Ep. 1534: Cognitive semiconductors: here comes the Singularity!
Ep. 1534: Cognitive semiconductors: here comes the Singularity!

Ep. 1534: Cognitive semiconductors: here comes the Singularity!

Today is Thursday August 18 2011 my name -- Steven -- of I'm -- all I'm Donald bell and I'm Molly Wood luck in a buzz out loud cnet's podcast of indeterminate length it is episode 15134. Welcome back aches and miss you guys. I ran out of booting TV to watch cited by the -- -- playing it through -- it's kind of sad right when you actually run out of TV to watch I got so bored -- state victories are so boring. It does add this terrible flashback went -- -- -- -- -- -- -- out of school for a week are known airlines are at the hospital for we can out of school for a month. One yeah it was really about like -- and -- -- and throat swelled shut itself but like. That -- of the month -- -- think like. Generate far into the silicon and giving ethical last month that I could -- -- don't have anything to talk about. -- -- out of school for a monthly dividend that for a month and nothing to state and the most boring person alive. And I know the other whining about Big Brother some of ideas into anything about it should be initiative feast on Netflix -- and eventually -- you for watching too much of -- -- licences to stop now. Hundreds. Of excellent quality is -- is a good idea lately we've like I'm getting sodomy and I am -- -- -- Though -- -- that -- and I get none of those are real. Little. -- -- -- Motorola mobility Emily the idea of -- -- talk a little -- an exciting -- as -- as -- -- -- We do like the raspy voice -- -- ones that -- early. It's a legitimate site I feel like I'm like a day away from effective -- right now I'm still like that's painful to listen to you -- tomorrow's. Friday Alex Saudi concert voice you know like you where you're Italian Motley crew last metal -- hard the -- so. Are made you rockers one person that is shouting out about the Motorola mobility loss merger with Google. One of the shareholders investor John W Keating is -- mean. That -- -- to get the best price when Motorola mobility agreed to sell the company for twelve point five billion dollars to -- He names Google and nine other members of mobility Motorola's mobility board as defendants and remember. Google purchased. Motorola mobility for a 63%. Premium. On their shares. Now one of his complaints is that the offered consideration didn't compensate shareholders for the company's. Intrinsic value threats and this is a rich -- let's break it down here is a rich guy complaining about getting more money. Yet yet it's like they're really selling analog -- -- and that no artist -- no. Even though the purchase price for Motorola mobility not only was it. I have a complete shock to all of us that they were purchased in the first place but that the. Actual value was based on the patents and probably not anything the Motorola Everett and to like make -- awesome and then here's this. -- coming out of the woodwork in like I really think nice of patent participating -- -- his last things Keating. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- But we'll is isn't it always shall we always -- on rich people that complain about getting more money -- It's it's just animal that's our job to do that I think -- as a rich person is your job you get more monies supposed to complain about it's like your money gets you more money right. -- do you feel like like a picture mr. burns behind this like complaining in. And then the wife complaining -- hundred dollar bills and if you really it's hard not to -- tonight no link and maybe there's some basis to this claim but it does feel -- -- -- think it. Nobody knew the Motorola mobility was in place at all their net revenue in the second quarter was 3.3 billion dollars. And and credit he's saying. There. Financial stability they were on that they were on that right on the right and since they split up into smaller element -- spun -- into its own. Business unit they were on the rise and they were gonna continue to make more money and I think He was basically saying the purchase was the limit He much signature. And that they might have made more -- longer and it's like yeah I had a group that in core of the outbreak I'm sure you can definitely -- you know it's mr. Keating can also see the feature. Yeah it He thinks that the dollar signs go higher but it's not happening considering -- Samsung withdrew into Motorola. Quarter after quarter mr. -- just go home account is windows and. -- -- mills now mr. Keating is also seeking class he's seeking a class action or group. Stats for the case this is an order that takes players that the agreement is unenforceable and -- order. A ban barring of the completion of the sale nor -- -- user and its treatments it's probably the first of many legal challenges the one that -- be really worried about if -- or HP or -- if I ordered Google and Motorola would be the one from the Justice Department is indeed antitrust. It. -- -- -- -- -- Also on in companies that might be worth more with their pads instead of the actual business that they're doing. -- in a report here Kodak may hold hands -- five times more than their actual business. Themselves making them. Prank ended in this whole patent build up your war -- -- 131 year old company could be a target. In the billion dollar hunt for -- and mobile phones now because obviously with the transition from analog cameras to digital Kodak was left behind. Left in the dust you -- other companies like Canon Nikon -- scoop up that market. And collected and react at all still reliant -- on some of their older technology and they really missed the boat. Their market value once was it once was at up to thirty billion dollars it is now slid 98%. From its peak in the ninety's. I know that was a long time ago. Its share currently. Is that around two dollars two dollars and fourteen cents the latest on this in the -- at one time was ninety dollars per share. Kodak my -- so but. All of a sudden now they look like this huge. Gold mine. -- there's a really interesting come up and that does its other headline this morning school -- about welcome today at times -- net by their aging and welcome to the patent valuation bubble. The fact many of says I blame -- Motorola mobility efforts and the Nortel patent auction for the fact -- and Kodak. Kodak which as you just so well detailed that in a pretty spectacular fall from its -- -- -- looks like it's been by and -- names like -- digital. Get techtag sterling and it's literally about trying to value patents because the race is no longer to have the best technologies. It's -- basically alive right now just because of their patents that a what else could be supporting them I can't imagine their excellent -- camera sales there I got. Man they have basically they have immediately know dollar tolerate all out tolerated at the front and the battery and iPad isn't alienating his department -- you know they have the low end market for cameras that you have to the flip like competitor and printers. But even their printer market isn't that -- -- what what they have here is their patent -- -- round 171000 patents they also have digital imaging patents which they say. The command as much as three billion dollars more than ten dollars a share which is a lot. More valuable than they're worth right now and some other patents include. Image preview technology used in cameras today com and so. And I'm smart -- I mean smart that's the real reason that these patents are suddenly so valuable is because of the Smartphone patent -- has nothing to do with like. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- If anybody is getting -- do it it's gonna be like Microsoft or Google are now polished them or -- -- -- -- you know something is the implication is -- Every gadget from here on out it's gonna have some kind of camera in it. That these patents can apply to rate whether it's whatever comes after the iPad even still gonna have a digital camera built into it. That the net. OS is -- away. But no matter what people are gonna be -- -- want to take pictures sent each other. Forever right so there's a long lifespan for these bad. So let's let's let's look at your iPhone announcing only pictures you have yourself by Donald empathetic -- some every day get. As beautiful mugs. And if you -- Tulsa you don't sausage is like when we gonna see yes. I've always like surprise -- has such a huge boost because in the market that we cover. We don't really talk about Kodak. At all and now you know they have they have their -- their flip product the Z one -- -- Was one of their only product that is I would delicacy even remotely relevant to what we do and so com. The -- this company is got to be wondering like what are they gonna do to make money. Its its its patents and that's -- if Daniel they're like thrilled right and shareholders are like -- but yeah you do something so. We'll see you will see what happens there are also -- just an update -- -- the story of the bark. -- rapid transit situation there is a new hack. Target gene Bart's police officers association website. On this is not been claimed by anyone yet but what it did. It could be someone who was in support of anonymous of what they were doing or actually a rival group to make anonymous look. Like a more malicious but this -- expose personal information of union members again. Names addresses and passwords. For Bart police officers. Not cool not cool well anonymous on the other I don't -- mammoths and -- for -- -- Dutton and noted how does say that the rocket are -- -- Noted not. A lot and -- This to better because they did say people are against anonymous know they can do things under the name anonymous and every question this is anonymous to -- armed there were they said. The leak could be the work of sanctioned. Members or those those -- -- were anonymous or Egypt or pocket hours states. Adding that the thing about and I demonstrators even anonymous doesn't I don't know. And now -- get -- if they feel good political pretty legitimately rightly be some hackers -- to -- well now we we think this is the kind of thing anonymous -- -- -- -- -- -- -- exposed. User data of people who just ride Bart. You know and I can imagine somebody is sympathetic to the -- as being like well. Let's do the Bart officers -- police think -- group. Another thing another piece of this that we know we didn't talk about as much better the arts T spokesman. He came out couple days ago -- it was his idea. To shut down the networks underground. And it was vetted by a police -- authorities but. I don't wanna be the guy who said hey guys it was -- a great idea to shut down the network because. I saw what -- it did have a good idea but still I mean I. Add that after -- was -- did take some of that is staying out of things like this where. People who absolutely had no hard decision making process are now giving target in the information. You know packed and distributed -- I think -- by the way -- need to shut down and none out on June to admit as like I am the guy next -- -- -- the people and taking it out on. Ewing union police officers and I'm I'm the jerk to do in that packet might -- -- -- hacked my Twitter and. It's your lease is willing to take the bullet yeah it -- in his school. Less cool -- school in landscape Oracle and scary I guess it's it's really cool but it kinda feel like. Can I Am Legend or whatever attacked at the -- -- about where you know you hear the news report and -- you fast forward ten years and it's terminator so the -- report is. That IBM. Has created. What they are calling -- benignly cognitive semiconductors. -- accused yes. -- computing systems that are designed to emulate the brain's ability to absorb information. And adapt to an environments so computer assisted systems that come complete with. Basically programmable synapse is. These social network of the chip. And learning -- so that they can actually learn and adapt. As they go creating if you will a rite brain. -- the computer brain -- -- right now basically only has left brain right has like structured data it has information retrieval it came. Kind of learn -- article artificial intelligence but it's not the same is actually like. Creatively thinking which is what they want cognitive -- to be able to -- Seattle like Molly was -- you know today's computer would be left brain fast analytical rational -- Where the right brain. Right we need to go to figure -- the most efficient way to loaded gun to its all out. -- I -- this terminator style and the -- were -- to re create all this and apps is in the layout like the brains. You know myriad interconnected. -- time is as the -- and stared as the -- and just said. I -- refuses to learn from scifi is your -- You know -- what does work -- dock with this I think an honor of the the whole bad poetry day and -- -- be the best thing that happened to poetry. Ever try look. Look we'll have a computer poetry computer poets and computer art. All the creativity is gonna come out of the spring we should be thinking about that not not the a robot enslave -- -- ten. The robot overlord tool we listen to little cubby holes and forget about us and harvests energy. -- -- and because that's gonna suck but right now all. These guys really are experiencing a scientific triumph and we should probably pay some respect to that ran like they're saying -- we're scared but we should it's it's amazing stuff it's phenomenal idea research project leader arm and remote. Said to CNET like look. What I hold in my hand as nice as I speak as our first cognitive computing court. He combines computing in the form of neurons memory in the form of -- -- -- communications in the form of acts on. And in working silicon not PowerPoint. Like this is ready to be shown to the world they've been working on this for years. And they've actually been able to pull it off it will also be lower I mean that really they are trying to emulate the brain as much as possible -- will be like. Slower rate low power computational -- but low power. And potentially. I guess a part of gives -- the scariest is that -- the people with the first dibs on is DARPA. Ninth that she. And that's where it goes dark again in no hurry at all right up -- -- -- -- I think they're pretty credits after you know. Centurion robot killer IBM by the lady's cognitive computing systems can fit in the size of -- box like the Turk or whatever and the new. In the terminator reboot just. A -- And size and -- They say that among the potential uses. Are computers that can take in inputs such as sectors smell and feel to gauge whether food was outdated or look for -- bodies. Or look for -- war healthy bodies to track down the financial applications to monitor -- -- and recognize patterns and await today's algorithms can't maybe they can prevent the next. Traffic monitor -- -- Just now -- is -- they can make all they can they could predict all the patents will ever need to make for the rest of -- of of humanity yet and then just register them on and we can be over his hope that one thing. And a goggle is predictable system monitoring for waterways and other natural recital of how to -- like the mostly positive -- -- people are so it's also kittens and puppy can help build playground for shallow the better the playground to -- safety eat it but yes one of the biggest blunders of their research. It's DARPA is DARPA 21 million dollars -- area the second phase of the project. Systems of -- -- adaptive plastic scalable electronics. Or -- synapse. -- stand up and get it they -- and it shouldn't change the letter in and -- you know the words so that it would spell it. That's what's next to -- the period happy fluffy clouds but it should. You know they really wanna spend -- -- the busy any -- happy little euphemism for this thing as possible. Just let let let me just remind you that Ray -- defines the next the singularity a technological singularity. As the moment. When computers become smarter than him. -- -- we're almost there where. Watson of Watson has already rocketing -- -- weren't that want -- very -- greater than human intelligence to technological and as -- Alright guys we're out and I vehemently that the show's gonna be it -- we're gonna be replacement computers that's where I get that for your critical link it's got -- -- -- not happen in the next twenty minutes. Are ever gonna take a break -- as well we come back. Google making deals of music publishers which is actually a good thing for every one also. AT&T if you love your messaging right now and how much your pain don't you love that until of that you're gonna be paying more -- gonna have one option yes. And AT&T says so then our -- bully back in a moment. The -- whose distinctive buzz that but the rest -- you. Heathen -- -- lay off the drugs buddies seriously -- is that EIB I really -- -- like those sent from I have another vivid the verbal Tagamet I think at that doesn't bring kids kids. Listening that is your brain on drugs don't do -- like that until those last. -- right -- led back in the house with the sniffles and -- -- and the rough voice Donald bell. Here don't always hear a resident with a -- of -- -- And seem to be -- running the show guys welcome back to buzz -- out. Back to the stories Google has brokered a deal with you to -- with their YouTube business with music publishers. And this is settling the copyright infringement claims brought by music publishers over the unauthorized use -- music videos on the company's YouTube website. This now allows music publishers to form licensing agreements and receive royalties for content where users of sometimes implemented songs. Posted segments or full on music videos. Unauthorized. And there -- now going to be received royalties his agreement. The good news about that is so hopefully the we users who sometimes -- upload videos -- songs in the background or whatever won't have those that is just taken -- taken down or muted. I was wanting that -- -- where they would leave the video out but with no sound and it's ridiculous them. Yeah this it was this is in response to an earlier. A lawsuit that where the my music publishers said. They tried to go to the courts ruled that YouTube was liable for infringement because of these -- -- the court said because YouTube removed. Unauthorized -- when they were informed -- when they requested. That they weren't liable so than the music publish -- new team came to this agreement. Which -- you know allows to have some more fun videos of people put out there. And it's really appreciate great soundtracks to -- list. We need that -- -- I -- the best situation would SP is something because they already have like the audio fingerprinting technology where they can tell but you've got a song behind your video or in the background of your video. And they know what it is -- know you should be paying a royalty for it. I think it was spotted and then pass that cost on or absorb it. It -- eyes still feel like this this this and -- -- brokered this deal but I wish it was just. Didn't -- they came up with this awesome technological solution yes. Make -- work. The good news about that those that the industry has continued to press forward with lawsuits against Google because they say. Google stood come up with this magical technological solution -- if that existed that would but Google even more on the hook right now they've been able to file back and DM -- safe harbor. Protection and say look when we get a complaint we act on it takes at camp but if they came out and we have the technology to make sure this doesn't happen that would open up -- huge camp programs for them because then. Anytime something infringing made its way onto the site and then they would -- like double suit you know -- And the good news about this is that Google is finding a way to settle these lost it's actually not be -- YouTube for so long has been at the. Constant and favorite target. Copyright infringement loss -- left and right. And how it and allows you to really and keep that up I think it was that there's some state like -- -- posting how -- Billions of hours of content like constantly so earthly can't keep up is a -- it -- some something it has some insane number of thousands of also Nintendo how much bad karaoke this isn't inspiring you know what that uses its share anything they can't -- the songs that area seeing it themselves instead all karaoke I covers only -- I don't wanna do is bad poetry technically you really need is most of it is right. Now one thing to note is that the music publishers still have the choice to license Google the right to sync the music with ideas post so if they don't. Agreed there's of them have been published music publishers -- to be -- -- You'll probably still here see here and there. Things that are removed due to -- I looked up that little bit information -- 48 hours of videos uploaded per minute every day -- next. I wanna see what fraction of that is sung by someone you shouldn't be here and -- A lot -- also against a hot on the heels of our rants about. SMS pricing actually just at a CBS radio minute about it and I have got more email about that than almost any of them have a redundant that is basically like. You're still getting ripped off for us domestic you don't need to be -- here all the services now including -- -- that will let you message for free using the data that you already -- -- Hot on the heels of that growing trend. Messaging service is -- only get away from being ripped off for SMS. AT&T has announced that it is only gonna offer one estimate plan the one that -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- There currently is -- a ten dollar plan that offers 1000 messages and and they have their unlimited plan they are kill -- Any options for you and at least for new subscribers to the service starting in August when He first it will be twenty dollars -- -- -- plan. No other options. If you want -- text you have to pay twenty dollars -- This is for new customers by the -- -- alert as there is like pay per text. -- yeah if you -- -- I mean how I paid twice in Wednesday's one as an unknown message sets come in coming in now coming inquiry and enable -- ultimate thirty cents a message incoming outgoing. For multi media messages that's not really option does not not an optional unless he's and one text a year or have my zero -- that's just astonishing and there is that option I may need to -- systems Altman. They still. They still have that unlimited messaging plan for families for thirty dollars where all the families can share or -- -- the family can share the pool the let's clarify. That this is twenty dollars a month or thirty dollars -- a -- planned. On top of any data plan your art and pay and those data plan I believe with AT&T start at fifteen -- think they may be idle or twenty. Big -- they still haven't -- -- -- plan. So that is -- -- paying twenty dollars a month for data. And then twenty dollars a month for another kind of data. Actually Simon of the candidate -- is also data via and that because they call it SMS. Producers it's thirty dollars. -- -- Starting off. Mania and I think he's crazy rallies at Verizon definitely -- Thirty dollars -- but okay so yeah your time -- fifty dollars in addition to your built in -- And to any and -- just breaking out texting which is also data. There's breaking it out because they can charge more and they make eighty cents on the dollar -- text messaging it's like that there's. There's no its -- so. Cheap for them to do this crazy -- it's pretty average is that they it's outrageous that the carriers continue to charge is much much but I am happy to see that the market is responding to an offering. Alternatives Google Voice it doesn't have picture messaging yet but it's their FaceBook messaging great music. IPhone is -- duo with I messaging paying beluga -- children up you have plenty of options not to lock in of this stuff and save money -- they know right now only the geeks are using it they're saying -- -- AT&T is like text missing growth is stronger than ever in the vast majority of our messaging customers prefer. And limited plans. It's like others of demand for this Bershard. I'd -- culturally it's gonna at the time our people you know eventually realize that. You know text nesting isn't that hipper cooler way to get your message across anyway just tell your friends tell your friend. Used to get on some other messaging thing because you're getting ripped off. Suppress the saddest part of this is a chef at the boil down all the text messages that are sent into question -- -- just be. Until walls and you now finally are you and -- think outer I think what -- those attacks for the affiliate relationship. Always -- you once eclipse -- meaningful conversation -- think -- SMS anyways you're paying twenty dollars a month floor. That's ridiculous not -- Donald a little upset about the declining intellectuals have little or I'm glad -- IBM -- is there an account health info and take up via the slack. Let's do that hey let it lets computers do that they can for music images show let's words -- Also Verizon Wireless expanding as four GL TE service. Every day it's now available to more than half of the US population. Verizon the carrier 2011 we're telling you. Pump it out at least from a expansion standpoint and four -- service stamp went on about their plans but. They've continued to push this out. Rolling out on in a variety of cities such as like the Salinas Monterey seaside California -- because the rich people -- their forgy LTE. It also works has amassed uses a -- all Syracuse, New York -- he's -- -- who I'm sorry. It just helping out with an aim of that now is people need to leave it although that would lead to Logan was -- -- reasons -- -- -- -- pretend you're gonna you can edit that part out. -- with your best bus and act that. An App Store is officially among the features Microsoft is working to include in windows eight. Much like Apple's App Store for -- ten this is a revelation because they came from. Microsoft president -- enough -- in a building windows a blog titled introducing the team. And then among the list of teams associated with the windows eight. Rollout is. App Store. And this is the whole -- still have not. I don't believe they've officially ruled. If Apple can hold on to that App Store treatment the name App Store at all. And -- and no Amazon there was a smart is -- Amazon where there where they argued in their favor. I don't know if Microsoft has to have a separate case with Apple or knots does it got up and don't believe it was brought you know. A -- to a broad settlement -- ruling on the matter of sound but apps are coming this is. Thumb well I guess they're couple days ago they announced how windows eight would be rolling out on a -- and a beta test sometime soon within the next month and -- half or so. So by the building windows eight blog for all of you that are interested that's three guys can check out what they're talking on their gonna continue throughout posts of some of -- updates and that. Development so that platform and now -- -- by the way is ongoing. Okay yeah Microsoft has been at the. -- -- has been trying to keep them from winning the trademark at all. And Apple entered an injunction against Amazon widgets and fun now we know math -- -- -- -- Only whenever you do that supposedly there. But I meant -- -- you want to quickly -- -- bomb -- -- island and have known him for. Scott Adams says that an update who it is the author of the Dilbert comic has posted his results of the windows on -- skews the other one. Who was challenge there's a mean name Childs more urban music we accepted -- in the same time. So I have his blog post and the crickets He his general findings. Where that Windows Phone 7 public perfectly fine if you want and that's easy to use performs on as -- battery life and doesn't frustrate you. It is the best choice He says -- iPhone and Android or windows but. I'm and then on that note I'll be posting my conclusions. Tomorrow. Look particularly now that. You'll be posted it or rain or shine is in my -- and then we're gonna -- issued a videotape its mechanism. Also on Google Maps fans they're adding that whether layer on top of Google Maps you guys gonna check it out right now which is. I would be very curious to see the weather map in the Bay Area because we have Sony micro climates would of the entity like put -- -- -- Write and -- to the city and then a swarm of clouds inside the city but it either way you guys wanna take it out Google's added a -- -- And the right inquiry does include concede on top -- -- which -- cool that's -- vertical like that. Amazon is boasting about its digital video library thing that they have pushed up their library to. Of movies utterance of -- 200000. Titles up from 90000 titles. It is not the equivalent Netflix they say it's much more like something like -- -- that Amazon video on demand and it does not include. -- -- -- I'm streaming service which still you can only get 9000. I have gotten and I remember quality stuff though no it's not actually. Are you prime numbers though I am that I have never tried this and yet you'll even when you look at the -- like there's nothing island and now. Like 9000 might sound a lot but when you look at it there's nothing I -- I don't like them I think I wanna play over and over again then I'm fine you know they have -- freak but -- Don't even know that. Thunderbirds I yesterday the Apple Store was down -- was wondering what's going on the freaking out about it but it looks like they added new social hooks. To their actual store so when there's -- can be scary but when you. Look at a product or you wanna -- a product -- to leave. We -- friends I liked it and you can go along and follow the crowd that's acute they're getting into social of the Canadian. But it's experiencing that you know that they could never -- to a deal with com. FaceBook when they've talked about the whole iTunes service in -- iTunes -- Apple has made deals with Twitter that's integrated directly in IOS. So for them to put the at least the FaceBook -- some links I'm sure there isn't. I debt it was an ideal person but -- -- integrated into that they realized. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Is on the sites that I definitely like I've done easily post with that is -- thing. Can limit is but she. -- minute snooze as a new alarm clock for your iPhone and iPod Touch or iPad this -- Like practice says is the Stephen particularly -- -- think okay I cannot talk about this in our time it out of bed apparently yes. Yes so there's an iPhone app if -- with a note that that's connected to your alarm clock. -- every time you hit the snooze -- it gives you you donate to charity so every time you need to -- little more you pay him for literally. Says it's an update you're investing in those demon now -- just -- decidedly -- -- -- -- -- at midnight last night trying to go to sleep and I was like -- interest so is this -- capitalize like or punish you for -- the past -- -- -- -- actually we just make me feel good about He was the assignment or. Starving children -- -- guys have I menus seemed to the built in alarm clock on my iPhone I'm not mean anyone anything about it because when He five cents is a text message. And I think who is makes sleep all the delicious I know that's helping the world out through -- -- LC best price. -- -- install that app and notes on how does effects also talk of in in other news regarding space. The org and -- hotel. Will be ready for -- to fly up there. In 2016. So space tourism closer than you think it they say it'll be and one million dollars. Standby this is I believe this is just to stay in the hotel because the -- of the flight. Should technically be a little more -- but permits currently 51 million dollars -- to take the trip. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- So this is the orbiting hotel built by a Russian company or a little technologies. You'll get there fly any Russian rocket and the commercial space station is about 270 miles above earth. I looked at the facilities here. I'm sorry but -- -- valid. I would get claustrophobic in that thing I mean you might be able to see space what you're supposed to stamp of IDs because a million dollar patter at and -- all -- computers. And He doesn't help let's look at it look at the -- look at the screen of the map of the world when you can look out your window bigger than an instant I. Merited I would go I would definitely go at my I've noticed that and that no alcohol will not be available. You can smuggler and in their water bottle. You'll be traveling at 171500. Miles per hour in low earth orbit pampered with all -- basically amenities you can imagine plenty of gourmet foods. A specially designed sealed shower your choice of a vertical or horizontal bed. And -- -- and I'm trusting their own far bubble and I'm saying. Weakness. And of gourmet foods includes -- -- -- -- -- -- I don't know. Dehydrated strawberries keystroke enough an astronaut ice stream that very thing that this night and -- do not hundreds -- -- -- system out there them and today to try it out a little a funny thing that I descendants that are because -- totally -- at a total and a because of 3-D you did -- -- -- -- you're not and can start -- that net. Start -- a quick click start ups -- a year. There's a new company called -- house. -- -- -- -- -- -- Like just German or you're just -- -- now it -- -- the -- It's launched -- the tag -- -- always be prepared for life and the ladies. And it delivers monthly -- supplies. Like toilet Paper shaving cream deodorant etc. rubs to its users. It is also to the rappers -- think there's they have basically like guys don't. Real realize that they need more toothpaste. For example and -- -- out of it and -- they have an automatic -- shipments like you can for between seven and seventy dollars customized package. It in. Despite. -- -- step deliver -- it's perfect really Stegall late because yes now. This this metro sexual that's really -- I'd say I'd say yes except I want -- like married guy upgrade really Trader Joe's just delivers to my door. You know every every few days nose and amount of and I like this I don't know I -- the standing I would do it. From a girl perspective -- it to be nice and not let other amenities are part of this package. It's serious you don't read them all like that it readable and said that as well it would you have enough that last business and yet. You get tickets a prize -- that every box lets you get free movie tickets and stuff. They have product kits like you can choose from the shower can't receiving -- -- to care. They have strategically placed at setup you're out years I am assuming that you can probably get the single guy can AA and did a bachelor of bats -- The bachelor kit. Here is I'm afraid they get a lot more president of everything -- yeah it's gonna smell Iger had bonds brain that's the 19. -- -- -- have you seen the ads -- -- -- body -- can do you feel it's kind of means. That there you have. This it's just. Amore let's -- -- feedback -- everybody. We love your calls -- and love when they it here. To our rules should we have a special collar. -- call manager Mel because He did not activists and in -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I'm not reading a million it's just not. But here's my educated opinion based on knowledge of less than going patents. BMW cancer receives -- for designing cars that looks and functions like a collar of course it looks similar out of thin -- -- Think of TV. Canada and TV that doesn't look like TV any easier than I can -- -- tablet that doesn't look like a tablet. Apple didn't of the category they invented the well I -- law school and a judge in your -- case went. Call man I can't wait to be judged on this Martin on the -- -- -- -- being judged. Not drop in the Obama and I really like the show -- 45 cents. -- Our hour's time that it is the time area there also I haven't really had -- -- the -- of content. Now I do not condone that. Right now. This is our Internet scholar is memories from Florida who goods wanted to tells a little bit about the parking meter story that we talked about yesterday and how they use it out of Florida. They're right -- -- from Fort Lauderdale, Florida I didn't completely answered me to make question. He basically create pre register your license plates on -- website. -- and when you park your car -- into an 800 number from any phone or. If you have a Smartphone application. Tell how many hours you want -- which particular license plate. Few minutes before your meter time is going to -- you get a text message saying. Which would like to buy more time. Q do you just press the appropriate button for the appropriate number of minutes or hours so it's been working -- here for about a year. No big deal it's just pre registration. Regular phone owners -- -- thanks -- the -- That's as I want that now that's I have to have -- that's amazing I have actually just come to conclude that cities don't do it. -- helpful things like -- purpose because -- elegantly. Finder is by giving tickets. They would -- would get more money -- -- info capital and say that this slippery slope is like what if they did only that. And then the -- like the privacy concerns like everywhere you go that -- need parking meters -- you're reporting here where you -- to them. The -- parking authority in the sky. -- tracking. Down a sign of protecting it anyway hit back at the executive. More of it negative on this -- eight. Totally -- -- A lot also from Dubai sold as a hot -- these parking meters are just as effective as Donald speaks. Allen that the one that now and deceiving you had a special requests -- that. Forget it's in Green. -- yeah please send and more video voice -- please we need some. Need some good stuff for -- Friday's segment which -- taken it was gonna be taken away shortly. Going to be your pic of the week whatever it is a story a voicemail video voicemail and you -- -- -- talent review and update its its viewers -- -- -- anywhere on the millennium -- it goes horribly wrong button and the working -- bottom -- for which. We -- We -- the year. -- bottle a day -- volatility district's center. Dave Wright then says -- as iPod and iPhone in the day came out because the threes came out a form AT&T renewal for free upgrades -- -- the entire country generated. But I just checked and since I bought an iPhone or on day 1 June 16 2010. That means I'm eligible for a free upgrade to an iPhone I -- starting in November 16 2011. I think there waiting to upgrade until people can really upgrade. Apple get a lot more customers like me will be willing to get each -- one of each generation instead of skipping every other generation so he's basically just like. Doing the math and then and speculating that Apple's new iPhone I'd make -- more like. November ash because that is people who can upgrade and a possible they do sometimes. On the one panic -- to reward you for buying it on day one but on the other hand Genentech is legislated enhancement days. They used earlier literally down the first two engines they reward you for her mine early on but this most recent when they were little. There are little more hardcore about that date and anymore and -- -- they have been pushing up its more often. -- -- Are right this email comes to us from top from Saint Louis. It's patent bill in the highly competitive world of titled the it's up to you to build your patent portfolio and -- -- competition. He was properly balance the snail like pace of the adult and office with the need for those -- -- double raked in the dollars through licensing fees. I'll too many in your -- will never be approved in time collector favorite -- controls along the way make appropriate licensing agreements and arrangements and partnerships. Went to FaceBook and Google plus friends and use -- to squash weaker players to leverage the variety of -- in the patent the world to hopelessly stall any attempt at innovation. By other players. Don't be caught with your patents down. -- as your products may become -- relevant and you'll be forced to sell your patent portfolio. Coming soon. Yes I'm going to have this idea of forcing it uses the -- side thing you care but -- -- Cingular will make their own and they won't care who don't care. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- but I was not following image announces I have to do like what I look at work well zombie mumble and I look like I quit when the feedback -- comes. I honestly we got Doug from Dallas -- -- in a way I can understand Fox's choice to -- -- who the release of the new episodes. They can encourage people to watch the shows and ads on TV I'm sure there -- other motivations. But what I find highly illogical as the length of their delay eight. -- -- -- -- go to Hulu if I happen -- missed a favorite show on TV and have have to -- eight days of the online so that means that I have been missed. The next shows airing this makes it difficult to catch and actually discourages -- -- Go back -- the TV so one may be more logical if you -- five or six days that we can watch a show that I missed and then Begin watching again on TV. Even worse example is my favorite show outlets and scifi -- -- used. Has the ultimate. Little plug. My recorder out of space -- the last ten minutes of an episode my tech -- as website they aren't releasing any of episodes. For the pilot until October 4 and just makes you wanna stop watching altogether. It's just not worth playing their games Donald says emphatically with his hands. -- -- As a really good point eight days is asinine yet but I was -- you can't watch the previous and some for the -- and I -- -- they do that when we I didn't use area. I added they're they're smart all my -- and whole. They have literally -- now I want to say that that's just more -- -- and nobody even use them. -- -- -- I don't know -- you okay buzzed through the. When it comes from -- we all know the reason Google -- Motorola's for the pads which is great for Andrew expedition in the ongoing patent warfare with Microsoft Apple center. But when you look at what it means for the Motorola handset business and other handset makers like Samsung and HTC. Most important question is to ask how does Google make money. They track your every move online and sell very compelling advertising against it. That's where 97%. Of -- revenues come from. Android is a great platform for doing this -- -- do everything in the power to keep its momentum going across as many many factors as possible. What does this mean for the two -- thousand Motorola employees hoping to get free food and all sorts of other Google we perks my best guess is that Larry leader spin them off immediately as their own company. While -- in -- pounds for himself or keep it 100% separate from the rest of Google. Molly's read in the in the -- Larry takes hiring very seriously and the last thing He wants is to 40000 old school Motorola plays. T eighteen Google's culture love the show. I hope you know. A lot of people speculated about the -- that link with the image you make -- -- -- -- people think I contestants had to end that I cannot imagine that they -- to sort of do you like a blanket absorption of them into the Google culture no land I would like a one of those 20000. Old school -- employees to reply are on. I'm -- I felt really happy about him. -- all the -- what do you think it's gonna happen to idea after their liking I don't want you damn hippies in our business either. -- probably will ease some granola from the free granola bar until onions everything I can't. -- political hurdle of actually -- granola. That. I. The more I read about that the group are electing -- -- am convinced that they really did just like five weeks later like after they lost the north helping to be like what we get. Like I don't think that they've thought to be honest I don't think Google has lent little plays at all. -- communities -- through happen right now other plays are in beta. Room and they'll be -- effort line. Alright guys a Medici we have in this console unless you -- -- now -- that cnet.com you can -- -- 806162638. CNET -- the last four digits. 34 seconds please we beg you and buzz at cnet.com. Is our email we will be here tomorrow. Do we have any computer love emails yet it is -- to people -- -- come and as a Molly's voice will be raspy and think Adobe does and I can't I think attentively to a fittingly they. -- right guys we'll see a lot of these days.

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