Ep. 1510: Google + is Bieber-free!
Ep. 1510: Google + is Bieber-free!

Ep. 1510: Google + is Bieber-free!

Today is Thursday July 14 2011 many -- meet him. I am reliance on. And I -- Molly let -- -- -- buzz out loud is cnet's podcast of indeterminate links in this episode 15110. They show -- and other -- -- I -- here generators. -- -- but it ultimately and Allen later. -- -- -- We get where we -- -- we're gonna power through. There's a reason why we can live that it aren't there actually adds huge news guys -- reason to list of reasons -- live today on this Thursday. Heads up in -- in notes plot by. Gently. Gently and our community in today's. And -- the show that spot by guys launches today officially in the US. Others -- against the program invite or you have to pay for their regular service -- premium but we had a chance. To interview the chief content officer tan parts he was in our -- so ago -- to be right now galaxy that before we even talk anymore about it. And the guy who does like all the licensing deals like you with in trenches to try to bring spotted by the -- Although I I gotta admit. In want to share a lot of us that it could benefit. Fairness. So I guess start by telling us a little bit about the journey here I mean Howell. How did this come to pass -- -- it takes so long -- you know how does it feel to finally have arrived on American shores. -- we're we're thrilled Molly TV arriving in the Vegas that music market in the world. You know Rome wasn't built in the day. And I guess anything worth doing is gonna take some time. But we're not looking back and reflecting work I'm just looking forward and we're just absolutely overjoyed to be landing in the biggest music market in the world today. They -- this is brand with buzz out loud. You have a unique you've been in a unique position where you're also big play with EMI who has won the labels are you sign and now your on the side as modify. However those negotiations really play out is is it. -- it. Nasty is it prolongs it hard is it easy because -- -- know we as consumers just wanna see the service come here. But you guys have to deal all the nitty -- how is that. Well for us it's all about the uses at the end of the day as well. You know -- We don't talk about what happens in the course of negotiations. Lot of things obviously due to do happen -- as for why the journey is taken so long. Well look. You know we wanted to be careful about the way we approach the biggest music market in the world leading to a lot of success in Europe. But we're not were not arrogant we know that the US is a is it different kind of place in many ways. Need a quarter what's -- is about is this amazing free experience that -- users invested. In music again. And we were very keen to make sure that we were able to that you don't translate that model and import it into the into the US that we had to be careful about that. Rights holders probably felt the same way this is the biggest music market world they -- to the delivery. But again you know we're not there -- not really looking back at that. You know. Spot if I wasn't an overnight success in Europe. Maybe. A lot of people don't understand it took us quite a while actually two to get the deals we needed to launch in Europe going on three years ago. So. You know it's understandable to everyone wants to approach the biggest music market in the world -- a careful way. And we're just really thrilled to have all the major labels and a raft of Indies on board for US launch of. And -- -- -- your coming in at a time when other companies are finally starting to sort of get into this business you're facing potential competition from. -- from Amazon from Google from Apple certainly how how to spot by differentiate itself what what it you know what's the was elevated to take -- for -- those in the US who are familiar with it. Well look. Spotlight puts at your fingertips. Basically all the music in the were older fifteen million songs pretty tough to do in Ramallah requires you to buying all that stuff. So simply put you know and without. You know being being arrogant about it we think it's simply better experience -- off then -- than the ones offered by. Other or services it's lightning fast if -- played with it. The access to those fifteen million songs is you know instantaneous in a fraction of a second you can be listening to on any song you -- be made it dead simple to share your music and music is one of those social things there is. So one of the first things you do when you download the the application. Is -- -- -- your FaceBook friends and within seconds literally you're sharing your collection. With all of your friends which is pretty great and we think it just offers a superior value. There is this amazing free experience that's -- -- really engaging. And and -- a pretty good value. Definitely now there's a lot people here it's launched in the US but in order feet -- getting you either have to get an invite. Or you can set up a subscription service either your premier standard. How -- people that wanna get in to try this out how can they get inside and play the spot -- because we love playing the new toys. I'm sorry I I am getting the sort of by sign here. I now. That I that I have to and I'm not go. At any rate will make sure you guys get invites okay. -- Arizona's -- tonight -- only -- invite grabbed one. Were for a few weeks we will be invite only but you know what if you can't wait please you can sign up for one of the premium tiers of service today yet totally -- we've already done that we believe the are -- big -- so -- -- -- good -- to degrade the -- -- crazy -- thank you so -- to get straight to the -- I -- we're excited. Thank you so much guys I think things like ten by by. It. Area out there -- have -- so in case you're wondering why we had to pre taped this. They I think that was like that at least the thirtieth in an interview that he had done just this morning like they I mean. Little -- there is years. In the making in the United States they are like. For AMD today. That they originally -- those album -- -- -- benefit to -- like a fifteen minute anyway. But -- -- -- for those of you or -- in but we're I was really happy -- messed -- by and we are definitely in attracting and good job Steve first thing in him think like last night. Gives them an email -- 1030 is like gag got the average spot apparently because you're an alarm in that's how we do it here -- down. The allied I didn't think it was pretty funny that he has -- -- -- like. What have we don't talk about first rule of the negotiating table at the labeled as you don't talk about -- and -- don't talk about bike club. Yet you do not talk about the -- -- and I bet it was a I think it clearly was yet but for those you that it had a chance to play with spot of by. You know we're not gonna get humans into the is it wirelessly -- all the playlist you treat you the app and throws them -- mobile device with you that without pressing the single thing yeah right this whole offline mode. Where you you don't have to do any type of plug in your computer it has every song I've searched for up to this point. It's been on the service but it's. It's a sweet it's really cool it's sweet and I gotta say it used about it it's a new toy of course but literally replace iTunes because. If you wanna sync physically your songs to it. It says don't have iTunes running. Let spot by beat the software program that -- -- I've I've -- -- some of the really looking at Tennyson plant and the Pilates is a don't when he is iTunes anymore. I just want to -- the -- -- -- indexing your -- if your movie person -- person you can still buy them directly from the device but it's. It's -- to be -- seem to see -- spot by really is able to make a dent. For that general consumer to take out. ITunes use. What I find amazing is that spotted by appears to have despite how long it took spot I appears to have negotiated better deals for itself than even Apple Amazon I -- Amazon and Google -- went ahead without the deals. But spot pioneers like Dell has a better agreement with the labels than Apple does mean the fact that they're able to give you that unlimited streaming and offline access. And the locker service and day you know I mean that is really. Pretty phenomenal. And I I think it it it has the potential to gaming you know 999 is the top tier for offline access and it's a little bit expensive to do that every month. But like we said there's the free ad supported version that at least can be the music player. On your computer I. I personally. The only thing that I'm a little bummed about is that the only way to be social with modifying. Just to some extent is the FaceBook integration that you can share I think when you're in the client you can share on Twitter and you can share elsewhere by Adam. I would I do you wanna see them have a little bit deeper integration on other -- this is because I'm migrating to Google plus a little. Exactly but -- I mean I do wanna have them and see them public broader sharing. It's certainly a great thing for them to have such easy sharing -- base but considering that amount of users there. If you don't have a free and -- how many able to get -- -- we are trying to procure some four. This current buzz out of listeners that means you gotta sell or re at least four so we're gonna barely -- -- -- for four so we want you guys to send us an email. At buzz at cnet.com. With the first song that -- search for and play on spot -- -- and will guaranteed at least get out for invites. To check out the ad supported model that's the only we can get in right now other than -- but he did wanna kind of go back on a point about. The making the deals with the music labels now we saw when iTunes dominated music labels gave Amazon. A better price -- -- part of that is their hold machine of advertising lowering the prices to drive more traffic through but. From the start Amazon had ten cents cheaper for some other -- yet. But it works in the music labels favor now to really distribute their content along these other companies and to prevent iTunes from having so much dominance -- Why why would spotted by people are asking it would why would spot by with the labels is spotted by a better deal and -- -- in the US. It's really to lessen the power that Apple has over their industry -- and so that's what it's gonna take and they can even -- the subscription plan and through the membership if people jump on if they can make a little more revenue we're timeout five cents ten cents more per person on per track. Then it works in their favor -- and they're trying to get as much as they -- to try to squeeze that blood out of the stone. Yeah and this is definitely the -- service -- Once you use it and realize that you can make complete list somewhere and then have it available offline breed and by the month and why is easily on any world wirelessly sync well. Available on your device like that is. That starts to really feel worth ten dollars a month if you buy a lot of music five dollars a month I think is the lowest tier and there are definitely need to be people -- just use the premium service but this is one of the use streaming services that IA. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- But we're gonna try to -- -- what we want you to do by the way it will try to get as many as we can now does not -- but. If you want one email us that was at cnet.com and tell us actually is your idea he's completely we just -- I thought -- seriously I guess. Finally settled well -- Never mind what the other way if you -- elegance it. I love you bears. -- Sorry your idea here in the studio really -- did you really we have been here awhile we didn't like a refrigerator and here that I just have days you know I had all this out here I was reading about the cloud -- part of an apathetic they -- until -- video and another I'd like blushing but that did that limit its. -- It really maybe get in and by eight is apparently cloud KL UTV Jennifer cloud there -- today like one of their clout park was with invites -- Spot as he could try that I think they're a little overwhelmed right now. And then. Now on interval and ultimately just that the just drop it on them -- monetary worth saying that one other way to do it it's just sign up for -- UK accounts. And then convert it to a US account and I'm thinking of him. You I don't know. This is enemy menu -- for the next couple days I -- side this is not fired up and -- -- and media and needed to get mine tired after the show -- and go play it -- You know -- -- looking at. Look at how them media industry is trying to evolve with digital now we're going subscription for music we're going subscription -- You know Netflix there. The subscription model is going to be a thing moving forward I think it's finally arrived -- -- it's finally time to people are just like you know it digital media it's hard to man and I don't like having on -- here and over here. And -- and -- starting to realize like. The power of the subscription thing. Are right at the terms -- the ship these FaceBook page is giving away premiums sixth month in one cent. They are doing a lot I have been modified but they're gonna be like the next new thing that you have an -- not reckless -- twittered me -- -- now from. This is -- -- -- that hey guys remember paying. Also many by the users -- active -- idea that's yours. I read there is other news going on today though does barely apparently Amazon at least according to people familiar with the matter. In the Wall Street Journal. -- plans to release its tablet. By October this would be the tablet sued -- Apple's iPad not an. Take up that content is not the Nook Color has released sucked away from them not feel like that we've talked about how -- that was -- that changed the game yet. Think about it you know digital books digital music mobile apps movies that's what they're looking to target with -- new devices. There were reports early that they were gonna -- to specific tablets in the fall but this says that we'll see it sometime in October. Adamant that I implore them concentrating their firepower on one tablet and hopefully not killing off the Kindle -- we've definitely talked about how we want them to keep in the proposed to -- it. But man. In a note -- these rumors started coming up we were definitely like look at Amazon does a tablet they. Even more then maybe somebody like Google. They have got the content back -- -- like they really have ecosystem to back up that can be pretty interesting the report says that it will have a roughly nine inch screen and it will run Android. Unlike the iPad though according to -- the sources it won't have a camera. And uninteresting. You gotta wonder how much you need I think I think the camera features if they don't have an integrated -- or popular service and everyone's gonna use. It's it's -- meaningless. Other via the rest of the report goes on -- -- that Amazon also introduced two updated versions of the black and white Kindle and one of the new Kindle will have a touch screen. -- need to do that because there's a reason -- -- and yet totally hypnotized Green is hot it's also update. Like anyone is not listening to this live discreet anyway but Chevy is -- out of invite. This is at the patent regarding -- -- -- -- I invite didn't -- they had four because see each account that signs up for. By forget about or invite -- such a great marketing play that really -- Buzz out loud has invites it'll tell you how many ol' wear out it was so popular that all four of our invites went like that. We have some. -- -- I there's also speed -- SE reader market heating up apparently Sony -- -- even. If it although I mean -- market between the net in against them. But apparently Sony is gonna try to get back in the game have been updated and upgraded Sony Reader which will be priced at 180 dollars no. To 300 dollars know. No. I mean when the solid negative the negative or things of a market that -- 140 that already do the job we we need the 99 dollar price that's the sweet spot but. Once it -- there during this Black Friday Hampshire. The Kindle -- -- can have 99 dollar promotions via an everyone's gonna go bonkers over those but I couldn't wait. No I know I -- I mean but a 180 you're gonna Sony -- Oh dear Sony -- a little advice from last year which haven't pulled the trigger an as yet I don't think don't. But if you want to compete in this market because it is hot it's gonna get hotter. You need to come out and and in and out of it or something under 140 -- -- Gillis the that regularly denounce Sony your -- -- -- -- premium anymore. It's true and that absolutely enter added I don't even need to know what the -- I don't wanna -- -- I am telling you. Need to -- nine member or don't Sony was doing that whole recent real -- of how there looking to make waves in other markets in because they're TV industry is under. And because Sony still relies on that whole brand name that doesn't have the power yeah finally -- -- they've lost a lot of market share in -- They gave like a sneak peek at those new Mandarin tablets that someone asked you this -- -- yesterday people. And I gotta say we did -- make in the line up to. Oh I mean really -- -- -- like oh yeah really -- tablet Aslan has do you. Now -- -- -- a budget. No budget -- go home. Everything secret break can really do -- and though. When we come back Microsoft is getting into the store business all over again -- -- son -- Netflix users say that they are going to wait. And -- girl power. -- Welcome back to buzz -- allowed ladies and gentlemen boys and -- children of all ages Molly Wood in the house. Hello act like about your ticket and can't read -- -- EM and they are all paying attention was that girl's mother children. Are children of all ages and -- proudly presents you the next story. Microsoft. Looking like retail might be a good idea to get into Microsoft is planning to open in the 75 more retail stores in the next two to three years really to help polish. Their new product lines moving forward Windows Phone needs a home and to really showcase filled up that we -- They are we like what we see -- they really need to get those out there also. Putting out I don't know how much is gonna help -- connect market because I really feel like the connect market has done its job with the whole word of mouth the product has been able to speak or itself. Will they really get a huge spike. Putting these demos in the store surely but the look at him play but I think a lot that market still has little room to grow but a lot of people jump on -- very quickly that. Yet I I really think that this is all about their mobile product that's about pushing windows phones windows eight tablet when they start to come -- and when he 120. Already. And and finding a home like you said for those for those specific particular devices and in -- -- People -- -- speculated that these would be places for Xbox and for connect but like you said they don't need to. They don't need to push that what they need to do is -- those windows phones out from behind the counter at the Verizon store and give them some place that they can really showcase them and show people what they can do. Yeah a lot of the planning of the location focus of their stores is gonna be planted up in the north -- area of the US just because that's where they really don't have. Much of a presence at all you see some. In their -- some activity and of Florida and on the West Coast but north east US is really where they're gonna focus so it inching to see how that all shakes out. And get an idea I mean really at any got to get -- actually think the Apple stores Keller. All it's like of the killer experience and that's why -- it's helped Apple with their markets are so much -- -- can lock in that story can by paying to get help in math questions like. Is a big risk when they did it at the time too deeply scores were closing down yeah and ambulance like -- -- -- the -- -- -- but it it's worthwhile for them. Now I'm pretty sure that I was one of the people who like. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Netflix continues. To be the whipping boy of the Internet at -- I can not leave their grades. -- And I can believe in it gets worse it gets worse the reaction as we know -- -- social channels reflecting fears tens of thousands of people have commented on the -- -- -- it looks like 96%. Of those based on an informal sampling that we didn't have that CNET. Of those as the time to come down hard on our guys where we're safe distance. I. 96%. Of their responses were negative I mean that's pretty self selecting but it looks like people have started to decent surveys. And users that the how many of them actually planned to leave the -- the real question yes so there were two surveys done online from independent web sites that found about 41% of subscribers -- to -- discontinue their account but CNET. Did our own informal poll. We had quite the significant sample size of 171000. People not 56. Africa for its but Martin's. But our our poll. Results were 16%. Of our our of our respondents said yes they -- already. Canceled their Netflix then interestingly enough 55%. Said they don't change their mind by September 1 and I think that's one thing we forgot to pound. Is that September 1 the date that this is gonna be effective rate so it's not ruling out yet. Netflix does have a little time to maybe massage this and figure some compromise -- I don't think they will. -- ignorant -- there with their -- hilariously like Wall Street has responded super positively -- cracked 300 yesterday yeah like you're -- they're stock prices up. If you -- like you need to make more money. Do you need to be more viable business option if as long as your subscriber stays so 55%. Of our respondents said they won't build change their mind they don't change. -- mine by X ten -- if they don't change their mind by September 1 there are going to. -- huge jump. -- in a business insider -- 41%. Said that they're going to cancel in a geek wire pole 33% said they were gonna cancel I mean it remains to be seen I would be. Frankly a little bit surprised that people really truly canceled. Although I have seen a lot of sort of sober minded people that I nobody even on base but that in -- -- -- -- that's not you know it's not worth it in the -- that selection isn't there -- never. Unfortunately have never been the guy who -- the dvds in the mail it's because it -- -- -- -- so -- stuck with the streaming. But I think once I run out of the TV shows series the locks that I'll be in trouble. Because on a look at the -- select them like no way at least he -- on the great TV series like lost. Prison break on my dash -- -- two episodes last. Of season one of prison break I'm about to explode -- they're -- what's gonna happen -- on -- -- -- -- -- -- -- tastiest bits and it looks good really. They'll tell me what happened I just doesn't have Dave thank you Tara for planning -- the Netflix has tanking today. -- down almost ten bucks today although it looks like the market overall it is. Totally disasters and not another add another we can blame the backlash that debt ceiling its debt ceiling worries app. The premium -- thought up -- Don't get me started I have a I have a politics circle -- look -- -- -- -- there's only a few of you who need to know this and need to hear the casting and like. It takes those lines overlap the politics in the -- -- there's a lot of Netflix and NBC though -- speaking of those shows on Netflix will still get some NBC shows they renewed their content deal. So and they've ensured that programs like the office and 30 Rock will still be available even mobile. They'll cost more -- common -- -- -- in Saturday give us the real numbers of how much they've increased the price of their deals with -- studios. I'm really curious because there's -- and it's -- on all over the place. But ultimately liked their previous arrangement with NBC was this amount of dollars now this is how much it costs in the new air everyone knows how much streaming means that yet -- That really needs to you and we said this yesterday but -- view we need to come out and say and respond to this can be like well. This is I mean I know that it clearly the content providers have it as ever apparently think that Leno can -- reluctance to talk about and licensing. Negotiations is is obviously. Represented a bit of the fact the fact that this is that. Highly touchy relationship right but I still want Netflix come -- -- like. These as a rape and click here you know or or. They want this much and that's why we have to do it clicked is really -- it in -- -- of the people were responsible. Yet that Netflix is in the middle and they really -- set that. Let people know that we wish we want to serve you consumers but we're stuck in this middle place. Where where we're beginning pulled from both sides generally sell us that right now it feels more like Netflix is screen of consumers. But they need a really position themselves like we're in the middle trying to deliver this for you and we are the ones that are getting -- -- and you're getting screwed because. Yeah I mean really like they need to do it -- for PR at this point. Because the fact that they are now available for streaming on the Nintendo 3-D S it's not quite enough although they are now I don't. I mean that device and really sell that well let's be honest but it's good that Netflix is on there -- amen. Payment no no 3-D content. They got -- but -- -- with three yet did I mention that I can now hear audio on my radio can. He became known until I can hear audio my right here because I went to my headphones around the I have the right in the left -- and I set it and it. To that I was like. Amber -- -- government and you pick our your headphones -- don't know -- That argument is that can't and that efforts that Jeremiah went out and rant about it our when you went to had phones on the same time now with all that -- yet -- -- -- DJ gets backed Clinton also -- your time -- being able to get access your media everywhere ultraviolet. And a few guys remember this or heard about this. Is ready to roll. Is this new standard but that's where the digital entertainment content ecosystem -- completed as backward it's gonna be a format. Which will enable you to for example -- today purchase a movie on a Blu-ray disc at my target. And has a digital file that also allows me to watch it anywhere -- from my Wal-Mart TV my -- box somewhere else it's a standard. That of course. Everyone has -- jump on but that would allow you to once you buy a a piece of content once. You'll ideally be able to use it. Everywhere in theory in theory -- it's so let's be clear on what it is it is they DRM system into digital rights authentication and cloud based distribution service but in theory. It would work like something like the Amazon cloud service where you know like you said you -- The piece of content and you can watch it anywhere buy once play anywhere in -- we've steam a content industry tried this before and DRM is usually almost a disaster. Usually I'm usually a disaster usually because it it often tends to not be implemented properly and more importantly the content is. Providers don't get on board so GigaOM has a good story today saying. It's ready and now Hollywood needs to make it work because -- -- -- common file format. Now at the time that it was announced. At least and I don't ethicist at the case although it is -- Apple and Disney do not support -- clerics. -- so. In our -- at -- unfortunately in our new universe of -- device specific content my prediction sadly is that ultraviolet is probably -- -- lake there's no way that they're gonna allow digital rights authentication scheme that would let you buy a movie from iTunes that you can then play on a. Rural zoom there's no reason with Apple's position and power with iTunes in -- in the industry right now for them to adopt -- -- they're not they really. When they say they're looking out for the consumer if every company was looking out for all of us here in this room and you guys listening and watching. They would all jump on board on the standard and everyone would be happy. -- there -- that both companies' shareholders because those companies' shareholders are like actually have content the plucked one device because what we really want. Is for the user to purchase a movie on an iPad purchase the movie on a peacekeeper to the movie for on demand watching -- Amazon. And not have any -- Netflix scrapped by the way and then also efforts in the gambler and how many times is that for me I actually -- I'm sure there's plenty of us here that already purchased the dvd of something. And I know the technology has changed but the we've ended up purchasing the dvd specialists or does the Blu-ray version of it because. It's another version or you had to buy it two times because it is illegal under the DM CA for you to rip your own music and dvd and make -- digital copy yet. -- -- -- That the that's on the map that -- and it and do is Alter violate. We'll see wealthy will see it -- -- -- Girl power Google's first ever science fair I'd actually love the story -- because not just -- girl but it kind of just amazing. Google held its first science fair and all three of the -- basically the top three winners of the science fair. Our girls ages fourteen to seventeen. Image the other thing that's funny is that all the winners did bioscience projects. In another link you know computers and it looks like they all blinded me with science. But it may way to -- creepy. -- and -- fourteen. I would think -- there. Stream those who won the grand prize for develop to seventeen -- one the grand prize for developing way to improve ovarian cancer treatment for patients who developed a resistance movement therapy. Naomi shot sixteen and ways to improve indoor air quality and decrease people's reliance on asthma medications and Lauren Hodge -- Teaneck. -- feel so stupid. It's cut -- and that she researched the effects of different marinade on -- potential carcinogens and grilled chicken. We let's as a Iowa because you want is to -- the youthful. And and -- or some context by the day. 101000 students enter the science back. While on diet and a thousand I guess there at that -- on -- regular public and let girls learn the hard stuff now. We need to let us do not need it in up we need to pick it up a someone -- you with marinated chicken the. The money -- I don't I'm -- the winners received scholarships internships at Google cern and Lego and then for the grand prize winner -- -- She got a trip to the Galapagos Islands with National Geographic Explorer. That's that's awesome congratulations you ladies and good job Google's -- to cool. 83 get a cricket was do it aren't you. Look out all you excited iPhone five iPhone -- fans whenever we're so tired of this but there's a job posting up points of the iPhone five launch sometime. Around August 16. This is put up on the web site or read it. Looking for staffers. So everyone's like ads coming -- off on August 16 it's not there unit prep you for about a week or two it's gonna come ons for. -- -- -- Everyone gets so excited like it's the official date it's a job -- hang on a recruiting site. It's you how it's gonna let you in the door that the united that it appears don't think so -- that also relaxed if you're still on windows XP. But only for 999. Days. Because -- and Microsoft has officially announced that -- date. Early knows that you -- see that time to upgrade -- asked. I. Kill. Here dearest CBS -- -- I only have 999. More days to get on the thick times taken doing doctor ideas about how I am. -- as -- may 2011 almost 40% of computers worldwide are still running XP. I believe it it would who is but if they don't need it they don't need yeah I mean it's almost three years away and that means that Microsoft will have supported at. Not phenomenally gap pretty us I mean one thing -- that does do right is legacy support even -- of the man in. Big time. And they better because that's where their whole business that that's where the random letters in the business market than it. I -- -- get into the feedback. Alright guys onto your a lovely emails we continue to receive them. Thank -- Robert writes in with neighbors through guys -- think you and they'll -- -- Bradley from -- -- Stuff the Google plus -- -- you propose he does email. Offer in for him living up to it Bradley -- finally have access to Google plus. They see both and I'll be sharing the wealth as well if you want you can -- viewers to check out my blog for details on how they too can get an invite. For Google plus my blog is I'm not gonna -- an industry that it is. Detectives and dot com. Stop trying to take away reviews from CNET staff writer Jeff has seriously at an -- happen. -- lucky I acute -- in. You'll get -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- black -- blacklisted me immediately. And refused to give me back my Internet service one strike and out. They would not explain what caused my service to hit the limit and wanted me to beg them to -- -- service back and left them and it waited three months the U verse and now U verse has the same cap. I went back to come to -- that because they offered me -- 300 gig cap for a cheaper price I -- out again Elena going to Comcast business because for a minimum of sixty dollars a month. They offer no bandwidth caps whatsoever. And that's a rough jerks. That is -- uncle Stuart you've. -- -- that you get in use and abuse. It sucks all right also this email coming to us from Jeff enlightening us a little -- Thursday hey guys. That's a quick thought about Google plus it doesn't seem like anyone has really picked up on its best feature yet. No it Justin Bieber. -- the age restriction of eighteen years to -- we've got a social network that is beautifully. -- free even a majority of his fan base can't join thinks Google and thinks -- well. You every remember that -- never say never that's Thursday after a that's a good thing I didn't know to about -- About Google plus -- it to be eighteen. At night like -- -- the only thing you do need India I guess that if we -- the Sandra gone on and you would play -- -- here at work and it would stop listening. -- not saying. You need. Saying -- -- deals buying. Okay I will I don't know the -- -- -- And it's in the Google plus is -- free and we are title -- this. That's enough the there we have survey data that we want to -- to yeah like yeah our survey ever. And he was so -- -- that -- a survey to find out what you guys wanted you may or may not have noticed one little -- regarding implement this. But we wanted to give you some other results -- the feedback if they use and densely and -- just the stuff and now. Yes -- here's the survey iPad to print it out because I don't have email access in my home so that's why I wanna do that the my house are not able -- -- state of Alaska and -- your mail and files is no. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Here is. Some of the stuff that we -- we got some really good feedback from you guys. There's some new segments -- Trout like maybe. Transit -- -- like cars planes trains automobile technology music -- Come people are asking for. You while music remixes which are really popular. While that -- those. Tech trends we're gonna try it you read since recent tweets we're gonna do is more minister comet mr. -- prediction mountain and also when I get video calls -- -- -- -- Nvidia calls we'd love to see you and the what you look like it -- That that he is threatening if you get uploaded to YouTube it. That's -- this -- you can send a video file that you want enemy now of Italy called. And then as for the most important question on the survey who would you rather easy Molly Wood -- -- -- won hands down. Big time. I did what. -- I didn't like Sony a little like good little chicken marks that they've made it inherited variant and create a -- did you have come at night. I I had. I had three votes for me thank you noticed in one of them was really -- answer with Steven -- the next day. And and a lot of people thought that The Who would you rather question was like an F Mary -- or something like that so we have been reluctant. To cut the -- so okay this person is. Ray and snack that's amazing. An easier and easier said that. He would like to her she's not sure -- who it is. Kiss Brian Tong and hang out with Molly Wood punch Brian Tong and -- -- idyllic. To be my dad and my mom for Steven -- Want to go out drinking when Molly would take advice from -- -- give advice contact with Steven Beecham merry Molly would give money tamale with. You my boss. -- Beecham. Molly would be my best friend cry with Steve -- so I don't know why you're. I go to the beach and Brian Tong play video games and Brian Tong and enjoy a romantic evening with the Hollywood watcher blush. How old areas there. I remember it all from one guy at the conflict and why -- while -- -- play for us but now you notice -- you want state. Just me and punch me but you wanna deal with you. This is the new -- the new world had fetish that is that is feedback I've ever we did we did discover that the one segment that you guys overwhelmingly. Despised above all else was not computer love. No actually do it lets computer yeah most of their respondents for the survey like computer -- you want you hate happy ending. -- well I don't know if you've noticed -- Catholic couple weeks here. There's been no don't have been -- when the funny stuff in there. We Canada's at a today and the quick hits album where artists don't public. Opinion and -- -- LS. -- -- -- Well but other what are some of the other prevailing trends that you -- Were -- we're also gonna try to like put holes in today to the blog -- to figure out how to do that we can have like pull the audience we're gonna have more gas like we did today spot -- which is killer we have been doing an -- -- -- -- -- -- nest area when the data institute the bomb. -- And with. The openness -- any saved up that that's the event and good. So yeah we're gonna try to do some poles are gonna have some games some -- contests and stuff so look for all that to come it's -- be cool. Our rights through friends thank you -- and now that's and thanks for all I could be -- seriously we are listening and we want to do what you tell us -- -- Yes whenever we can do that I think that one day of all the plans for obvious thing they want with it over time and again and -- But thank you and then I'll -- always -- keep the feedback coming in whatever form you want you can still give your ideas for the show -- at cnet.com is our email address. Oh yeah also you guys -- calls at com. This number here 808 and -- -- -- -- that's an excellent 6068. CNET. And you can also. Cnet.com and one more thing about that -- all for those you that are really sad. Just like I can remember whatever -- something this from the -- And a majority of you actually enjoy our scene that the 28. I was like I don't sing because they're able to give me like -- -- -- for it. But it once in awhile people enjoy it for some. Odd reason within even within reason and that you know let we're gonna we're gonna bring it back copy it I don't ever say never I. I'm -- I ain't. Right you want that -- that. You. Could. When -- -- that. I anyway we will see you back tomorrow and speaking of those email addresses. Send -- your computer the question. Would they -- the RIO. Yes -- -- -- again at night ads by.

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