Ep. 1550: Are you Hot or Bot?
Ep. 1550: Are you Hot or Bot?

Ep. 1550: Are you Hot or Bot?

-- Monday September 12 2011 my name -- Steven -- of I am Eric Franklin I've read some look at the buzz out loud -- but -- in the terminally today is. Monday Monday it's episode 1550. We sit up -- -- go Molly Wood is gone for this week but she will be returning next week just in case of winning. Why does sound like hold -- to do it right now because it is on -- today and it's a whole bunch of man Cella. We will bring her back as she's over in that she knew her in she's -- and Denmark Copenhagen hanging out the ice is joining him in the fine and and -- itself also. The client the fight aids but she's gone we're here so on -- stories the big news coming out over the weekend and today Amazon. Is in talks to launch their own digital library Netflix style subscription service or plan. -- details are not completely locked down yet but those of the -- are coming out of Washington. Seattle -- -- for Amazon there's it's unclear how much the actual proposal has but they are pitching at the subject several publishing executives. Some really -- -- probably aren't you happy about. Is a specific books that way -- -- -- not like Amazon's digital library of music and movies in south. Yet -- is a -- -- it would be like Netflix for books for their readers so some of these publishers one of the reasons why they may not be so enthusiastic about this is because. A cable how are they going to monetize. Their books with this sheriff implant every I -- I love the idea. -- a Netflix for books now what they could be pitching it to is really to lock in more Amazon prime subscribers these -- people who pay 79 dollars a year to. -- raise my hand -- and aren't there is the most on. Act typically to -- the most active in loyal users of the -- Netflix service but. No the publishers forward about this because it to lower the value that books there Daewoo. There already worried about you know what what how low can you go -- Lane -- 989 kind of be the breaking point but a lot of people argued. It should actually be lower than that the -- to should be should -- -- when you take analog the middleman. They are Amazon is telling them that they're considering this feature older with some older titles so very much actions and Netflix service. Also older has that new titles will be coming out on you won't be available immediately answers is what -- old days. There's at least they're launching that are shaping it to publishers has been a service for older books. The key thing is though. You know the book's much like -- music and movies news have to come to retain. Their own windows sure so this. If they do sign on board most most likely are more likely will see them. Window off okay fine will make our books available on your service but may be right it'll be six months after -- -- -- have a whole lot longer shelf life. -- -- -- -- -- -- And a lot longer shelf life and that it that a movie really from the relevancy and you know we can pick up. In the -- been out for how long and plenty of people inspired by the TV series -- are now reading it sure so I would assume that. It's not gonna be like 28 day release window like we see with movies it's gonna be something like six months later -- Wildly guessing about this. -- I mean I don't I don't. And I don't want to read. I use and -- most of the books -- read are actually read their read to me through digital -- on on -- -- -- on audio books that led to allow a walking out onto a lot of like. -- public transportation -- -- that because that's a good time to read but for me I commute by walking -- -- -- -- my hip bones in a walk. In -- listen to books. So they had a service like this for audio books. Which I guess almost kind of like that -- you don't really get is kind of like. You know as many books as you watch it any time you pay this fee. You don't really get that audible you can kind of get credits is a way that is it's not as like says open as this seems to be but that's -- -- -- -- -- -- Yeah I think -- I think the one thing if we go back to use. But it should also be magazines -- -- are yet now the trick about this is again. It's always controlled by the publishers in our country right right and they're not going there not gonna necessarily allow that but. Where -- Amazon. -- And a business model or the -- them. -- has a big advantage that they can say look we're going to have this. Tablet that's going to pretty much -- priced. 200 to 200 dollars less than an iPad we already have in the built in Kindle community and will callers if they can use. That that momentum. And it did those users to help it set as those are prime service the publishers will get paid but. In other publishers won't probably won't they won't be able to get paid as much out -- with the term on. Yeah exactly -- that and I imagine that whatever the model they're going -- using for this. Like I for Netflix to the -- that the new bee movie studios and TVs company -- they get a piece of it's like each time a stream they get p.'s age -- -- noses up front action to clean up front yeah exactly. So one of -- one of them what did that Amazon is using to try and -- these publishers as well it's will be giving nemesis. According to the report in Wall Street Journal the beginner -- a substantial fee. For those who want who will be participating in the program and it's not clear if anyone has signed on yet -- C but I. I think it's definitely. I honestly did it -- -- have although -- a lot of people say -- this makes sense they should do it. I wouldn't I would never despite Ali -- -- isn't someone you like a Netflix for books like there are some web sites out there and some smaller services that are. But I've done some things but they're very small -- for Amazon -- -- to be put to put behind this. But behind the separatists and definitely is very interest in and it and to leverage off the -- subscriptions but to get into. Income was gonna consider it -- the world is changing -- -- -- sure if you know this was just coming in rapidly -- -- -- Also changing game stop now preparing. Its own Android tablet to get into the tablet -- -- -- -- game retailer. Pushing away the tablet space president Tony -- tell. Said that they will be selling a game stop certified gaming platform and it will be a tablet it was not developed internally by game stop. But these stats and -- slates also. They have definitely is a selected one. One that benefits of this -- not only will come loaded with games but a while ago game stop on acquired spy on labs who is one of the you know. Original console type boxes that would light extreme games remotely picture now on live has really taken that name but -- -- acquired on -- on earlier. And they have been rolling out a beta test to some other users closed beta that allows them to stream Xbox games and PS3 games. That's -- funeral at night live -- -- I was doing PC games all it's also doing X well. -- PC but the same genes exist on Xbox exactly but this I mean. I wonder and I doubt that you're gonna actually to stream halo or first party you know history games -- -- you like that you may. And I wonder what how Microsoft and Sony feel about something like this streaming but I don't have to I don't have to buy an Xbox or PC -- to play these console games anymore. Well that they haven't really detailed how they're going to use on lab I I would assume right now I'm not part of the closed beta and one of those -- sometimes -- is a really strict about. You know -- confidentiality and the you know non disclosure agreement. But the heavens no one has really at least from what I've seen -- -- -- labs is. A box connected to your current console or not the first person shooters no but this is this is a cool. I think it's I don't thing it's gonna -- will take off because we've already seen how mobile gaming. The landscape has changed if you talk about IOS platforms picture early in 2009 wirelessly -- 19% market share now. They own 34% of the market via Nintendo's market is dropped you see Nintendo's -- S pretty much kind of let's be honest not. I want safe walking did not do and as -- they expected that as Venus. Guess beat they're delayed a fraction of dropping out 250 dollars on a mobile platform for gaming is -- -- when you have an integrated device. I wanna do seriously I don't wanna I wanna pay for a portable console anymore like I want that -- that does gaming but also does my email also does web also does all these other. Different things and I get that my iPhone to -- iPad I don't want a specific old we only do gaming here because using and how much time to do portable gaming anyway. Yeah I had an in the market is shrinking that Alitalia would buy -- Them. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- that yet done so. We'll see how that they streaming service and the tablet platform. Is expected to be coming out at the by the end of next year so it's on any time soon when the game stop. The retailer working on their own tablet platforms all trying to make a dent in the differently in the gaming market and so. -- and also over the weekend some unfortunate. News and it just the hackers -- -- thinking that -- the boss that hackers broke into the Twitter account. And NBC news over the weekend and I don't know of many of you heard about this or saw this but He sent out a bunch a few tweets. Really disrespectful tweets about a -- -- a plane attack at ground zero days before the -- Brawley's. Definitely falls in our freaking out about it but -- the people who claimed responsibility for this. Eight anonymous affiliated group they call themselves the script kiddies that to control the account. They then you know touted the fact that yeah I it was us that did that. And people continue due respect them and -- and eight. These kids are total idiots is now they have the FBI and every law enforcement on the -- Intel for good reason forget it yeah yeah yeah and on down there and stupid name to script -- Shut. Them down now you know 9/11 also you couldn't it was everywhere and there's a lot of media coverage but we want to talk about one of the cool things that at. -- -- brought in this is specific to the World Trade Center memorial. And the names you'll see these kind of -- that are pouring down at the two sites of the towers. But there's names -- -- around the memorial but they're done in a really cool unique way the names. They're not alphabetical. Com or chronologically ordered they're ordered in -- kind of an algorithm now -- helped. With the victims of -- of the victims through their complex relationship so what's cool about this is. They passed on -- that the -- -- friends of victims are at Tenet. Respond back and showing some of their meaningful adjacent seas or friendships. And the relationship amongst other things -- -- -- -- -- a lot of people. That worked -- in companies that had really tight knit relationships with people -- now some of these would be like. A company's employees or somewhere like friends power across each other other ways that they were organize work -- -- how they were. When when they passed during yet disaster so they were after. They've become a -- do this from -- surveys. They put their victims in clusters and sub clusters -- the names. And then they were arranged according to the place of death such as the north tower the south tower the Pentagon the United Airlines flight 93. This led to 99%. Of the requested adjacency is being honored. And then in addition of this this system I was an algorithm treated in the open source processing language. This system then tackle problems of his name link. Spacing unit and arranged them on the memorial -- you really cool stuff -- the -- the twelve panels that are put together. Our irregularly shaped to kind of accommodate this as well. And so there's really a a very human. Personal connection hadn't tightened since then the way to names are a really amazing it's. So -- -- 12100. 12100 responses to this and they -- Pretty much every response. It's night's -- -- that are they where they labeling the clusters as well yet He had ordered -- labeled and like. This weird little system that they have with like the cell tower of the north tower all the fire department's release notes it's pretty neat. Yet they seem to find yet they say the meaning as straightforward there's nine primary groups including. First responders. Tower well and flights while divided into the two Tyler Apple so. Gotta love that of that so it definitely -- people who really were taken -- antennas technical know how the nation how they really meant -- An agreement -- honors Ole. Told people lost lives there and a gay guys. We're gonna be taken a quick break along we come back HTC. -- -- and operates the game also. And Android they like their suites. When we talk a little bit about. Jelly beans. And more chilly evenings are right so stick a row bully -- and. Good to spend more on out walking earlier in the morning with the guerrillas -- send a decision making. One hell of -- record behind me. I must be listened to. Buzz out loud and -- what does and its own links sun rising behind these beautiful say. -- I love the show. That is -- though I Saxon. It is with DDoS -- idea he's from Australia and he's surrounded by wildlife that's obviously think Ericsson now all of -- -- -- -- note is that that's a real look on the bus foundation are you a lot of Australian -- and school you know we loving guys thanks keep them comes an elegantly -- element nature alright guys. Back sir Eric Franklin in the house joining us today yes even beat him here as well how -- -- matter -- obviously HTC. Mobile in the purchase and operate -- and AT&T we've been talking about what it will annually due to atlas of the Wilson always you know -- -- they could sweep that up slide it up. I -- see what there will. We we're we are or may automatically making a connection to -- but they haven't actually said anything about webos specifically -- -- ACC they didn't know and not to display where if they get them. Buying -- to how to make inroads into their mobile. -- market what do chairwoman Cheryl -- Chairwoman of HTC said is that comes -- is at least obviously this makes sense is considered mean. Buy and operate system but there in no rush. There isn't there in no rush webos is obviously kind of -- spinning off themselves and going into the caddick homes and HP right now -- -- they did -- CC's chairwoman did make did make a statement that look they can use any OS they want. One of their advantages is the company's they're able she says were able to make things different from arrivals. On the second or third layer of the platform our strength lies in understanding in OS but it does not mean that we have to produce in -- last. And that second and third letter -- they talk about is the sense you lie on HTC phones that. Is still my favorite. Other than Android stock is by far my favorite flavor of Android. Really like I would well -- what is about what -- does -- about that it's pretty it's clean up its own in the ground can actually understand your. -- simple she picked up an Android phone it would at least make it a little more -- the right proof. And its its -- -- I don't say it's a lie and I approve it but -- its. It's that close and that's good mix between night easier and easier to use -- no IOS Hampshire all of that depends too. This balance I want this -- I'm just I'm just gonna glance it. Do you have an iPhone. Of course it is definitely -- you have my do they get to go on organisms -- So HTC there they're not company soon but they're exploring the idea of it I think that. -- -- -- you can look at it -- is. Webos does have at least some sort of name cachet because if they're looking at something like -- Migo is a very as a system and that's from Nokia right now it only exists on there and and particularly Migo. -- doesn't have even any brand equity loyalty webos at least has a little bit and -- cachet but at the same time ETC has excelled as a company. By taking Android making it their own brand and more than anything coming out really really awesome hardware via definitely. I think they could go either way and I don't think it's like yes definitely get what less are not I think they're right to do -- by the way they are and wherever they picked up. The way that they've been able to be successful Android. Just the nature of their company they'll they'll be fine weather the dealer right earnings they're not in a situation where they're in trouble where they need to -- Apple analysts are sure. -- thinking about it -- -- strategically though because of the relationship and partnership between Motorola and Google now. They do need to consider. Going in another direction. I think everyone has consider that the rant I don't think -- looking to do something similar may be news rumors of that zone. But it's cool six -- -- -- -- there's a story. Looking to potentially acquire another company we talk about group on a lots and how they've shaken things up and how they might be are pulling back. On the little IPO tour. Another thing about group on this is kind of a little fun thing. By a misses of a group of computer scientists have analyzed this a link. Between daily deals and online reviews so what is group -- actual -- an influence. On a reputation of the company. So what the three gentlemen John byers Georgie or three analyst Jack John byers Georgia's serve us from Boston University. And Michael Nixon marker from Harvard. -- is really cool -- these studied over 161000. Group on deals -- twenty US cities between January July this year. -- -- -- monitored each deal every ten minutes to determine how the sales varied over time. And then they also count the number of FaceBook likes not the same time they did collect Yelp reviews some 56000 of them. For all these different merchants and what they were able to find is okay -- -- -- FaceBook deals when you'd like on -- it helps to spread like wildfire in the seems to be one of the biggest the word about the fact that helps them. But the most controversial finding is that group on seems to have an adverse impact on reputation. As measured by the Yelp -- so we were -- up a chart here showing how you know the did black line that's going down if you're seeing that. It they said the number of reviews increased significantly do the deals but the average rating score or about 10% lower the and that score their -- -- crazy -- you'd think could be the opposite but we never rent if you situation and it was like people I know have. Where He gets a restaurant and you have a group line and you know the owner or whomever is in charge they don't want on the in the main only they've they've they've -- to fit com this is happening at least twice people NL that He could fit and it's like. How did you get involved in a whole group loving -- you know going into this what was happening I think in the -- -- that on -- it was like older. Owners who made out of fully understood that what -- get into maybe colony senate for the group -- thing. But it's actually got on it is such an if you you know if you kind of become balk at -- it. Then. They they're coming and expect you to honor they don't get that can -- to satisfy -- likely go to Yelp and right of that review which is what people and talk about that it's. They also like people that are currently on Yelp reviews in general tend to be more of the loyal. Users like. You're eating and a jump on -- because -- really pissed off or you really love it -- and that you always get the negative reviews but typically have a user who reviews someone in reviews on positively. You -- are motivated because -- -- loyalty now with a group on huge you don't you don't always know what you're getting into. When you get a group on like I think it tends to have you tried businesses or try things out -- He might normally not normally have right and if you were. If it was experience you weren't expecting because again a lot of times we ye I don't Yelp review after it is the place wanted to believe that after three times. But if you get in his image until then that's what that's that's why He might be game that negative influence -- her steely thing. Internet -- -- talk about Yelp for a second because. -- posted at -- and that review on Yelp -- But my review like three or forward. Reviews down -- put it at the top -- -- if you posted a review like right away. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Don't tell me in the real star -- -- -- we want I went golfing at displays on on a Wii on July 4 holiday and none of them. -- the law -- was motion. This is craze is the fourth of July -- try to play golf -- like a foot tall. Stephen has I was -- personal problems over here -- How are you certainly grasses -- the -- you just needed in -- a nasty scratch rather nasty it was terrible Cyprus mail review and it went like four down. A Winamp let's deface their review and was on top yeah and that people are -- my -- -- -- they agreed -- they are so anyway I just place you'll do that. Week we answer this -- I think if I read your other gulf reviews and I said Hawaii is the golf course always covered in sand wherever I hated. Some color -- -- Ian -- I never render users lean mean code -- let -- get a weird that -- don't I'm going that there. It's it's out there in -- people you know there's -- -- and when -- anyways. That's what's going on with that -- those Tenet it's been about the long term business implications of this group on -- you're not. -- -- traffic but how does it affect the overall business yeah alright guys. Also I don't know -- -- -- around here Netflix now fully supported on Android devices this is pretty cool -- previously Netflix was only on. A few devices kind of more the exclusive higher end devices but. On what they've done now is they've opened up they're -- to everyone. With Android 2.2 or 2.3. I see results might -- on performance sure it. Because they get on time and I haven't tried on a -- -- device but anyone who goes out and buys an infant -- now finally -- at which ice. -- device which is. Which is that's great Netflix is awesome and as I'm I'm I'm hoping that this is going to transition to tablets in the mean -- with -- -- -- -- two point two and into went Reba. Hopefully. Ice cream sandwich and on honeycomb -- some -- for and is soon. Yeah one -- one of things though also is that devices running Android three point oh. And the specialized tablet version of Android. Are not going to be included -- really -- it does give Netflix fastest access. It gives access to about 80% of all Android devices and -- The but the devices that it will not be included are only count about 1% of all Android devices so. Zealous and very cool -- the -- -- -- the Apple one of those things like you go oh yeah you're a Netflix and indirectly by now I do that -- apps you know and inch touch RI. Also -- in injury news following on the the -- of sweets report out of this is my next as we love the name of that website. Says and -- next -- after ice cream sandwich will start with the letter. And internally it's been thrown around. That they it'll be known as jelly -- things. Jelly bean that looks until an intranet that -- -- you can you can eat what they -- loading it up market. Screen really that Apple generally public entry ace Yahoo! that would be freaking amazing -- Okay also -- -- they don't know what the version number is yet. I'm according to their sources this is on stuff but also -- -- sad stuff. Other sources tell them that. There are some deemed changing stuff. In jelly bean -- had been originally scheduled for ice cream sandwich has now been pushed. Jelly beans and -- hearing details what is quote -- game changing stuff is. Now but it. See -- I was and can easily been waiting for it. IB kind of annoyed B like I don't wanna hear that I -- yeah exactly. I want to get stuff just demanding games and -- talk about -- And in the future will -- Isn't much better and it's like well I want that much better -- now -- the Wii only is also on their hearing inside that chili bean is not. If finalized name from Google so what we want you guys that are good people and the -- town is submit. Your names from that for the next Android opportunity to be anything you want the truth the only conditions is that He does apps are with the letter. If you want jumble I had you've got jambalaya. Typically Android is hazardous -- -- innocent hugs and Kate and yes what a clean. Who's who's running the show right now that I'm running -- -- ones. Stephen is -- I did but it -- -- technically it's now he's on in the show but okay typically Android is desert base of you wanna play on that threaten. -- and open it up to more creatively and and asked them. Anyways the letter Jason -- send -- -- emails He got any creative pictures are actual food you if you eat. Whatever you wanna name Android incidence of video and -- multi path I will play it yes I'm not -- Katie alright so. Who sent this in Europe and your name on this family friendly and yeah yeah it doesn't -- -- I hope there's no sausages -- catalog summed up. Up -- guys are now get that. It's always gonna -- video rental unit and it oriented effects that it's a not to put it we're gonna go back to classic. Researchers have made a huge break through -- -- we're all on this jellies nothing do with -- Batteries and researchers at the University of Leeds had invented a jelly battery. That's smaller cheaper lighter safer all the good words that we love and technology. And more powerful. And the current battery technology sounds too good to be true it does smell like -- -- under. But no it doesn't the one thing that what it is is that -- -- -- elite few home. I on -- Okay so it also -- they're hoping it can replace the current batteries because. Com it can be molded into -- different sites -- -- -- shapes with sizes change like the form factors of whatever device in the you know which is which is -- I. Batteries are so thin I don't really know how much how many more -- vox is you can use but in other innovations. This could be really cool -- also safety is important to. They say that. Can you know -- -- your financial lithium ion batteries -- -- electoral -- based. On organic liquids we see burning and pictures but they're gonna replace that with a polymer gel that should be on to not burn as much. Right well these jelly batteries -- we now at least 10% less likely to -- are you ready for this -- Are you ready -- think I'm ready to at a Japan full list and. Believe what would you stop doing that what He ever stopped to ask. New. Licences and stop saying Maine alright guys a little -- -- -- outlets technically it's -- -- and is also means who. Are made quick -- Yahoo!'s Carol Bartz has resigned. Well we know. That's but it allows -- Gaza is in the Yahoo! as a Yahoo! director record gamblers spokesman we had. After she was fired she did say how she wanted to stay on the board and we -- like. You kidding me her her crazy you're you're delusional right thumb -- you did all that up with a tirade -- bomb. -- -- -- -- -- If this is if your -- this is differences is if you're Dubai in forest waste and the fact yes and I think his differences over night on -- -- -- you're not -- vehicle for. It's not anyways Sony's -- found as a director. On September -- so. It by Carol Bartz them so you can see how quickly the story is on because now -- it not a regular surprise winner -- -- So and it is at school also on we'd love. Watson the jeopardy competing human -- running in Atlanta -- range albums so IBM has inked a deal. With the WellPoint. That will health insurer WellPoint that will let them use the technology. On to suggest patient diagnosis and treatments. So the arrangement it'll be really be the first time Watson technology used in any -- a commercial application. On it will be it more details will be coming out later today that's when the announcement is going to happen but they really hope that WellPoint hopes that the technology will prove the quality of the patient care. -- reduce costs. And an issue legally used by nurses to -- review the treatment from doctors and others. And Watson lives to see another day and cool throughout staring data's -- -- an area like that really I kind of -- I reddish. Every -- but doctors the fact that it dish Droid. Two of the greatest jeopardy champions. And now that we're gonna -- -- native you know diagnosis applications like we know there are coming to take over but it's. It's you care -- -- its chemical it's not cool -- well I mean an external the singularity is coming isn't -- -- -- and I don't -- -- -- -- -- -- it. This is your story particularly OK I wanted to talk about -- think you -- okay so. There is -- accidentally -- storm owners of -- -- I do -- -- -- an exhilarating emails and voice and wanted to unity anyway there's a new application for your phone which will let you make a temporary phone number. It's called ring central rank in a ring central. And so lake if you wanna sell something on Craig's -- and you don't want to give your phone number out to the public or whatever you could set up like a temporary phone phone number and it lasts about a week. And then just goes away after awhile so long it's pretty close -- -- to be very useful. So that's that's always -- like like seven days yet thinks that lesson is they gonna call this says is that CloudSat and data system company was predicting there yes that's -- on mean it'd dies once it's done. Yeah it's still -- I hate hate you know -- -- way here's a picture via. Let's Canas Playskool army share that's -- my gut I hope -- problems this -- dozens kindergarten class this has. RJU I. Patents of the polish their face -- that's a -- that's. I'm not gonna rip but it sounds very useful that I've -- it sells the -- and how about you'd download that up. And let us know how we're experiencing -- via -- -- -- designed militants and a homer percent of from a violent but can. Because you know we really -- really negated the stuff in your heart of the family and I look. Program on your home and that's what I don't -- your -- -- -- Know my phone almost got ran over by currents like what happens doesn't -- -- was getting out of the carpool and I drop my phone right under the guise of church and must grab off Leslie cannot move forward here and -- All men seriously if your hand would have been an over. That's not good for us yeah. When building penalties. Well that that's are you guys. Enough let's let's go to -- the feedback loop here in full of that -- -- Pass this on council Luke Luke Luke Luke the copy editor. We know we know you know you as you -- Internet amount He gives -- -- -- He still loves of the Netflix. -- the copy editor. All I know we've been talking lately about how Netflix and became public that blows but I just wanted to point out under. A few minutes ago that breaking -- as one directory here now what Netflix instant. So that you acquire their records shall not -- the show but she -- it. I agree Brigham as a terrific show I saw that design on the connection between that this weekend and -- and other yeah. -- concentrate. I think that's such a great show and did you know it's to to have it adds you know as streaming is awesome you probably won't. I doubt you'll see the wires -- and -- -- you show even those like the best show ever me. But. I'm pretty sure a field goal hasn't locked down the line -- -- I mean HBO is smart I honestly if I was HBO I would it -- The battery life's -- -- making more money if you're -- people -- on to saint as a consumer I hate it if I was HBO. -- -- -- -- -- Atlantis'. And -- -- income and I desperately want to see that so -- yet and Syria now a little panel. I know. I'll do it tell me about ambulance sounded like -- greatest I am gonna work on it. All of if you listen to me by that for me from Amazon mind -- this Christmas monotone but that it did not want outlook the -- It's much higher. And I featured an additional thoughts that I you -- know I thought something -- Peterson's. You want to -- it alright guys next voicemail call comes to us from our analysts. Listeners who was no love for the -- Eight but crude that's called -- on the trinity different -- -- if you could meet my. -- total -- go Blu-ray are updated I'm keeping it on VHS and my children -- -- knowledge that hot shot -- All I got a -- -- I agree I agree I agree but his children. Are probably gonna grow up saying I can't see anything in this -- has -- Commenting on this only when the last time colorless and blasphemy fired at that -- -- there is a real dusty UV -- those -- artifacts at the spider. I mean you're -- an -- you. I don't watch movies like that yeah I mean -- ironically. Know -- don't you don't when He says no wanna turn on the volume doctors as hell is let down. And it -- -- galaxies the soundtrack only track these switches on tackling -- that's all you humans -- so over the weekend there's all these other videos they came out like all of their and chief birds and control panel she console first nationally. -- -- -- Arlington spectrum that's. -- -- -- -- why don't we all laser dollar. One weekend and the Mozilla. This is -- live cheating media control panel and when they're in the garbage shoot in the control panel -- imminent should. I negative negative we have are we actually here and I'm now gives humans locked down. Largely very dangerous is -- just -- lining up. -- hey consistently. Yes integrates an agency that has seen this I. Now indicted I wonder that is in the new -- that would make sense actually I would shoot an account that. It's only alright guys on the emails and to assist from Luis. Well what it called a new OS but it HTC is thinking -- -- and a less than the only candidates are webos and Migo -- Wrote in about what we were talking about earlier both are on the way out but in my opinion they would make the smart choice. And Guilford OS that doesn't need much development webos already has an -- has an app catalog in the user based. So go for them would seem like the likely choice -- on the other hand. Is only on the and nine which is just one device a chemical that has an App Store I mean. Program market now that Apple's gonna hunt me down. As for ACC maybe there's a third -- I haven't been informed about from its I -- that they don't really need to do this but. They wanted you know the but the stamp on it I think -- -- -- just fine right now. Okay she thinks He -- from our lovely lady Karen in Seattle we look. I'll take this one -- and that -- Only -- but it's not the solution we lever down and at least -- you know -- Com I just want to mention that I hear a lot of people saying that people who use Twitter just Apollo other people are -- Or that users or users that don't -- that users that don't tweet -- -- -- I have. I have had a Twitter account for years that I use almost exclusively to follow news tech news. And other current events -- log in multiple times a day to read other people's -- And in the last couple of years I generally hear about news from Twitter first. I'm not sure how my use of Twitter can be give differentiate it from a box. But I think my use is still valid nonetheless love this show can see -- and you are valid. Brand is validating you right now. -- you know I exceeded its is people can identify -- you can be alert her but. You literally there's a lot of people that have treated accounts and may -- early on and the -- does does nothing but sit there like they literally don't original -- I didn't realize how many hot girls follow me on Twitter I. Like have you guys not. And then -- they're not really hot and -- Okay area of Karbala bonds and I think tweets or something like that mean they're either using profile pictures that are away better than MySpace pictures -- keep -- with -- -- about it unless. And -- like wow -- seamless as well or is following need finally. And I writer. Just write me back -- News. On everyone's -- to -- -- -- -- pictures and then every everyone in the journalism sometimes it's like the -- can -- -- the bots. Users -- -- out there are excellent entertainment again this this -- comes through last drama on a lot injury I'm sure you have you have. Sure you've seen this before but figured sites and in case you've you have not they've mapped out all the patents so it's easier to see who's attacking -- so. He sent us this cool graphic. All the companies in all there. Patent battles and it's all these lines when -- it's it's pretty confusing. Is that -- -- -- circuit board at O'Reilly the third aboard. So -- see the strategy. Apple is suing motor roll. In Apple is makes -- is easiest way via its -- -- -- this looks like that you what does that say the suspect that a Microsoft. Windows ninety -- screen saver. Oh yeah I. Oh it looks like that that's awesome and you know it is this is why. You guys need to come live to the chatter in the chat room was all over one overtime of the bots. -- -- thrown out hotter but dot com. -- -- hot or not. Dot com was a trees that still exists as I actually own and met the founders who are from Berkeley. A long time ago but meant hot herb -- dot com. You guys rule. You guys -- juicy lips Tony for the chat room a million real. That -- cut that out it's all right here comes our -- -- -- this comes to us from -- Brooklyn represented a -- well in the last couple weeks they got 218 -- upgrade the first one was 1000 rollover minutes added to my account. And second ones just last week when I got free mobile to mobile minutes the first I found about. The first I found out through a free -- the second scarred. I've been an AT&T -- about five years I now have the minimal voice plan for fifty minutes bubble bubble. Since I barely use a -- and I had about 8000 rollover minutes now I have. 9000. -- not sure why AT&T is doing this and not making a public they might bring it up later to fight for T-Mobile but I don't see how it just thought I would mention it since no one else had. Love the show. Alright guys may I don't I haven't checked out my plans -- don't. I -- gladiator amount of money AT&T haven't checked this but this is something that you'd actually. Use even if you. Almost double the rollover minutes when you when the whole idea of -- minutes was like home and I'm getting more and -- can save them but everyone's rollover minutes are easily over like. Ten now and I -- an entirely new -- -- like rollover minutes -- idea of it and actually has not ever helped now is that what that is because at and T Nat. You just talk on the phone that much you accumulates I mean some. There might be some cases where people of course -- -- but I would say in most cases let's say like 90% of people don't don't even need rollover minutes right. That's that's -- that's there's other ways meaning committees is obvious. It's just it's just a little -- -- you know what -- really awesome. If they gave everyone back or if they kept unlimited data -- that. That's the novel concept right there they are giving -- -- that I don't use AT&T they're awesome. -- -- -- Easy listening forums -- Show notes deal that cnet.com you guys calls at 80616638. CNET we do you wanna hear your Android. A less ideas. And videos if you eat whatever you out. Yes you get on the show I'm just telling you right now I'm telling you right now -- -- weeks He basically nobody was does have -- but here. Alright guys you Millicent buzz at cnet.com. Tell us what to think what to like what you don't like Eric these pollutants thank you for having me this it's on eastern time. Where chemical in premium my golf game solid. I got the feeling to have to get there --

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