Ep. 3: The real lame-os of Silicon Valley
Ep. 3: The real lame-os of Silicon Valley

Ep. 3: The real lame-os of Silicon Valley

It's Tuesday October 11 and welcome to rumor has it I'm -- -- and I'm staring back and visit the show right after this week's hottest tech rumors. And that on which ones aren't likely. Fail and which ones are never gonna. So Sharon thank you so much for filling in for Emily Dreyfus -- -- -- instantly and you have any in -- We're here and she's in -- sitting on a beach or dry and in mountain urgings I don't know what she thinks it's in Patagonia. And answers she uses talk like earth I'm sure she's -- -- -- make -- and what happened with newest eye the week. So anyway so assemblies in Chile and while she was always something amazing happened. I got a point on the board. And and so -- C so what happened was last week -- that member -- -- it on a piece of Paper. It looked like this that apps binder Paper. So we one of the things that we -- on was that the nexus line was gonna be announced at -- today at CT IA. -- what happened was. They can't so they were going to announce it. And then they did they decided not. And so Emily and why it's so that they Samsung is -- it's because of the passing of Steve Jobs. I'm not sure if that's. Actually what happens I don't know what's going on over there maybe it wasn't ready and that was a good opportunity you know -- -- Excuse or may not a great excuse -- -- so that's why they sent -- said that. In lieu of the passing of Steve Jobs that we do not want to make this announcement this week. Which is there any I've seen. In a very business stands -- it -- -- be overshadowed by that news is true except they're releasing IOS five this week and not a phone. That phone is gonna hot ice cream sandwich which is lake insert OS five so -- not mean an answer via Crispin but at least an. Competitor yet so anyways so Emily said that. They were not been announced today. Ice and that they were gonna announce today and so we both get a point because there aren't -- -- so I think that's fair and again. Yes so load today secure in the liberty of putting her name up on the board and so Sharon minimally have two points and I have one. So I wouldn't look -- you're regulated job even -- to do anything. You're amazing but what magic. -- so anyway so. Churn is filling in for Emily. I hope that's you. That well on her -- And I think that's a technique you have such pressure. I was going to take you out for drinks last name -- -- you -- sedan made bad bets. I didn't have that look at the -- make good about it carrying a camera -- -- time Emily chests Yangtze you've heard of two points on the board without doing anything sound. Maybe an Emmy you'll get five points by the end of the show without even doing anything at all. Anyway so let's move on to. Our first rumored the first rumor is a new report suggests that the company. Amazon is planning on launching a ten point one inch model of the Kindle fire -- Probably before the holidays. So according to Digi times citing anonymous source is which is might be everything I had not only take shots. Because everybody loves to -- these anonymous -- people. Amazon is planning to top Taiwan based Foxconn Electronics to start producing its rumored -- -- So during the Kindle fire event Amazon didn't say anything about a ten inch tablet. But. You know. -- -- -- Why wouldn't date yeah announces and so -- and gadget which is another mystery. Information about the streamer. Spoke at the company's by Kendall's. Section vice president. Who said stay tune into when they asked him about a ten inch tablet. Okay -- why. My first question is why wouldn't they announced it with the rest of the Kindle announced -- I have no idea emanate lake and less. Unless they did they wanted to see how people reacted to the Kindle fire. And then. I mean now and that it. It'd be on that blow up. So then maybe even their lake and strapped for the holidays Tenet's version until -- number one yeah I get an antagonism and whenever. You do anything warrants. -- I'm skeptical all become. Basic pre orders for the Kindle fire ray so. I mean they would have to announce this then the next few weeks to get it right for the holidays right so that they -- start announcing you know pre orders right now but her than an -- one aren't being like a month later trio yeah very Cuba on the other hand I mean everybody is trying to. Compete with the iPad. And one of -- you know mean. Things not iPad is that it's such agree tablet and it's ten inches and so the Kindle fire kind of competes with I -- has you know it's has -- backs. But I've heard the screen whatever has I'm so sick of talking about the Kindle fire actually become the UI on client -- can't even Muster the energy complaining it's gonna -- up product that we've does flake. So sick of talking about talking about it so much and -- rumors -- us like exactly so well. I mean. As it's still not a true iPad competitor right it doesn't have two cameras -- runs a modified version of amber and we act in. Secret code for rock what you do a lot of things ray and we're gonna just point you to the Amazon store -- no matter what you do no matter. -- whether you like it or not go to. And I mean as long as they can keep the price -- then. Cern it would be great products. That's -- you mean one of the main selling points of the Kindle fires that it hit you know 200 dollar price -- And so they can make this ten inch magical beast -- lake whatever 300 dollars now however they price these things and I think it might be. You know something to. And but -- now I -- I haven't iPad you you have an iPod you of the iPad two I have iPad two which and -- -- -- -- really -- -- -- it's not even yours or -- predominantly well and that's what. It's your -- -- very good care of me and don't leave the building I -- I consider re users OK I agree I think so I mean you're doing a lot of you know apps on the iPad you need. So I have iPad. I. Know I'm spoiled it's a -- I might I think the -- Australia for a long time. So I kind of like. I kind of like the seven inch screen it feels more personal. -- -- a have a smaller yeah. But then you know the argument is like what's the difference between a seven inch tablet her and huge -- that students in there all ladies and now they're -- provide engines and -- -- -- the difference between them is very small extra so that people really like the tenant size is seen in -- -- you can play games on it -- its site that's what movies are -- society can be seen on their -- are brighter note by but the pixels -- -- -- -- haven't -- -- -- But -- doing so say you know you don't think this is very likely don't think that there. And a and now. Everybody right now we're not -- well we voted and inspects. Just you know just give us a little into the future -- I am I think. Not. Because. I do when I'm in -- they would have announced the rest of the Kindle okay during the big -- -- I mean. -- -- unless they were so inspired by how. A big of a splash in the fire mean and they -- on my only managed re cap totally. Our rates and we will come back to welcome back to them at the end of -- now. What's -- what's. Well. I found. Interesting rumor on the next lab which will shot enemy is average line. Microsoft is going to announce might announce new -- box at 328 out. Now we. All now -- makers has been working on something by. We haven't gotten any solid news from Microsoft so some servers and went on to Microsoft employee profiles on linked -- And up to an awesome yeah data portability. Sherlock tell their way it -- their incidents were investigating and that He found. There is an Xbox next generation creative director for Microsoft and senior creative director for -- box I -- That's pretty big but -- that description of the jobs says that they're designing the next generation of entertainment. Interesting yes thank you interpret them anyways. And then there's an Xbox hardware -- -- Microsoft. Who's working on building -- -- High speed data busses to prevent electromagnetic interference and -- and prices well obviously it's very important I don't even know it means companies that don't own it. -- -- -- I'll still be quiet -- last week -- gamer which is why not gaming. Spread a rumor that Xbox is internal studios are developing games for the new console -- Able -- -- could cook up an Iowa got blowing your mind selling me. Which might incorporate can -- which is -- more costs and and -- the floors -- studios are also working on games and according to Euro gamer again Xbox would be announced at 320 well not released until Christmas 2013. Allow. Eight years could -- that fit a lot single lot. Yeah I mean. This kind of like the worst kept secret because obviously they're planning for the future so obviously there's going to be in new dual console eventually -- Eight years after the original console. Cents -- student -- taking. Their time. Is that Xbox-360. Has a lot I mean it's on the shelves it's off the shelves like people are buying right and they do little things to kind of keep up. The stamina money out there kit that every it's they did a couple years ago -- -- they are animated or -- with the hardware the units in your whatever and and and then via can -- also gave it a nice boost in and you are happy and you aren't complaining like. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And I have a PS tail. That's not for -- I take my first generation iPad -- it. My and a I have a Nintendo entity that is yeah DF -- whenever articles online. -- -- -- -- Yes science not the three and and the one that came before that I mean it like graphics on matter there than yes yes there and at the site -- -- It's -- -- it's fine so anyway I mean. I mean. Again like this does say a lot about -- -- made it to good console it's the most popular console. But it. Of course Microsoft is going to after -- the -- Eventually eventually it's gonna have to integrate with new platforms. And and keep up -- whether her. Display. Standards change and totally and like the Wii He is coming out with its new thing that -- -- You. It resentment we. Data that being the status of that happening and what Apple called -- the new Xbox made. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- That'll be out there calling -- and there are a lot of excellent seventh and now my god and then -- hate. Forever it'll just be spinning in an answer the -- an -- so I think. I think it's about time getting -- that I think 2013. Is a long time -- I mean. Its two year -- that's -- element that's easier since two christmases now. But people buy it people are -- that spot I -- I mean. To see other -- -- was like us it's time to buy an Xbox-360. Pathetic this rumor came out -- will be no other and others of the two -- -- on my I my iPhone five. And I have my Xbox seventh when He. And I'll be running IOS 12100. -- didn't -- the of these that happy about it not been a complete -- I've also been reluctant because I keep thinking. Microsoft will come out new console. About -- guy. I bought an Xbox and about Tivo and I beat the game. And -- -- -- no way. -- -- -- -- nightmare incident and that's play wearing a -- not cutting a key and then returning after you are at a -- of these and like -- I can make. We want union Xbox games and have a PS3 -- -- eat and hang. That's awesome that's increased every citizen by the -- and I know I'm trying to emulate my least agent I can't decide if I want it get a PS3 or acts may be an a year game its its depends on -- -- yes. Some eBay can still play my PS2 -- with my selection of game and then get an Xbox and when He and played. Whenever. Futuristic -- I mean I don't think it does sound so I know the streamers sounds pretty diligent on us eventually below. Sorry yes I did see that some people are saying my mind when He -- -- Guys and they're just for nine years -- not gonna do anything Microsoft is releasing connects. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And buy it and I mean -- -- -- it what it onerous and used and you really did a lot with the PSP the new PSP that. But -- -- utilities air on the same track and indeed -- the PS3'S -- that was at all the rest is eight and the move. Yeah I which I never use -- -- now about Linux is up along the wind. One of the lines. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- so -- now at top of -- some meat in the tyrant to send yes -- that's -- asking -- and pattern of and I can't look at the chats for its may increase. I'm sorry it's not that I don't want to us so our next rumor that we -- with that is that Motorola and Verizon. Are rumored to debut a -- way to raise her on October. Next Tuesday. Remember the -- user I need you I -- it was just so. I'll often and it was seen in and it -- And talk on -- you were in storage and Mac user -- and the keys are flat and Blake. It was silvery color or color and -- -- the illness is pretty cool it was. So this is so we received an invitation that's. Celebre me the next big innovation from Motorola mobility and invite also says. Asterisk the -- smarter stronger which is totally. Reminiscent of that Daft Punk song -- -- -- -- -- I mean labs like that that -- -- -- -- Brighton England made me stronger yeah so it's a combination of app on in content. -- and I'll put it. That linked habitat -- -- into the -- Kanye West on later mission at. But I -- so it's faster thinner smarter stronger obviously that was like razors the main selling points is that it -- thinner it loses. Yeah I upgraded from my Nokia. Tune with the RAZR I think when it debuted. Whenever Atlantis 2004. Sex or an. But then total He. -- -- I hear the music that's the Daft Punk -- and then. Member noticed on. The content for this. So -- thinner -- better faster stronger leaner meaner whatever. So they need to remove that the RAZR name into the grounds they came out with ten million. For you know -- versions of the RAZR each. Carrier for each carrier they had it non flip phone version have -- V three V three I. The V8 hundred but still the one million the 6000 would only. So. So is the next -- exactly so -- the specs on this thing. Some -- also has a four point three inch display. A dual core one point two gigahertz process or one gigabytes of ram an eight megapixel camera. And four GL TE support according -- this is -- axed so. Could be it at holiday item I'm not yeah. I mean. -- so. Why call it a razor. They can buy it mean only when people think of the reason they think late and -- -- and then they think oh my god there were so many repeat. Batteries are still rocking batteries are so I -- it -- plan at the right chord -- -- -- older generation maybe those people who adopt and the flip raisers as their first phones and calculate. You know they still have their -- -- -- -- -- vet finally nine years later edit new Xbox and and your iPhone. It's now. I am I mean this is this to be updated version of the Droid by on it. Which people are you know people are calling like that's and all of the alt -- sounds like the Droid by -- -- -- its. And so if this tops that. -- this is an end all be all of the end all be all. And of the ends of all and of the song it's so I didn't that -- this and other. So this is. Right to I think stop what is -- and under used to scanning their current that's a fact that everything. Sell our rights -- thinking that next week so I may be human and we look at a point if you guys that this one because it's gonna happen next Tuesday at the event they might or might -- Debut -- RAZR. Bringing us back sit 2004. And our -- so let's move on to this is -- -- be -- Hollywood section of the show is made so much entertainment and get us -- we just like acted on it and and we're just gonna talk about everything right now so those sharing you the first packet well. I found error that says that Sony Pictures is gaining rights to the Steve Jobs -- And that the movie would be based on Walter Isaacson biography. Which is actually factual He did interviews with jobs and Sony which also produced the social network and then movie about fees that. Is in final talks and might pay up to one million dollars yeah rights to the -- -- interest and yet to be produced by mark. -- and -- who also produce Saving Private Ryan. Hand that -- weak dot com has already put together a slide show of all that possible actors who should play jobs that's. Hollinger -- -- re not yet but it's I have my own list of people might think to me Steve O -- I think Jesse Eisenberg. -- -- He played Mark Zuckerberg. -- He knows how to play -- tech giant. Justin Long who was the Mac guy in those I'm a Mac your PC commercials ninety's so -- he's a Mac. And I think Samuel -- to Austin. -- -- -- -- I think people are actually talking about know all lightly as the main choice because He was in that they got the He was entirely and a pirates of Silicon Valley -- Which I didn't see an idea and it was amazing entry and I think that's just speculation that's just everybody in the Blogosphere. And yes so I wonder what I'm gonna look at the site show -- C news of the week. There is Daniels. And and spinning -- Radcliffe Harry Potter and Steve Jobs eyes. Magical it's true -- and you imply you can live under -- Under the stairs okay so -- -- I can't snag -- and temple of click here to launch such okay. Ralph Fiennes who looks exactly it exactly -- Steve I mean. Oh. It Christian Bale as soon got the planet and yet he's -- I think he'll -- Ed Norton and it now did actor can't be -- True He tested the kind of -- Turkey guy act Tom Hanks would -- not bad. It doesn't look anything like him but -- He does mean look at it now okay guys about Stanley -- my new favorite actor of all time. Using -- yeah I you know I hear -- any. Of fame. Characteristic Michael Serra. Really meaty for the young Steve Jobs when he's sleigh dropping out of continents -- there's -- need a couple of Steve Jobs thinks that He would be. And get one for her when He was and his tiniest. Ryan Gosling. I think the most overrated -- of all time. -- it -- and India Garfield to was in the social network He played. What's -- -- -- -- -- -- And nine Ed's -- -- and then know Noah -- of course and then. So I don't Apple's we'll see I I guess it. Was this book that was that's come out leader and then they decided to release it October 24 okay so yeah coming out -- but He is our eighty. I mean -- ordering reordering it's like the number one book on Amazon already. It is of pre orders housing and come out and and I I think the movie would do I mean unlike the social network it would be based on fact. Right right not not Zuckerberg never -- I mean after interviews or not movie Adam or. And bucks. This this would be -- and to be honest jobs life was kind of dramatic yeah -- super Atlantic and it. And it would be a good fit for movie and mean -- dropped. Started out of flat lie gotten started a huge company when used when He arrived in Canada I'm adding I'm doing out -- I was joining us so and this would be. I didn't see the pirates of silicon Alley but making this would be that was up until 97 I guess I think it went up until that year and so this would be like and -- sequel to kind of you know tie things up against from from then from -- years and -- -- We can watch it on our ipads seen. At. Put -- on -- and under an inch iPad screen. Our rates up next -- entertainment section. Spielberg and DreamWorks are working on the movie version of halo. For 2012. Well I've never played halo one I get an Xbox it'll be one of the first games I play because I think it looks so cool and Hitler wearing Miller little headsets and are talking -- shooting things. And it's awesome. So the French site halo. Dot FRI because -- -- super into the human -- is reporting that a press release about the book halo crypt him. By Greg bear includes a mention of the film adaptation of the popular game franchise and that it could be in theaters by next year. And so. Not only that but it'll be released by DreamWorks and Spielberg will -- awesome and -- -- now and action adventure obviously. And and there had been rumors surrounding the release of this movie since 2005. They all talked about it on their RAZR phones. -- alcohol each other in the -- and they -- let's do this mimics so whenever -- their flip reactors and happy while they're playing their original Xbox-360. -- some exercise and Microsoft signed a movie deal to get it done and then everybody was so stoked an excited and then Peter Jackson from Lord of the Rings was going to direct it. But then. Both twentieth century fox and universal which were gonna be called find answers -- soft how much. It was going to cost and promptly -- out it was in a 345. Million dollar. Improving their lake Murray -- for that much money we can actually go into space. Illness -- On and -- the original cast and so anyway so I -- people -- them for backing out of this maybe but now. You know a few years later. It Spielberg entry marks are thinking. Maybe they have a 145 million dollars -- -- -- figured out how to you know. That's -- hopefully you know -- and he's gonna require a lot of special act totally. Totally -- you know a few years later after it. It originally was announced in 2005 they have technology now that may be -- -- special effects. For cheap right let's -- there. -- -- -- -- Interestingly. I'm not sure about this I mean based on and it's a great success. Of other video game movies and TV says I'm totally -- right now I think there. All the movie TV shows. Or or start movie and TV shows and video games have been total failures icy lake Resident Evil is not one bad -- remember. It looked at I didn't see it that the rotten tomatoes or on -- -- was 34% -- pretty pretty bad. Let's see how out of a list Wikipedia save my life this -- hands there's a list of films based on videogames so now. All the African Pokemon movies. Online. I didn't so they -- out with the exception to the -- those are awesome. On Final Fantasy. -- in animal crossing community that through the -- to all the resident evils. Whatever. Mortal Kombat mortal -- -- was terrible Street Fighter the animated movie about 1984. And then there is all on TV shows based on video games. Donkey Kong country. Wow was -- and mega man I miss Huber is the pac man -- each and I was gonna clothes and partying and then there's the Mario Brothers. That was. Okay. I don't grieve. -- watching them exactly now your kids younger than a lot of the so. Tells -- that -- you need to redemption I mean more combat -- live action TV channel and bitten all of these -- and scores are under 40% snowed so you surgery more geared -- -- reconsider the halo movie if it's probably gonna suck your case. -- -- -- to Brittany. Ray immediately that it's based on on here that -- yeah pattern. -- and now I mean. The thing is people probably gonna see -- even if it's -- -- -- people who are super into the game to super into video games are probably gonna see it because you know. As an action movie I think it will still be pretty -- even if it's. Which a problem -- -- based on Pokemon is we're just doing solid research here is yet real. Research long and hard on -- meters and Wikipedia. Based on our survey. -- nobody. -- -- -- -- It's scuttle it anyway and here's our last rumor of and her team inspection is in more crappy entertainment and it's -- is producing and silicon might be producing Silicon Valley version. Of the real housewives. It's low idle mind. Than -- I have not -- and I'll let you continue on and I have so many things to say that I. I. Say but I think most important part here is to -- reaching us. Okay -- please treatise the casting call and may be one of her listeners or one of the year's home Intel Silicon Valley housewife and went on and man. Or man or man it's just people Silicon Valley person -- Are you a young successful first flash. Now living in America's most emerging area Silicon Valley. Whether -- and -- business technology film advertising medical culinary any career goes as long as you're living the life in the fast lane we want to hear from -- -- hotshot lawyer who works hard from nine to five for the party of even harder afterward who works 95 anymore. The purpose but it may be just your break working at one of the biggest Internet companies burning through a late hours of the night and partying in the even later line. Oh boy. Talking -- feast book the kids -- young partners' fifth. -- a thing or maybe -- -- middle school seats there in a small suburb. US secret wild side is a broad set of weird this is where we heard it's really weird like -- middle school teacher -- wild side. And why cyber test -- yeah and it. -- I mean. They're looking for people there's late twenties to early forties. -- -- profiling you. Work hard and party even harder than -- if you work from nine to five yes and then go to happy little group in. Palo Alto a yes or at all status because the support -- -- -- Valley people out and I assume I don't live there yet but it -- -- I've heard the party pretty hard. And we believe -- and so this sounds. Super boring this sounds quite as suddenly -- boring idea effort TV show I don't think about it all of Bravo shows. In you know in concept could sound boring but being unique it's so -- not editing -- and these people have mined the -- I just I. I don't know how they're gonna -- like. A server crash like so it's I -- completely do you -- feast was unavailable. And people went to Twitter and then all He fell -- -- -- An idea it's gonna be -- today I drove my jaguar to Los Gatos and I think -- -- didn't isn't it I'm in sales a quick look for -- other housewives. Leak might favorite among housewives has because I do you -- -- -- is New Jersey because they haven't attitude they have a lot of care. They have a lot of ancillary and they -- -- and name didn't make up and -- do nothing all the -- yell at each other and it's super entertaining -- in setback you can drink your little beer and complexity is simple utility tethered going to fine have to I'm -- -- -- the -- -- exactly where any. I don't know if that would be hard to -- -- maybe there may be there are abundant in Silicon Valley at nearly the end of the game and I just I the only. The real housewives are real people are -- Silicon Valley is not. Not enforcing of that concept but I don't than the social networking -- it was agreed by angry and agree may be and then -- -- -- Steve Jobs I OPEC will come out and then. You know so who knows maybe there is some interesting stuff happening behind the scenes in Silicon Valley I just -- Calling it a real housewives it's I -- -- for the record that it's called how well -- a lot of value into Google. I really like it. Well and I think that Bravo. As -- way and -- -- and some royalties here because. Baking happens on a period totally lake last year ago yet do we happen. To -- -- Hey here's why Molly -- deserves royalties. It was about some drama that's happening in Silicon Valley like the products. But there it is. You can watch what happens. Portrait happens is nothing happened until they're so worried -- the fact that. So funny. -- anyways so Molly deserves -- royalties this thing never happens if you confines a tech person in Silicon Valley who works nine to 59 to try and then parties. Even harder. At my fifteen. Upload our I don't know -- probably app and importantly worse things have happened and the real housewives all. They're casting real housewives of San Francisco. I started that -- of -- -- that that's. The second. This is the second most -- real -- -- -- I think. There's not. Now maybe it's because I'm on a supply and -- and no money and I don't know what is happening in these rich and the rich. With how the other half lives that -- -- maybe it's super exciting. And now I Philly the only reason to watch He says because on reduced by anything that people and -- -- personally -- and -- And the unity -- -- money is charity in their conference and whatever and they got a little parties and then they go home market I don't see them yelling on street corners. I've been hacked sites and -- yelling I don't see them battle it out it. It's yeah exactly pack -- -- -- affluent neighborhood in San Francisco proper. So anyway so. We'll have to watch -- -- have to see modest now if you are going to -- designed -- eEye digital. That is -- in addition but maybe I should -- And hurting really hard after and then BTU can be real whatever of Silicon -- as we need to -- -- there. So -- -- and now comes the booting portion of the show where we do it on. Binder Paper because it's that we -- so -- -- -- -- all of the rumors down. And splits in its ability to do -- week we have a graphic. I've got a picture I know. Pretends family's picture it actually Sharon and if they look very similar. Our -- so let's rounded up so. It's. The first rumor that we had was about Amazon would be seeing the ten inch tablet it would use -- TV before the holiday my gut -- -- Sharing and you're voting for and we now see you saying now I'm writing it down in e-book and I say yes I think it sounds -- I think why wouldn't they release attendance tablet. I think for the holidays is a great time to do it if our rates Xbox. 7000. By year's 2013. Out of time that I retire. -- can't look at the chat room happening it's too hard. Okay you say yes. I think it's -- -- -- the earlier and -- -- there. You know how to rate that -- -- menacing now. But every year she can't -- hearings on that one either monster or does it. Hello and officially out of Tripp okay some may have that the rumor is that they wanna announce -- it is Green icing note not a yes and the Droid -- are being announced next week. -- staff. -- -- -- It. Okay the Steve job -- film. And that it's been isn't and it's. Gonna happen. As somebody just I mentioned that this is -- actually -- a Paper this is a legal pad is sure sorry did I am I don't use it -- avenues it. A pizza that Sony Pictures is gaining rights to the Steve Jobs movie and that -- -- you know be released. Next year yes -- and apparently have not released next year that I just make that up. I say yes definitely -- -- be at Sony Pictures. Steve Jobs because I think it's a great idea I think it's gonna be so. Interesting yes I -- the halo film that really do released in 2012. If it was a fable found out B I'll I went and I actually think as I'm reluctant and then I will returning. Screwing it up now you're saying now. I say yes. And then real housewives silicon -- -- -- Is that really it's in -- real -- -- -- -- and you know it's gonna be like the real like real -- rich white guys so I'm okay so real rich house. -- -- -- have been -- real people as silicon Alley. I'm just -- now I just. I saying yes because you know line. Hill brothel do anything to make a -- and it's late with this that Steve Jobs passing being such a big deal and such. Group you know great was not great response I guess that's wrong or is but you know such response again is is episode moving for a lot of people via. I think Bravo is shady enough to link right on good hotel and -- your hand and make a buck clay showing what happened now. So that you -- haven't an ink on my legal parent. Narrates the Louisiana as they are handling so -- gambling I guess I -- That does a show share and did so yeah I was -- some feeling in differently now that we have. The -- on vacation. And have the sub. Are great thinking everybody for watching that was our ship for this week. And do. -- -- -- Perfect. Call and.

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Nuro R3 is an Adorable Self-Driving Snack Bar

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First Look: The $349 Nothing Phone 2A Aims to Brighten Your Day

Best of MWC 2024: Bendable Screens, AI Wearables and More

Best of MWC 2024: Bendable Screens, AI Wearables and More

This Concept Laptop from Lenovo Has a Transparent Display

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