Ep. 1513: The FBI is coming after Anonymous. Run and tell that.
Ep. 1513: The FBI is coming after Anonymous. Run and tell that.

Ep. 1513: The FBI is coming after Anonymous. Run and tell that.

Today is Tuesday July 19 2011 my -- Stephen -- -- Italy and -- whole race in the house I am Brian Tong and welcome the -- sellout cnet's podcast of in the the -- -- -- today is episode 1513. I had left and I just -- -- -- -- to this crackled and died and now you're right so showed -- channels that. Now I he had right percent in in the left went away rate in the fifth. And I was surprised them. Hey guys you -- there's been some gremlins in the studio Stephen beat him back in the house back. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- So I you do an out of there and do to get permanent fix everything after the show and yet kind of -- -- I was at a time away people and people actually -- -- asking about Q what is currently there was lots -- I stayed at the Ritz Carlton love them -- over the weekend -- -- let me tell -- cement -- had drinks -- -- to compact -- -- seriously. You should not be coming back at all who's spent nearly Stephenson house Rafe created a return to buzz now allowed it to be here as town always. Do an actual work what are you working on right now outside of -- a -- I think that it nothing -- -- and -- reporters' roundtable. -- not humans in at risk and work on developing a new show I'll -- a -- new show becomes apparent campaign via -- we do you can even tell me money can -- little what does it look you watch my blog rates radar. -- -- -- You will get a handle on -- cover. And the show's gonna theorem that. So I anywhere they and the like and so I can even use that word that -- with the letter. I might lead to having something to do with new innovative companies. But I can't say more than just yet okay excellent however you like the sponsored give -- a call. -- -- but reporters' roundtable is still going on every Friday only next this Friday we're gonna be talking about future portable computing. Because we think there might news this week about portable. -- we might than placebo. But in the news today if you guys are reading or watch -- news big headlines coming out the FBI. Has raided the homes of suspected anonymous hackers they conducted raids at four New York residences as well as locations in California this Tuesday morning. In connection with an ongoing investigation into the hacking group anonymous. Sources have said there are no -- this accord to CBS news were -- but agents have seized computers. And computer accessories. Like U speed angles but that's. -- put -- -- they -- -- that USB cable great now that you mention what will be like somebody came out and took all your tech could be. It would be -- and -- sad sad day and a slate it happened to them. Baghdad an editor was the -- -- Jennifer it does not when they found the iPhone and they that they -- every -- his cameras is laptops. And everything is so also we have some other information from Dan Farber with -- CBS news division he he specifically. So this message in addition the story that US government officials have told C -- news. There's more. Than a dozen -- happening across the United States right now in connection. The anonymous computer hacking investigation. You know the funny thing is the way this has to happen because everybody's connected lives in real time -- anonymous is totally decentralized there's no as far as we know are the -- is there's no leader right so everybody. Kind of has shared missions sort of an old -- -- the real thing. So if you wanna take on anonymous. You have to take it down all once because -- -- -- down and raid one guy -- like. Beyond the Internet digital -- Obrador and his friend saying everybody look at it really takes a drill puts than their hard drives and runs. So they have to do it all at the same time which is really tough to -- apparently -- and -- doing that right now there's like. Black booted thugs kicking in doors as we speak. You know it's. Militaries to see how -- all shake out because weeks we've seen how they've had raids done over I believe in the Netherlands earlier but not been. I we don't know if these are related or linked to some of the findings of that. But anonymous -- -- sake of continued. There onslaught even in light of the news from today and earlier this morning law also act had announced that they were real plane in release -- a large email archive. -- how to hack on the sun's website which is part of Rupert Murdoch's family of publications and online website so visitors of the sun were redirected towards a fake story about the supposed -- Death of Rupert Murdoch who is very emotional lives of very much applies -- -- faked. Completely. Fabricated and made up yes it was a good an executive pretty good hack yeah that'll -- the clip but in addition to this. During their hack they were able to a -- it was one of the members of -- -- Released email log and he -- of the former news international chief Rebecca -- she was one who has overseen. News of the world we've talked about some of these phone hacking stories that happen over in the UK she's a dumb but he released her on her like information. And they've said they're planning on later today some time to announce the release of entire email archives from the company and some other interactions dealings this. If so if they've got Murdoch's email this will not and the although it. I have heard that he's not that technologically savvy it's it's Rupert Murdoch it. It got so but I don't know so so we'll see but you know if those if -- been has been talked about what he knows what he didn't know and when he didn't know it. This will not end well it was already going pretty badly we haven't -- on the show for awhile but what's your take on. Lol second anonymous continue to have these attacks is it. Is it helping their cause or anything it's becoming so -- -- -- cause I mean the original cause of of these -- what is the cause of anonymous. Anonymous is original cause it appeared. Was to expose. Corruption. On fairness and fat cats so so they would release documents like -- say they do from chemical companies or governments or. You know whatever things that that showed how -- Then people of the world we're getting screwed. And then we'll also came along and they did something else which was they were releasing. Email addresses and -- and hacking into services that were directly. Actually affecting consumers. So they look like the they were sort of the same -- -- really very different but now looks like anonymous is also releasing. Email addresses. Do incredible sticky type things I don't know what their mission is I mean it it it it looks to me like you're really is a loose affiliation because their mission on the one hand seems to be. You know Robin Hood and on the other hand seems to be screw the people at the same time since it's difficult and these are groups out. Were originally formed together -- -- was reportedly. A spin off of the on screen that read more in this insidious you know -- motives and then they decide to scale back and and of at least some of the numbers from our knowledge come back together form is one right we still see the fact tools such as cleaning this new one at this new malicious. Email attack or at least the acquisition of emails that they're going to release. It still seems like there's clearly some splattered. Goals between the two yes -- -- -- You know they had their it was a thirty days to whatever was a packing and then they resort themselves back into anonymous according announced -- thing amendment we have. You know the the the Murdoch scandal and alike though. They seem to be active again because that's that's just to juicy. A scandal and a layer upon layer of scandals the -- -- And is the take down that the British government misused in its its its a pretty huge thing -- if you guys wanna talk about also hacking maybe in the low tech way. During the hearings the -- Rupert Murdoch was had -- today. He does he was he was -- He he was at at at some -- some parliamentary hearings over the phone hacking scandal. Some guy whose name we have here. -- in hacked his way into the room and shaving cream. Rupert Murdoch's wife. Death to the di Leo went over to get it went over Asia -- -- -- -- -- spam. The protester has been now identified. As Johnny marbles. He took credit for the attack. All a shaving cream or -- and high in the face of rumor -- during the hearing before he did it he treated it is far nobler thing I'm about to do that I have ever done something to that effect. So he he -- telegraph. Not British telegraph but he did telegraph that he was about to do -- -- gonna delusional there was that we just one image that if there's a long history of out of pocketing gates -- pine Nestor. -- gainers as recently idea -- I have never been since I. Ray if you don't want -- you know you're dealing with on this show. In fact two -- reporters' roundtable topic. You Lebanon -- that Mac books and Android and Chrome books that Apple sold 32 devices. And home connect with a cut -- that makes -- great I'm wearing a part -- -- choked. Also in more. Evil insidious -- Microsoft trying to turn things around they were involved in taking down with with the FBI. A large chunk of the -- stock bot net. Recently but Microsoft is now in addition that because it's still exists it's still lives there -- -- 250000. Dollars. For the rest like botnet operator identity -- Is the app right -- for information leading to -- -- & Associates agree these are standard. You know if you're a chunk of money a criminally can never trust the -- sitting next to you because he's like. And WR and -- and 50000 bucks man. That's that's that's not something like -- -- I don't you might be killed but. -- -- serious money involved here and -- got you know underworld figures involved are no a lawyer. Who com was involved in taking down the last you know botnet. And it was the same things they're doing with the rating anonymous houses where that got recorded at all wants -- otherwise you know that some carry things in the opening get -- disbursed. But apparently you know you you put these what happens is you you shut down one of these botnets in which -- government on the scale until you know the last moment it was last year. And you don't really kill everything and you don't lock up everybody so what they have to -- after rebuild the botnet so. The nature of what happens is. That the the way that the -- starts to get rebuilt so instead of sending out a lot of spam it's not like it's not active it's like it's in rebuild mode. Were all the infected computers are. Trying to -- -- -- -- out there and it can for nuclear and quietly rebuilding. And then once -- rebuilt in the -- that's command apparently was in the process of being revealed. So here just for those of you who on May not remember this the in March it was knocked offline it was sending at the time something close to thirty billion spam messages a day. The network had an army of close to one point six -- million machines. The shutdown of -- by federal officials was able to knock knock that down number down to somewhere around 700000. Machines that are left still operating. The goal here for Microsoft is completely -- -- -- try to expose the operator who's running the show. Yet that's pretty that's pretty tough though even with a large prize like that is someone gonna rat someone out. Com. Who announced over in Russia that Russia. It's just part of English it's it's part of the campaign and is the first of all if if -- get -- information then it's worth it. But in addition to that it does wins when there that kind of a public county out -- -- -- -- it does sow seeds of distrust and slows down the way people communicate with each other. Even if I know that -- -- -- you know are bad than who'd like to connect -- who can just last in this role in frost nova. -- -- Sees. It and now -- -- -- guys who heard it we're gonna take a break here we come back. Google's Eric Schmidt. Vowing to defend it HTC to the death. Also more -- little nuggets of information trickling out for the real floor. Mac Phyllis Devlin by the time -- this maybe it'll be in -- hands -- -- Always a good thing when -- is bobbing his heads of the music. And we have never been able carrier in the name of your doing in my group around him group doesn't yet work on them and now. A day rate -- -- back here in the house say hi. I everybody they go also Stephen -- -- running the show back to the controls that have -- back mr. be -- -- be back also Mara let's get back the stories. Google's -- executive chairman Eric Schmidt says his company will defend it. And support key entry partner ETC in their patent fight with Apple yesterday we had talked about how administrative law judge had said that Apple's. Two patents that HTC has violated and two key patents are owned by Apple in he ruled in Apple's favor in the decision. Was a blow their stock dropped impotency -- led to if this is officially approved by the ITC which is the US international trade commission. That they could lead embargo -- TC products are coming over here Google's executive chairman Eric Schmidt says -- we're gonna do whatever it takes an olive. That happens report little -- This -- the -- this is the way I mean we have been writing this story this was Lotus vs Microsoft from the old days innovate don't litigate. And yet it is kind of used in it. What sort I'm looking for it's a little -- easy. These -- technical -- speaking about. Let's get it yet for. If grappled with these things out there -- but the -- -- -- they do have kind of -- point -- the iPhone. Was and was an innovative form factor innovative user interface -- lot of innovations in that product and you know when. When the Android phones first came out. You know you looked at and you thought well obviously it's an it's an iPhone constant conceptual -- -- Not nothing against global mean that what Apple did was it was a right yes I am not surprised at all there have been lawsuits and there will continue to be -- -- -- -- Apple and Apple is doing here I have to say. By going after HTC directly -- really really sort instead of going after Google. It's so smart. Because. They force and what that this follow on -- says that Apple Apple's win against HTC will drive for firms to the Windows Phone. Which is you know like splitting your competitive set up in two you know smaller fragments smaller fragments. And with Windows Phone is not I mean is as good as it is it's not so much -- competitor to the iPhone you know. Infrastructure partner ecosystem. So by forcing the developers through -- into the Windows Phone it it it it hurts Google. Very smart. Eric Schmidt threw down some words here in response to let it happen with the only to see Apple -- -- he said the big news in this past year. Has been an explosion of cool Android handsets in this means our competitors are responding because they're not responding with innovation. They're responding with lawsuits. Yes in you know do little -- -- -- about innovating completely rates well here's the thing right. We know all these obscure pans and people are trying to sue each other back and forth we talked about display at times -- the best way. For Apple to innovate here is release the next phone and get over like that's the way it'll index that what Apple really has to do here and where Google has been winning. Is to lower its price points yeah I mean and and selling the 3GS or whatever it is at 49 but -- thinking Gannett. Is one way to do this but really a broader product line that address is more different. Types of people at different price points for feature -- I mean that's the great thing about the Apple about the Android phones is that you can get -- cheap. It is utopia you and you can use on a variety of harder -- -- scalable someone more superior than other. But you cover all those different markets and that's what the rumblings have been with Apple what they might be trying to do in their next release whenever it happens September who know who really knows. On the we've been hearing about them offering a low end phone that will hurt their margins and it'll hurt there there are whose average revenue per user because people who -- lower priced phones. Don't spend that much on apps and media as well those with -- -- -- Apple's trying to stay at that high and on the balance sheet there which -- cents. Yet in just a quick fault of the story that -- was referring to with Apple's win against ACC. Some Chinese manufacturers who are -- been using or planning to use Android. Have reportedly said this is according to. The mainland Chinese paper -- -- -- first century business herald they've been telling them that their -- to look and add additional Windows Phone 7 devices. In fear of them being -- out of their pants much like how Microsoft start attacking. HTC devices ATC settled with Microsoft where they pay them -- -- royalty for every HC device they have. -- -- of the interfaces on their devices Microsoft -- after Motorola and several other companies and mics up also targeted. These small. Chinese manufacturers as well so it it's almost like these Chinese manufactures are seen what has happened with Microsoft -- need to see -- seemed happy with Apple. And it's not that -- siding with -- -- -- -- -- we're gonna go on a platform where we can still create lots advice is make money and not have to deal with all these litigation and losing millions or billions of dollars media. It's not gonna help -- Like you said the strategy has -- is -- is really is really clever or they're gonna get. Yet in its -- I I would like to see Apple really. Pick on somebody on size -- -- and take on Google direct yet yet doubt that would be nice you know he put a fair fight. Jobs -- Schmidt. Actually is a lead jobs verses surrogates -- -- it. -- it'll be it'll be -- three -- jobs jobs to have dissent is. Seconds. Fortunately X -- -- anti social raft of back and not much default -- Guys got -- society said he does he does yeah. Did it all. -- -- I like Paris are right jumping over to some Japanese and some of the rumors or. Really more what is in habitable now Apple -- -- retail stores been reported. According to Mac rumors to be receiving the golden master copies those OS-X on hard drives. There's even photos all of Apple third party resellers right now with thereby Ellis and -- signage are in place. It's inevitable it's coming in one of the details is that on the hard drive to load with three versions of normal version a pro version and that in a business version sweeteners like we said. The visual merchandising -- are there let you don't want to wait for line. You wanna get it now. On Pirate Bay the gold master torrent is available for download. Why not just wait like and and thirty bucks -- a couple of days. Why did someone think it was smart to -- to to throw this out on the BitTorrent agreement typically. Your whoever has a developer version of this of the gold master which is I'm assuming is the developer version it is the developer gold master. It's linked to your account there's I'm sure there's some tracking -- -- doesn't distort -- saying and the thing is. So first of all that this the hard drives that Apple stores are getting are for so they can upgrade their in store devices. To align because lion will not be available as far as we know on dvd anybody so that artery and -- dvds to give out I mean -- it's -- -- be a digital download. And all those digital downloads are gonna have user IDs that come with your account information -- though to use and that thing out there. And at says this is the kind of thing that Microsoft would should do because I actually do they they have license keys and everything. Yeah -- it's not that smart a torrent to put up it really does not -- summed it it's -- it's literally some. Smart IRI and army in other stories going on Adobe. We talked about how they had acquired -- assigned for their authentication and -- -- -- of virtual documents day after. They did that acquisition they're at the site and Adobe they're being sued by a company claims the science technology infringes on desolate. -- of their own patents this is Los Angeles based RP posts. And they filed the lawsuit. Regulated Linden they'll be by a coastline and international announcement was -- -- -- was a lawsuit filed today. And Adobe I wonder if Adobe Newman normally when you do due diligence for your butt to buy -- company you look at the potential land mines in the company. -- -- -- When Google bought YouTube there -- just they were buying buying basically a giant you know sack of lawsuits in you know and one -- did did -- -- DARPA was are what are posted may wait until all that's wait until it's a money bag and Nicholas and for receive them. You're probably did there's no there's always the game like those on the but I betcha that -- -- actually news and if they didn't. Then whoever made that -- -- is looking for a new Jabber now. -- right guys let's go take -- on the quick post of quick hits and we've got a lot of Google Earth. Now for those you live chat -- he told you about this before the show Google plus has now arrived on the App Store on Apple's wireless platform. But at the moment don't type in Google plus -- type in Google in the plus sign. It looks like you'll need to type in and it works. Search for Google huddle. Okay and the Google plus Apple show up for download. Yet the great tip there -- I mean that I had annoyed X I was looking forward. I did what apparently everybody else who has been hankering to get the Google plus on their iPhone and it. Is I saw the story and -- email myself the link which is a browser -- and fires up the App Store which worked on my phone. Which is an on the -- on beta on modified iPhone for yeah but apparently doesn't work. On jail broken -- and doesn't work on a three G and I'm not sure it works on a touch and I know it doesn't work on iPad which right there -- so I don't know why this thing so restrict. Did the article here says that it is aimed at iPhone and iPod Touch users I can confirm with you that it doesn't launch. On an iPhone four with the beta OS on it which is by enemy and that's why developers. Are trying to you know have their own devices they play with. But at the moment it seems like it is a little tricky but try it out guys for -- you -- Tells what to think I have -- pluses here I have the Google plus app on my Android tablet which has been out early doesn't work I mean it's not built for tablet looks like and it'll. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- The -- to get that the steeler. Yet it works it just looks like. The -- we develop for big screen. Also Google with their Google plus social -- is hoping to lure. Guess what your favorite celebrities to the service. Keen on moving beyond the ten milling -- plus users -- we're -- plan attracts celebrities and also working on some sort of identification process much like the verified process on Twitter that based their by -- all right Twitter stopped doing the verify identities -- -- I I heard that. I don't know I think so because people were submitted to many people -- -- and we were gonna stop offering verified accounts. But they gonna make an extremely hard to do so Google plus looks like one of the problem is right with impersonation issues there's already like. For five people that are Lady Gaga is on Google Tennessee which is not very good yet it's. They're looking to see how might they authorize a verified account Google plus -- and one indications says that they mites. Bread -- -- consult with -- house says Google's considering options for identity verification including. Fact senior driver's license. To Google that's a Google -- Google here's the -- deed to my house I'd just have that as well. So no thank you and it's like come on the idea you gotta -- on the better than -- itself. And you wanna bring -- front door key and gonna make a scant evidence and -- its global find out what the names of what the real names of many celebrities are now these days so. That's only -- looking -- it they'll from the you'll find my real name Diana. It's not exonerate guys -- is an eloquently but. If it is actually it's also for more Google plus information and use Google Chrome browser has an extension this is really cool haven't tried it -- yet. That -- your FaceBook and Twitter streams. Into Google plus this is kind of clever except all these cool new -- plus add ons are completely premature because the API isn't -- yet and that's all Google hasn't even opened in upper you know you're once. The API comes out you know I wanna see a tweet deck like thing four plus an integrated email. Other clients that'll be pretty cool I haven't tried any of these these add -- yet. Yeah this is for those you that is -- a jump on board and try and see. How well these additional -- it it's on it's it'll be useful but like rates at its really all about them giving us access to the eight. PI on another -- and use Baidu has signed a distribution deal with music labels. While we having this is because three know the music labels and online media and streaming is becoming a bigger bigger deal -- recent agreement to stream and download Chinese -- international music. From one stop China it's the joint venture with universal music Warner music and Sony -- doesn't include any independent labels it does not include. EMI as well -- Soviet ad supported social music. Platform that's all the -- of the new black. -- shows -- music. I -- -- one -- -- it -- went speaking of social music turntable let them know line. -- didn't just tell me you gonna. I turntable and I learned is you can be a DJ and in a room and help other people. Can request listen and requests a little and you can multiple DJs in the room and the more votes you have the more you can put things into the -- in front of you listen. Two at the same time so. Unlike pandora while both. Spot fines and or the big you know come in different services that have social will spotlight is that social service -- like I wanna watch with. Listen to what -- -- what you like I can do that and or -- listen to what I like based on the algorithm in turntable lot of them. I listened to things that you like along with other people at the saint that's chemical so it's really cool and social. Is that a start up and is a start and you -- -- ideal as I military I was snippy. Accurately you don't have a turbulent and it's such a hot music that I haven't I'm sorry Rafe I don't I don't know I know I know everything -- But you know that's cool and hip in this world that's clearly learned of it that's Arizona met its its no -- -- little service that's. No I -- -- they told me about that -- do you guys have an article about -- on. One -- you can also accident. The let them mentally dieted to your friends or something it'll show that they -- these gentlemen you can all be DTDs banks. Wearing your blue powder blue velour outfit that's right I'm sure we have an article on -- just not -- the -- -- -- that's -- no honestly -- you for that I'm gonna go take it out and it is our -- wear headphones around the office all the time when -- -- But you aren't I gonna get it he -- and says I'm so cool -- -- that starts you have you heard via. You know what that'll really make even more cool ray -- cellular and other funny thing about that bans and Jack bass also com. In news they're just gonna happen -- before we'd put our -- together. Read it co-founder. -- -- -- for real programmer and online political activist. Been charged with data theft is indicted Tuesday in Boston on charges he -- over four million documents. From the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. And. And you know plugging into. The wires there and and downloading a whole bunch of files. Which I mean normally when you hear about data -- people are doing it from their basements so not only do you have like theft of a property but now you have physical breaking and entering or. -- Like that which is really bad this is serious jail time here yeah he's why -- -- -- that's what's the motivation documents from MIT. And what how would they be used for her I promise that -- operates on a steel you know genome for months and -- Only guys that is that the seed company gas. We talk about us are really something really valuable of -- Howell. They got hacked the other day at Monsanto was hacked by anonymous little people a month -- -- -- I didn't know that. Leo Monsanto they own patents on life on seats right and -- days. You have to if you -- plant their their crops -- -- the -- By their patent in a lot of times the seeds like get blown to other farmers' land and then Monsanto comes -- actually have guys that come around and -- Test the farmland to see if any of their patented. Seeds -- in other farmers' land and if they find it in the suit Helen at the farmer's right there -- other money furthermore many to many of these this is a big this is a gigantic global political economic story that many of these seeds. Our are genetically modified to be non reproducing the -- until -- urgent that they're genetically modified to be resistant to certain pesticides -- and -- reproduce infrequently by them every year out quickly why that's right that's right that's right yes Alice's. This again this is -- this is a gigantic on develop ongoing in several years now. Story about global food chains that's ridiculously different -- roundtable. Yet you she -- that's ridiculous. The ultimate patched well let's look at that we had a quick hit with -- -- that led to another story with me did I hurt you like quick it's exactly if you. Thank you I guess if you are right I'll look on CU RB valley where you guys -- -- to hear about us but we hear from you. Right here comes voicemail to us from our friend Dave he says he saw an order for an upgrade from windows XP. It borrowed through that so Dave from CBS interactive social meant to. -- and you aren't getting -- Other extreme. -- ultimately just took in order. Are under eighteen copies. Of -- Stand -- and -- -- harsh -- recognizes that that's almost plausible than this so this is the fact that we kind of -- I believe this home. Dave people -- this is in response to the article where. Microsoft gave a killed date for windows XP. Which is about three years and then -- complained -- legality of -- -- -- are you ready Windows 7. But only services coming on their way into many other popular -- -- no computer guy it's not an -- an artificial Riviera are -- personal laptops -- and even snow leopard is it was an officially support and handle. And -- If they're listening and being from. -- -- -- I've been running -- as well you're not the only one and it. You're not alone if you you are not aligned its all right ansari emails a Sony comes to the burning Chrome guy hey buzz as a friend of mine -- -- -- the ten dollar month. Spotted by planned download the -- -- as iPhone four. And on the drive home deciding you wanna listen to -- -- -- his car stereo which features a two DP Bluetooth streaming. He came out -- iPhone speakers not the car stereo so he poked around and it appears. The app does not support HUDP Bluetooth -- -- that's a big mistake my friend has already dropped. The five month dollar month plan because of this issue unless the drag that is the that is -- bus now I don't know if anyone else. Only paid subscribers out there are -- the 989 -- subscribers. Let us know if that's -- I tried out for the first time ever come are listening to spot by on my ego way home yesterday on my own disease mobile this. News it's fun it's great I mean you have to pay for it I am I signed up -- -- -- and yes he would like a mother to forget. -- I sign up right off the bat and -- like this is this is cool now the thing is spot by. Our audio rhapsody. -- Zune. Shark I mean it's -- spotlight is really good but is not the only infinite jukebox service out there just -- -- do. I'll be the first it admit that I haven't X I did try -- party -- -- tiny bit I just and then I stopped. Rather different from your knowledge there of the social sharing features. Better and -- a fireman's differs are really the same -- playlist linking to modifies a modifies really FaceBook having yet I think -- is that this. With their own Twitter heavy I'm not sure. But I haven't I haven't used them back to back I was trying to put on the spot on the I was just curious -- a national hero in your picture our daughter read -- second email from -- Christian from Huntington -- scallop beach and I know -- -- From Huntington beats. I love spot a -- he says thank you so much for recommending -- I am up I am curious what the new iTunes rules regarding subscription services. Does this mean that spot by Apple soon disappear from the iTunes store I thought Apple was requiring a 13 extortion. Racketeering cut. From subscription services from app. App developers. It is terrible they want to kill all innovation from competitors who develop better products then made news. If iTunes offered the same service I would buy it in a heartbeat. -- One of -- -- -- -- -- -- -- actually do have more say yes okay Christian I believe. That iTunes. It does in fact you know take a third of or some hefty fee awful -- in app purchase -- so if you get. That's modify free version. And then you upgrade to the paid version and you pay them what is at 95 dollars a month whatever it is Apple will get their -- for that so Apple is. Which is substantial. So if Apple is highly unlikely to kill spot by because as more more people -- the more money Apple makes this the the thing that I'm curious they're unhappy about spot -- because it makes them rich so here's the thing -- by the app does not have any in app purchases -- it has linked its link to your subscription you've done through spot -- website. Com. I mean it you -- I buy songs. No you can -- out at the moment well actually no you're never I would never be able to because otherwise they wouldn't let -- -- live in the apps -- because any out. I've -- -- -- you and you get the free I think there's. Isn't there a way to upgrade from the spot by free on your mobile device the paid well what it is is. So where Michael -- -- your shops modify the only way to use it on mobile. Is if you have the 999 -- button that's the benefit of the nine -- and plant otherwise the free model is only you can use on computers right. So if you upgrade to the paid version from with -- You know what I could be wrong on this lodges and that's leveraged passion Apple will if they haven't already with spotlight by I didn't do that I got this version online and I downloaded and it worked. But if there's a way to subscribe. To a subscription service from with in an application running on your phone -- -- device -- every month. That recurring revenue Apple gave it back from that. I don't know if that's case with spotlight if there isn't there will be sued because Apple loves those they don't do anything images. Roland -- so. Well you know. This is a growth could be a web -- only subscription guy I believe it is but we will on Apple is not chemicals -- we will get to the bottom of it but while we get to the bottom of it home. We do want to mention for those you that we're listening yesterday and have just tuned in today. Buzz town was -- -- over the weekend won her entry in device invites. For the ad supported model your computer a spot by some people had been trying to get into -- and didn't wanna pay and like what's the brew with the -- deal about it. We have 100 gigabytes of invites in a white -- I think you know -- because. And it isn't an advocate at the same time -- it and it looked at them could top. My brain is dying in a -- if it sounds like a creature that -- in the bottom of the ocean factor trends like so and Hewlett liken it overnight to spot a five. It went well we do what we did as he was here yesterday. Send us your emails to buzz at cnet.com the -- needs to include. The song you would like Molly Wood to sing and perform on the show when she returns there are some great song requests than there and we will you'd use -- -- -- -- we've we've hooked up around twenty to twenty by people take some time for the animal out but -- That's kind of one of the the perfect sunscreen -- -- -- -- okay a last email here I guess we'll just throws when it for you guys. This one comes to us. From Nigeria I guise of a free clueless -- all the way from -- Africa just wanted to point also been. It's actually the Google plus app for iPhone which was released today on description of the app. It says Google plus can be used for my thirteen year olds and above so. I believe. Justin Bieber and his spans can actually get on Google plus. Yes this is in response episode 1510. Which says Google -- is -- free. Of the show meet Angel are to find another social and elk and you -- enough anonymous is making a social network and on -- Really seriously via -- they already have their act so the great thing about Google plus -- -- it's it's been like parent free I mean it's like your -- not on Google plus earth and sun on my mom and Justin Bieber fans they -- plus I'm happy once they're on a matter once you get the whole kid pictures those scenes and in its old. Alright guys a re thank you so much committed to the show always -- I always love avenue near its its not -- -- information. The juicy tidbits on -- -- you can follow him on reporters' roundtable is Twitter is -- -- He appears on a variety of other franchises and shows here -- I get around umbrella -- -- -- -- ABC news in. An interview rehearsed and it's like lifers -- -- and alive. -- -- In the -- no wonder you were in the sexy brown. We do it with Alltel to tie with Syrian embryo and -- the if they in his BC news and -- CNN that it now now I'd if you actually -- CBS personalities on yeah -- yet a general right yeah we were -- in -- out there and -- okay guys remember -- of the show notes and everything from today's WL that cnet.com 800. 616263. At CNET. Is our phone number we'd -- for you guys the policy and it just tells what human thinking about what's been going all the stories. It's kind of been a slower news tech -- over the past week appeal yes other than little Netflix shake up the current snow we Brady yeah pretty slow but at. In -- keep on -- and also as usual. Buzz at CNET dot com's -- email these are coming out everybody and we will see you guys. Tomorrow we'll have some special shows right we won't be doing them will be added -- a New York from New York the four of torture is gonna be doing buzz out loud and and on Wednesday digital city -- could not. About. I can't say that -- use hand that the universe is gonna explode says. But also mobile we will the team here won't be here for the rest the week will resume. The regular buzz out -- activities on Monday LB at comic con in -- It Lawler. Oh all right with you guys at the -- -- --

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