Bluetooth hands project most importantly under 200 bucks if at all possible for basically what it. Hong Kong hits wants. Is an inexpensive unlocked -- phone for the T-Mobile network. Suggested earth. I have to agree the Nexus One is a you to use of Craig's lists for like two and -- -- and it's a good phone it's still pretty fast and has definitely caught it's up to date in terms of features is a no brainer for T-Mobile. Is a good phone still. Now it is been completely surpassed on the premium and of the Smartphone spectrum -- every time I pick it up and and hold it and play with that and look at it -- you know. Some really quality piece of hardware but I would have to say starting new nexus -- Exactly definitely definitely you're gonna get it new. If you can get past the you know buying the phone out rate for the prepaid you can get an -- -- close to. -- 200 dollar limit. On a contract or maybe you could probably get a fan boy you bought the nexus as four G as an existing wanna get rid of ambulance -- -- -- Three -- definitely on T-Mobile speak with the Google nexus -- -- they work with pupils prepaid of their funding different. Between their. Regular networking prepaid network that and -- -- something about this to I don't think so I think it's like. -- he was very you know you -- have to have a contract with us have a plan and so I think. -- only have a sim card with something working on it because it's as his system in Utica. Eric. That they ego Hong Kong hitch. The next question comes from trade -- very simply asked -- the Motorola zoom the nexus of tablets. I think yes that was my -- -- in a word in the industry away and which way well I mean. It's like -- emissions are an order until it right now it. At least as -- two day the only injury three dot one tablet because the update they're actually pushing from what I understand. Now. To the the Motorola zoom movement. So that would make it as close to a flagship model and it was the first honeycomb tablet. Again more -- more evidence for the flagship and it did willful -- appear. Google experience new sort of likes gaining -- cents or anything like that. So that's how I'm thinking that the zoom is pretty close to the nexus of -- I can get on board with that definition if you're talking about. Which in -- hardware has dual credit stood behind which one has it given I mean you can't argue -- that Google gave Motorola. Honey eco -- Before give anybody ethnic. -- no real really house when it -- to my definition. Like yeah and in that sense Google partnered up with Motorola for -- -- -- -- -- the same way that Google partnered up with Samsung. For the next assassin in -- partnered up with HT CE rate for the an excellent or opinions differ. I different writing about it in terms of awesome -- -- Via -- how I initially read the question. And I I would say yeah yeah I do I don't think it's the most -- entry into. I agree is like for example it -- -- goes like -- they are enterprise which was like an awesome (%expletive) and that. Yes and -- tricky if not better than the millennium now. Now enough for enterprise stroller or listener to learn to live -- -- there is rested and bull T and like you think patched together by a lecture for it -- it holds together by looking -- like this. Particularly -- -- -- -- get flooded millennium Boston and runs circles around -- -- -- in an avenue is about tablets. It about tech aliens in the U flank you tablet have to -- the -- and template one. It's definitely has been -- is that the Motorola definitely does not have. And it's you know I've given up the Google I O conference so like if Google is like did you notice that all free giveaways -- Samsung. -- -- -- That's and scoop -- -- that's that's. Partnership -- capital -- -- So is the old content in that one that doesn't have anything to elect its Wii is there anything on it -- -- Experienced I think so I think all honeycomb tablets are all tablets now for entered earning three or higher are to stock them. Yeah I mean when notable exception when it comes to tablets as they HTC fire decade -- TC evo view Ford -- Which will peak telling along really matter and a link. Don't that's gonna be coming to -- -- ethnic bypassed by an it guy like. It it kind it was -- having sense but that's only because it didn't have access to -- Then they went back and forth -- an upgraded from an economic canyon about when -- first announced at a mobile world congress and of like. Oh yes that sent -- he had Scott Webster who bought a blogger network in their -- the whole thing about is -- a smart idea really kind of trying to feed from that angle. When in reality they just didn't have access to -- and they couldn't advertise that they were gonna have it can fit and have partners. -- -- -- -- Flu. Can we agree that there's may be room for. Kids -- in -- -- current two tablets. As Hilton tablet I think ever for interpretation and red if -- question is which one should I get I think that the -- Indeed move when I'm Donald bell can answer because -- everything yet. -- and everything and everyone here but. Edit I think also our own Eric Franklin and -- above the earth to -- you actually into the hands unreal yet the union and yes yes he. So pretty -- of the content. And I am I'll admit that kind of forgot about that when when I blurted out yes at the beginning use kind of thing -- that news -- -- Which is really do Colombia's foreign spy wares appeal -- and you have seen it sent back silence him -- -- then so -- to -- few examples -- To say that Samsung has been doing are really good job with -- hardware lately I think from. Tablets to phones to hotspots to laptops and media it's it's kind of like they have there I. Trained on Apple and especially on Apple's design now I don't know if -- ready to say that it's exactly mimic treatment it's. Its attention -- Apple's being studied by Samsung and Tim's been succeeding at engineer with their ads is series nine laptops. -- a -- -- really then really beautiful it kind of picking up some of that aesthetic that only Apple had in new appeals seem to really embrace. Agree I think that way -- for start off. Aiming at Sony direct to count Sony TVs based on that says we did that and then -- -- -- others. Outline or email. Getting path with him -- sixty that this isn't meeting and yet though the -- freeze it in the -- it's actually last week we talked about the first. Android phone them to be marketed towards women and then we brought up the the dial up brought up the -- -- you kinda like uber pressure on. It was an -- TC phones in the east -- the quality. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And it was both -- the first injury Smartphone marketed directly at -- and it basically -- east he sees a thick Orange Bowl and it would -- That you know help when monitor their Wii and using desktop wallpaper in and just that an -- and the like leading to disclose. -- extremely stupid wallpaper to stresses me out. Photo by year by -- soothing wallpaper. And spawning. I'm -- it wallpaper OK -- We actually -- a lot of a couple of emails from people thanking -- for relaying it on and off an email from -- -- making the effort. I'm not calling majority masculine masculine and calling it industrial. Urgent news from here. But what the followed an idea can talk about it -- -- picked on the little bit with the HTC -- -- and Steven from Madison with content rate and in the event -- -- proud new owner. Of the few -- -- areas. He was that you hear me dissing the phone he got -- in December 209. He doesn't regret the decision at all. I think he's happy defeated in route for a long time rocking it happens -- -- rom unlike. My crappy under -- And I've been having issues with. Will issues with -- -- formative but he sees with -- partly -- of enemies and mid eighties saying that he's looking to greet his phones soon. He doesn't like HTC's sense he's gonna stick with Verizon. He likes more role you want to know what our suggestions are. From Apple and that it's as close to the injury not experience. On right and network in the future. I would -- it. I would almost suggest that -- but I've been having such trouble. With the customization routing that it seems like Steve relieve wants. I'm that -- almost wanna stay steer clear -- until they figured out but then I don't know what else's. On the horizon he talks about Motorola -- -- he talks about the -- bionic. I really like everything I've heard about the by -- so far but again we're not gonna see it in -- hide nor hair until summer. So -- a couple months you know. That the problem with phones as there's always something better coming along all me but I would say if you can wait a little while I mean everything we're just starting to see the dual core phones that are going -- -- process a lot. You know faster. We're gonna see a lot of -- screens and and that's gonna really become the norm cameras are gonna get manner but -- you can wait a couple months for the next batch because they were all these friends our. Announced at mobile world congress and even in -- CIA but meant mostly at mobile world congress and summer's gonna have that big demands so law. If you can wait a little while you said. Yet -- what do think of an Acre. -- -- can use Internet just and is doing is he's definitely still waiting for the two embryonic. He actually just says -- he's bought used to -- incredible or you can view Droid one off. Off like Craigslist online. And you can stick with that for about three or four months -- -- dual cores and software support comes out we will -- in there. Spot is thunderbolt and -- If if you can't wake her tech campus -- charge I was gonna ask you about that -- -- Out the good. I don't like steamrolled and we -- all of the same page fifty -- Now we know and and nobody is that what you think about the -- well I science it's it's got an interest seeing. Design. It doesn't have a pretty keyboard it's it's rally. Ray you know most of the -- -- like -- mentioned -- -- design wise I can Pickett unit about it at tremendously to Reynolds and then you know when -- bottom I don't really like that and the I think -- called lake monsters -- -- -- there's something going on in Korea via I think -- -- fed probably something mild like I would prefer a different and but it it it's still got four stars -- and has everything there and it's fast and in and it's Verizon's four GL TE and -- one of the first few phones that we've gotten in with these implying super inlet -- screen. And it. -- -- of screenplay I can just look at this phone for hours. And so I think for right now that's -- -- line. It's currently in the -- are not -- from the new equipment. Looks promising. And I think for me the biggest sticking point especially with the -- as -- the battery life and the charges accurately that matter I mean with that specifically because. An issue. And -- that call quality camera our delegates is they get the depends. What your values are -- be one out of the zone and that assessment comes highly recommend. So the other ego a look at the charge toward. -- if -- mean suggestion is hang on for a bit. And wait for somethings alone. Either charge are still gonna be relevant for the next NM six -- at least. You know everyone's been overruled a long time and -- -- that the -- at the third of what Google's asking people promise. On their I mean and we took -- -- fit for our emails. If you have email that you questions comments that you want. To have entered on the sued -- them to us at in -- atlas at cnet.com. You can also -- the -- when the injury atlas blog. At Internet -- Twitter. I you can follow me on Twitter I'm at it -- Ain TG OO and you can -- Jessica on Twitter as well at G adult court. GT -- actually too cool for Twitter. Currently doesn't have a through Twitter handle that you can make one forehead if you wanna followed DT you have to come with cnet's offices and -- actually follow him. Around the corners. Personal interaction it's crazy is he overrated. In my -- completed and -- restraining order but either way it really -- a tip if you're a real fan you're gonna come out either it'll be flattered. You can also fold just in -- he's not here but a -- wanna know what he's doing you followed limit at not my real name. What he's doing is -- -- -- you blessing if there you've been wanting to hear the the last hour but. -- -- it's very clean. It. You wanna join us live -- -- -- -- cnet.com slash live every Thursday to PM Pacific. And if you want more Android news how to use. They're just wanna know what's going on if you can come visit us at cnet.com slash Android atlas. For the injuring at -- flawed. Have a good week guys and we'll see you next time. -- -- -- -- --

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