Ep. 1505: Thomas Dolby blinds us with genius
Ep. 1505: Thomas Dolby blinds us with genius

Ep. 1505: Thomas Dolby blinds us with genius

Today is Thursday July 7 2011 my name is Steven -- of I am Brian's song I'm Donald bell and Hollywood welcome buzz out loud cnet's podcast of indeterminate length is episode 15105. And we are so excited and frankly I personally am a little intimidated because we have a special guest. On the show today via Skype joining us -- away -- the -- -- Thomas Dolby. You might recognize him from such songs says -- ideas about science. And up from you you may recognize him from a whole long string of awesome that we're gonna just barely scratched the surface today but it couldn't be better timing because -- -- Really interesting stories coming out today about a change in digital music sales and then of course there are ongoing debates about. Music piracy and distribution methods and and Steve actually your -- the year. Yes -- is the on going off them came up with a great idea of how mr. Dalmiya thank you for joining us today thank you needed. We're totally does because -- over -- where -- exactly I -- not exactly like address. In an entity that. Where are you you -- -- as England's. Right on the beach facing in Holland and Germany -- -- And then in addition to and then that makes -- -- -- -- their friends and having -- here we're -- really don't. -- -- -- -- It's -- -- and it's Peter Cleveland for a change. And admirably well thank you again for joining us and an act as if but the evidence awesome list and of stories that I wanna ask you read up about DD'S_D. The Nielsen reports today that that. Album sales all album sales of digital music are starting to creep up and -- the first increase in album itself since 2004. That's that's good to hear. I mean -- you know you listen to reports like Nielsen or read a magazine like -- -- you'd think that everything was was pretty dial up but in fact. We can talk about this later but I think this is a great time for a -- musician sound for music fans. So so I was wondering. Your view -- in the music scene in your in your -- like sharing your music online and everything. So what what sort of music distribution services are using now -- like post your music for your fans to listen to or just to -- network with fans stuff like that what what sort of sites are you using these days. Well I mean -- in -- since I've been I've been working on this new album for a couple of years and his first album in twenty years it took a lot of time off in Silicon Valley running beat nick which is my startup company. And some in the last couple years as I've been -- writing and recording the album -- then. So live blogging using FaceBook and switzer and so on to -- -- -- -- little bits and pieces of the music that I'm doing. And some. I've tried out a bunch different services some. You know I use I I keep a mailing lists using. Cycles -- fan bridge restricted. I've been using a world class artists without the label. Put and that he threw them earlier in the year. As a sort of preview of my now implement -- that was quite impressive and then and then on my own site I use in atop steel top -- for a shop fronts on. And sun -- bunch of different services like. You know that it's very unclear ready what the right kind of new -- -- result that we need. -- but it's certainly clear that that the you know the record -- services of yesteryear. Are on no longer something that musicians rating required to get the music -- -- fun. -- aside a question you've been obviously in the music industry for quite some time -- you've seen it evolve. Has anything really surprise you as this. Digital distribution model has a -- what is kind of stuck out in your mind and the as you seen how the music industry has changed. Grown it who has it benefited artists or heard artists. -- it's a huge benefit to artists in the long run. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- for example you know the first albums that I made the only way the world is up against it hit them was assigned to a label. Hands they printed up pieces of plastic and ship them. And yet somehow the stuff ended up you know as MP threes on on sharing networks and so somebody actually you know -- approached -- It's not that I'm against that and I'm very much in favor of moving forward. But it's a little bit -- -- for a nano for me and for the old world record industry. Because you know we made the stuff on the one -- conditions and now everything has changed. But that said going what I love -- not -- option you know can I can release a single in the I can put a song up -- -- in the next month -- change the second burst lyrics and put up a new -- alongside it because of low long tail is no reason to. Team you know not have them both up that. So. Are ready welcome the fact that it's no -- group back you know a street date. And keeping everything -- -- to Le street I you can you can take the whole. Era of of a particular album. And fans are -- -- invested in that from the beginning from the creation you know through to the Turin and the album coming. Ash have a question for you to Thomas are you still you're still printing -- CD's that are you completely digital and -- that you distributing music. I'm still printing CD's some because the kind of well let's say that the the hard -- fan base that I have I think still want to have a physical products. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- but I'm finding that. The reason to do physical products whole. -- -- is actually that you can include in a nice tactile stuff so I would kind of view my CDs as the deluxe. Product in a way but the cheapest way to get it if you just wanna quickly and cheaply is to get it does. Now I think did that -- think that -- background to why may -- album sales are up that there's still this that the sentimental kind of feeling of buying an entire album are buying entire CD. Or are really experienced in the entirety of that have artists you know output. Well I think possibly and a and I think I think you know that American industries what's left of it is actually -- if if this Nielsen thing is these you know gonna find it then. Which -- -- the see the positive results of the fact that we've introduced a whole new generation. -- -- music fans to a whole new bunch of bands and artists. And and the thing about -- about all of the sharing and and the downloading and so on is that. Until you get people hooked on your music there's -- market sell them anything. You know and this is always been the case -- -- in the old days. You we ought to -- to make reckless and give them as a radio stations or TV channels who would then sell advertising around when we are happy to do that. In fact if we can flick a switch and do it times ten we would do it in -- harping. And the reason is that -- you know you need to get people hooked on the music you need to get -- -- whilom. Into their brains so the next time they neared the that your cat -- You know though they'll get the warm fuzz -- -- and buy your music so that that formula has never change. So anyway -- food distribution and old of the downloading an MP -- Is just the most efficient way ever to get huge numbers of people hooked on music so that you can sell them -- So what it what are your thoughts on sort of a obviously -- -- attempted I think in a lot of ways to delay. The rollout of digital distribution we've seen a lot of lawsuits we've seen a lot of of threatening postures and and doomsday scenarios. Has that analog aren't do you think Ben beneficial to artists -- -- at that and or hasn't been a little bit of overprotection. A certainly -- protectionist I think that was the labels of the putting the brakes on the had a very good for number indicates they were the only ones capable. All of all of you know having pressing plants and distribution networks they were at -- -- -- -- -- -- And they got very used to that when they got used to being the ones that dipped into what music the public got -- -- I'm so there -- very entrenched and I think when they so this. Juggernaut coming round the bend. And the full of digital music. Found they did everything they could put the brakes on and I think that's that's a natural response I think of the steel industry -- the coal mining industry. Would have done the same in that situation. But the result is gonna be not pretty very different. You know -- times change and the public moves on. And they had their heyday and I'm afraid now it's it's our sister. That do you think -- -- hurt artists in the meantime I mean a bit better now for -- -- May be bypassed labels or is that more useful for someone like itself was already established. Well. In lot of ways you know like Bianca Apple corps yet Sharma -- -- up because those were the lucky ones that benefited from the you know from the conventional music industry and -- I have a bit of a name and reputation which is a great start. I've got that's not fun to joke for a kid starting at you know it today. Com has it hurts us. Hard to say -- -- there's obviously been -- -- will between the record labels and the record buying public with the lawsuits and so on. I'm but I think at the end of the day you know the industry needs to faith there's no need trip an intermediary assay frozen -- -- and don't really care about labels. -- for the most part they care by the artists in the music so -- I think there is there's going to be a need for new kind of mincemeat jury service -- in spite civil of these fabulous and do it itself. Sites from manufacturing to you CD cells and -- -- downloads and so on. From there is still a very strong need for somebody to be this and marketing expert. Between the artist and the fan. And I see the manager of the future. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- In on the stock market surrounded by screens with real time -- about fan activity in different regions and how it relates to. Targeted advertising. And -- it relates to the tool that the artists is on song. And I think that the good news is -- although that revenues from music content. The costs of marketing music have plummeted. Think his now for a few hundred bucks you can be very very efficient about the target with -- promotions. Via FaceBook ads and things like that and salute there's no longer a need to run up a huge dent in order to get music can't. -- -- really maybe just be marketing firms or individual kind of social media consultant for the post and mean interdicting it and are getting time. -- at a time when something like they are double -- can be disbanded. And -- -- -- that's gonna be -- like that that represent these that if you know the the existing established companies and does lot of legacy related to music publishing and copyright and so on which. There's no way the courts and the legislation is gonna move his -- -- technology does. So this gonna continue to be this this heavy baggage -- -- the form era but I think that front runners are gonna just former -- forge ahead and I think there will be the the in Amazon -- Google's and Facebook's of the that the next. Music business two point if you like who have just probably being formed some general -- Silicon Valley now. So in in the creator interview you told me that you weren't a big user MySpace in the passing never have been but what do you think about like artists. Investing in and web sites like MySpace like Justin Timberlake just said he was a big investor there what do you think about artists getting involved in that sort of platform for artists to promote their music. I was quite surprised when I heard that -- -- of -- are listening because it just scenes. For all intents and purposes like like MySpace is to answer to come and gone around. But I think he's got a good idea and I think he was some sentimental about us and I think you realize that some you know he he became hugely popular during. The strongest period for MySpace and this community -- hats off to them in terms of thumb you know it's. Eagerness to to keep it life and I hope you can do something useful. Could also -- just released a new EP in March called Oceana do you wanna -- about out how it's tied to your video game. Yes I -- my new album is called amount for the -- -- And it's coming out and the full. And it has three parts to it and each one is different continents. The continent's -- -- -- ocean in an Americana. -- that in no way it is is about cities and so this is quite dot com -- city person. And as got more of -- -- -- -- -- it Americana on the and -- is radius of the -- look back at that twentysomething years that I lived in the USA. And it and about routes American culture. Which I'm I'm very fond. Ocean we on the other hand was was written entirely in response to that ran today on in the -- counts of money. Vintage 1930s -- looking out over the North Sea. Powered by wind turbine and solar panels. And done in assessing like it's impossible not to write songs that reflect. And as I thought about ways to promote this and -- differentiates it from of the stuff -- them. I was very struck by the fact that. Two in the years that -- -- away from -- has spent twenty years in Silicon Valley in my company beat it. -- I would go on the Internet and I would find forums and new -- -- people would dissecting my songs and lyrics. And taking on the roles of -- -- in my songs. And even writing collaborative fiction fan fiction the -- the story lines and my son's. And the sizzle with me making no new music until I fell one of those guys that dies in just got bigger. -- and so I was determined when -- -- a new album to try and get my arms around this this under Karen on the Internet. And so and making connection -- with the with my new album -- -- continuum of of these story lines. So the first thing I did was I put every -- cinnamon carrots and place name from all of my songs into big -- -- place. I went to an excellent game design cycle Andrea Phillips and showed the database and and she said Willis is gonna could bassist for trading and online trading. And so she indicated it and I came up with the sort of back story and scenario for it and she in some great developers. We meet every day on Skype. And that we have what we -- scrum. And over the course the last six months we've built the game. -- -- -- the -- in cities so a floating city dot com you can join it as well under way. And Tehran hundreds applies online any time it's completely free works in a browser. -- boot software to download -- -- ipads and iphones -- Iraq. I like -- constant in the basic mechanics are back trading. But the back story is fascinating and the forums are really where the action happens. Around so what you do in the game is you have too -- to solve problems and collaborative they come up with solutions. There -- nine tribes in the flesh and -- And you exploring a map that's built on Google map technology. As it turns out the you can do a -- -- to Google Maps. Using your own fictional places. And so what you seek a scroll around you can -- in and you can click on market is the way you used to and a Google map. But this is entirely my fictional space. And done. As you play the game the nine tried to converging on on the North Pole. Which does not know ice caps of course and the gonna build floating city -- which is sort of like. A maritime version of burning man. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yet and I think -- get -- the scum by China Melville and definite and even JG dialogue trend world with little points of reference. Now it's -- I love that you. We have found that so often on the show we talk about all the time that out that our product is made so much better by the community in the interact with the community. And it's missing plates are the perfect way to get talk a little bit about actually. The the patent system you've built like patenting process into this game. Yes so I am weather systems and gone haywire in the future and time. You can counteract. Things like. Attacks of -- seagulls. By coming up with patents to defend yourself using the -- -- that are and you can't go. So -- -- to do is come up with a whimsical. Way to combine those functions and file a patent and -- the patents approved. Then you will be protected. Against whatever the freak event may be. How quickly -- -- and approved. Ha ha publicly doesn't have the US patent that -- -- -- they -- system is in its way folks in the US. I didn't get to know it's been seagulls are hungry Hampshire the -- -- under attack and you have anti -- -- build mechanisms built and. Well I mean you have to deal with problems as they as they come up but some you're also dealing with the sort of legacy of of what happened before the big apocalypse because. Everybody's brain chemistry -- -- -- -- -- this this world changing event. And people have only a very faint recollection of what happened before. The number as we -- -- so by piecing together relics and clues from a -- -- civilization. You actually get season of unravel this mystery. Those lot of interpretation by the -- themselves because incidents of basically. Whatever the players decide is the truth becomes the truth. But wow this will -- that's what I like wild. That's -- and the Atlantic that might have led the team of Angola for my child anyway. I was -- -- -- you so much is there anything else you wanna add about availability or where people can finally gained just one more time. -- floating city dot com rate as the place to go once again it's free won't just work -- -- and and it's gonna run for about the next slim ten to twelve weeks. The winning tribe in the game will get a private performance of my album -- Yeah that was another part of that thing was really caught our progress of the game you -- free song downloads and other things like really cool way to promote. It's music which happened earlier that and then following that I'm gonna actually torso be touring the US touring certainly the UK other parts of the world as well in the full name is so cool that's killer that is that is very people I know will be watching for -- -- to come here in cancer drug doesn't -- or about the -- -- -- -- -- and thank you again for your time -- -- lovely evening. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I got is the market that's that's awesome I -- We're gonna take a quick break when we come back we will have the rest of the tech news from today including the fact that people are apparently paying for Hulu. Even -- Hulu is committed to selling. And Amazon women. In two different ways China. There's securely from Thailand listening to. Cnet.com and hold out loud but I'll tell you to determine what those -- -- Not expect any. -- -- Otter love -- other -- which this with the podcast. So every airline wants a little work sorry. Bollywood brag I'm Donald bell -- beat him does W in the live stream now that we hadn't had an -- -- -- break because. -- that we had to sit here -- and Mike. Decompress from absolute genius that is Thomas immediately and it is. It's so cool Mazie apps that lots of ideas going on the in his head that are successful and executed and stimulant like. The whole game in gets a -- that's -- out sometimes you -- the menus in Manhattan and -- had been. I'm okay with that because. Wow it got the thing available and people like pac man yet -- -- hands he got X. I but onto the tech news we will probably try to post interview as a separate clip by the way -- can catch it later on CNET TV if you wanna. Listening to and -- -- feel bad about amber -- Or feel good about Thomas Dolby that I don't exactly embracing the Internet in -- technology agreement yet anyway. On to tech news Hulu expects to have its number of paid subscribers that people who actually paper -- plus. The top one million by Summers and earlier than previously forecast apparently not only people paying for Hulu but certainly. The gravity sub mini nine per month the -- that million dollars in their pockets lot of money. Glad it's it's the cable cutters -- I can be directly attribute this to cable cutters are just people who are glad it's her content. -- -- -- -- I do think the combination of -- although I am seeing more and more people. -- -- a friend on FaceBook who in your friend from high school whenever would have really expecting it not super techie right and she's been posting like okay. This is week two of our cable cutting experiment because the last rate hike just -- -- it. And that it was like when I'm doing anymore so I think there is an undercurrent of people who are increasingly getting fed up with paying -- management thing. Let's try it you know. And -- out Jason Clarke Q are -- -- the CEO who says the company remains on track. To approach half a billion dollars in revenue in 2011. Nevertheless. Weirdly the Disney CEO Bob Iger said that Hulu -- owners including which include Disney Comcast and News Corp. are committed to selling it. It at that. Because you know having a moneymaking company. In the wings is not something wanna keep around. I got god forbid you would wanna keep that that cutting edge property that has the potential to release the -- oh wait the owners include Disney Comcast and exactly. Of course they're committed to -- their like. We never thought this was gonna pan out we -- get rid of the Turk require business development well. -- attention demise they want anyone it off their hands of make you know like all right here's a link number lame -- let those content deals that we signed that we were part of those are gone yet. Oh no product dead. Once they sell that the product will die I don't see why they would still invests in keeping their content can be -- -- That is the big concern right I mean it's what I think they don't wanna keep it around because they don't wanna continue to cannibalize their own business and give people a reason to cut the cord -- go to something that they own but it is the real concern that if they sell it to. In -- consortium like Morgan Stanley or -- -- in there's eight to ten possible buyers. -- stemming Guggenheim partners are handling the proceedings but say they sell -- somebody or Yahoo!. Then you're right they're gonna -- their content and perhaps. Its its -- its candidate -- IK you're make him anyway there's their dipping of this long big picture with muscle boosting they -- drop -- that they can get that. They wanna make a little money on -- now wildcat hot and then be like key facts. And across the prominent I don't know if they're really -- Planning on coming up content in general. Is that Netflix there's still continue trying to load -- library with newer newer content but if they wanna sell -- drop Hulu. My suspicion would be that they would do the same thing towards their Netflix content because they don't want all the money going to Netflix now Netflix has become this huge gorilla yeah and that everyone is jumping on board. If they're gonna drop Hulu which was looked as although it's not the same necessarily. A competitor to Netflix thinks are adding Netflix probably thinks yet -- so -- ending so that. They would then probably move forward and kill some of those deals with Netflix directly as well -- I'm just looking they have all -- magical ring. They grew it they -- the little plant and now they're gonna rip and out of the ground batteries -- plant -- plant lovely. Lovely. For those that you have been waiting for a Google plus invited they've gotten to expensive on eBay apparently Google resumed sending out invites again. Yesterday. I don't like it at did you get it they just so they can send out a lot -- and -- and -- second other Google. -- like I heard Google plus -- send me an invite right away. Sorry I'm not that that's the company is still throttling invitations but they did at least open up the invite mechanism for a very short time. But -- -- they're saying to people like please don't mass invite that's because it's not an hour. And so I think everybody who has I mean I can't even figure out like. -- they're basically invisible I think when the system is offensive a lot of people -- group lesbian I have -- at I finally found -- Thanks to people you invite you guys complaining here are your your toolbar the toppled to show that -- part of Hulu plus is someone is invite you as well that's what my friends told me. I invited them and indeed never accepted it officially the lethality atop the bar in -- like -- Actually Google plus is -- a bad feeling that is the biggest thing -- it sounds like super and it doesn't sound -- social work in this it doesn't bother -- -- its ingredients it doesn't bother -- like now these -- -- -- they just don't bother me because they're -- out there property -- -- yeah we we -- nothing can take -- or not -- also Google already spent like a lot of their good names like this you know them by Amazon. -- -- -- -- But an editor at an early and -- little -- -- balance. There are still plenty of back doors for sending -- and getting in and we have some emails about a little a little later in -- development but in case you're wondering. Basically no we're not -- -- and equipment like my Twitter feed right now just like. All into the public -- Saturday and know how failure I impossible bite out -- and -- not going to do not both because that I do but I don't work it work. -- where does this give and give us a number in the corner. Ten invites would have been easy but it did team and a man a politically easy email and I think if that isn't so -- And they're doing this so we talked about the story long that we have to and it's only one other industries and other instincts are about group -- there apparently although they open up the invite and that apparently in that NASA in Europe and like -- -- Registered users all over again but they are telling businesses. That they cannot at least for now. Start business profiles and that non user profiles of you you know -- -- on and create -- the medical -- whenever. That those will be -- -- We got some in the buzz email -- -- and that Bosnia due to build a buzz out loud. -- -- Now ironically -- -- a bigger plan for like organizations with -- yet you know we could do though ages if we create a mask for the show. -- a living person. Then we can have a profile. Have one possibility now -- ticket the -- at this to us today. Bryan song as Kermit the Frog I do. My mother permit you -- for buzz allowed her favorite podcast of indeterminate and the damned fine Photoshop and then barrel there's not many pictures out on. They're fairly even aware of the head connect to the body and that was quick turnaround speeches today yesterday and they that in that was in the creation of hearing. Of -- yet we saying are -- agreement connections from an Internet account in an area -- it is missing the -- -- there really should be at U -- the reason I am games and doing evil corner from. -- all -- dream you're. -- Sarah and me on the -- on -- And I am just saying I am excited to -- increasing little tiny bit of backlash about group must now people -- -- like okay. -- a backlash about and -- man about it yeah yeah yeah like a decade got into the party and -- -- mountains like them. The catering side and again on -- you don't you select get -- -- pet that got a Beijing's serious -- generic beer ads -- you just hate to use don't like it at all the ads doesn't feel doesn't feel. Well right now this link now it is a party and -- fantastic penthouse -- not -- And it's hard to figure out there and menthol and mineral packet network I've noticed -- -- now is item in the business social -- and well. -- I think because right now it's not very many people and it. Mostly people who are in tech media or part of the tech community right people are using it to really post -- while. As with any brand new social network at the time -- post about Google plus. Let that happen on our -- like the first few weeks to Bart did all the -- on the market where about Arctic right now the -- on Google lesser -- Google plus or. They're like linked to interest in text or there in other things people are posting lots of about work man you know their stories that they wrote I thoroughly. I didn't give mile I don't have a them I have an emotional connection to Google in general -- this great you know service has lot of different tools -- have like. The same emotional connection idea into a FaceBook -- -- -- MySpace -- slate. It's for a -- and ugly in taxi of the MySpace is like there's like a -- there today that Google plus this feels very. Cerro de plus and -- -- and setting an analogy party conflict and yet here. Which it turns out as. Never fun hey how are more likely to handle is no morals and is always good idea Renaissance -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- completely different. -- bottle of champagne room completely different. Enough that I'm -- -- it okay that cool guy and optical guide design. Any way I suspect it will get better as more people get on it if more people get on it but it's either right now -- but it's still kind of I mean. I think Google what does have potential to steal a lot of users -- but right now -- is delicate -- -- -- -- and solar mom and data are on there it's not. It's not gonna until there's not until there's another like horrible FaceBook privacy breach scenario you have to push me into it then. I -- and silicon comfy as well and when they open it up to the public if they make a really good integrated pushed through the other Google products like Gmail and calendar then that I think -- where they will start to snag a lot of mainstream users because there are people using -- products. Who could just like and accusing it in me like -- easy as breathing to the -- and into using Google plus. If they do the immigration right and open it up pretty soon otherwise people are gonna get an -- about it walled garden -- You knew but I can see even just the work angle were in Google docs all the time and manages the Google plus is is there. And I just click into -- randomly Wellington where -- is there. So. And evil and we gotta finally -- to -- workarounds to import out of it but then there's there's -- there's -- -- using Yahoo! Yahoo! -- Yahoo!. Keeping them in it again we're -- give it away but -- idea how to video on that later Estonia had an article on -- linked to -- sometime. You can do it amended the you do it you got cleanup of and I don't think -- -- -- Don't know how good it would do we I had there and other. And if they and other social media news -- even -- president -- of. And I held his first twittered town hall yesterday are participated in a town hall that was moderated by eight. Genetic diversity Jack -- Barack Obama and Barack Obama and he previously had been a town hall at FaceBook there was moderated or Mac -- Mark Zuckerberg doesn't really. Like town hall with Canada misnomer but people were able to tweet questions using the pound asked about apps -- not -- Barack. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And they used curators mainly professional journalist. He influenced. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Because there -- the thing and I. Pandering to the Twitter verse is -- -- you can begin typing -- I'm doing it's rated actors in nineteen completely. And -- some -- Clara relieve -- this is Alice we get to take note of Jack Dorsey is beautiful suit. And around -- and they're pretty -- -- his beautiful zero. -- -- -- You on the Internet getting analyzed -- get back it -- like that when -- look that it for the show alone. And they heard he knew it -- trying to -- via. But but he was tweeting things like app from the White House -- that in order to reduce the deficit what costs would you cut and when investments would you keep. Via. In via -- it anyway he did to Obama responded now that was question that Obama actually -- it. A little to the public -- -- cancer screening and answering questions than it sounds like he was unable to keep his answers 240 characters I know because that was supposed to be an -- and atheists and -- got the -- from -- and -- -- -- -- -- present government in Iran. When I got my -- -- -- president I've. I was -- you and I imagine at present she says that. Another and Hollywood needs as -- campaign for presidency. Earlier efficiency it at tweeting and the president of Google plus. I am that I am a pretty good at and make -- think -- -- your social manager. Despite high school. -- -- -- -- -- -- Nothing since an immediate area heard of -- I think they'd need need that after. Heck yeah. There's also a public relations but isn't public relations and social manager -- -- the same thing. I hope I hope high schools have social media experts on their student body councilman. They I don't I'm sure they do you actually and that's the -- qualification for social media experts in the text I think he's become foursquare mayors here -- is that Twitter video ready yet. Yet I was -- and I thought we thought we left it again I don't like I'll do they they -- -- cool protect IP. Area. I'm gonna make history here -- first president. To live we in order reduce -- at what cost would you cut and what investments would be. I was -- -- airline. -- a little bit about Agassi at tweeted it was a one to eat it right. -- and other tech news today dozens and ideologically diverse group in fact of about ninety law professors -- a letter opposing the protect IP act. Which is the copyright enforcement and Internet blacklist legislation -- the music and entertainment industry. And wrote and delivered to congress and it is the one that would let them. Just. Giant gas shut down -- on the Internet just take entire domain names they have been doing offline was -- already been doing. If they discover infringing content there this group of lawyers wrote in -- that is. Unconstitutional. And and on -- -- an overly burdensome restriction on free speech mainly because it could potentially. Suppressed vast amounts -- protected speech containing no infringing content whatsoever. If and tired Amanda black based on -- infringing material on a single sub domain. As you believe man is not like you know -- been taking down either realities -- vacuum of stuff that has been used. Actually that has disappeared Alec -- -- -- at least of that right now and a. They also say in the letter that passing alleges that the legislate -- -- legislation tonight spot you -- accesses. I'm wrestler -- guy. That violates America's free speech principles will undermine the government's credibility when it tries promote free speech principles around the world yup -- -- -- doing with their -- as well. Over in the Middle East. -- totally -- all of that I mean all of it absolutely the -- read the passage of the actual compromise our ability to defend the principle of a single global Internet. As that it represents the biggest threat to the Internet. In its hits. Theory. You know this makes me feel a little of hyperbole I wish there where more and now the -- Internet is glad to become this. Institution. You know that it that it is today like if there was I -- federally funded archive dot org that really did. Across the board archiving. Of sites so that. Something could be rolled back and they're still be a record it yeah I feel like there is the -- -- so sensitive that if he even if you. Hats and then I listened -- and -- is gone is gone gone -- is no effective backup mechanism for the -- And that's a really good point and that's why this is -- potentially so dangerous. The units against more important programs you know something you need. Too bad that we students -- about that we're so busy. Just building in gigantic hand -- in the entertainment industry and allowing them to break the Internet at well as opposed to for example offering up federal funding for something that might act and -- Think it's like for example government sponsored censorship which -- -- doing that it's more important for our mind that he'd been like mindless consumers of media -- we actually have like. Now free form -- -- -- -- we weren't my little consumers of media we would actually wake up and look around and to the crimes that are being committed to. Against us by government and businesses on an almost hourly. Minute by minute really sound that we get like mad and join anti -- with. Okay movie guy. Even happier news Amazon and get to -- App Store App Store. Among young writer according to Reuters a judge has rejected Apple's requested injunction. Against Amazon. Just as she said she would. -- -- -- -- -- for -- and actually other cool news Amazon has updated -- cloud drive and cloud player. To make it even -- -- effective for example. For a limited time anyone who signs that now we'll get on limited space for music which includes users who sign up for the minimum twenty dollar year twenty -- plan. Seconds you can store all of your cloud -- customer agents earlier MP threes purchased at Amazon MP3 store for free. And an even better and even better. There's now an iPad web player. Yet actually is compatible works fine you know it if we go back to -- apps first story really quickly via Amazon to continue to use the term at least until the trial date. In October 2012. Widget will then be. Go through its process in the courts so the injunction was for Apple to make them to take it down right now before the trial. There's. They're still going to drown out yes and if the paint you as wanna you know -- cat we -- wanna celebrates. You sit on its. I'm an -- that this is such great like anti Apple news guys look like a big enough and I cloud and a big knock on their. There whole feeling -- their entitlement to the word app. It's nice and -- I really am so excited about Amazon cloud drive thing. -- unlimited storage for for music on -- upload any of your stuff there -- -- -- I -- I -- a per year. -- there is like pat Anderson -- I cut and estimate the matching of like the continent and giving you serving you back at the high quality it's even this is. Is gonna be hard to resist and free option. If Eric all right is in the iTunes match also a yearly services so if you don't we knew it. After that you hear it it goes by -- you don't get it yeah I mean I assume that at some point -- on May return to the twenty dollars a year effort. Twenty gigs. Plans are for a limited time at some limited but. I love limited unlimited -- you. It's supreme -- -- -- premium in India Canada but still it is weighted. Certainly an enticement to get people to sign up in the short term -- -- lets you a couple of quick -- real quick likely. As expected Verizon's tiered data plans and hot spot charges. More. Wrong there are no there is no more unlimited. That -- limited was indeed proclivity not to be a grandfather. Have unlimited data yet you will be grandfathered in if you're currently on Verizon. Now customers will have their choice. A Ford data allotments ten dollars for 75 megs per month but not -- a Smartphone. If you have a Smartphone you're meant to be a minimum amount you'll have to pay. Is thirty dollars for two gigs a month fifty dollars for five days a month and eighty dollars sports and eczema. So in related news sprint the only national carrier with an unlimited data plan no strings attached it up. Detectives and commentary on CNET that -- it is a quote. Odd scent for sprint and I agreed that if I mean -- even talked about how this current and pricing. Not only is -- after nine like the amount that -- of data that's available as our consumption is growing it's more expensive even an eighteen to. President think now has been the most expensive data plan. Of anybody. But -- this the other issue here is like it's hard to not biased Smartphone now of all the phones being offered. Make that -- to qualify for inexpensive. Data plan to the carry you have to really do some hunting down to find. A smart phone that's not a smart phone but not totally backwards you know. I gotta say though you're basically being forced into higher by paying a required a data plan for any kind of -- -- -- meet these days. -- mostly in a feature found in some it -- now have a required data plan. But if anything is going to slow the grounds of the manufactures are not more opposed to this because -- anything's gonna slow the growth of smart -- an -- department -- option. It's -- be people who are worried about -- -- always has been priced and and now it's like if if your barrier minimum barrier to entry for us marvelous thirty bucks a month for a data plan. Like and then people are like us are saying -- -- on how many BOL podcasting download link to as many movies over three G if you know I it is. It's a little bit of a threat to the growing Smartphone market pressure. That's the which they -- voice plans optional. Now that like I wanna colony I -- I dollars a month -- state that sixty dollars a month out of my calling capability -- there he -- if they're -- -- a hell out of our -- data plan than they should definitely make the flight plan optional I would pay by the call for -- -- that's -- totally happen and I'll definitely -- -- not hang onto their revenue streams for dear life at all -- in the Thomas -- game -- make that happen -- the retirement -- out that T-Mobile -- doesn't limit. I think sprint has the cheapest thing -- T-Mobile that they were gonna buy another -- -- -- -- -- also right now they might have a limited but I am rating but there is they're going to also Tim and it is well in the air -- -- we have a little Smartphone news. Over -- Believe this is my next -- to interpret but this is my next which is intimately and attitude when a project. That. Is so weird it doesn't make any sense and I'm all this is my next reports. Any way. That -- says that they. A redesigned. Motorola Droid by -- Appears to have been confirmed by a best buy circular that was leaked onto the Internet. The -- about it you remember if the phone that everybody got super -- excited about it CES for the first day until the second day when we all got a look at the Motorola matrix orgy thing and then added that at that it happens it's he has -- and then we're all like. Know. Outs L account -- wise and by onyx announcing it should be -- -- best one right it's yeah compared to each its four G feeling -- They made -- -- and that number and which and that's kind of I mean. We were all fired up mathematics that was where GL TE and and dual core in dollars definitely go -- LT dual cores like. And -- Tuesday. So apparently the -- then that it is now July and we just heard about it -- January TS is that they went back to the drawing board presumably in response to the matrix is -- -- impeachment list. The -- speculate and now it is coming out and we don't know that much more about it but presently it's gonna be like. -- -- -- They'll they'll vote with that name should be able -- -- your body gave you super abilities that's what I want that's -- I asked. On -- I don't want anymore that's really stepped aside from -- hard. Also according to this is my next that's not -- enough food the iPad two could soon be getting a better looking -- in the report is the iPad HD. According -- -- will sit alongside the iPad -- geared towards a more professional user with its high definition display all. You -- Okay well -- for that gently. I let's -- -- into your calls and emails -- we've got a little dose of hater aid coming up and be. Sometimes we get like super excited about -- paying quality not everything but we are excited about who. And and actually one of us in the room has the same thoughts as our next caller. -- -- -- I'm just wondering I have a Google plots I got -- Google -- -- it. Into critical opener straight split. I really don't think it could be bigger than FaceBook. I don't know why people are saying now -- yet school -- via. Multi person video -- without her cult that. Can you just save some other features that the I mean that certain things are cool but I really don't think it -- particular -- -- -- thank you. Again fuselage buddy brick and features buddy he said -- the interface is nice. Then multi camera pointing out features nice they've got these cool circles do you need any -- critical need anything that's cool you just absurd and -- -- -- really doesn't those would be the -- those are the bullet points that make it and of compelling right now. -- it's definitely the circle asked -- like that the fact that you can get totally granular with then they lit the group of friends into groups of friends. So they have suggested ones that you can make. Also -- -- created one it's like I call it adult content to that like. Those are the friends that want Miami testing all the time the tech heavy and realize they are like -- -- know so much about me already BC deal to auto generate those circles that I Sony a -- All my emails they can see what kind of like how I've been talking to all -- -- already have. It's so much I feel like -- circle thing is cool and slick I did not have the time I -- -- spent an afternoon making circles relate. I don't know how often wonder if I'm a -- and -- I definitely got multiple person I know I could benefit from circles but now. Would it be if you set up a group -- and it was like here's your -- circle is we now we -- we haven't even on the Google lets people -- time of the circles goes like let's circle are you guys treating -- you know. Instead of just doing it friends and Bentley got these on the cool I mean video -- -- they're good point that he make -- that the facie that the facie. The page book the FaceBook and my job is so strong. And and it's not like the inertia something like MySpace its 750. Million global users worth -- -- that. It will be extremely hard to overcome that and frankly. We have seen I mean we I I remember. Virtually this exact same level of excitement in the tech community about market. -- Hey -- -- -- is it Orkut popular in other countries it is huge in Brazil source circles and out of it. But but that but so there is that there is every possibility that -- -- will -- the same way that it just won't be able to maintain that to get to critical mass but. FaceBook could take a lesson at a minimum -- -- to take -- -- From some of the really granular privacy control that -- including -- -- from the beta rollout itself though it's going to have a -- somewhere. You know it's gonna have it's gonna have a large file whether it's the business group and I don't want it to be a business social network who wants that that's no fun now don't do that so I thought. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- as the our next caller is who is in bring in -- we all really the hater aid -- -- it didn't. -- a screw up and spends. From Dallas. I was gonna comment on the FaceBook -- new FaceBook thing. I mean. What -- video -- -- I get iChat or I -- choose Skype you know you can have multi person. The FaceBook chat and -- pretty worthless. The video chat it's pretty worthless. And not from -- -- -- -- other program -- let our. It's also that Arctic detected that combines speed and private messages with. Chat so now a thing on noxious Alex and I like -- studio by queued chat timers and -- like -- The group chat history. So area that's my opinion on these you will updates I really think -- or spank you. Aren't the or FaceBook will end up losing people because of whatever whatever it doesn't work anymore and there's definitely valued -- -- This guy's just like I like it I like my media I mean I like it in engagement I like it might separate. There isn't okay I know they were integrating private messages -- tap that -- now we're now. Allotment and but that we actually do atom and a skip ahead a little bit in the emails because league in Denver has a different take on the video -- -- Normally watch the local and global of the story or get to the point but now -- -- Zuckerberg maps -- It -- -- don't normally watch the local news and today assured me why yesterday -- low expectations were completely underwhelmed by the patent announcement. This morning while watching the local in the attic and administered it was a career tech news about -- but. Excited to hear another source lamb about those beekeepers -- -- death dance. As at breakfast on -- But that mammals spit out a -- all of my new laptop of these tools gushed out about it -- changing the -- you. Forever altering how we -- social media -- using video chat. As I stewed about this but an it department for up local -- for the last time but wondered if people have been living under Iraq then it hit me yes. Yes they have been and unfortunately most of my relatives over fifty are under that same rock I will never get my -- and helped. Install Skype and electric and -- -- -- troubled student but -- already all of that map -- that is that while it paint me that this really is awesome news for some people. -- and video chat with people under the knife and that I believed -- -- a little present for me. Yes he says. It may not be as flattering of having a child named after you but I'm just not that they'd -- -- so here's my brand new puppy -- and -- -- and -- -- isn't -- It's that you or one. -- live in an envelope using -- and. Okay enough -- -- in an -- Of earth and in about a little zoning on that puppy he's on the carpet and entirely left out into. Not hey you think -- value and need -- vanity policy you plug bandied. The odds of feel sorry for those of Europe and accessories viewed as I rolled my eyes ever ever -- like like rolling her eyes. Because there are so many don't -- Molly in the world of like what -- those like. Haven't named Molly and then just look around in -- -- -- in part you'll feed him everywhere. The big black lab named -- and the dog India. I other -- -- think that the letter Niigata and you avenue reading these will be interesting how this -- -- from job Jim of the web monkey from Minneapolis saint bowlers. I would like two guys know how I got a Google plus with -- the inside. Just download the app in the Android market I picked up -- -- treaty over the weekend -- -- it. And was perceived perusing the market last night when I came across the Google plus that he wrote that you guys. I figured I would download a figure -- I would get into Google plus sooner or later I was pleasantly surprised when I open the app and was prompted to link to my Google account. As of this email that -- so there's so if you're an Android user you can get into Google plus -- now -- -- -- of the show. One thing to note actually different was ranting about this today you can't. Used Google plus with the Google apps account so if you -- like your own domain. And you rout it through grew. Through Google. As your interface. You can't use that email address and a link you can't use your Google apps account which is totally ridiculous like you can use Yahoo! email more easily than you can use your Google apps account. They wrote that Google Voice that they -- where you can use it with apps efforts and they say they're -- -- -- an encouragement coming just a word report. BSN and how Lewis says that. I recently found your show tip don't post your email just on the Internet. Turns out though -- I think maybe these -- and related. Turns out you can get into plus 12 Google plus even if Google says you can't they'll probably patch this quickly but right now just go to plus dot google.com on an iPhone. And Simon. And then on Andreas you can change your user agent on Mandarin to iPhone and -- -- -- -- called Google plus plus one. Okay just want -- but a little. If all that's all that's confusing wanna. Animate take up that last email because we have got to clear though everything we've guiding our data -- -- and we've been yapping for allowing time BT lost interest hours. -- -- Sir I could -- any -- The -- it hadn't met David -- -- just remember who was checking their personal email yesterday during the show I personally know those working now. Own -- that Casillas not. Is that Google would circle jacking Molly. Personally I would not take -- adult content they're about that at that but at the taken -- circle. Our segment and I know it is thirty connects next I got -- difference -- that -- -- check out the show I do not show notes at BOL dot cnet.com. And are two UR Donald you are now and I've in the clean connects exit your mind -- Amish don't -- -- -- -- -- acts make out room. Also call us and your voicemails 80616638. Has been great I continue to encourage -- thirty to forty bad -- -- -- felt like. They've improved so much. With that with our direction you give them all that at a -- yeah. Any amount of buzz at cnet.com. And we will be back here. Its computer send. -- -- I guess. The treatment with the -- and that at best. That's -- they keep it in the men's circle.

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