Ep. 1541: How to kill HP in 15 easy steps
Ep. 1541: How to kill HP in 15 easy steps

Ep. 1541: How to kill HP in 15 easy steps

Today is August 20 ninth 2011. My name is Steven -- of I am Bryan song and Hollywood look at a buzz out loud is cnet's podcast could determine a -- episode 15140. -- movie we just wrapped up our -- show book club is if you would like reading suggestions from the buzz out loud group please feel free to join -- -- live stream. Pretty much to Amazon's hunger games in -- around anyway and games and qualifies and that means we threw in a little blood meridian by -- McCarthy there at the end and I can't I can't recommend now and for the children that when. And also that's why we encourage you guys cannot -- our -- so we have a few people here in the live chat room for the first time today and let -- The -- they -- sing in tune its. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- about books and nearly really we talked about -- adventures and a Disney -- bugs life right -- how might -- through your -- -- But -- -- -- -- the show -- -- solar briefcase when your pens that come to our live chat cnet.com slash live when the show happens -- like it and we appreciate. Are in our news in the house first buzz towners. And hang out that's need to get some kind of like -- hazing procedure in place getting a bit like a regular picture -- and think I think we're enough. Just us here mean isn't enough hazing for them probably there isn't the only times we think. -- it onto the tech news. Of the day academy interesting interview. With Eric Schmidt over the weekend making it happen on Friday. During a dynamic keynote He was at Edinburgh international TV festival and people were asking him how. Google manages to justify its names policy their real names policy and government document a long time when He could put people at risk or you could have people -- -- kicked off the service. And -- replied by saying that Google plus was built primarily as an identity service that it was never really meant to be. Of -- and that that Google sees it as something very different from. You know and gathering place for anonymous people -- as something that's tied to you. He really separated it. From an actual social network via He said so fundamentally it depends on people using the real names if they're going to build future -- that leverage that information. That's really what they're saying this is just they want your identity and what kind of makes it a little creepy here -- If it's their -- don't care about impostors to battle they're looking for -- -- for people use their real names. Who they can then continue to build and collect information. Directly specifics you know we've known this has in the past kind of be in Google's way to do that but now when you -- -- their flagship Google plus service that. Was touted as a social -- and -- dry in the line of its not really what you guys think it is. And if you don't like that it's up to decide if -- still wanna use Google plus or not. I'm an -- I would say. -- I would say actually. Post these comments and less creepy rightly -- in a way it's not creepy because you I think you should always ask yourself when someone's giving something for free ticket a who is this is really -- you know especially on the Internet -- mean FaceBook and also an identity service to some extent what they. What they all want you to do is give as much information as possible because they're building a business and so anybody who -- -- was sitting there thinking like. What is offered any -- -- should take care of me NB you know. -- -- -- -- You only get that by -- and like nothing comes for free anti actually appreciate the fact it's meant as saying that it's totally an optional service and -- If you don't -- username Mikey -- don't use it. We intended to be an identity service that will collect information about you and we hope that that makes it more trustworthy in their their approaches if you are -- -- -- It'll mean more trustworthy for you because it's built on reliance. Was just so used to either way just trusting these services because -- want to participate and we don't really. We dole look at it to carefully of how much were actually giving up it's -- it's been it's kind of bend the were condition that ray. And then the the problem with that like that's a perfectly good argument but the problem with that is that some people have found that if -- -- Google plus account is suspended. Because of violations of the names policy or for some reason -- -- violet blue at her suspended or doctor Tiki had her suspended. Even though doctor Kiki is totally like -- -- -- plume. The problem is that then some other Google services -- has been. So if you you can still use Gmail but you can't create content on Google bus. Because your your Google account no longer -- He can't use those free services the way that you can before on reader. You can't share items of other users or follow other users on Picasa web albums you can't comment on photos. And so it's sort of like -- that. Again it's their playground and -- you're playing nurses and is their free services but YA. If people don't use Google -- -- with their real name like twice the recent out of those and the -- -- It -- although what that I think -- argument India's. Will we don't want your comment anonymously so makes perfect sense that you can post photos on the -- -- web albums but you can't comment. Because we want you to use your real name. -- -- -- Because 30% of it is that we want the Internet to be a nicer place but mainly we -- just wanna be able to accurately LA what you just said. Is why I'm not gonna try to explain -- my parents who. Why they should getting -- plus and why they should user names like if there are damp basement via Cisco have fun over there yet you know. But -- -- like that someone venture capitalist Fred Wilson said in a blog post who did they build it for you or them. They don't like them of -- it immediately then I think back when we talked about Google get into social. I was saying -- -- of that button thanked those in the past year. And in the way better at the button because this cop is apparently not going anywhere happens when you get -- It totally makes. Anyway is -- -- I ever have a thing and take -- I was saying that the reason that Google was doubling down on social red it was like okay here's Google they're killing. They're making tons of money they have all these unbelievable successfully successful services why are they offering everybody in the company. At that I hear an extra bonus or wires -- every one -- the company's -- related to social because. The secret sauce of FaceBook -- that they have managed to get you to voluntarily. Give them an unbelievable amount of information that they can monetize. Google has had to work so hard build unbelievably complicated algorithms find all these like increasingly sneaky ways to gather. The same information that you just give FaceBook on a daily business. Link of course Google once again -- and nothing to do with giving you a more fun place to -- that. That's nuts are really good point about the whole tied to the -- -- -- why they're really pushing a social Savard the moon as they want your info and and frankly am pan am. I appreciate that Eric Schmidt has increased always preview -- is it's like. It's clear in -- and you don't like that -- use it. Seeing our air now we're all talking like grownups. Equipment that was -- All the low. I'm the last plea is a matter other bit of Google news today. Which is that according to a Justice Department official who led the investigation into -- day that Google accepting ads from those Rogue online Canadian pharmacy -- Larry Page again according to the official Google co-founder and CEO Larry Page knew about the ads and condoned them. Yes so Google this is earlier earlier last week they agreed to pay 500 million dollars to settle the dispute. With the agency over their advertising and making a profit often these companies our solid dollar advertising. You know -- -- drugs. And they're getting a cut of this where it was. A legal to do that so what is also happen is that. Not only did. Larry Page no or and it wasn't just a few employees. Working with these advertising agencies and groups -- -- some of these ads if it appears allegedly that it was a company spread. And pretty much by -- policy. That they would accept these ads moving forward at that time. And a pretty much -- I mean. From everything I've read about Google including our most recent but it would almost have had have to have been -- they -- had to know about it because that's how. Tightly they run the ship. But it is. That accusation is also completely at odds with what. What every other piece of literature says about their page and Sergey Brin and their approach -- dealing with ads because they had. A lot of kind of moral conundrum about taking -- and in fact when they started taking like tobacco and alcohol ads. They would try to counter -- house ads that were about like healthy living and healthy food and sells them yes -- It it if that's true it's a really it's it's an interesting progression and makes kennel it's. New talks a lot about this -- this -- about like when money is involved it's really hard to not be able. -- -- Anyway if it doesn't -- anything more will ever come of that though -- they're not gonna prosecute him. Google's party settled with the Justice Department that's just like -- -- honest and say hey just in case you know. I'm glad -- world you're really doing it. Interesting update and HP. May be getting out of the -- didn't -- and nobody -- HP's ever confirm this but now and the united sort of -- with -- related rumors continue to use world. Did -- times reporting that Samsung has. Reportedly recruited. -- former HP. Vice president of PST marketing He has to He has -- -- estimates related to the insurance and might before the -- Samsung's PC business and is reportedly considering purchasing -- It's in -- seen idea slash report that's been thrown out there because Samsung. Is in -- now Samsung's entry -- -- not only are they competing with Apple and they have all their little patent lawsuits going back and forth. With the cool Motorola merger and and the uncertainty of how is that really gonna play out in effect Samsung does Samsung who has continually. Just their numbers are off the charts for their number of mobile handsets that are being sold -- -- decided to find a platform that is really their own. I don't know if that's silly -- webos is the right thing to do but it is. It it is an idea that could possibly happen -- It's -- intriguing especially. I mean I think this is the panorama that springs directly out. Google purchasing lateral mobility you know -- of Samsung's pissed if it. And next thing. I mean -- the only way can control your own experience especially if you're dealing with a -- that you can't trust. Against this to have your own in house action of anybody that can do it -- thing isn't. Decent position -- -- they might also feel like if they were using webos they can get out from under some of Android related lawsuits that have come their way. Down the one -- the other thing about the support that. May or may not really match up or make -- -- when they talk about Samsung acquire rain. HP's business. They UHP is still planning to spin off and sell it. But they haven't. Up to this point have not found any takers. The webos part may -- and from the mobile site but from a company -- -- for Samsung. Acquiring HP's PC business would directly hit their margins where they're known really more for manufacturing. You know components. That they get a lot higher margin on -- valid. Probably. From bought from a net revenue standpoint pretty much affect their bottom line in in it would it would lower that. And that probably wouldn't make Ahmanson's exact impact from that perspective so -- buying land -- -- maybe -- they've already taken a flyer on the idea of their in house -- they have Bada. Which is apparently outselling. Windows home and smaller we've -- now at least right now -- -- right. But so they've already shown some interest though and that concept of having their own in house and less about might make more sense trick. But they're not buying the PC business. But haven't said anything specifically all of them have declined to comment about the purchase let us. The trick about that also is that getting webos and seen the track history of how how what has happened to it will consumers. Even give webos. I guess that there that's its third chance it would be third -- first palm windows HP and then it's Samsung's so. If that's where you're running on -- including -- but -- it looks and smells like -- -- we're gonna be like that's level that's the dole. That's a big gamble for them to affect their bottom line just for the -- let's play. Via other diabetics futility because HP and movement is. They they received it -- want to get it every Trace. Of an attractive consumer friendly. Yet experienced out of the building that they -- -- -- the whole taking on the PC business side I don't it doesn't make sense album and I don't it has everything to bundle deal if it's a mobile doesn't make sense and a county -- -- -- -- received. I wouldn't say it's likely but I can see it as an outside possibility it's important however I don't now that would be an interesting. No notion tong has no Somalis predictions here and now snow still uncertain where is given that a stormy weather dark clouds on now. Term support for Canada and its. Devastating. Article. Devastating op Ed in the Wall Street Journal over the -- and all my goodness I read that yesterday -- -- -- I just -- decry its called HP -- One year plan and it was. All over -- Tweeter all over everything nasty. Burrito by -- -- and it's like it's basically how to kill HP and fifteen ED steps. It does see that -- give -- year to kill Hewlett-Packard. Here's how you do it. First you fire. Mark -- even though he's doing really well and fired him over expense report irregularities -- -- sexual harassment claim that you admit has very little matter merit. You're -- -- board members you hire a new CEO who comes from a business software company from SAP and doesn't -- consumer products which at that time by the way. SHP did do you. -- get public criticism from major corporate advisory firms you pursue pricing mergers and stock -- to get expensive out of control He provoked department first. In -- provoke like -- like Mike southern Oracle by putting -- -- -- OS on PCs then you decide not to. -- because -- decide to pull out of it. This this goes on and on it talks about the webos the touchpad do in the fire sale after launching it as a 499 competitor everything. -- every -- unbelievable -- financial estimates twice and then -- them. Why he's mister pop -- memo that says watch every penny and minimize all hiring just to let the market know that your kind of broken you've got problems -- announced plans to. May -- sell the beauty business or maybe he's been happy to use as a standalone company because uncertainty well of course. -- the price. Watch Moodie -- downgrade HB's credit act surprised when the stock plunges. More than 40% since that announcement yeah that's that's crazy fun. Believe I like the analogy that they three in here that same piece -- getting out of the PC business is like McDonald's getting out of the hamburger business. It's what are you gonna -- Now that they're rare -- for an analyst again. Well done. -- stick to -- catch -- not the numbers. It has been a year right -- with its many years and HP hired mr. heard Jack Kevorkian couldn't have devise a better plan for euthanized in your company. It. It's painful and sad to see it as painful yet go to -- -- along confusing stories about her transforming its. Brutal and I'm sorry to say. -- anytime that is not 100%. True yeah all those things. We've seen a -- -- just that we haven't animal on a sheet of Paper like that proof that now. Alright guys. -- -- take a moment to breathe and think the more happy things but we come back FaceBook gonna join their deals products. We we were we -- hyped about at the time but yeah that's going bye bye after a little four month test and Research in Motion day. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Well during the tech blog -- only friends. -- bode so well. Are there the -- Seriously on this show there is one disclaimer here we don't horse around -- disc remote. Alright back to the story is this is just embarrassing and balance aren't you can get an emulator. The back and it is not a FaceBook. Just like we talked about is -- their deals -- our performance test again the daily deals business. Some probably some -- pressure from group on insulin -- social -- happy about this because. I don't know about you but when faced -- for -- out these deals were like oh that's cool they could blow it up but I never found -- the deals are relevant to me move -- -- and that's one of those things where. Group on -- social -- you know built these relationships that a lot of the times at least maybe one out of scientists ten deals. -- did you like. I would consider that and you actually get -- but Facebook's -- did not -- personally speak to me. Yeah and that's one of the challenges of it there you -- getting those deals with those businesses that really want to give you the best ones yet. But I admit I don't feel like they worked very hard on this -- -- let you know like -- bad thing right where suddenly and 48 days to succeed they've tested it for four months. They apparently didn't get very much traction but I do kind of feel like. If anybody was gonna get traction economy and paste but I'm surprised I was very surprised by the news -- -- -- if they just didn't try that hard to get. Those partnerships like you said or if if they really are. There is much harder I didn't see it integrated into their site I guess when you first looked at it and you -- the deals. But it wasn't like their messaging to revamp which was thrown in your face and -- down your throat -- deals wasn't ranked. And so it was it just wasn't as visible like I never heard so my casual FaceBook friends say have you heard about deals when -- -- casual -- people that are in the clinical detect -- digging all the time they did didn't talk about. Yen and what we've seen with faced a killing off males until places this week and and they're integrating location more into. Their specific am. The you can do with every -- -- it's like. Location is integrated with everything and they are saying we're continuing to evaluate how to best serve local business as we still think that -- you know we're doing some rethinking. About local they still have check in deals and maybe they'll just kind of go with that -- adept really noticed them. They're trying to gather some kind of information because I'm no leaders -- -- The few places that I've checked into it I just started using places -- candlelight and another taken -- But they've been asking you to vote unlike what I like better -- whatever they seem to be trying to gather more information about local businesses. So maybe they're just trying to find a better way to do it because it's true that the deals model. Is being kind of replicated everywhere and be taken a lot of businesses on board quickly. It's hard to -- a critical -- maybe but not if anybody was going -- think tournament -- at. Not editing it it does have to do -- the behind the scenes of that we don't see how hard what is it for them to really lock down good. Deals in the lucrative ones with the companies are already in place in -- are in bed with DuPont and social. But you know -- did say it was like season but it scientists feel a little while hunting season. And now and I still -- -- -- like it for them gets the smart thing to do it's really I mean I think this is sometimes get management is. Failing quickly you know. I don't think that was the case that an average going to be like well that's when a pop Piccard and with a touchpad I don't think that that ballot I don't -- -- -- -- case now that flat out assassination is -- that was it I don't care. But -- quickly if you're going to you or decide that it's you know that's not the right way to go about it if -- I guess if -- if you're deals and we'll see what they do for -- -- A rare love letter He doesn't happen very often it doesn't because I know sometimes it seems like -- rim. Research in Motion makers the Blackberry -- been like the face that only a mother could love lately but they did get a surprising love letter. From Sterne Agee analyst Shaw -- They're usually only -- nice things about Apple and makes up all kinds of cool things let's yeah but he's. He wrote. A research report saying that. Rim might finally have a couple of winners. On its hands with the latest Blackberry seven devices that they recently launched and with the better hardware the improved operating system and difficulties that rivals like Nokia rim might actually see its ports and start to. Turn around. While. Well you know. We are saint Stephen are you -- interview re -- -- from dialed in podcast Thursday as at 2 -- to get up. She said that that the latest blackberries acumen were like the best Blackberry she'd ever reviewed she's like really excited about it like it could -- like. Some energy and happiness -- and I'm telling you sometimes He you know as she has a poker face a lot of times and now. In fact I think -- is talking directly about -- when He says. From the early reviews of Blackberry seven -- they are mixed to positive. Which is a market improvement than its predecessor Blackberry six OS which received noticeably more negative -- -- which everybody with the Blackberry OS six and was like very -- I -- may be. Good products could triumph -- -- When you're now you're -- good products actually drive business that's amazing. What of well it's more part of those that -- -- Doesn't lose market share because that's what they've been doing from the phone standpoint. Is that the either keep it where it is by the injection of these new phones where at least gain upper center to back from the hardcore. Either Blackberry community or the business users that -- still stay invested in Blackberry and not leave other platforms yeah that's. See I don't see their growth being very high right now but they've got at least hold on. And and take a few baby sets back up on what. What they're saying is that Nokia and Microsoft plan to launch internationally first with Windows Phone 7 and the -- on the Nokia platform. And that that gives rim a window of opportunity in the North American market. -- nothing they're gonna overtake dial lesser -- or anything but that they might be able to slip into that there -- spot. Because when -- -- -- might be kind of slow to get here on the Nokia are now. You know that it's a chance. Testing a chance I just want to get you know I just I liked the idea being able to give reason to give like rim and Blackberry -- ligament Littleton -- -- like at strawberry likened -- friendly nice barrier to president and rim Blackberry if you're out there. -- good it is physically -- The deviate from us in just a little sun again all the people watching at home now a look at the Blackberry and maybe -- -- -- -- talents. The apparent and that's really. I mean no we we should we should a minute I know you could -- -- -- -- -- It -- yes please. -- And game stop apologizing. Will. Now I think you jailbreak I jumped. It's okay we're just gonna keep to the stories -- did it will do the actual real quick -- later -- and -- -- while I was on the web and on their Monday. But game stop is a -- and for the -- SEX debacle with a fifty dollar gift cards where they pulled out the year. The downloadable. On live code from the PC versions of the game so -- making amends and offering fifty dollar gift cards. Which is pretty significant in I would say that's a nice solid move right there. -- which is a lot better than my -- I do you have to bring this up my whole Barnes & Noble was it. -- -- -- Barnes and Noble's purchase of the touch pad area what they do they were giving back and they gave me -- -- -- dollar gift card to the to their website than four. Processing the order as if they had gone to successfully and then three days later -- -- It's not coming. But I don't know every it sounds like a lot of other readers are people ought to waited to have not -- -- -- -- dollar gift card yet and I'm then I'm wondering. -- they only offering that we are gift card to customers out of even shown any kind of traction. As is like a loyal customer anyways let's use the Barnes and Noble's website to buy things or that the -- service for it because of this field I just jumped on that one times to pick up that -- -- bad. In May not be -- some love ballet. Under interest these companies do that anyway I will say this is that was a good way to jump on games happen -- -- send them to stop the bleeding -- them. The funny this I love this story as an engineer -- and again because it was just He -- is it too chatty it's light near times been a little bit like. Now that anonymous. It's a whole story about how Guy Fawkes masks. Which are the -- that the anonymous protesters have have been using with the Bart protests and -- any other time Palin they organize a big protesters who recognized him from -- from the vendetta -- for -- the movie right -- that figure that little white -- his mustache and in fact that image and the math has been licensed. By Time Warner they own the rights to that image and they are paid a licensing. About how anonymous is Blake's Civil Disobedience protests. Are just helping Time Warner make harmony. But that completely made me feel like like vineyard times is public yet it does it mean the -- -- -- is. With this whole anonymous a revolution -- you know the the publicity in the exposure with them but they're saying that this -- -- Is and on Amazon is the top -- -- -- on Amazon.com beating out. Popular iconic figures like pac man. Darth Vader and Harry Potter you're telling me that Guy -- Is doing them like that an expert in. And out I mean it's -- thing that they were -- -- -- and the -- considering that it was like a real person and historical -- 400 years -- I -- nevertheless. Near time's gonna mini I'm assuming -- the mask I think that the mass was actually inspired from -- graphic novel. Our graphic novel kind of inspired that look and that -- is -- then used in the movie later so the actual guy doesn't necessarily look as. That's in your trivia and just only partnered via an astounding whistle tribute to vineyard -- and her -- alligator via entered via the web. If you're on Twitter at this weekend I know that the only thing these I'll avert -- -- this weekend was her cane -- news. But there's also funny -- -- times that have part of the reason that -- -- -- -- playground for every -- I mean obviously like. There were these crazy predictions that it -- to be the most expensive storm in history in on a non. And Mayor Bloomberg was actually Matt Blumberg. Was doing a great job like that the mayor's office I it was not hysterical. It was like really useful information like you -- -- to his honor. Also one but -- they also talk about how lake. All these New Yorkers -- 24 hours and hibernation waiting for the storm to come in the can go anywhere and -- down all they did street. Let's first of all -- -- we know we're really happy and thankful that it didn't turn out to be this epic historic hurricane -- that leveled the city's you know but. Because of that you had a lot of people like you said hunkered down -- What mostly it is like comedy hour or comedy -- on Twitter and and also like you saw you saw how -- can work for a bit and forbade it from these informational age -- Sometimes like a picture takes off for like a comet takes off and and everyone jumps on it but it may not necessarily be true. And there were hoaxes -- like if their images of the East River supposedly flooding that when Oliver. And then there is that this this incredible picture of this like storm. Front approaching North Carolina and it was like I mean it was a great photo. Captioned as hurricane Irene approaching North Carolina. I was actually taken weeks ago -- for -- and it was just like him. It understands yeah yeah that -- not working -- easy as someone posted that and a sun like oh my gosh yes I would be like minded. Aside and took -- to go out via. Mary interest in Twitter you fooled us once but not to this letter it can and cannot be tested. It's just -- -- media really. -- and now. This time I mean it access -- -- -- -- -- A leaked memo from sprint is apparently advising in place to simply state. No comment when asked about the iPhone that has only added fuel to the fire though. About the rumors that sprint is going to get the next enrichment and. I guess -- you have looked at a retail associate actually sing like they don't really know or even if they did their you know -- -- turning into an Apple Store. Yeah so I heard the new iPhone five coming up next week you look the guy really deep canyons. No way from the blinking like -- and if -- aspect customer and it's talking to friends or family members you need to avoid making any comment about an iPhone. And symbols. That's an actual -- a symbol state no comment. I know we should do that I'm sorry without wording does make it sound like I load edited -- -- probably -- his comments about it and we should do. Is go to a sprint store. And generate a cuss retails -- by asking him twenty different iPhone five questions. And see how He responds until He punches -- in the face. Is illegal if I go through so fine is illegal by going to restore with the my iPhone secretly keeping him in interview a guy. I think you could and a lot -- if it's legal for you could do that. -- also if you want to hear more iPhone five rumblings and rumors -- -- times -- like one of the centers. -- -- the supply chain has said that the iPhone five will apparently not beefy train. A screen that's over four inches instead now other sources are saying the -- Bible include a 3.5 to three point seven inch panel. With a larger design allow the -- to become thinner and make the screen look larger. Also -- that the glass backing a -- like that everyone was annoyed by because once you drop it it would shattered. They will no longer be using the glass back on the as that -- iPhone four is and will be changed back to a metal chassis. Which is not which is a smart -- -- -- -- -- is now the second country after Germany where Apple managed to prevent Samsung from launching the Galaxy Tab ten point one on schedule Samsung says it has volunteered at. Not to sell that tablet any earlier than September 30 even though is scheduled to launch on September 12 they are delaying it pending the court's decision. About the land related patent injunction. -- the story photo -- can be your friend. It assumes no comment at the (%expletive) up. Also on the Samsung try to get -- on the group messaging app. -- back to not -- its totally useful and I love it but they've released a chat on. The good thing about this is that it's -- so -- it's cross platform IOS Android. Blackberry and -- Simpson's own Bada OS but really with all these group messaging platforms out there. Our people don't even use this I liked it's I like that its -- cross platform but you know if your friends article but I don't. I don't see it taken -- but I hero. One of these needs to integrate with text messaging somehow I don't know I know I couldn't you know but it if you come out. Gonna say how's it going on is that you have to totally different on which I have first. In many years -- iPhone only select we can't talk beluga NOK. In answer I mean that the cross platform thing -- only chance when an infinite things has for success. Polluted with god. And if they did is bring you but I estimate that it. It and yeah I think when it first wanted did not have and I know that pressure -- I feel like two -- mean. Google Voice or FaceBook -- -- messaging right now the most -- analyst. Promising. That that's not. You never know chat on my friends -- on channel I'm -- -- The MacBook -- -- -- coming. Masseuse is said to announce five. Lastly more than five apparently ultra booked -- room and as they're actually doing -- but thing. And -- is going to flood the market with models that range from 899 dollars all the way up to. 2000. Yet will be using the ivy -- CPU platform. High but efficient performance at affordable prices -- and Intel's really been talking about how more than anything they need to get the manufacturers jumping on board -- even though. It's a -- and I'm sorry was that Acer was the other one yet -- that you know they do need to get companies like. Samsung onboard the need to get dole. HP or whoever ends up -- that they militant Toshiba to make it a product category that last so we'll see what happens again. An apparent -- fact is this coming weekend in Berlin and I suspect we'll see a lot of -- but news coming out and and then we'll have probably really -- sense -- whether it's getting. -- -- -- -- -- I your turn to talk everybody day time. -- I was I -- an -- All right Sam. This is Sam polish studio colony and about sprint possibly getting the -- -- -- -- wanna -- -- why -- that thing. -- -- -- -- -- -- Not everyone knows about it's just -- that's French ordinary -- -- acts for everybody. By all of our music. The -- showed -- it's like football team come enrolled forty deeply trucks -- -- Your current -- in complete relaxation and destroying or taking -- -- -- unlimited data. And pretty much -- never -- so I'm now looking for it by either pursue its bulk -- stock price. -- -- -- But the truth comes out at the -- -- of the call typically. They gotta -- I like but necessarily think that. Although that is forgiven him. And early June as an Ottoman -- yeah that's a that's had a Ireland Italy and it reminded me of the Timberlake. Standup -- you were attacked and in particular says that the the party at the end in his stomach and then party masonic we'll get up. There is -- and then we've been talking all about land lines but it turns out. As our next caller went -- -- land lines are not always what they used to be. -- from past and I just survive tropical storm artery and housing to artistry on the way to work. And talk about airlines we have a landline department -- its -- and we've been without power for 24 hours so. The battery died on the back -- so no -- remember that we -- or five -- that. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And -- That's gonna and it cable services and about the same as that is the case with like an -- and -- lay eggs and Yahoo! services because it. Like -- said that the problem is when the back it's. Anything is dependent on. Routers and things like that. There's going to be a problem in fact on that -- -- -- skip down to -- with email. Who writes and says I want to bring up the topic of mobile networks being out during an earthquake from -- at 1538. -- stated she have to have a landline phone because no carrier has figured out a way to make calls during situations such as earthquakes. Of course she'd say -- and -- -- team mobile a while ago. But T-Mobile can still make Wi-Fi calls during those times when every carrier's wireless network -- -- but T-Mobile is the only when they can make calls via VoIP. Another reason why an AT&T T-Mobile merger would be detrimental because -- know the Wi-Fi calling would be removed once they're assimilated and almost an awesome point -- that's true that the Wi-Fi calling on T-Mobile suite. Laser power isn't just -- and -- -- your router to. Well Canadian company is not -- -- -- headphones on the microphone. If -- that really horrible that is those who. The good plus average well. And they're cool feature that will not work empowers and it does only work on -- T-Mobile phones to its not on every T-Mobile phone -- exactly so. I don't attract the 10-Q and even a team effort right -- -- do this on Telesis from Chris in Atlanta Georgia. On Friday show there -- a mention of picking a free TV channels within sixty antenna. I've been doing this for a year now but my solution involves windows media center I have a dual HD tuner and a two terabyte hard drive and a home built. Gaming PC having the setup -- new Mac -- sixty is a media center extender to watch and record TV and all streams over my network. Additionally a use Netflix on my Xbox mostly to watch TV series that interest my fiance and -- Battlestar Galactica and stargate. And all this is through one simple box. I highly recommend a set up for anyone that doesn't want to pay fees for Tivo is still want to DVR after cutting the cord. The biggest bonus is out windows media centers interface is leaps and bounds above any cable or satellite DVR. And even has built in updated sports scores and ability to play music videos and view pictures. Most of my friends are astonished when I show them my set up and asked me. Is it eagle. You know it's good if you get asked that a -- -- this you know let's get if you get asked that question attempt. Debug external antennas that if the -- -- who love this show. That's pretty awesome actually -- that a lot of people -- that windows media center being like the key to creating your own your entire home entertainment hasn't learned I had thicker as you laid out better than have ever at link that is pretty sweet that the DVR factored definitely -- people -- that -- ago OT DO TN. Nice maybe you should make -- how to video and send it to us that we would totally run it -- -- -- county's general Elena. Also do it. Are right and then Brian items as news of Facebook's F eight conference around the corner -- -- request is and no one thing that many -- but users would like to see added. A dislike button. How many times -- -- write -- -- like stuck in traffic -- the guy next -- -- just -- gas and and -- adopt of the type of quick response the light would give. But -- -- that the guy next you pass that's this like it awaited real. Another -- request for years now and have someone else is going to something else that can be rolled out. This commute rate into new security even year old at that users actually appreciate. As opposed to the sweeping layout changes become part you frequently jolting us -- -- -- but happy place. Also that's true of does slice of photo thing all different now again like. In the center area and stuff leaks suggested users now on the top something else -- and -- now want the dislike and I want to mute option. -- -- And all that messing with tile like I don't go to FaceBook that often is much okay on demand -- because new job in terms of unmet demand. That's that's the violent that. The I am not an Apple fan boy by any means but I have to respect the planning that went into this I don't know if anyone is treated -- via GPS before but maybe this is a new -- form. For the 21 century to take this out this is an image. This is using the year and -- at first I was like this is doubted He sold. Fake but then. -- when you look deeper and you strolled out into the actual and I like the raw data. You can view facility may what -- -- -- who mapped a route running route that created the Apple logo. And so that when He plotted it on the map. Actually came out to be the little Apple at the bite out of it and and even then -- then leaf He had like another runner I think you had a shorter route that made the little the. It's not me thing. Think it's amazing and this is once it's you know sometimes you -- like get off your computer and exercise yes I Jesse and I -- I just cut off his computer and exercise and certain -- computer act the same time you know once you really impressed me into an Android next time with the idea. There's an -- like a circle you just ran into who circles and -- He did do little by absurd all the ruling saying that old but we did we just got an email that need sorry guys we're behind yet but his sorry yes we give you the latest news every day of the week. And you jump on us for one story once you do something with -- -- shut up. -- -- other Selena -- and dazzle of -- -- -- -- -- -- I -- -- -- and if you dare keep the feedback coming. One inches -- and sixty experience are a number I'll see you guys can. Cnet.com keep on coming in and our show notes -- well that's cnet.com. He taken everything that we talked about here and -- yeah that's gonna do for this Monday we'll see you tomorrow -- guy's site as.

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