Ep. 1520: Google: the devil you know
Ep. 1520: Google: the devil you know

Ep. 1520: Google: the devil you know

Today is Thursday in July 28 2011 many receiving beat him I am -- Time my buddies John Holloway. I. And -- well -- on me it'll actually. Eagles had that same giant adds that I'll -- and realize that you listened to the audio clips deemed bills -- -- price at tong has -- -- That's not -- the -- our. Donald I am I don't know I -- it -- was my line for independent who's on first. Is there is say I and -- data did downtown theater's day is a dividend train wreck and I'm glad to welcome to you about that -- treated. Podcast of indeterminate -- this podcast is brought to you by audible dot com the internet's leading provider of audio books at more than 85000. Downloadable titles. Across all types of literature including fiction nonfiction and periodicals -- -- free -- of your choice. Go to audible podcast dot com slash buzz out loud. We -- have a sponsor now -- oh yeah and welcome. Belatedly. And the only guy originally. Over the -- We don't have time to did they enter again and again that we've gotta go that Mann wrote that the. We catch on over there in the the lava -- chair -- and finally we have a guest in studio in the lava -- chair. The day but really that's that's and that's got -- Gaza against we have -- -- and -- we're real shuttle like a real show kinda. And you better laugh at all -- jokes. And it will Dele thirty told him about the applause sign and the last January has to be -- laugh track laugh track pop rock. Think we can -- one -- one just did not just a the only -- -- found that one person could open -- a I -- -- gas okay. Eyewitnesses are Friday everyone there's no show tomorrow because were getting new light in the studios that we -- -- little -- author will. But we -- employees are not just to that's how we are that no no it's not has not been in the copy no no we do have a lot of news on today. Sort of summer news for the tech world governing a skull yet compelling news. Google actually this really potentially interesting Google has announced this news service. That from their perspective or you know as they put it will. Help you out to you web site operator by offering to rewrite and host your web page so that it can go faster. Yet it's pretty pretty web -- of pathetically slow let Google fixed it. Like Google -- everything it's gonna be called -- page speed service it's currently being offered to limited set of web masters free of charge. At the moment they will have to pay for it but what they're trying to do is have people do this through a trial run. -- claim is that based on this page you'd service your pages will load up to 25 to 60% faster. Anchor and that's what they're really trying to do you have to use and give them your DNS addressed. For your current web page and it'll go to Google they'll -- all those images all those layouts all that information and -- -- rebuild your site. And then presented in a faster manner but again. -- need to control some of this or have all that content so it's all gonna be going through their pipes plugged -- payment. -- -- -- -- I would also think that if you didn't. Like -- Google that they could Powell the booster -- -- Now I'm gonna be a little higher mpeg had no wonder about that you like I'm sure they would say oh no no no but if the algorithm does take into effect speed when it assigned pay pay drink and I think there's some there's little air -- Yet but it's very clever and a lot of different it's clever and a lot of different ways because they are. Attempting to turn web performance into a profit center branding Google's religion is speed and always has then they just want the entire web to just be faster and faster. It's not a drug indictment but that's fine -- trying to. They're addicted doing another what does that tell it it. And then but then it's also fascinating because like we said it off it. It puts Google in control of content delivery on both -- and it also lets them potentially. Bypass. I don't Alex standards or regulations or it may -- -- it in him in a potentially good way and a bad way rightly they can actually help. -- I PV six transition by basically hosting the majority of. You -- you don't -- without a casual user having to worry about that transition right they could push things forward. New standards or implementations of -- -- that they want to incorporate into some pages to help them perform -- people might say hey. I don't mind signing up for this page -- service if it helps my rank them my web pages faster and doubled the whole goals this is also. The -- your page loads people are willing to spend more time on it right which allows -- -- click on more pages. And then also funnels back into Google's ads. What if you -- your -- it's broken and every browser except Chrome. I don't think that's gonna happen and I think -- -- optimize for Firefox or IE they are. Why wouldn't I mean they want what they want is for everybody to get to pages that have Google ads on them basically we don't know by the way we -- -- There is no. We we do not know if you'll positively affect your hatred I I can only assume that Google isn't vehemently deny -- -- that -- -- -- -- -- -- buddies wanna clarify that right away -- -- them with me. Anyway I I think this is the kind of -- has the potential you know if a lot of people sign up for it to really. Change a lot of things that mean Google is like. I just don't you feel -- -- hurtling toward -- and with which Google is the web. It later I don't let us that they hosted and -- it. They optimize that they have vowed not all over it they crawl all of it it's only algorithms that show you what to be displayed Google -- fringes of -- -- I -- so I go to W now I'd rather have Google be in charge of the Internet and Comcast here. You know some -- -- the pipes with the W you know. That that's that's that's all fine until they turn into -- a K. Sometimes though the doubled and get -- stuff. Maybe you mean let me being -- little area like I feel like there's obviously chicken little stories about Google plus -- Diego Atlanta over now is that of the tech press -- loves nothing more than to follow them with something even break up with that immediately. To -- just like -- girl. Horrible high temperature it's happened. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And that is -- ever. It's -- you know like you that you gotta tap deep inside your real hard emotions of people to feel it because I know people have been there typically acting -- -- -- You've got you got it to dig deep so they really relate to Google plus selling you know. All you need to human element and whatever item I -- the story and now what if anything that -- I love video -- And I can't let that these. I did so anyway I think that -- Is the -- and be getting to paid for Google plus hit lies is reporting that fewer people visited Google plus last week. And potentially more importantly those who did visit spent less time on the site. On average -- numbers say that Google plus had one point 79 million visits for the week ending of -- can decrease of 3%. Compare the previous week also the average visit was 10% shorter and down from five minutes fifty seconds to five minutes and fifteen seconds. I've gotta say though another factor in this is they did release at least on the IOS platform their dedicated Google plus app. So that's going to inherently drives and tragically I know they had an html five. Compatible web site for Google plus before they released the app on IOS. But still the whole app the whole Apple mentality. Of the general user that's using Google plus I'm sure a lot some of that time was spent in there that's not factored -- -- these numbers. Yeah and Google pointed that out right away -- -- you're not taking into account mobile usage and I think and there it also -- this I think the big -- it doesn't take into account navigation from. The toolbar -- now if you're Google plus user and you go to google.com or your Gmail interface you've got this bar across the top that list all the places you can go within Google. Including Google plus and frankly that's how I've been -- -- doing it Alec I don't I don't type in plastic would not com anymore. And that's not taken into account at all. I think from a navigation perspective they're probably missing a lot of users that are. Doing it that way although the usage sting is interesting -- -- to anecdotally and I'm hardly is yet has. Same in me like maybe I'm going on here He thinks is that has -- of -- to post. Last -- it's another thing right as well not this is another thing that's like. I I did this yesterday and like a canvas and then Google plus arrow down to is that amendment on Twitter does I'd -- Google plus and that's -- Acadia wanna put with circle do you wanna publicist. Get him have to -- a circle and 91 included like to include the five people. That aren't angle plus are your friends and -- no don't try this number email all these people is to some dumb little post I wanna put -- -- Profile page and -- this is like. And now I I really a lot of friction for it to be -- news service -- -- -- to post something totally eager. It is just a little bit -- or to pre filter yeah. I don't I don't so I still don't do the pre filter like the whole circles ideally need to use them but whenever -- -- and is by default on -- I'm gonna shows everyone right now. Yen I haven't had a deal but I still don't like that extra service. I have to go hit up I am back with all this holds a whole social overload on sort of post less and less on FaceBook and I barely -- -- plus some kind of tired right now. -- -- -- -- -- You know and it's part of our job to do it and I don't mind -- and I feel like Twitter is probably the has the least friction then a posting right now and I feel that's why I'm posting more on that than anything else really using Twitter more a little -- again. I'm gonna on the new ambient smoke signals now I think that's the new -- I'll -- you get to work out a little -- They present DS led into it -- got your guns are in a little that's certainly a little tighter than normal dominates the signals Tennessee regulatory that flowed Donald. Yesterday and that's. There -- other important. -- -- -- British police had arrested a nineteen year old hacker who nicknamed -- area and they say that He is one of the leaders. And potentially the most visible member. Of Lowell -- So they were touting the fact that they had taken down a ring leader from all sacked. And now -- like really exciting everyone ran with it was a huge deal and tell and you know Intel who notes. Daily tech dot com said it had the exclusive. On how well -- actually duped the British police into arresting the wrong guy. And -- all its case the ad hoc. -- they can identity thanks to an elaborate. They can set -- -- and there you actually and I would they apparel and we think that they're using chat logs to -- direct them is actually a flash sideways. It's not even year we're not even existing in the -- universe for this arrest happened yet this never happened -- never happened known as ever arrested what's rules the with the -- So I I I don't know -- like we don't. Possibly they arrested Sunday if someone who is a big deal -- like operation and possibly we'll -- tricked them into arresting some port -- But that there you go. I feel like this this is -- more responsive annuals like anonymous universe that is like he'll -- believe it. I don't know what to believe. I don't know old. Anyway. As -- nineteen year old. Super cocky hacker types would probably be prone to be when He was arrested He was defiant. In his interview any any might have been actually read about his -- because He was. Allegedly the -- Yahoo! -- or Yahoo! knows if He wasn't. Then He was the guy who helped manage the group -- groups donations be a bit -- Also apparently engaged in old fashioned I am like money laundering schemes to try to keep the group funded and. Think those are all the things that He is accused of he's also taken in the Alfred. Yeah that's great artwork -- -- -- with. It happens that you're -- especially -- the child at wells likes that a sit down for it I we have no idea of knowing. We do know though that we can't get -- a day without patent story when He. And insulin -- the -- just weeks after entering the US market too great and -- -- has been sued for patent infringement. -- Along. By a company called packet video which was. Their patents the patent they are using to -- -- -- by is this is awesome. For a device for the distribution of music information in digital form. A little eight -- well that's just not broad. Every -- and is screwed now. Namely the fact that they have -- unsightly but I haven't sued anybody else but -- by -- already put spotlight at this for like really. -- -- -- -- -- A central memory device which is connected to a communications network and has a database of digitized music information. And a terminal which is connected to the central memory device via the communications network the central memory device be equipped -- -- retrieval module in the said modules have the capability to interact. The -- so two devices one of which is like more portable than the other one the plug into another billion and a past music -- in court -- -- you guys why would they. Why would -- not -- Apple at this point. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Packet video. Actually themselves had -- do with this and the company. Just bought it a few years ago yet this specific patents so this is clearly. An acquired pan and get down with trolls. And do -- everyone else is doing. Absolutely and in fact even when the patent was filed. Never mind the back at packet video didn't donate even when it was filed in 1995. It was not a unique idea detector went up you -- -- -- any semi competent engineer. How you would build a digital music streaming service -- -- received a similar. General explanation and setting aside the digital part as they try to points on the -- and pretty much -- describes -- radio. -- Good times -- get to work -- -- get to work and culture of ownership but any minute now. Yeah every day every day we hear about we need to development time doing it. And it's also -- time for us to take a break when we come back we're gonna talk about Nintendo's earnings report which was. A little diagram and lets you really want a new 3-D yes. Also those that more iPhone five rumors and a Rick -- from a pretty surprising. It this that you. -- might take if you takes. This podcast is brought to you by audible dot com the -- the Internet it's -- -- this podcast is brought to you by audible dot com the internet's leading provider of audio books are more than 85000. Downloadable titles across all types of literature and featuring audio versions of many New York Times best sellers. For our listeners audible is offering a free audio book to give you a chance to try out their service -- one audio but to consider is out -- -- Malcolm Gladwell. For free -- of your choice go to audible podcast dot com slash buzz out loud that's audible podcast dot com slash buzz out loud. -- -- -- -- -- Alba -- -- gotten you're looking at 8000. And seemingly gone on. I like an awesome -- back the stories yes. Chair Shelly -- that a games -- at Molly's reading between right now so I'm gonna say that's ago. -- -- I can -- -- -- Are right Nintendo dropping the 3-D S price of 170 dollars good news for people who. Might have been excited about 3-D S but it really didn't get how much fanfare after the whole 3-D effect. Was and is hot as everyone expected it'll throw 249 dollar price the Lorraine what's really attractive. -- It wasn't compelling enough people to drop their Ide device or other phone any better on it I messed up kids' -- -- It's eight potentially -- that -- all right for life and problems so in their earnings statement and producer said they were hope mean. It creates a more momentum for the treaty SO dropping the price it'll happen in August 12 also people who purchase the three yes -- launch will be getting -- bent -- myriad games Super Mario Brothers -- -- -- and some exclusive games is to say thank you for adopting it early. But they're hoping that this price point and the push for all their new games coming out. Will help them sell more these units it was a little disappoint after the first week or several weeks after the -- they debuted the device it only sold 400000 units. Yeah which wearing -- worldwide. -- which for a Nintendo handheld gaming device is astonishing. It. So so now you can pay but somebody in terms -- and pay weightless to make your eyes bleed -- -- Still -- compelling to me. It is not at all and you can turn off the 3-D effect even if you find TD still pretty cool is technology that now Afghanistan. I had it and I think it was. It was totally costs. -- and the fact it came out percent went and a lot of -- that -- considering the technology inside that's not a bad price. But it what it but considering all of the competition. In that landscape and just the iPod Touch alone and IOS devices it was an appointment and we may be saying we may be seeing. And of standalone game devices or at least sandal in gaming devices that cost as much as an iPod Touch -- have. That and I think there is like a stress test here like when you. In in the downturn economy when you catch yourself saying -- like I'm gonna spend 250 dollars on hand held 3-D gaming device. Can like well okay Richie Rich thinking cap on what that -- there's not many get left out that -- -- You get -- -- And Ricky Schroeder would have done that really shrinking base of people who make although I mean if it. That's it and I did it does give you -- silver spoons which. I'll explain it unfortunate that it. Work that well. They -- -- -- Nintendo will how it goes. Now via ground to have been intended and yes but the whole idea -- in getting an extra device in your pocket now or -- super -- back it doesn't it's the prospect I'm trying to cover all bases here cannot easily be -- called -- but yet not -- immerse OK -- there's eighty -- early on an average of covered all bases here. And added that. Opposite numbers is -- -- on and on yeah I -- and here and get. By the way if you buy it at -- -- -- it. Nintendo is introducing what it's calling the ambassador programs that -- Any 3-D S unit that connects to the Nintendo. Now -- connect before 11:59 PM eastern time -- -- of an important part. Since it's an -- and -- -- automatically registered to get the free and. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I think. A consortium of six Hollywood film studios have won a ruling in the UK that forced Britain's largest eyes. To block access to -- website that promote online piracy it is apparently the first of its kind. Ruling. And exciting me the studios say it could be used to win similar orders against other as you -- this -- Areas were seen how these content companies are aligning more and more with -- -- -- we've seen it with the whole. I know the very least six strikes you're out warning signs warning system here -- in the US with their US. ISPs but then overseas here you have. You the big boys Universal Studios Warner Bros. Viacom Sony Clark and Columbia Pictures who are all aligned with the size -- block this site. Granted I don't know. About news -- I've never use it if there there are sites out there that everyone knows their pure function is to pirate content a -- like legally. Sometimes because it's so out there and everyone knows that's what their main goal is okay. Maybe they had a better reason to take that site -- you know there are some sites that are clearly. Have evil intent -- the sites at a grade at Terry a lot of other content not just points you know of of illegal movies. And the good part about -- although it's scary in general the idea that there would be you know this. The fact that a consortium of Hollywood studios can go around the world forcing -- to take website sound. The fact is in this case they had to go through due process which -- you know arguably the three or six or have already strikes. Rules and laws do not necessarily do -- So a BT spokesman that this is how you test the law and this judgment set to helpful precedent because it shows that you have to get a court order. And you have to prove -- and is the key significant infringement. There's no one here is ever tried to say that if -- -- site -- purely profits off illegal downloading that you should continue to exist it's illegal. And so. But that but the burden needs to be on these companies to actually prove. That the infringements happening and that -- significant. So it is my knee jerk reactions to Seibu but like I guess your right leg -- there was due process here it wasn't just like that you know. Big bags mining causing people to shut down. You now ISPs willing -- then yeah I guess this is a good thing. Yeah I don't I'm always a little of -- sure that their big -- pavement yeah but. At least in this case some due process appears to have been -- that -- Yes -- that probably the president will be now next time they'll be way easier. Since that Batman. Film. Also in gadget news Garrity far Apple block friends. -- -- port is that the iPhone five is planned to launch the second week. Of September this according to the China times as well as the iPad the re launch. I will be delayed until Thanksgiving due to component issues I still -- not believe and it doesn't make sense for -- -- -- -- -- -- I'm totally with brand. Yeah no iPad through the years that -- accidents that are we just adding on to the rumors that -- -- -- -- in the little boring now. No no we're just saying that in -- Washington you have a squabble and I mean at -- happening in the tech press yeah now I just can't stop. -- be -- -- people is one -- Apple's stock price to keep ticking ever hire extra cashing in Manhattan apartment. And another indication of where the iPhone five might be going -- We always lean on our friends from overseas and look at the case designs settling of what the new design of the phone will be and so. According to nine a by Mac they've been able to get their hands on some of these case molds the show more tapered. Design. Room for potentially a larger display and larger home button. What's crazy about this is overseas people have -- have gone to jail. From Foxconn for release in some respects that led to the iPad two cases that were released an -- was like well could that really be it. There it. When you see these -- leads. I -- I'm not gonna say until I CIA you know I'm gonna believe -- but they -- that -- -- needs -- credible as of late. May have been I mean they could just be for the special versions of that iPod or iPhone that are going to -- -- Chinese Apple stores but. But there's only real Apple -- there's these -- they're selling a lot of products of those dollars advocates I have to -- Cate -- has been surprisingly reliable and the though. And also of course that can be thinner and more -- and I thought. And of course it's -- at all. -- and bigger and better at -- -- it. I'm wealthy and in also according to so close though just one thing to be aware of although Apple recently issued a security patch for -- OS. One at least once a posting to security advisor is saying that the problem. Is a lot more critical for users of iPhone and iPad and iPod Touch devices -- it was initially inspect initially suspected and then if you have not install that patch you should do it right. The chicken little earlier versions of phones and there's plenty of my -- -- out there. Couldn't tell everyone forget that Molly discussed forget I got paid -- -- of them are user you know read errors and is a natural. You really need like the time jump button you know -- -- But flux capacitor kicks in then. -- Travel once you're idea that farmers are now about how they've determined at top speed for light particles like how fast they can actually travel and a top speed it seems to be such that it would Portman and travel from being -- I heard that are that's -- lastly at the slip until added dimension that's for the the dimensional physics. You're right thank you just need to be in a different dimension that supports faster travel than the speed of hero or something. -- -- restored my accounts on scientists know they're geeks but there's maybe some evidence that the edition and release just to keep the dream alive. Like the they don't know elude you guys you know you can't do time travel these these scientists sure they've been trying to prove it but they've been dreaming about this whole life since they were five years old just released -- -- -- room. I wouldn't. It's another challenge and an answer and -- -- It also does is up -- -- to -- -- island's vulnerability story that we were -- -- -- our Intel icon off. Again the the problem about the vulnerability is earlier versions of Apple's -- less and devices that cannot be updated to the more recent -- updates are still vulnerable to this. The failure not be. The latter your router attaches. Three G iPhone. Yet those those those -- -- good. So -- that does make it that's what they kinda basically -- owners of these devices should not use them for any purpose for which security or privacy is required a bad though Apple Apple solely behind this -- Day. Barge into the nearest Apple Store and please purchase a new product. That and had hoped ranks. Centuries. -- -- -- -- RA and then in my favorite my absolute favorite speaking of privacy and your jumpers and a recent story of the week. FaceBook has quietly launched a new feature -- what does that will let you indicate on your profile. When you were expecting -- wrong yup they -- the new. Expecting. Status now it can only women do this I don't think so outdated image and. And there's also that a man woman in Portland Oregon near the pregnant and cumulative. -- Pragmatic definitely -- -- -- half -- Schwarzenegger's face the patient him expecting apparently -- my god if I added. You. Does it say now but my favorite part of the of all He added that apparently write home. You can set another FaceBook user as you're expecting -- might be -- like a little. Little glitz to the thirteenth the her that -- -- there really quick. If you go into the brand and damage that another user of the friend David. And then you can go back and change their relation -- -- as expectant. Moment. Why did Google let's get on this but it's changed everything. Maybe they think it doesn't Google -- if you aren't there this and plug it might expect and child at a. -- -- -- -- -- -- A -- isn't out these you know by now you've -- happy that you do not want me to your mama and eyes and I don't -- -- lay down the law want to be my sugar mama mama mama mama and low I don't speculate that these pain and pain -- things on the -- This is little -- it's going to and I did for me right now quake hit split skull. Literally every day this week by the time we've -- to quicken the crickets -- they've been let go there like the hook it. -- Atlantic gong show or whatever like. Well very disturbing you know this article is not -- -- that can you just -- and I got -- according to the folks -- -- time Amazon is rinse and repeat this one but in this -- -- -- is aiming to launch. Both a seven inch and a ten inch tablet in the third quarter. And is currently lining up. The right suppliers a number of chip design firms and Taiwan expect -- -- helping companies built in fact -- -- according to digitize one of my -- and have -- -- bring it. Come on I'm doing some board and I need I need something to play with when -- buddies or strand is on I continue to try to you know -- him constantly he's like I'm not telling you anything. You know at a wanna loses job either but it's. Also the -- of authority authority closed -- -- make nine yard can make your friend your expectant. -- -- -- Brian Leung thought He might He love child bomber -- -- also the BBC -- Blair goes global with the iPad app. Once seen in eleven countries this is pretty cool because -- right now the Kennedy in this -- run they'll also be rolling out later this year the US Canada and Australia. It'll start off with content that's free but also offer a -- a business -- -- a subscription model. That allow -- to -- other content in -- -- pretty popular so. Yet people love the because there's a lot of great content so -- And then I find it absolutely adorable the White House now that the White House is all about Twitter is slowly catching up on the last five years means who couldn't. You can expect them to get really excited about the bad intruders unlike any day now. They apparently. The lighthouse Twitter feed at -- rolled all its followers. Yesterday. Yet they -- Fiscal policy is important but can be -- sometimes hears something more fun. -- -- Colin Gillis that was a few years ago of three years ago. That in Nampa cluster -- years of -- fast of the -- you know I don't budget let's just say. If this time I thought I'd -- In the sense that evening nearly every stack it stylus the Internet has infinite possibility that little -- Let you know if we don't like the Rick -- don't use it lets not -- one written obviously -- Don't Rick assets locked away from the sad that yet he's used his time has passed I don't think that we should never have to give up. -- right now -- never I'm never gonna get an icon he's an icon and I'm never gonna let him down at -- -- -- are all innocent but I'm like -- -- and and and you intimately at the global economy is right now is actually be indication that that means dead and an hour hey guess you as a Mac not egg goes on -- hall. Believe it's important. -- ominous say let's do that looks like it feedback loop. Now we've been encouraging you guys to sinister video voice -- The rule still -- thirty to 45 seconds but we're gonna make an -- -- exception. Our buddy Jack does that Justin heard you guys -- -- -- -- this one time so Jack taken away my friend. Script this is Jack jointly promote lovely Cleveland Ohio area. And I just went -- in this video message not because I have anything to say right now they usually a lot to say it. Now. But I send it because I -- -- and see stickers. As you can see. My laptop right here. Holding -- -- -- Isn't really really more. Just -- this black neighborhood that Asus logo bit. It's really big CNET -- look -- right around there. That's -- I -- -- -- highly spreading routine then if you Miami hacker vulnerable and very very happy. Can you send -- -- sticker. The cinema hundreds we're gonna annualized total promised him basically -- -- -- against Anderson for those of you listening that are still here -- home. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yes and -- -- stickers and He wrote you don't wanna see me cry. In fact I do wanna see I know how -- -- -- if you want these stickers I wanna see you cry at the top. Yes they like it you think -- video voice -- you get this figured out that you need to cry without. And I like I -- criteria that you be like a message. You wanna make you read it but Monday would then -- up Benjamin update -- -- That -- didn't have bigger. Is -- Indian into out every day actually a good which is pretty -- and -- hello Jack W and also that thank you for the video placement Cuban government. US stickers on lady although you're gonna -- -- your address. -- -- -- -- Okay you get that you Ellison knows please you know first my -- thick and we'll have been about -- and found that the panel -- -- pregnant. Eric pregnant -- on Monday July 20 plans being about the Benjamin. I -- into on Monday July 25 the right -- and locked into my local AT&T store to look at some simple messaging phones from it'll -- a bottle. Daughter the sales guy who greeted -- did an excellent job of stepping your right up -- the messaging -- all the way to the Motorola -- At this time ES new iPhone I -- -- replied iPhone four. I still I immediately started -- about how great the iPhone and and that He couldn't wait for the iPhone five to be released on September 5. Being rather informed on such things -- -- professor Klein well the rumors had upon releasing in September but I hadn't heard an official -- -- The AT&T sales rep looked me straight in the guy and said. I'm at her tells me is going to release on September 5 -- that there. I don't take up the bits or write your show that the films are being so candid about the release date it must be common -- But a couple of days gone by and I haven't heard using more about -- -- -- it matters because. Get to see that AT&T has -- -- those didn't non disclosure agreement has employees that they signed an. Straight face telling consumers what they really need to hear that I got they'd normally we don't normally we never go -- -- -- so and so customer rep told me that's because -- You know -- -- like all over the place. But bell and I have to admit it does sound so like. Yeah so -- it odd that it has pretty -- Apple probably wouldn't frown on that too much -- -- it does a nice little job stalling sales of other phones you know an actual date when I -- iphones coming. -- yeah they just don't like in. The little people tell. It could work to this. It could work to -- Enact the marketing machine they throughout Lori were in their -- gathered there and fine it's not like they might on the iPhone four comes out they say the article by was coming out in -- already whereas in their intellect -- -- and here are this one is our next email coming to our friends at the Lombardi knows speaking from a family of Linux users. We will keep watching no matter how many jokes are directed our way so we become fixed in through the years -- of the great show my wife and I always enjoy the Molly -- much loved from the Lamar Dino family -- -- year old -- -- -- has taken over the ownership of my. Done done done. -- Two year old -- file structures. That's joke -- am constantly. I don't really do you really do you actually know and users don't think about the older -- series is that they have the warrant -- -- lately we went the other cinema now that's fine inside them as porn France Germany are those if you average it. -- -- -- -- -- let's -- Archos is what they're protesting aloud if you're really not only. Domino's and allowed it and I don't wanna go there at its -- that I -- knows all about. And you ability. And I -- -- So like I mentioned it's Thursday. But if our Friday and and you know a -- that we could not be happier -- of the computer that is always that much better when we have -- -- Very well I realize. -- We're here. -- -- immediately missiles likely because he's easy because there are here comes our first computer -- emails. Hey buzz crew is thinking about getting in touch for a while but now I have a very easy way to describe it all it seems the right time basically last year. I did a -- And put my marriage in jeopardy. I got some female attention that's been a typical mobile -- -- I didn't expect him to know what to do with. And made it a very bad decision that I deeply regret when things were touch and go for a while but I'm very happy to say things are getting back on track now after what I did it. Which is pretty reprehensible. Now we're looking to get on with our lives those things aren't that great for me in the tech world -- the deal to keep things going. -- for -- to quit using any social networking basically anything that permitted any form a private messaging. Also were a few exceptions. -- Linkedin. I didn't even go anywhere near Twitter these days for fear of my browser history -- -- I'm not great socially and a few opportunities to meet people's. -- -- -- Well I'll admit friends -- -- live in Google and the few tools they -- to help me keep intent to distance friends and buy new ones nearby are currently out of reach please don't take this is some sort of comparison. Between a loving your marriage and my interest in seeing what Google plus is all about but I'm feeling more isolated by the day and have no way to really talk to anyone about it. I'd like to post on relations of support forum but naturally that's a no go. -- be -- nothing forgetting about the world of social networking and how was it even possible to do that as a pervades daily life so much. I came out in a cold sweat the other day when someone did send -- a Google plus invite. In case he'd already seen it in my unread in box -- -- Dave. Dame de I mean I'm not a way to live heard -- all -- -- it. You -- you click you know you make your bed the bed that New Orleans but how many times -- deposits with them you know like. But you're also -- not -- Through the building if you're really getting cold -- now maybe there is a problem completely like Mickey do you have like an addiction to -- -- -- family got -- -- because he's afraid narrative is that why she has seen I'm gonna get into hopelessly nice in his inbox which means that like. Not only. Are you -- -- accepting these restrictions -- -- not rebuilding trust if you're afraid that she will see it and judge you like I gotta say that I mean. You may work it out but this is not the way you're gonna be able to continue your life especially now if you -- totally -- and -- -- from -- been able to talk about. There's you know there's ways they're going to have to obviously rebuild her trust -- but if you can't. Live your life the way you wanna -- and sure we know it. Women to me sometimes a forgiving them when you do things like you did. And I don't know what you did but I heard -- is important and so thank you for not saying -- the -- Q yeah but you just can't. Thank you or -- And if they. About -- print that -- beats him by about fifteen minute. -- -- -- You got to rebuild her transfers but you can't you can't letter to naturally like this as well it's you put yourself in this position again rebuild that trust to move things forward and it's a tough one right leg. Somebody did point out He made the promise that you -- the promise. Then you're gonna have to deal with it. But in my opinion this is not a relationship I would want to be moderately you know if if if a living like a caged dog is. Penalty of your anonymity of your actions then you gotta consider whether that's -- -- And if she would still be so angry -- even seeing Google plus in -- in your inbox and. Somehow that just hasn't come back and -- it's not wouldn't think -- -- that you can't go on social network that cancels that evident damage here. -- if that's how the whole. Run Dave -- infidelity started from a social network that attention for that. But that's in the media. Not the thing right that the networking is just the medium and -- mutated all of inside like you're -- -- -- play any of girls and guys Colorado all of us. That doesn't mean we act on it. Next I know that I look aren't -- -- -- -- to -- line but. Stay stay in a couple of their -- now. That's -- -- from the digital cameras and don't take any of our advice. Siren rise in net from all the way from Thailand which is awesome I mean a paraphrase that email though little bit. -- say it He says that I've started to develop a relationship with a girl who works in the same company it's been three months since we've known each other but she's only on -- -- -- twice. When I asked her go out to a movie your lunch or dinner so I'll put a hundred reasons why she can't like -- -- -- -- my friends are one in homer I'm too lazy today. That sucks is that they communicate by FaceBook chat all the time and I don't like it that way when I told -- that we rarely see the real each other she answered me that. We still talk using -- -- I'm pretty sure that she's not going out with someone else because she says the same thing to her friend when they asked her to go out. I want her real relationship no keyboard no computer no FaceBook just face to face talking with each other in the real world what -- do turn off the Internet. I'm so confused and frustrated -- says and this relationship help. Variety yes sir I don't take that one. Let me just lay it out Korea he's just not an incentive here at night you can't you can't make -- like you you try. Does not that into you need a final woman who's gonna pay attention to your door He -- -- is not that I'm sorry never make someone a priority who only make you an option. And it's He says he's lazy that's -- that's I mean that's as much of the one -- -- -- -- there. I feel lazy tonight you'll go I -- I don't. Did not adding video populated I'm -- you -- like having a thanks and you pick TV junk would help in the situation I'm in I that. Maybe that's really what it is just gonna be the catalyst -- -- -- you know. Even though MacDonald has prescribed to note to media on his life He still says -- -- goes to analytic and I think I got here it. Any of -- projected onto it don't do that don't -- that not Canada and -- and if it's true -- But it Intuit digit it's true that -- ballet with all her relationship and tell their friends like -- I wanna go out and have been she's got a problem right maybe is the -- makers she doesn't like people are not that social but either way. You're not going to have that kind of relationship and as for completion to -- at the -- -- their and -- been trying for three months you know letting go -- move on. Are followed a -- -- not help. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Guys. They strain now with us check out our show notes -- -- -- at cnet.com. Call us at 8061663. CNET is nice you know spell -- -- -- and buzzes cnet.com is our email address. Now we were gonna wrap up the show but last week. We did a spot by invite giveaway and and one that we. We had people submit songs that they would like to hear Molly saying. On this in order for us think about these 100 spotted by invite so I'm sorry I can't wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what we've done here is mix master Stevie B. I myself have accumulated these songs. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- is prepared for this but this is for -- is a compilation of the buzz -- requested songs that you sing we have a compilation of music pre prepared. How -- -- around -- this is what the people wanted to do you meant this is what people wanted. China's gonna pass this around so all you -- -- but we have these solves these are the exactly -- and every song in here the list of the songs He prepared Molly. So I'm you can have a heads up -- when the coming ahead yeah yeah. Picking up directly and saying hey I'm not that's -- -- on the get ready. Baffling and immediately get it right. The Redondo little makes sense you know where I would know that family can't talent generally don't happen like I didn't oh my god. Look here I also in the in this -- second neighbors I have my certificate of completion for the CBS ethics. Okay okay -- are right so. Yeah are you mentally papers you know the first song is you can see that doesn't lyrics -- exactly -- roses song the most pleasant day you ready for this new yes. Don't worry we won't likely hear any it is and I'll be helping you and one of these children says Brenda I advertisement art and -- and equally -- in judgment. -- hey guys out there we go -- sounds is for you. Back a day and -- -- today hating him now I know I'm okay -- Again and -- then. Saying bring all the boys and the god yeah I think it's better then you'll find -- -- -- better than your back to YouTube but I have to start. -- -- -- -- Now that it's. Few things. -- I'm betting that people should for those things it's. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- This. The only a. And a boom boom. Google. -- it seems. -- -- -- -- And elect Obama Star Wars entourage -- -- -- you don't find it. -- old Kodak. And all the gamer console and me. It's. Stuff. Look better but it doesn't build the -- Big bucks -- I -- not. Other brother and bit map when -- Motorola and litigated right -- grabbed -- and -- -- you get it wrong. We'll never have another -- in the studio again moving. -- -- -- He should. Diploma program let them out that it meets both. While there are other -- that's on the owner and harmony -- It has not been that look at it and embed -- in -- you. -- you on the -- model. But I'm. That they know ahead. CNN. Now. That they've not I had this. -- -- All right. That today. She survive. I know is I'll I OK. I'll I'll have Byron and Africa and it will it will be bloody. So let's hear it done right by your and you are great you say -- I am just so glad anti dam was not me. It wanted to think -- -- for contributing and all those songs Mali. It was well worth the it was a it was a reward -- Get those modified bytes if they didn't get spotted by -- by -- at least we gave them something you as her amazing pushed modify students go with me -- -- an -- He didn't -- -- it into oblivion. Wow. Nevada. A you're bad -- for but that's yeah let's do -- they sign up call. Came from our universe from the people. Had the more interesting than that this from the you back here on Monday BT will be here but I'll be here with somebody. I think -- that'd be Upton -- -- -- when I'm gone are a shot pictures up into the body. It's like why did I did not have signed up for that and I honestly it's a heck I'll see you guys are. Acrobat. A good --

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