Ep. 4: Angry Birds 4 eva
Ep. 4: Angry Birds 4 eva

Ep. 4: Angry Birds 4 eva

It's Tuesday October 18 and welcome to rumor has it I'm creamy -- And I'm and we drive. And this is the show where we run down the week's hottest tech rumors and that content which we do think they're gonna happen and which ones we think are pure fantasy. Higher rate well in fact fuel we missed you last I miss you guys I tried to watch the show from my week Internet at a hostel in Chile and it got. Ponds and -- and and I'll like it do you view and Sharon having a good time and just articulated yeah yeah like our. Could -- -- like flashes. On classrooms and I'm sure that made the show extra special and I am totally also like freezing and public long underwear on it and -- mystery and -- -- -- it -- and while. I have on Paper here on my legal. Little thing on Paper on Paper complaining about -- were -- -- from -- -- point that so we -- -- last week of course and -- bat for you and I was so nervous about -- you know one of the -- one of the things that we talked about last week was the -- RAZR coming out learning and it came out we. And lows since we both -- -- Thank you for saying yes for me -- Just. Then. I got another points. And -- Like do some still don't think. -- And mom I -- according to the world that we came up when that the in the -- Letters in who He is gonna have to do didn't see one -- zone so you how I think that's why haven't we we've got. To. And that's -- for amber oh my god I just realized that at the end of the month it's gonna be Halloween. -- BI TD HD eat your Halloween house okay I don't come to work in whatever. It's only if -- -- I -- judge I'm gonna when -- middle class are the -- -- -- all that's needed is only a one point difference but this is a low scoring game. Like soccer is soccer podcast yeah I know where in the second half via on the net is -- -- technical house you're. Islands it's not there and -- happens how are I'm half and not -- wow I could get. You know that idea and big -- it's time adds greater -- there's no you're myriad is -- Definitely. The theory does except periods and soccer now and IE is how how does things it's it's periods -- periods. Now and last area of planting these guys -- asked she's. Great out of her backpack I don't know if -- -- store shelves are right now let's get to our speaking -- starting -- are eight so our first tech rumors about ice cream sandwich which is -- an -- him I don't mean He announced -- I -- This song. You know I don't -- and now I'm. Ever since I moved to I. And and it's an iPhone like I have no idea what's going on outside of but I've I'm -- enough Green -- -- Apple you Tyler I planning your own little Iowa -- -- that. Notification. Of this is always and notifications genes. -- -- Sorry. About -- -- yeah so anyways it's. 800 police discovered camera icons within ice cream Sam so that indicates that the new license image it's gonna -- now. Tonight tonight. We'll have new photo editing tools for at the camera -- rate now people have to download. Separate apps to remove red -- Or crop. Word you know do whatever I think people are house when it like -- -- tape act. App for I'm not sure what the other ones are because Coventry are not scientists -- Icons indicate -- the little built in that'll be built and that people be able to remove red dye it whatever crop right from the U. So I don't I think that this sounds plausible why wouldn't -- IOS five just as it is -- -- And I think it's inevitable especially because. People don't carry cameras in our phones are just I actually referred. While we -- in Chile using an actual camera. I kept -- -- the camera as a phone. And I ever got this is easily connect we've had that phone and it's a large. And didn't break and -- takes pictures and I don't like America is so we didn't think it caught on camera as. -- becoming text America. So adding it is inevitable I think it's -- liberal -- -- do you think that it's too late because if it didn't come out are ready. If it -- if it didn't have the capabilities to do already and people found other ways to do it but the thing is I think because -- in this rumor. In the story there's the person who wrote it Scott Webster was saying that immediately -- matter what you're saying. Because people are you have the apps they like to use and not gonna switch -- opinions. Actually -- 300 user feel more comfortable with -- -- photo editing. Being built into Android because I don't want my photos. On my phone and then also in another app and want -- all shared between I don't have to have an amazing act signed into lake actually think. -- -- already entrusting all my data. To Android I'd rather have it it's just so much easier to have Mary and I think it may be a party that you have your system you might not switch but new people who biased only -- and that's exact integration that's exactly right I think people appreciate it out but there's other things so. I you know use my name my phone's camera more than an I have it's a nice big Cameron -- I -- take it anywhere I know -- never seen I'd like right here or not it's like the mythical -- as early on full up yet. I don't desktop and grammatical. I never use it at -- I don't do is ever ever. And edit my photos link I put filters on them I use an act Gramm or city just about seventeen different photos of the exact scene she entity trying to get yeah one of them want -- has got an and I feel like -- flake. Added that it's it's I mean I really think that we hear me -- does not necessarily. The best photographers were not them on the -- let me be somehow public in the stories to the at the top news story it says. Pictures six pictures a little girl. And immediately took a picture of your daughter and one of them turn out like the middle want to show I want you like okay Utica tied it -- So are the new yeah I think like this don't normally you might actually take the -- edited so the your pride -- doesn't looks at Odyssey you can put filters on it TO and then edit the filters I mean -- But these Richards and the filters on and then you can take red eye out and not just like an ringing their little baby planned mission given something to be Botox -- -- -- -- -- on and you know hurt him. -- -- -- we'll find out tonight adding that customers were in find out an idea and so I mean it's. Eventually. Because I went and colleagues at his consumers now a lot of political ST yeah this couldn't that this photo editing is probably not -- not going to see immediately probably mention onstage thing. So nice -- -- sounds pretty cool anyway it's gonna be the first time that. That they'll be a unify an operating system. Like my tablets for tablets and phones and injury that's -- system -- -- a new word of that week I've seen the word ecosystem. Ten times and are talking about iphones hundreds. And I can't say just like things are living in inner you know. -- -- -- And then there's that story we this is satisfied -- that's actually I think you in time magazine. You're reading a real magazine and I got on Twitter -- That. There is E. Coli -- to a lot of the -- I just know that it's. Isn't just looking at the highest -- UT one's release is sun eatery -- region. -- divulging a lot but I know a lot of scientists. Who live in different -- -- Work in labs need to assess them and the amber room in that in their building it is just devoted only to light once and it didn't go in -- -- when I was dressed to denying her -- dinner. I was -- more -- -- -- E. Coli is gonna get all over me in the UTI. And everybody laughed at me explained that I am an idiot and not all -- is bad. Equally is actually really important -- the health and -- wellbeing and -- your body and most another act I was eagle eyes fine. We're and we -- -- E. -- were only referring to like the one interests. During and ensure that -- that's -- that's the one on our -- mean I'm just don't even wanna show you disgusting and -- I cannot. So for us hey Harry let's move on ethnic. To the -- gets me really angry excited and passionate. And just so excited about is her cracking only -- console and you'll not to let the real point is so there is a rumor. That venture beat is reporting. Only -- reporting what they're really doing is citing a well placed source today saying water water. We decided that students -- is -- and for rumors -- -- test -- -- that she should I should really have an actual tequila because it would be totally appropriate but I don't have any English that lead to an attempt. But venture beat is citing a well placed source. And saying that Amazon is in serious negotiations to acquire little webos company com. From meets your needs or -- Heaton pattern. Right around. For palm I -- -- from palm originally when. Dayton when business and then that be purchased by HP -- -- for palm then. When we were gonna lose them only they just couldn't keep it going even though they had a good pretty good product really pretty good level as -- Their hardware wasn't. Actually up to -- and all and I know that because I have had -- Palm Pre. -- environment we learned now I -- It and I think I the reason I feel passionate about talking about webos is 'cause I used it and I really loved it it was it it was really just pretty cool when it first came out a school like I I actually enjoy a prefer it over and -- I think it is an intuitive interface and I like the -- to swiping Martin's. I like the -- the card's working have different things that are open and thank you very much understand what is running. On your device -- -- and then you can select them away and you don't on the way and -- it's just it's really user friendly and that's and and the reason why this rumor annoys me. Is because there are other people out there like me who agree that webos is cool and He let it and they have. I feel like franchised. And turned it into almost dislike cult film like a cult classic film where. It's not -- -- be mainstream guys it's not gonna -- this thing it's like the end it's like hip stars like that play really like it before it was. Totally and now they're thinking to keep like. Thinking that someone is gonna -- it and put it in the right situation right context tweak it this way -- this. Money do this -- put -- in with this big parent company in -- it's actually gonna be this big thing -- gonna catch on. And I just I'm just want to see you guys -- is the -- not getting back together yeah. Like trails its amber broke up after high school and not as cool and they're just not -- -- -- number of years away there already went to colonies -- don't see Ariel is gone and everybody's ever -- -- on you guys need to give up and realise webos is not gonna be a thing it's best shot was when HP bought it. And it still say it's still. Isn't just as part is that people didn't even want HP touch -- you wouldn't buy them and they pretty -- them. When -- 99 dollars only now the first thing that happened was that ever put their heads together to figure out how to hack -- or not. You get rid of webos -- and that's because -- -- because. No -- developing reliable -- more -- -- not the only problem in it it had to be popular enough for people to develop. For it and He never did. Which is why I think this rumor is such still -- and -- That's because Amazon is not gonna quietly play it on -- -- they're seeing that people that if they quit. Webos on than Kindle Kindle -- On the Kindle fire ya number only discovered that that was -- -- Upon eight app on time and anyway it's an academic -- -- not -- be another thing to differentiate it you know among all tablets that exist in the world. Yeah but the thing is -- I eight distinct it's saying. It'll be great for -- -- because then they can differentiate Kindle from all the other tablets I think that is a misunderstanding of what makes tablets and Android and Kindle an Android tablets great because. One of its biggest strengths is that runs Android which means it's compatible across. This huge platform and they don't put this lake. OS on it and it pretty -- -- instead initiated by putting something on it it makes it's you can't use and anything else and -- sonet like answer a few differentiated into the ground it's not you do that putting level pencil. And -- -- so really -- The red -- stepped out I I just think -- should get teacher saying like me love you on. I loved you -- or. And we bought this can be bought this Kindle fire in all -- guy doesn't remember oh yeah at the end it's just it actually on the neck gently she get like some. Large ears. -- and -- all -- There's no known honest okay I got a little. Okay no. Amount of pain I was thinking. Like. Authority to -- her. -- I'm playing. I'll think it was 5050. If you nothing that's not hey that's on a day that's an issue we should get some old English forties Saturday and pour one out for web collapse rate like one for me and one for my -- exactly and then again we love do you but these rumors need to stop. Little tiny group of people who are trying to protect -- -- it. I'm sorry. Now I'm sorry -- It's had so many things to say and your argument with this is so. It. Really excited about it -- -- -- hasn't about it but the thing is I will room today. And eat my hat -- my words and not other radium V yeah if I'm wrong and then yeah if any it and number as -- -- maybe that'll renew my face. In in the in the little guy. As He showed me as such great multitasking keep only its soul artist I think -- and it's a audit incorporated it into the Kendall and -- changed mean dirty changed -- -- stipulate Amazon. -- -- efforts and they would if they did the same thing with. With a -- and misused like the cards. I bring you any Aaron enlarged and there Andrew platforms and that was still compatible then analogy rat. Then I would like it then you're buying -- the -- -- on Palm Pre was the best part if the Palm Pre was neat out of a plastic it was more durable than a children's Q -- you know my -- like she's on her third. She still has I now -- -- is gonna -- me I was not than ever be able to get rid of my Palm -- because I was liking -- getting contracts for ever. And so what I did not exactly. Knowingly or on her list but I'm really glad looking back on -- this happened was and I went in the Castro theater. -- smuggle in a bottle of -- into my. I remembered that it and ever and this is and then I drink about a quarter that -- around while watching movies in the -- intend. Then I spilled the other half of the rest of the remainder of the -- them. On my little comp -- and eventually they -- we're gonna they simply didn't return -- and then spider stretches loosen it up and never really. Personally you smoke like they used it. And low low comfort -- hobo have a Palm Pre but then you're like I did you drop -- and water. Nice and well certainly not like the thing it reeked of rom and Steve and I know a Dudley was not water like any text I think -- might technically not honor -- what it not only was it in some sort of liquid but that almost entirely -- A moment -- applicable. To generate its not once but then I got -- -- contract to Verizon got injuries as early -- yeah -- Obama friend is on her third pre because she is kept having to get it replaced because like everything -- breaking -- at the USB cord broke in there that -- -- -- -- and -- is -- -- for -- -- -- -- good for her -- -- Bravo or heart went out for my -- -- -- -- a case so it the next rumor is we're just gonna -- -- human -- okay I think because -- I'll explain it all of the animals I think we'll do is just. It's just so the double -- yet He never accessed only set up -- -- So it's about Sony and Sony Ericsson which Steve and I were talking right for the show we didn't even reply is that they weren't. The same company meaning our biggest benefit an equal partnership -- In Whitman who is Sony Ericsson -- And -- when I was driving in Mountain View the other data and tomorrow I'll bypass -- buildings. Only that but. So there it is that the Mountain View a day or Milpitas somewhere it's it's here it's in the house -- an -- Sony so the rumor is -- matte and this rumor has been turning for her. All the time every few months every rally -- pops up. That's -- -- ever owned Lake Wylie Sony Indian partners -- Sony Ericsson and finally just the only sound EI and and I didn't even realize that there are two separate things like they have a Sony Ericsson is just like a neat. Product name I use it on my site it was then Sony was the -- and then it. Sony Ericsson has the other thing -- it's like not not Ericsson -- its own thing yeah just as. You know -- equal partners. Anyway. So that Sony proper is nearing a deal to purchase -- 50% -- Sony Ericsson name ever. And and a two wanna give it Jelena implements a one man could -- We haven't anything missing out effort. Refinement is read this story deep as. Mumbling sits in -- and gives you want digitally or abandoning the partnership has been -- amendment throughout the last -- He says you really think line. One minute -- -- I really want one. Okay -- can't we of the timer. Timers start LG it's okay are nice so look the only thing that I -- -- have a Sony Ericsson I loved it -- gently. What does -- Symbian -- -- -- -- I mean come on -- did the -- only two dozen or. And it was great -- because I was free amber pre I you know I need that big -- The -- -- cutting edge but it was when phones we're doing exactly so many you know was the only thing that Sony Ericsson is done lately is that its PlayStation phone that was of any and all -- NY. I wasn't PlayStation in the -- Sony marketing and fellow at the stupidest thing out how problem because of Ericsson partnership yes it's true not true and so you know I mean obviously on sale because -- even compete with iPhone. Which has -- early in games and Andrew habitats -- early I. -- -- why would they even want it to that so. I know why I think that Sony Ericsson -- such a money suck right now out that if they just bought it but I think that's valid -- good reason for Sony to buy it because Sony wants to be good in the mobile. -- -- And if they can just to government our citizens themselves and they can finally maybe create phones that would be -- timers. But Sony if you DD that's sorry and ignoring the duck sorry Sony he'd do -- -- -- take it over -- you do actually tried it -- -- high end handsets that you can eat. -- -- -- -- The Sony 77 X seventy to prove that I don't even one great because then I'm like so what does that looks pretty cool and -- -- -- -- -- -- 27 nets at any -- dash one and by the time you're done telling me about what it is I've I've -- I don't wanna know an increase in higher trying to write headlines about your new flashy product. We're like don't. -- so He sent many to listen anyone isn't that I can't and we just leads the whole story and then port we just changed the headline to please ignore this new Sony I think -- -- spy please don't buy -- because we retain it. -- so anyway so that was that about the Sony Ericsson I guess now -- well just for China sorry duck we can argue and now -- iPad. Okay but then next -- is more exciting and probably talk. Not idle that long and one minute -- and won't turn on that you don't need determined yet at least but splash -- if you know I won't shut up about it -- next so see what He. Are reporting that an anonymous source great strength -- on and at. So -- was close with the tablet market supply chain in China is reporting chatter over there. An iPad -- going into production for 2012. Now Apple insider is also reporting similar. Rumor. And they are not citing an anonymous source Apple insider is citing. Analyst Brian white of take on the -- the securities. Who has been over in China talking to people who make ipads and her -- in different factories in different -- actually talking and -- actually talking to the people over there. But not citing not naming but those who they're saying we got any remaining -- not -- needs Kim man did I say it says he's been over -- wandering the halls of certain. Actor isn't -- and hearing rumblings and rumors in chatter going on among those the people there. That Apple is considering making an iPad mini. Now the basis of this rumor the idea is that. Apple feels the need to create an iPad at a lower price iPad that would compete -- -- Amazon. -- fire them and they are soon to be announced larger tablet media announce a solar -- -- be announced. You bet on that -- You bet that that that wouldn't happen. -- sorry sharing on your behalf event. Setting Cooper an app that it I have added I should happen and I am are you reporting -- the you -- you later river and -- and it all -- but -- didn't exactly. So that -- it would be in response to Kindle fire and the rumored ten inch re Kindle fire something other tablet. That have created an upheaval in the pricing scheme of tablets could -- just so much cheaper. -- -- -- -- -- Hearts of this rumor and the Apple insider guy that accident Apple -- is citing Brian white. Says that the mini doesn't actually referred to the size of the iPad. That as the -- and the -- you might think but actually rather just the fact it'll have a lower price point and I think that sounds right because Apple. Set does not want to make a smaller tablet. Steve Jobs leads and -- great cleanest least set. Its seven inch tablet are -- and too small and not usable and his quote exactly was. It's meaningless unless your tablet also includes sandpaper. So the user can sand down their fingers to around the one order of their eyes at in order to type on the little tiny and they write to him -- tenants don't see jobs did not want Apple to be a seven inch tablet He said -- an earnings call He -- and Andy will never ever do that. I really don't think. Because there were rumblings and rumors. That even after He said that Apple had been behind the scenes sort of working on and then -- -- it aside -- few years ago I think that the tablet. Eco system just. -- tablet landscape as connecting news. I think it's you know now they have to be Olympic competitive and throw a seven incher and there there are any I just I think biding their -- I don't think. They want -- -- Steve Jobs wishes right so. Quickly after He passed -- That I just think that's one point and I also think that Apple doesn't -- how to market demands. They're not like -- oldest person in. Introduces a little thing we need to do that compete with the audit every -- -- doing it and yeah everybody else is building larger tablet to -- to eye with depleted iPad and I think also doesn't historically meek. Budget products they just don't do that they don't produce a lower cost -- and anything a -- I as a portable is actually an iPod Touch. And that's probably already digs -- exactly and so I just think like. -- -- The in her very late. -- wait you know being that doesn't have a lot of space it does not a lot of this -- not lot of that it's more expensive than a MacBook Pro -- yeah I know I'm I'm in the market her yeah I just slide that from he'll keep saying not every show and his mom has -- Hi mom I'm. On the other hand if you -- theater's -- I don't. In that it's part of their like -- Velocity to create a lower priced budget product they haven't done -- the iPhone and what if we look to what they did do with the iPhone. Is that they need -- older versions of the iPhone available for less cost and that's their version of having a budget product and we just read today. With the yesterday and now you're gonna be able to get iPad one reject it exactly that they lowered the price that they cut traces on that first iPad is I think -- refurbished ones. But then yeah you know that that there counseling -- boxer were never garnered. -- more than a -- fire map. That's true but that's it in a fire's main selling point is -- -- are exactly and it's neat on Canadian docile and it is not spell out. -- and I know -- -- so I know I agree I ice. Steve Jobs I know that witty sad about the seven inch tablet I think that I think. That it's -- at the landscape has changed I think that they can change their minds and that they can and He knows He probably changes planes are ready lake right after saying that. -- need to -- that I think. I I now have and I I feel. First of -- island and so much so it's such a dark about it. I like resisted getting it for so long I was trying to be contrarian and then now I haven't island and -- -- in fact it's so amazing but -- be any smaller. I mean it's not known when you look at the seven inch Galaxy Tab. It's not the you can put those in your pocket you -- is still not profitable to -- just strange sites that let attendance at the SATA seven. -- -- -- too small talk to movies on app but they're tubing -- -- -- in your pocket they're not alone does. It's awkward and I don't think Apple Apple is all about having perfect design and there are fundamental built in flaws to a seven inch tablet I just don't think they would. So you think that the mania is referring to the price yes I think that if there is going to be an iPad mini it. Would were not I would refer. Yeah I think it does and I think I ever make any -- I just don't think that they would -- -- -- and made light of what kidney and not include -- -- because usually in a lower -- Product strips on the strip something out so the iPad iPad one saying He doesn't have a camera. Our front facing camera or in factories in -- -- anyone got back to that it's a great so what it means an iPad to write in what -- -- stripped. That can't answer cameras that they just introduce solid and then now they -- strip -- hardware. And an online hard drives being an iPad unit to what make it. Eight gigs when it's announced workings -- are taken up just would like the necessary things on -- to make it run like I just can't imagine that they would strip is that there's anything left to strip out of it to that doesn't make it iPad why India to make it a cheaper thing and so I guess that if this rumor holds water. Then it probably does refer to a smaller. One because doesn't make sense to strict -- Regular sized iPad but my personal position is that it that Apple would never do that Apple is not -- -- a lower cost iPad. And an -- -- would you do instead is just make -- older versions of the ipads cheaper then what it what I think bolsters that. Idea is that the iPad three is going to come out -- and so when iPad three comes out not only will the iPad one be cheaper but they -- -- -- -- -- to -- -- -- -- Which brings us in the next rumor. Ray which is back according to all things digital which spoke with -- -- wanna financial analysts Jeff. It RO. UK so you could they put out -- And Apple is sending me I had three -- production this court. Okay so that it would be out out by early 2012 -- was so they're reporting early 2012 than -- other rumors saying that actually would they're gonna wait. For the new processor. Eight dual core 85. It's a six yet the dual core 86. Which they don't think we'll be ready until June which indicate that the iPad. Three won't come until GOK I. See that I mean it when I remember when iPad two came out that I think that follows along with his June is when they make other big product announcements -- might be when they start announcing on. By you hopefully are shopping area and so you know that makes sense that -- have their Apple event sometime in the summer app and that's when they will make other new announcements I can -- I mean I by malware on the road since releasing something new every year because why not if yeah and especially -- even with -- four -- like it was -- such minor differences but it's selling like I mean everybody I mean -- -- partially missourians anticipating -- -- -- new -- happening are waiting for so long rate and so I know and keep an iPad two came -- adds some small but significant changes like that its pastor has later sold it later has. The the cameras yeah and soul why not I mean if -- They're gonna make an iPad 3 eventually -- am I not in -- release next year even if the only thing different about it is -- new process are yet people still love it yeah or that if they release says it's under notes this exists now -- a 64 -- one and probably estimated -- whatever -- -- -- -- -- 81 and so. Also the -- is of that. 600000. To one million iPad three units will be built this quarter and have already been work. And that. And that'll be available in the spring or urgent -- that's -- -- -- okay so that that iPad three will come out next year yes and that the I mean either before before June at an army at that Europe is Paper as an add. A mini. It. And so out of -- here's our final -- -- room and it's not hardware related -- key it's so hard to -- When when finally came back from -- -- was like well we have seven Apple rumors. Every gonna hate I could put it -- -- and we can't even talk. You know about anything else and Apple via all we ever you have to have vigilant that we will try to make it. As entertaining as -- -- and you guys can like in. Be involved in some way and give -- ideas and and of course if you guys come up with lake other you know rumors that we haven't talked about and know that people were lake. -- organize and -- and start aren't you yeah and Mac it's not about you necks and I present it as if you'll hear rumors people chat and people watching please send them to us yeah this -- we are reading. Busy reading CNET all day long if we don't happen -- our site doesn't have a chance to cover it sometimes we miss it. Yeah so so please feel free December's Ballmer sent to -- of them are -- to cover it -- -- -- -- think covering you know I don't want it and -- line. Basically. Anyway so -- and parents -- next rumors about Angry Birds are known. The maker of Angry Birds is that they are planning. IPO for 2012 the so they're planning on going public alone so -- and Angry Birds maker -- could go public next year according to the company's chief marketing officer. His nickname is might -- -- -- Which is -- I believe America. Is not American goods and sent me is you guys who I am not know why -- -- -- the ninety about the only acting united. I -- the -- ET eagle. -- -- it either this. Or box that's -- -- app so anyway so. Will be displayed Angry Birds -- -- thing that's an in app purchase is the mighty eagle which is -- and swoops down and like takes Apple thing if you can't pass a level so you did I himself after about in app purchase or did they need it after. It probably named after a really I think that you named himself after her. It sound really I think it's an inside joke for -- -- their bosses eagle suite swoops in and heals everything around. I think that He was we -- -- -- how did -- could happen so I think that He was it anyway. In an interview with Bloomberg TV so. That's where this -- that they are planning to go. Public next year according to his interview with. So. The problem with this rumor and why I don't think it's gonna happen any time soon and why I think they're waiting because they were talking about going public you know. -- once again and this has been you know. Talked about for -- But the market isn't really IPO friendly right -- and olina Linkedin went public image split in group online publicly notes on -- dead yeah and and the problem with. -- going public is that they. They're totally profitable thing and yet they are their revenue was -- seventy million dollars it's it's estimated distance donors and their private company estimated between fifty to seventy million their valued at one point two billion dollars which is so much for a little bird that makes basically needs one -- and 99 cent and that's the thing is I mean they have a lot of products like in that story he's wearing could -- -- -- the -- of himself. -- land you know so crazy about your speed by the merchandise by the pretty -- -- -- -- heat. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- First there are pigs and then there are -- to currents to come out that's the dumbest thing. I hate it when it's can be so it mean it's pretty profitable company but they only make one product and making on the market is very scared to back. A company that only does Apple thing and the reason to go public is because you want to grow is because you've -- -- -- the -- even get on your -- -- -- you are so profitable that -- you have another product. That actually you can expand acts financially and but the thing -- is. Worry so I just think a little bit nerve -- -- it is that. Probably Angry Birds has grown as much as it can't like and Disney can make -- -- -- -- and read an anemic at Angry Birds theme park in reverse problem. That laid out birds in order for them really -- and -- -- This is about what you got ample little -- you -- health you know things and you might run up against that velcro wall no. -- -- you all where you're little and -- Specter that. Yourself along yeah yeah a little dangerous engine like there's a disclaimer consigned it we vertical waiver area on its -- only -- -- -- public is then if you are able to have another -- It's gonna be just as big city you have the infrastructure in the money behind YouTube then then support. Adding a new birds and a bunch of other hits so I mean I think that what this really means at -- they wanna go public in must -- and a couple other games. Ready that they foothills plan I you know that involved like chickens and horses. You need now -- and I had. They they have the regular -- birds that Angry Birds seasons past year and then at like they have this new one every season right calf seasonal exactly and it's all Iranian men and Christmas and and then they came out with tie in to -- that movie. Rio with the birds want to see that mean fundamentals as -- had not skewed and so I think ethically that there are really killing this Angry Birds and they're really eating aesthetic. It's like birds that -- there -- -- else it. In the early Rovio and LC that. -- -- -- -- kind of frozen world and a little chickens and tens others are sorry that I don't think that Peter husk of larnaca the toxic and not just easier. -- -- -- -- From now on is not my box is he's our region needs to and I can not -- -- -- an -- student each and every -- that some Russian because I know RFID. By start -- Russian and -- my way towards whenever I'm actually going for English professor. Yeah I know now not next year and then -- finance and they're either. Whaley and my -- eagle is going to get very rich he's either gonna continue to stay very rich. By owning his own company that is profitable break are you can -- -- public and goats become super rich and many B -- -- accident shareholders. Well not. -- as wealthy because that. Company may be overvalued and -- -- down and who knows. -- -- a mighty eagle is gonna be on -- Extra -- and not expect because his name. He -- isn't really prominent on the interesting part of the story real quick is that used to work for each -- -- You cannot -- -- Got his little rubio grouped together from people who worked at eight -- they're probably. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Seven million and He actually truly honestly pretty sad because those people if they were on -- -- -- And our guys. It's -- -- out for them to other means okay so let's wrap this up okay okay ice cream sandwich at photo editing. 88. It's okay Amazon -- my palm is using nano price. Look shields aren't belittle the Arctic and minority. And think it's. Sony will -- -- Our -- and He I don't know what we -- you -- -- For the -- if I say yes. Well I can't peer pressure DC did you get under your heart is really our house is I think one of us and Mike on the idea Harry iPod mini. I don't believe -- I've had many -- and I had threes coming next year. 4 June -- I think an iPad three is coming next year and -- Being an iPad and also. I just say yes and manage everything is yes okay and then people like to say yes. Now -- you went there is an option -- -- Mighty eagle is gonna go public in -- again. Yahoo! -- and I say in we. Next year. My next year using to get -- next year I don't think it's gonna happen next year and I said no. It does heal our great well I guess that's it and -- to shake on I think. And we threats to our. The a couple of that -- -- I now and it's great -- work. Yeah it's -- yeah so I guess that's our show or show us exits and I -- used only. Is next -- Halloween. Net -- -- -- -- two weeks as saying Carolina has one shots. So in debt to get two point six points to beat me and if not I am going to make where an embarrassing -- -- on our show. And I am going to need your help to come up with some ideas on how to them -- -- -- this little -- -- Can I think I mean -- came to my mind that a -- agreeing to let people. And I always -- I -- I could last a lot and could bring my cat in -- -- -- Not out there would be nice so if you have any sort -- to come -- -- them to us this end because I don't lament our bond. Because I don't think I'm gonna win this month. I think that you'll need to come up with this cost him. -- -- nothing is not to edit it have to buy an Afghan army gets yelled at Kennedy at a time it is. So it'll -- -- you know I now demand is costing the city now I have picked up. Even worse I think would be in if I weren't -- him not even around Halloween like the airline on the street yeah or -- -- an amazing guy that's a sneaker deal. Does where it to the creek store. My -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And -- you'll -- news I don't necessarily have to Wear on Halloween day no but you have to Wear on the show and potentially just around -- and Cisco while running your daily activities and and -- No problem -- is no problem or I can Wear and -- -- we'll figure -- out I just as you can send us some ideas. You're really into -- little -- keeps things iniki -- -- -- and usually think like your first instinct is is right. Dialer contacts are -- if you don't Wear your ass as you did you like -- -- -- -- knew right. I'm not wearing my -- even on activists. Because I'm only -- to the and I never -- -- -- The earth. And Andy as loving you so much for joining us that is our -- and don't -- and doesn't really reaching here.

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