Ep. 35: Everything but the girl
Ep. 35: Everything but the girl

Ep. 35: Everything but the girl

It Tuesday march 8 you are listening to slash watching -- crave podcast. I'm your host Donald bell. I -- your. Not so much cool -- work for him unfairly host the -- elected -- masked -- that's -- spam that's yeah that's what is in the jasmine free zone outside a mix it up a little -- post as an error claim that hosts title -- you get it you did it right there you it was right there for the picking you it and south -- with you guys last week that we've just not. And I'll just hired on a morning -- to adjust that this would not able -- day debt and podcast and -- just has been great. Or Trieste is corporate it work right and her new job -- It's I I partners. And name it who seem to be really -- it. I'm excited to about what I'm doing what are -- doing right now what are you doing I'm getting me to review the iPad -- yes -- having him now. But I did actually get that from time to play with his black belt like in spite of all the hype and all the tot is worth -- putting them planet -- -- in. Have some infected there yeah on it you can actually acted. -- the one that people and asking about the iPad to -- they've been asking -- I'm -- Angeles and the audience now. And -- like it now. The question -- new thing a lot of polls going -- like if you're an iPad when you hear -- Do. So okay and answer this question -- you what your that you think this is not get the thing I picked three in the year that's the rumor that's going around right now. And how much creates -- use. That rumors the European. -- -- -- I've been -- like Apple executives are talking to them. These kind of openly pooh poohed the idea. Smaller tablets -- -- and other. I mean -- right hand the mansion and then -- power and I could see something like. And iPod Touch evolving into something that that -- a bigger screen to be more than middle randomized. -- an iPad. You know. An iPad many. Well let me just so many iPad three -- like retina display with -- -- support. Well then what. -- -- this is that is why don't believe -- that they don't have to do right. The meaning they showed up they they went to like they're bragging rights and deserve it bragging rights of -- -- we've -- 90% market share -- and we sold fifteen million of them. In -- many such -- US. Or that world. I mean there there are taken at about 60000 there's no reason they have to a you now have screwed over customers who are buying things to come out and the -- the year arm after they ought. New one. -- so there's no reason they need to use you know competitively to meet the -- are the tablet market for as much his from my -- job I like. Camping all of the competitors and there -- making people feel like it says it's a wide. World the tablet and an it expert opinion like minority chief between them right so far -- there the consumers are saying we don't really need Detroit forward gonna buy this well little will mean -- they could mean you have read the iPad. The highest my -- right. Via as far as I -- -- maybe they are coming to CNET going hey Donald bell and there to confirm Mars mission that it. Either way it's it's a much -- -- okay. Yet it has that if I had a big deal I -- -- That the -- make me get in the Apple -- probably meet testing out facetime. Playing with photo Booth they goofy pictures -- trying to gain steam game promises improvement in one's mind it. Really the thing that is going to I think screw over most of the competitors that are. If not. Already out there that are coming this is how in Apple's -- get that -- has -- -- it's -- -- -- event. Just because when you pick it up like that kind of -- says the expectations on what. Tablets in general should be aging population and in Vietnam and when -- go to pick up competitor. You're gonna notice that. The thing all the competitor -- -- here yeah then for and it'll slippery of these are. Portable machines that things that you want to be carried around in your your briefcase or you know your backpack -- ever. On heat and that -- Mean since lead the better it. Yeah I mean these are these are products that -- mean you. People have. -- -- likely. Legitimate excuse to -- -- -- that became -- right now although they don't like the whole thing I don't I don't smile lot of logic into why people -- the iPad I I think that. The -- the natural state of the device and natural trajectory for tablets is to get. Meaning kind of invisible as possible you know and this is getting there -- them. Though -- So crave -- definitely have we'll see at the end of this week we will have -- in the office but -- -- -- I hope so yes. Something we will not -- in the office by -- this week although it would be great especially for the -- -- third -- -- -- the time -- -- -- -- There this statement that this is now. The -- in -- or I run in any yes breath analyzer retro any S video games -- -- that system that video game. For the vintage and yes. Video game console okay account -- the play -- words. Eight if there's breathalyzer. -- -- Puts. Year drunken -- into a scheme like state so that taking that that kind of ritual that we all had to go through that and blowing dust off the carnage her -- what's what how does it is always -- What good does -- I don't know there's dust on on the equipment at. I'm telling you that they didn't work you're blowing faith into the cartridge and when you're a -- worth into the cartridge after that. Once maybe twice sometimes it would just one click and it. About that yet those predate so -- it is it's harnessing that. Nostalgia via and then also your new found drunkenness. -- -- not there when you're a child -- well. And it it can reach you -- that way how many -- is again and you get depending on your blood alcohol level. You get to. It's like. About seven or eight different states of drunken dancer -- -- -- Is actually gonna cool yet -- its -- it's heating up power pack cartridge like Andy and open source are we know micro controller board. To really put a blood alcohol sensor inside the cartridge and then you know then you get the actual. Kind of results right screen is like a high score screen yet all the vintage and yes -- graphics for -- -- the drunken monkey area like right. You're right -- great at the L rover. What and I think if a patient -- it -- in my mind. Us. I'm not -- with over Grover overgrown and it doesn't really work -- as -- let's move on. -- -- -- We -- and on the same any us front here we have is the kids and -- become fit it it's not perverted that have. And -- yes. That has been retrofitted to basically. Yeah flash ads are basically someone and -- the devastation. Hollowed out a tetris cartridge. And then they put a USB thickening and okay and in Maine but the other -- US internal inside the any Xbox. -- -- many USB key block -- your computer okay. It's a long way to go to hook up a thumb drive it is it is by at -- he went to that the extra effort of making -- comet popped up on the screen. Millions cartridge -- cartridge yeah yeah that's it but damn well let's look cool what -- Like it be hard to really extra he had to make a lot of them and to -- at the office why exchanged a thumb drive usually if I mean -- -- that. If -- the -- -- yeah that'd be more quick -- -- on the local usually and we usually inappropriate yet. Yeah so I got to get I'd have to hand -- higher. Console which basically yes computer. -- chemical I don't know. Tablet you know I mean if you're really -- -- you know miles that we don't want other people to know that were exchanging him. I think -- -- maybe have the format should match the content it's been a blow up doll is like a thumb drive we're back -- -- I don't know what you're required internationally you leave it well you know I got a dark road. They -- down here. Of my bait and switch there are likely to access. -- -- versions yes. Jim annoyed yes determined never really heard of -- forests or I'll totally captive and music bad it's basically. A type of humanoid aid. Robot that it's just -- -- to be like a clone replica. Of a person. Right picture. -- to their own little a little work -- specific model I am not quite get it but what is it in its creepy. Like madame tussaud's. Button and then calculate out of action movie yet today it crosses over the uncanny valley a little bit if not -- -- little -- -- -- the of the little. Robot children's stuff this is listen about the statement that -- -- insisted the -- of the valley yeah yeah totally. Writing -- the entire. Thrust of this project is to really be is realistic. A rep I saw this picture and I had no idea that the -- -- -- the one on the right right wasn't real. From this picture. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yet doesn't demotion emotions of the robot aren't so who human yeah but when he hits all the different poses yes exactly it gave me an email it's probable that the way the eyes are not alone somebody and maybe that it's the with the skin looks as well -- hair is great. And this guy -- looks -- -- and trips a review here. -- yeah. That's. -- sharp. -- -- -- his clone and controlled using just that certain motors and like a little. I think it's a little radio control technologies -- night. Nearing mirroring -- -- or something and drag it to them next level meeting that ethnic. It would be getting to what what's with the goal here I think they're -- -- ultimately make them robot enemy with your wife. Yeah -- seek to watch right now do you wanna watch tries to keep going and how. Well yeah. A lot I don't know if you do -- this -- I think a lot of other there's a lot of the competing robot who is out there for meeting including planted that like. -- scheme -- human like and like -- behaviors and interactions right riot that this was this is the queen street because it was the the most. Creepy -- don't -- go into the right and I think I think it's gonna go straight to sex but once we get that points. Where we can actually you know you know that they can actually have fully functional. You know why not be like honey you know you love me love you. You -- it's like why not have to have mean you know how we joke it's just me. If you're gonna like -- it's really want to tell you. Tonight and it's -- -- and Danish professor who apparently. Taking app. Yeah I get their own clone it's -- prevent you gonna go around new vehicles via yes objected. Avenue and Catholic. Well Aaron it's out later on art that by the wrong turn of phrase I like that -- I think we'll we'll figure out what with -- -- the humanoid. -- later but until then they're riding into the future. On EX yes which McCain -- without soliciting monies that. Me the tissue when you have. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- he did there has to look bad I'm thinking this is Nevada contract he deserves to but he is not. The book has left with I think -- tried his best is given as all. What to do with helping you know why yet you know -- they're becoming aerodynamic helmets he had -- kind of helps. But he's -- that both I finally -- -- now kids. And like we eight it -- when he does. The robot overlord thinks -- -- capitalism around. Please be built to me like in the I don't know if -- -- -- I -- -- -- now began. And grow by -- the robot overlord is plug it in to this the milking machine and it looks a lot like that it's probably. They are going to go ahead on an island right there yet that wasn't bad -- definitely the right need to know. Couldn't. -- Hit the go quietly go whine if you go we'll let alone aren't you go -- -- -- learn. -- think -- it get -- back on the rails there. Power -- are involved to make this thing goes say you actually two off the shelf. It just. Are -- powered screwdrivers rather. Are used to drive the -- to gears that. Power that they sleep in the control that you pull the trigger to I don't know contributed down -- by by the -- Capital left with a it's not an idea I think if path switched them on -- -- some permanent state of on and you got breaks up front right and I mean I don't be they have enough. -- -- power to get you going to the point we need to -- celery celery. Beyond having the breaks -- -- by them. I think -- prequel -- a re use of technology share off the shelf technology to make something go yeah yeah the kind of a unique looking design. Yeah you know I am not sure what the planet -- it but it looks cool. But -- I think in the the position one have to put oneself. And -- to. Ride this out. Now you look cooler on a Segway at any deal with I would -- hazel Dell and left left vulnerable if earth you know that's for sure. Because this guy you know -- The end that -- measure. It's I'm good how we actually have some. Some listener feedback I want it to one of us leaving the show that -- -- -- 8000. He elaborated I like chemistry at -- yet that who is maybe the fact that I got my eyes laser which -- -- on the show that believes -- eyeballs you did me write some feedback about that. The -- but this one's from Dan saying -- -- -- people. This morning I am I am on my way to -- close to -- infamous term either tort that we mentioned on the show. Episodes ago and he's the -- photo of it there as this vote he took. And that he want to make sure we -- -- on the jasmine and tell her -- yeah yes. So dvd give his opinion million dollars way to get -- heated. He did the Dakotas and eighth that he wasn't good I'm assuming that he if -- the picture -- what they eat the whole thing felt. So good to know BM does though go to read those orca. Looking guy -- thumbs up it really exists right I think we're concerned about whether -- existed yeah. Next month Saturn out -- from -- saying Wednesday that I've been an avid watcher MP3 insider and create podcast for a long time. Analyst -- port each podcast. Every we can even though we don't get the podcast I -- reading UK we look at the podcasts until Wednesday. I'm being told it's Tuesday and and believe I've I've had I've been convinced -- -- -- -- and because it. With that is when about guys in -- meeting that want to wish her luck and a new job she'll be myth. And hopefully -- make it but I hope that too. Yeah yeah I don't -- a guest appearance thing happening. I've Denton burn my bridges -- Literally my gas that -- gather -- Bay -- fire is not there anymore because it has yet to burn it -- -- of course an associate me. You know with the ball -- that theme in line yeah yeah -- a little concerned that night at dinner party. -- suspect. -- no doubt and yes if she was back and -- -- I -- until next week. Fellow creators thank you for joining us you can write to us at -- show at cnet.com or -- Daschle at cnet.com and that's it ranked. Yes give me like I -- Even on that that the -- pay particular pictures line up there check guys check check the show notes and then in the -- -- it geek -- in you can find creative dot cnet.com. Yes planets -- -- we -- -- -- next week. Post -- had to fever. -- -- domination. Of the -- -- he fell while on maybe it'll be that the -- now yeah either way it'll be final kilometer. -- -- -- -- -- -- When I am -- the find out.

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