Ep. 1518: Daddy particles from the future
Ep. 1518: Daddy particles from the future

Ep. 1518: Daddy particles from the future

-- Today is Tuesday July 26 2011 my name is Steven beach of I am -- song. I am Hollywood about it about cnet's podcast of indeterminate length it is episode 15118. And we have a new improvements to the studio we do revenue improvement in studio we have you can't see them here but we have like cough sniff full. -- but it wouldn't have installed. -- 100%. Because of brand now. So it -- -- right now but ago. Although it's it's me -- it anyway under that -- -- a debate the Butler and I've played with it. And then and then -- on the that it wasn't on -- if there. -- press and hold president and valley avenue to and you can expect the nation to be. -- -- -- -- -- Edu and Obama and look at case there's about -- crime -- crazy and now -- driving me crazy but not. And it's of the -- nightmare. Left all play let's all play. I Obama. Senators though so blessed that you will -- continue to listeners. I agree a 100%. Think -- -- and editorials. And if those are infinite yeah yeah let's do it in and view a funny here we definitely that's. Says that it will not skinny and get it all. And -- -- -- a -- On a -- hi it's. HTC says that it is willing to negotiates. With Apple they're willing to sit down with Apple and tried to figure out -- on it going patent dispute mainly because they appear to be deadlocked. Both sides scored some sort of victory at the US international trade commission. In there were basically rulings on each side -- -- and make. You you around the years and they're just. At an impasse. -- let -- happen is earlier. -- less than a week after this company called ITC. Had a ruling that was ruled in favor of them over Apple with two patents. They are sorry the -- was -- -- graphics ACC acquired. S three graphics to -- have them as part of the war chest. Apple has been having a longstanding patent battle with ATC themselves freezing some -- in interfaces and Apple is ruled by the same commissioner. In favor of two of their patents so we have does deadlock. And pretty much because this is -- -- LA I'm sure if all of them had swung to one side or the other -- -- would have gone -- helped lead the person who. Lock down those four arguments -- said okay now He really wants only free because they're at it in -- they're too that you had to buy and in their mean in the middle they're gonna trying -- crank the sound ACC also had earlier. Is kind of known of percent -- before they settle with Microsoft and with the royalties armed with products over there with Windows Phone 7 and that's one of those money generators that Microsoft is still making more money from. Their legal battles and -- disputes and settlement with companies and they are with actual Windows Phone 7 at the moment. So ACC historically has been known for train to settle just so they can get this passed them. And clearly must have at least enough money to settle and then move forward. Well and it it's one thing to have the money to settle. And quite another thing to have the money to wage an all out war you know all -- patent war which is what will happen -- this point considering. That they haven't that there is no clear link is there's no clear winner on either side so this may be settlement talks might be the kind of only. Possible approach to get over this -- to be honest I would hate to see I mean it's a tough situation for its -- -- because they're already. Paying Microsoft -- whom -- and licensing fees. For each Android and it -- fifteen dollars a handset that's sold on top of the royalty -- that was what they -- reportedly asking from Samsung I think it's -- amount is a little bit lower but it still is a pretty significant amount of money anti hate to see them basically. Cannibalize all of their profits in licensing payoffs especially if they're at deadlock with Apple you know hopefully they won't give away the farm here but but. It would probably be better for everyone if they don't. Necessarily go to. Some insane war and having to you know -- on an injunction against your own -- to blab about. It is remarkable how much money and time and mind share is spent talking about this BS -- Yeah and also in the size -- that -- are we patents -- patents -- stuff and admit it didn't. In another -- Adam how companies are still. Trying to acquire more patents while we were gone while I was at comic con you are on vacation. Apple and cool have. We talked about the Nortel patents -- Apple grouped up or joined up -- the group kind of a consortium a lot of the hardware manufacturers to acquire those Nortel patents. Apple and Google themselves are now in in other bidding war. For parents from your digital a mobile technology R&D firm holds extensive patent portfolios for digital wireless. -- -- technology three G and four G again. These companies are trying to build their war chest. And Apple themselves there's talks about Apple even beating a 50% more than the value of these pads just so that they can secure them on top of Google so that they can use them in court in battle. Again I didn't bring instant you know let -- and repeat prior hands free. Culture of ownership but this this is just -- cost it is our -- and when are we gonna stop to enhance stories. -- I feel like every every day now there's one well. Because we are at such an intense period of innovation it's like it goes hand in hand right we're at this unbelievable. Stage in technological innovation right now -- the pace of change itself. Is increasing exponentially and people are coming up with new ideas every minute and it you know it's kind of like. It made a lot of sense in the industrial revolution when new inventions literally inventions physical machines that were helping to change the way humanity lived. Were being created. You know constantly. It made sense to patent those that that you could make a living off of them and you know trademark your ideas -- -- -- wouldn't end up dying like alone and broke like Nikola Tesla and the inventor of the radio. Now you have people literally. In the US able to patent the idea. Both thought and because our capitalist society has evolved to such a remarkably efficient staged. You're not only able to patent the idea as opposes the machine but you're able to have that big. This entire concept of like companies that only exist to make money off of the patents of ideas it's so bastard eyes -- -- nowhere near what. The patent and trademark system as far as I'm concerned with ever intended to be and it's just exhaust. -- an Indian Atlantic and helping me out with email later -- it made me mad in advance and off John in the -- -- that it is they've. Now well actually that grant -- -- -- a -- matter or -- I got to get those anywhere in the pre show I got to take a -- -- for -- at the GT three out for lulls in this morning just to get some extra B roll our camera guy really needed help. It's it's a tough time that we have here again as Harriet sole hard on our lay eggs on our spine when you have to speed bumps -- -- through those curves and -- curve on the on the Bay Bridge that's really hard on the body especially in -- GT three is a critic got a ticket. -- Okay so yesterday we talk a little bit me emails about Google pluses real name management policy -- people are getting increasingly angry about. Not just businesses but people who want to be anonymous or semi anonymous are suited him. On Google plus and they were just all furious that Google is saying right now we're just trying to set as positive tone not have anonymity not -- drive by hostile comments. Well now though apparently that -- has gotten loud enough. -- Bradley Horowitz Google's VP of Google plus said that Google will be changing its naming policies quote. As soon as possible. Yes so here's the thing about this is the change is really subtle but at least it's a -- In the right direction so what's happening now is specifically -- is going to be able to give users all warned -- And a chance -- school to correct their naming an advance of any suspension. Because we had heard previously that people's accounts -- Paralyze or just not removed completely but they couldn't get they couldn't use them silly -- gonna give you a chance to now use your real name it. What they'll do is when they reveal price profile they determine account does violate other policies like if it's a spam account -- their -- and shut it down but. Right now -- at least give you little hey can you put in your real name before they take up but that's as far as it goes. So. It's a baby step. I think people are gonna still have the same complaint another thing that they're looking at for people who like to go by and not a silly pseudonyms but nicknames. You'll be able to plug those in the in the other names portion -- -- plus profile. And then the people at their searching for you buy that -- and it might be too easy -- you know can be decent. Then I think you'll be so you'll be able to find that do that function as well but. I don't -- this really changes too much because if if they're not. Went and what if someone months ago by their -- -- I mean they're they're still not letting. People. Have nicknames on -- -- and go buy those primary they're still sort of saying you do you have to use your real name and that is our policy and -- -- -- that's fine when you can definitely. Argue that either way you know people a lot of people feel that anonymity online is a right. That they should be entitled to violet blue is a blogger for ZD net is is among those who is on that side of -- -- but. I think you're gonna have that argument all day long as far as I'm concerned Google plus is offering they're offering a free service NASA policies -- What they do need to make sure that they're not just like wholesale purging accounts because people have the same name. Like someone just said to me earlier that there are like six Hollywood's. Line. On Google plus and I would hate for leg of one of them is the famous porn star and pay for media kicked off Googleplex He says there's only there's a famous -- surname only with you don't do it. But -- -- apparently like doctor Kiki for some reason Chicago says in the chat -- Kiki Sanford who goes by doctor -- and probably signed up I'm assuming. As doctor -- is out. Off Google doesn't conflict that's not -- but that is that is her working name like that which she goes by Apple professionally and -- and I needed this is an -- -- What. Did they search at work today are gonna come -- in the door. Is nice. Is -- my -- I bet that goes I didn't do that Obama. Atlantic and is leaned over to the mega theater -- and screenings. Your forehead and -- No no -- the reflection on my forehead what. Your state I had a big ocean and back and now an -- and not year though we're moving forward here. Netflix story that has grossed more Netflix plane to offer FaceBook integration -- To -- US friends it looks like at the moment it will be only available outside of the US for those of you that -- Nintendo or -- America. And where it's also unclear -- that is amazing right weight kept -- getting at first. You can't -- -- Canada and Latin America apparently would get a first because of kind of interesting. This video privacy protection act in the United States according to Netflix. Discourages them from launching their FaceBook integration domestically now we don't have any details on what that immigration would be even that leads me to think. That it's an attempt to do sort of a spot I like -- where you could share your -- Or your recommendations or something like that that that. Video privacy protection act prevents you from revealing some information about your video viewing data. As a result of embarrassing incidents that happened in the seventies and -- No sorry and 1988. But so there are those that though local video rental store yet that's -- it started that's retarded so they're hoping that they can update the law with some sort of a clarification. That would let people give their consent to share their video viewing records via the Internet and then -- and Netflix can do that here -- -- Italy's haley's -- by the rules here. Yet one that's one thing Netflix is done -- a laxity the only thing they've done right with in the past. Two weeks -- harsh. Three weeks but. It's true so. Also yesterday Netflix announced a quarterly earnings. And that they pretty much -- came out and said you know let our price cut our price hike. Will clipper revenues we will be losing subscribers we know that and we're completely okay edition. Of -- if you just want to sum it up. Like it that's exactly -- -- it really get we're gonna lose money this corridor on purpose. And their shareholders -- They. Because they -- are assuming that Netflix will make more money in the long run. Netflix also said that they do know that it you know that it hurts them they wish they didn't have to upset their customers this much but they don't they really don't think names and or not that many people. They do have. Although people are really up in arms I'm not sure how much of the buzz town nation has actually decided to cancel their Netflix subscription -- having getting -- emails from people saying that there gonna cancel -- like out out there angry and -- -- also like. Ditching -- -- things off the instant -- you know like they're constantly using. Other movies and that's awesome to -- people often what might happen though we talked about the long -- run of this. If they are in fact because -- -- these plans even though they're losing people temporarily -- enough they're able to. Locked down those bigger content deals we've continued to talk about it that's the promise -- yeah you're gonna get because of this. You're gonna get better content deals which are not in place -- and that's why every was so mad because there was no. There is nothing positive about their message consumers we lost everything we had to pay more we -- -- are getting more content. I -- and now -- That was actually I mean I I was cavalier first but -- also the message an earnings call. And they really did say that they're bracing for a backlash and it's already started to happen -- shareholders did not. I mean I joked about the shareholders -- -- -- when Netflix first announces pricing changes their shares -- stock price actually went up because that I know you're gonna make more money. Yesterday though on bad news the shares plummeted almost 10% a step. Because they said we're gonna miss the targets that were signed by analysts and we are bracing for pretty reporter and -- Netflix is is unquestionably. Going through a rough patch right now and it's easy to blame them we've -- conversation authority evade a sailor will -- just like you prices but the fact is. They can't get these deals done and they know that if they can't get these deals and their dead in the water. This is this is a long play for them yeah -- got to do this in order to hopefully still survive let's say 23 years from now yet even if it hurts. To hail Mary pass a kind event in some ways because let's be honestly. Studios don't want is designated. They don't know they've seen how well they've done them. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And among the studios are apparently DreamWorks Animation. There have the -- putting the finishing touches on a streaming rights deal for DreamWorks Animation films that could be announced in the coming days according to sources. From my favorite publication in the report back. I feel like the Hollywood reporter. Rounds out our show every week. And with where would we be without the Hollywood reporter I'm running into any -- Know -- they're very useful Twitter being. Well total is there's other stories about it on drive final season that we won't talk about now and terra nova I competitors and Justin Bieber -- that five songs than inspire him. Where where -- anywhere where. We're selling pretty serious one analysts apparently at this what's. One thing that's very interesting -- is that there's one analyst who says that that meet that that deal between DreamWorks Animation and Netflix suggest that. TWA is actually losing its -- -- And then they are that Netflix may be a last resort. In some -- which is kind of interesting. We believe according to analyst. Do you get EA's position in the market is slipping as every major studio is now doing animation which allows HBO. To now get animation from all its other major studios and if it deals not -- trading it could be seen. As a major threat. This is why these and -- you're not helping analyst. It could be seen as a major threat sued him DWA is dvd. Paid TV and catalogs -- as we doubt Netflix would be willing to pay enough to -- that the cannibalization of these revenue streams. This could be as steep price for only two to three new films per year. We talk about steep prices also that Netflix is original content deals. Let us remind you were around 45 to thirty million mideast is but with some of the companies that they renewed with I can remember all the -- ahead it jumped up to 150 million -- type in -- -- -- let's -- a huge jump. What this analysts are saying -- that Netflix would have to pay a hundred million to 200 million dollars a year to broaden that the cannibalization of dvd pay TV and satellite that's. But the problem is. I kinda feel like those analyst reports don't. I mean I guess you could argue that -- in the studios never do that deals in the first place and the dvd sales might still happen but I don't think that the consumer. Is going to continue to purchase. Those traditional. Sales. Continue to participate in this traditional sales model at the rate that they have in the past I think -- TWA could be doing is making a bet on the future. And if that is a hundred million to 200 million dollar year bet and why. Not it's just so frustrating that these still have analysts issued reports that are. -- Hundreds -- 1000100 -- and that no you're doomed you're dead in the water DreamWorks. With that reality and -- and everyone here in the -- and people newsroom when it was how often or how many dvds or physical this do you purchase a year now. Compared to what you did five years ago -- I might be able to tell them on my two hands. My mile time and again I think I -- have gotten them for the holidays like well my kids once you know we -- -- bias like some of those crazy superhero movies on Blu-ray that I really just wanna have. And that's about it. That's often -- it's frustrating. The speed of -- competition for Netflix and -- studios and all that Wal-Mart is teaming up with voodoo. To Begin offering movie streaming on its website Wal-Mart dot com -- Wal-Mart acquired voodoo earlier -- probably around a year ago. And they've been able to leverage that sometimes -- often exclusive deals. Where when you buy a movie you get a free stream of that through the -- the new boxes -- the voodoo is integrated. With in TV -- and they have their own set top boxes and PS3. So this is just another way that Wal-Mart is pumping their content from -- and allowed people accident directly on their PCs. -- -- by the way it's the third time. That Wal-Mart has tried to get into the movie streaming business because today -- like that analyst over at Hollywood reporter. Have caught the snap in terms of what consumers want to do -- -- -- in -- -- -- its -- as early as 2005. But they just couldn't get any traction and because obviously with a little too early. And then they were it was followed by a partnership with HP that -- shut -- a year later now there sensing weakness in the Netflix camp in the movement and to thank. Smart gets it on stick -- yes. -- -- a quick break when we come back you may be surprised at who's trying to build a mobile operating system for the web the annual probably not be surprised. To find out what people are typing in their little browser address bars over and over and in a minute. I can tell you when you're listening to buzz out loud. Very subtle com team tackling -- standing. Was straightforward. Using the buzz out loud and no matter -- -- at some point I promise we'll start talking about the posting. I notice -- like no this is also present it yeah just like this brand -- bottom right and say whatever top line. Until the stories we talked about the -- a company building a new mobile us for the web what are you guys think -- was -- we had all types of ideas. Mozilla could carry a lot of -- Mulch -- Mozilla Mozilla Mozilla -- Mozilla. Done done done and what I really like about this. Is that they're trying to make it like the job of mobile operating systems a web based mobile OS that would run applications primarily on the web. Finally gaps they say -- keep web developers from being able to build apps that are in every way. The equals of native apps built for the iPhone Android and Windows -- 7. So this would be a mobile OS that's completely HTML five compatible. And the idea would have these mobile apps and restrain a seat more companies at least top you'll have more stories in this rundown. About really moving their apps over to html five. It's not necessarily completely there but that is the goal and Mozilla's try and align themselves to build -- OS that is completely compatible with that movement. And BD EO it almost sounds Google plus and not Google plus. Google like with -- Andrew it was like we want an open OS bring us for every -- and I think them Mozilla might be able to build a framework for this but I think they will find out. They just won a mobile a less. That's great but it's become more than that it's become an ecosystem it's become. -- you have to control those things to a certain degree yeah so if it's just a mobile us that gets access to a simplified apps. Yeah that's that's great but I think people expect more from their Smartphones and their OS's. -- -- I'm I'm not trying to be the Debbie downer but I like what they're doing it like. I like with the -- but now it's become so -- more than just a mobile OS. It has I mean I think -- I think it is admirable because you know I feel about the vice belly app this is right -- outlet suddenly stumbling I like the idea that they're trying to you know -- or break. The stranglehold of proprietary technologies over the mobile devices world it's better for developers not to have to re write apps to build to run on every single mobile phone platform. And try to pick the winner. Every time. I agree that the key is. It's gotta be easy -- of Mozilla build basically the Linux mobile phone operating systems and their dislike. Them you can do every wine -- The -- takes. A you're gonna spend to Linux people listening to people left to their analysis is like now. EU. I mean but you gotta admit that's a hard sell and is a hard sell because they -- what -- with. Like Apple and Google are pushing it all integrated experience and -- -- the police. And Google is you know adopt to that and now they have -- they finally have a full fledged media. Contents. Video bookstore directly built into the marketplace via which they didn't and that was one of the complaints. And on Android users like thank you -- finally have a media hub that I can go to that's integrated with everything. Ray and -- like a lot of -- -- the chatroom are saying about what Android was supposed to be an impact that quote that I read earlier was originally from Google. When they were talking about what they want -- and -- to be. But the fact is that once anytime -- the platform. That platform becomes a vertical you just can't you know in an Android I think was supposed to be the Linux of the mobile world war and they -- to an extent in that it is an open. Operating system that can run on any device and and is it has been very successful at that. But because Google has a host of other services that they wanna offer it becomes an integrated experience. And then as Google has grown up we've seen how. According to rumors how they've decided where a close look more closely with specific manufacturers to control the experience. Like -- honeycomb alliance. -- yeah it's that it's -- me it's a tough road ho yeah -- of those undertaking I -- and I liken it to that they can pull it off I really do like the idea of it's not -- to be thoroughly average developer. -- -- No matter. How hard. And every one is starting -- and an Apple has been a perfect example of the hurt that you can suffer. When you're trying to play in somebody else's sandbox as we talked about yesterday they finally have crackdown now on the -- SE reading apps. And we talked about the e-book providers who have caved and take it out there purchasing links from their apps -- being one of them. Now apparently Cobo and I here's some other. Manufacturers to -- other platform and other out developers Q Amazon knows that. Are trying to find work -- even though they've removed the app now Provo for example is. Already out of the -- announcing that its prepping an html five web app that will be accessible through safari on the iPad iPhone or iPod. Yet this app though won't be available until later this year but will be purely channel five so work across all platforms boom that's the goal. In a way when we are talking about -- -- the plot moving things forward to get to html five. Specific apps Apple is actually helping that happened ironic and if you think you know Apple is actually starting the movement. And you know it I don't of these. When I don't know -- these apps as silly. -- and you could syndicate -- -- become a triangulation or buy exactly they had to do that to survive. -- -- They did what they had to do but it doesn't mean that they're giving up and a lot of them are working on html -- -- -- that you're absolutely rightly. The more dictatorial Apple is with the virus developer rules the more they are pushing developers not only to other platforms but -- as -- -- -- which is great. Which is great for of the feature for -- and Mozilla's hopefully. Decent web mobile -- in her announcement things -- -- CTO told CNET in an interview today that Apple is in full control it becomes IOS apps that sets the rules unilaterally. And it could change them down the road -- the future is a little bit uncertain there. That this gives our users one more option Appleton says. I never knew it and now that it's -- development in in things you might not. No but are really cool we just plugged in this surveyed that are not serving this analysis. Of what do people type. In their address bar is yeah this is the analysis of the seven point five millimeter location bar inputs. So if you wanna know what people are typing in this -- on the through a feature in the URL fixer is a -- browser add on that fixes pairs in URLs but at the same time. This developer -- Christopher think -- Writes some of his findings of the top ten domains that account for 20%. Of all type domains and number lion. FaceBook makes up 9% of that sentence saying the next highest would be google.com at 3.3. YouTube at 3.3. Gmail at one point one Twitter at one point one in the rest trickles out but those are your top five -- surprising that Google's number two that. And and by a a far Mark Ellis lady B that's that's what I find amazing is that they're like a distant second phase but the problem I mean. That's insane but He you know what I -- -- Well I think it's partly because most people have a search bar. -- like I never got I rarely go to google.com. Actually search and consulting via. And but I have to admit but when it comes to its year and with control LF. But like -- -- that only ten times a day I'll attempt at an auto complete it would. There's some other fun stuff in here this one not so revealing dot com is the most popular top level domain for at 60% but then I like this one. It's needed dated as analysis of how many times people either -- WWW. Beef or. Savvy people that don't type WWW before the actual web site and 49%. Of users -- In leading with WWW. 51% of users typed in with no WWW -- likes and write down the middle. -- no you don't need that anymore. Well -- -- make that one terrible thing that's. For mobile. Terrible loss terrible also dot -- still make up police 63%. Of that the types domain threats. Possible. I think this attack probably. -- -- -- This chart I know it's a beautiful chart and -- the domain linked I was gonna get there but let's -- -- so I'd like you to talk about links. -- music and that word I realized I side -- NRA and. It's their fault it really did. Pattern and really no matter interpret that starting back a case that this is like that that their like are there's a huge bump in Long Island Australia's orient twelve character -- domain names but that's because the -- but. Exactly so how many characters and I don't know if -- is even useful at all -- as well. -- the link of the domain your domain. Twelve characters seems to imagine that spot to them if they -- cricket yes -- gets please let's get out and please. Moving. They let let let let alone -- it a -- twelve. Characters -- The quick hits the rim. Has created that their -- in their blackberries -- Unveiling in the very exciting we talked about how some of their phones were -- -- -- in support of their lineup but desolate details coming tomorrow. From Blackberry. I mean it figured. And since the ballot in a blank I know I've done now like humanity -- I was the enemy who'll. And it's well com have announced that is trying not to be a twelve year old. But -- -- announced it has purchased gesture recognition technology. And is about to integrate it into its news centered in chips which -- I'm an interesting approach to gesture recognition technology not just screen based select what winks and blinks zealots -- public and waves yet feminist. Yet it's not that anywhere that. I wanna do that on my phone they would they hope to create mobile devices with interactive -- user -- interface is based on natural human gestures. We've seen some prototypes of the -- and Japan where you kind of like you -- And everyone is gonna start to it'll twenty. Sparsely of that guy next to you isn't. Is -- he's he's not really -- and had. I still see people talking in the cells on the street and I said doctor on this phone -- blue tools. Also if you send it is stepping on drop box turf with their unlimited cloud search service. Drop box pretty popular but you said that there is that some security issues -- drop -- -- yeah I mean I haven't had a happy to hear that there is some -- that there are some other alternatives. Getting into this based on limiting cloud storage space has -- like this and an evidently wildly insecure link it's just trivial to break into those. To their systems and also -- They changed their -- recently and and now gave themselves more ownership over the stuff that you upload not a good thing you send it you probably you. You send it has been used I've use it if you have attachments that are too large to send your email. But now they're offering the service with unlimited storage it's going to be 1499. Per month to use a limited storage. Cloud in the sky if you compare that to drop box though. They have a two gig free plan -- nine NE 915 to five -- plan excuse me. But then there 100 -- plan for drop box is five dollars more. And only offers a 10000 gigs so. Drop but you send it sorry you send it at fourteen -- and for limited or drop box for twenty bucks. At a hundred gigs -- where would you -- friends I mean come by. Less than you can just and people useful little linked to the the -- of your -- It's. Direct -- I like it let's -- science news please. Once again according to IO nine dot com there is -- Excitement in the physics community about the possible. Discovery of the higgs Boson. The god particle over -- she says article no just thank god -- you. It's a violent video at -- -- got elected daddy at the daddy particle and a lead there and everyone still trying to find. Every now identified out of high level -- to carry out. That. It's not elaborated on the -- on this anyway. There have been experiments recently that haven't. Detected some intriguing. Possibilities both at -- -- pattern platter and ad firm labs tab and turn on so long time ago there was like something that happened with the. -- collider and they blamed it on people from the future coming to. Commit to stop it totally went away when you're dead serious I don't have -- -- not to say that's my -- it later on people in the future they did. Yes and they said particles from the future might have. Well now and I heard it was lake. Recall it -- You know like political like -- XYE. I dare I guarantee you that the scientists and artists -- After. I -- did not. You any kind of statement saying that people from the future king of data that -- is right we talk about how the -- -- bird -- that fried part of the large. Hadron collider that happened. There where people there were people outside. Of the just outside of not designed to involve -- -- cern scientists or anything who were speculating about the possibility that particles from the future. -- of commonly prevented it. Then but there -- and thank you Frontline there was a discussion up particles in the future coming back to prevent themselves from being discovered. So now though -- now there's basically. They these experiments have picked up fluctuations. At certain energy levels that might just be the -- now these kinds of these things come up a lot -- -- like. And -- scientists we don't talk about it. There's nobody really wants to put their reputation and liners say anything and more but -- it's basically like chatter right now there's a lot of chatter. Yes in the science beer about the possibility of getting closer. So these energy levels they expected -- you know their hopes was that they would find some -- at the 140. -- a -- do good electronic Digg electron volts right but they found some fluctuations at 145 and another at 250. So now they're like okay -- they're starting to narrow. The energy level. Of where the Jesus particle might exist here I found the story is from Fox News and all that -- adults. The right direction that's and I and. Sciences -- say that there was some future particle -- yes this nature that was causing it doesn't happen some sort of weird future time continuum in nature was -- it was like you guys I don't know it's funny yes says that we did talk about that we did talk about the theory and it was these Japanese scientists say that. -- not. Danish or not. From like a Japanese university from -- Japan -- a camera. And they they don't work at pillar tenor and and how it but -- outside but -- theory which oddly. Is not implausible considering all the weird stuff that we're learning about quantum physics their theory is that the particles themselves are sabotaging their and -- I like to active people from the future sabotage. So the thing about these fluctuation only that -- is the thing about their fluctuations that they found is that they're at the to signal level which is to standard deviations away from it has been random chance really when they -- when they want us publicly say this is. Definitely a certainty that discovery has to reach five signal levels of certainty Dahlia -- rain -- around 95% but that's. If your science that's not convincing enough -- I need a lock it down to 99.9. 9994. Before even before even that even that it. And even then they would facility like. It's called simple rule because that's a discovery like this would be -- President and I mean I'm president -- kinder words strong enough for -- for Howell. In amazing it would potentially being so. I think the theme song for them to try and find the higgs Bose on. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And them stop it has -- an additional. Review those cricket storm -- -- -- really stupid let's do our elements in the back. I -- that Florida. It's the nature -- have in -- Our eyes still on me on this show like Italy right now now now please and delicate and it. It deflects the -- for me it. And I our first caller wants to alerts me. You that the gauntlet has been thrown. Able to use it looks districts like -- A colleague bought them are cool though what would lose. About. Brandon Watson senior director of windows slow decades gear and our old. -- That -- world windows world -- so we do it should complain about her -- -- -- for awhile now. Just Google. What it. -- -- -- Just do it just do it -- I am amazed at how this totally picked up -- so the other day diet. Complained online about how I'd taken my -- stupid Droid X today. Should it hold on to that. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And and -- -- a hard reset on it because the gingerbread had broken into badly and then like three hours of tweaking later that thing still is -- a little bit clunky but -- get there yet. So I drink it and that I get this response from -- and who is an. A developer and entrepreneur and kind of a Windows Phone 7 -- Angeles he's been brought on by my perspective Angeles windows and haven't. So we offered me this challenge and apparently is offered it to other people including. Scott Adams the creator of the Dilbert comic original big blog post definitely art -- -- If so -- -- -- and a phone running mango. Mongol army to try out -- -- -- Scott Adams has also accepted the challenge and we are and I'm a blog about my experiences with -- mobile phone model and if I don't like it and you all know me. Like you know that I am difficult. And this is partly I'm hard too pleased when it comes to trust me know if I don't like it. -- -- that is not linked to. I don't like the -- He will donate 1000 dollars to the charity of major. This like. I gotta say it's pretty bold and he's doing that -- basically just kind of like looking on Twitter for Internet liberty in new. Who are unhappy with -- And trying to get them to slips to management. So we'll see. You I'll be able to -- -- -- -- it I'm Molly rants and just you know. If you little updates not on excellence now -- knowing it's -- anyway I have thank you for that -- and I haven't backed. Expected which should I accept -- except. -- right let's listen voicemail content from Chicago who wants to give us a reminder. Of what we should be really focused on this button. Or are true this is from Chicago calling to remind you that this -- -- interest from the administrator appreciation day. So it's trying to get your kick in in -- prepared and ready and -- the the whole world. -- an administrator appreciation day pranks are -- Let me guess all the world your system administrator I think had actually like started or is is hugely involved if He comes every year. The -- to let us know that come and so now I'll just took a little again. I think that's -- and use the -- and then have -- in -- -- now -- up here. Although -- -- so annoying it's more knowing that my voice. Our -- on the emails this one's actually -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Adam west was -- not the first actor to play Batman on screen. There were a couple of theatrical Batman cereals produced in the 1940. One starring Lewis Wilson in 1943 and one with Robert Lowery in 1949. Their may have been others. This is not in any way -- to Adam West who in many ways perfectly captured the essence of a crime fighting airborne mammal. He did after all star in the first theatrical -- -- feature in 1960. Thanks for not leaving your name on emails well -- I would destroy you love. Anonymous. He tied -- fighting you but I may I make mistakes -- -- you make mistakes in your life to pick. He gained I don't value I don't -- -- -- -- I don't call -- from that's -- but He was the first to showcase its nipple so the bad. I'm -- talk about that on -- or after the show. Let's look. At -- I won't talk about nibbles. And -- really. It was on the show improved and pulled that can be. The most active let us know. And then demand and then name them live. Let's drill. Was read about -- -- -- is -- Droid really sorry to hear about that I can understand why the iPhone may interest you but. You get that once you have to update your Bose sound systems and iPhone 530 pin adapter won't work the previous thirty pin adaptor -- And you'll need to repurchase all your songs in iTunes and use iTunes. -- the cell phone no I feel so bad. Matt the Linux geek -- I don't. Hey ripped -- all analytics -- -- and their two listeners that means there's only one more left. There's one more left. Matt we love you you're not just joking about the whole Linux thing you know you're you know -- part of the minority of today and that is awesome and also -- areas because that is -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I hate that thing eight or stupid dot Apple didn't like -- dock connector and He was narrow on the -- it looking that. -- mainly because venture. -- you have to actually aware when used that button. I'm a little too into apparently furious it's it does work now I'm trying to mumble and felicity and I'm excited actually did try a -- -- -- tweeted me about this because yesterday we talked about spotted -- and -- -- -- had pandora like features. They relate to -- the. Perhaps yeah the disease might be going only. It will not the software not the software at a hardware is is going -- them. Also with the new -- you actually have the -- re download all your songs from as long as iTunes existed. Just like to know I mean hammering the VoIP app now -- -- want template all of the music that I have not on the way Mara amendment -- between all know without a doubt and I use that religiously yeah I'm an iTunes I mean Amazon person I'm fired appetizing -- pressure. Steve break in and says here comes buzzed through the march of celebs to Google plus just like Google wanted. So far I've seen verified accounts for -- -- and Miley Cyrus Kylie Minogue and Whitney Houston and -- represented by the immediate. Of course I don't think -- need to tell you what this means in terms of the big picture it's only a matter of time until Google plus is no longer beaver verified free. Break your selves early adopters were about to be crushed by the -- that has overtaken almost every other social network created by man -- thoughtful intelligent -- plus discourse. Hello believers. -- I really just. These daily topics will include endless Justin please let me -- annual -- multiple 5000 comment posts about the intricacies of his do you. It for -- bright shiny -- we were able to stave off the water of the Internet that is Justin Bieber who finds -- way into even the smallest crack in a social network. It was fun while it lasted. -- Made us the very yeah sign that. -- Here. You are believer now if you guys believe in our show. Today is a bit of -- believe. Buzz buzz out loud I have -- have Philippine governments and actually how you could take had a personal habits. I'd be all that cnet.com. 806 when 66 and in -- -- always read from recently due. So that's I'm what are your -- is gonna -- a little math game like it's hot. Exponential growth chart and all the way that BD can bind to offend every single member of I think that. You know -- and blocks on the same. 806 -- 63638. CNET. Email us at buzz at cnet.com. And eyes wanted to ask you a real important questions -- we go boom Brian Tong dot com is a nine character domain name. It's nine long is a good enough from only. -- You prefer FaceBook twelve endeavor for African. I think it's -- time guys close your eyes pulled on the drapes turn out the lights. He didn't speak -- or maybe.

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