Ep. 1500: RIM's motto: The buck stops here ... and there
Ep. 1500: RIM's motto: The buck stops here ... and there

Ep. 1500: RIM's motto: The buck stops here ... and there

Today it's Friday to libraries 2011 -- my name is Steven -- of I am Brian's song. And I am on good it well -- all outlined last about it -- -- it but didn't interlinked. It it is. Episode fifteen under -- and. Police say a long lasting mean that long -- -- -- the tactic. I don't think it's -- -- and -- and it's like put it. Happy about it I think we're kind of karma being punished a little bit for lying about the fact that its -- -- 15100 says. -- the edit not want to play nice today. And it -- that was take four of the -- -- -- elegantly out of those. Who are not on the live streamed out of particular interest however like your problem and then the date problem and then there's that thing we -- -- -- we couldn't go back in time the first actual run -- the show Molly was -- Jean jacket and as the music. Took over her body she -- Unveiled I and I was like. Lol. Who knew 15100 to be so good at a community of 18100 with this section it is about degrees in here it's not my. -- -- -- -- everyone was hoping that it via live video -- was -- at that moment but. They deserve to go all they only be the only BT get to share amounts that I -- -- -- -- -- going back in time is broken time. All new look. I do I do think -- the top of the show. We should definitely say thank you for all the people that have been a part of the show along its way yet rate of from top to bottom -- -- -- UN's homer here from the start. -- -- -- -- -- Yet you guys. 15100 episodes. And believable and -- Widget that own kind of -- but thank you so much for -- -- -- -- group -- changes and. Producers. If there is an ends and technical issue -- the paint colors and hair the hair style changes -- hair style changes have. Think you guys -- the bat so you guys have made the show what it is and I'm I'm honored to be a part of the team so it's it's been a good ride and Steve in the new kid on the block okay and now the amount of fun -- have been a lot of -- is like my 73 show. Really yeah yeah I think the thing that -- there but I asked yeah yeah -- a day over fifty shows I've been here for you but I didn't have an Internet. -- -- -- Also -- as he now has been conducting a survey. Of you guys to find out what you want to do with the show what and it changes you wanna make what things you like what things you don't like. We have a meeting this afternoon -- like so fired up -- got a notebook all of your address it didn't bring with me but check this out this. -- -- There's the pile of stuff we got. While -- -- -- back and -- -- last night so much good feedback. Hey guys have you feel like the news disorganized electronically trying to belittle Sarah Palin knows out of Alaska original records that are built like -- you just killed a few trees -- netstat. That's great but sometimes you -- -- -- -- at -- that we uptake for ourselves. A suburban later and have a meeting to go over what you guys want -- to -- about the show if anything. And thank you thank you thank you for your continued feedback -- countries and this man does a really has evolved and changed over the years and you still have people that have been here from day one that it's not the enter that's amazing. Not the bag and is so -- treat -- I guess odds are out of them absolutely no reason why you guys are here and a touchy -- crap who cares about emotions sucked -- Google's buzz kill. -- -- -- -- and how Google is facing what could be a record fine over its acceptance of ads for illegal online pharmacy. Yet Internet search giant is bracing for find that could top 500 million dollars after federal probe of legal online pharmacy ads policed. On their website over the past years so we've seen the you know -- ad banners companies that are distributing drugs. Summer summer pharmaceutical some are on things like OxyContin member is set that can be highly addictive. And these advertisements Google has been making profits from these but at the end of the day they're still illegally sold the distributed online. The and they -- headed apparently federal prosecutors along with undercover agents from the Food and Drug Administration headed up a massive investigation aimed at showing that Google knew. That it was nothing -- -- and that's the problem is that they knew they potentially new allegedly that they were taking money from web sites that sold these drugs without a legitimate. There's also mentioning -- here Google I think it's a few weeks it and they say they had set aside. 500 million dollars for potentially an impending to find like this yeah so they've been prepared for it it has it has not been officially levied yet. But -- the seat talk about how drug it. Distribution whether it's -- -- not has been elevating over time. Massachusetts General Hospital university Southern California they showed that from 2000 to 2007. There is a significant rise in prescription drug abuse. And during those years you know -- emergency room and missions and also risen from 300000. It also shows the greatest expansion of high speed Internet access. Also had. The largest increase in admissions for treatment of prescription drug abuse. So they're definitely some correlations between the two. And it's interesting because Joseph Califano the president and founder of Columbia university's National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse -- warned Google. And -- the last -- I was loading. Warned Google CEO Eric Schmidt about the problem in a letter in 2008 so it's not like ate it and you know it. Via the allegation is that there's plenty of reason that they could have known that this was happening so if if the fine it levied likely that it will be. The largest -- -- single line from US color from a US court. And them hopefully Google won't be tuning. Yeah because they haven't they really have the power to stop right it's in their add their ad words -- that at home they can they can actually shut out mechanism that. And I and I think there were times when Google had said there were specific and mad that they weren't going to take -- over the years they have. It's in that. But actually -- -- -- -- book where they talk about how they. They they kind of tried them. Make a balance of they would maybe except ads for like tobacco and alcohol on -- but then they would try to balance out with. Their own house ads for better living healthy living -- never -- it. At that point in and the -- may be crossed everything evil in that department is currently -- Other bad news for Google is that a federal judge has found that Google can be held liable. For damages for secretly collecting all of that data from open Wi-Fi routers -- they and they were slurping up. Sort of data about access points but then. Accidentally or whatever as a result of bad code. Ended up sucking up all of this personal data some -- encrypted emails and passwords them you know garbled bits. And I about a dozen lawsuits were seeking damages from Google for basically eavesdropping. And collecting on that information Google is hoping to get that case dismissed. And -- and now sorry. Yeah and the course in -- they said that the the that they found that the plane -- plead facts sufficient to state. A claim for violation of the wiretap accident related this to wiretapping where -- collect even though. There's phone signals that are sent across your it's still illegal to tap into those and then there. Record this in a much like a Wi-Fi signal that might be unprotected it's illegal to tap into that and then record and store which is the big thing be stored and kept that they. Yet -- that's the big that's the big cats there. And they say you know that defendant intentionally created approved up and installed -- specially designed software and technology into the street view vehicles. And use this technology to intercept -- of data packets. -- -- -- -- Examples the store in the previous story. Howell the Google a big company they're growing and learning about what they're doing just as much as we are they for said it was a bug I really don't feel they had. They were directly trying to be evil in this situation with the white by -- -- they really they really wanna go Biden did a generic neighborhood. And take my emails and collect them and actually sort them. I don't I personal feel that was there better than original intent Baird have all -- homeless and yet not all my stuff. But so you know there these are the growing pains of these kind these companies but have more power than the even realize. You know -- don't realize the that the impact that they actually have -- a small things. It's a good metaphor can they are kind of like a clumsy -- teenager and now they're just sort of they're stumbling a -- around their kind of flexing their power like neo and the matrix that their discovery what they're capable of it did you know but they're being they don't have the kind of wisdom and frankly just beat the -- awareness in some cases. To know when they're crossing the line -- ready you know they're just testing the -- of what is possible technically speaking. Although. On the drug I'm taking notes on my family adds that system that the money talks to -- -- you know this is like. They were just being geeks and and thinking and and they don't. As we've seen over and over and over they just don't have the awareness of when they're crossing the line in terms of privacy. So who knows what the result of these lawsuits are gonna be imminent of the people have been trying to create class action -- -- like we said about a dozen pending now. I think that I think Google's legal war chest is probably probably pretty significant yet I think I think they'll be alright and it date. It's kind of one of the costs of business of being Google. You know it that content and higher. By five -- but only a million here. Yet but that's -- that's not much money they know it's remarkable. Rim has released a response to the open letter from supposedly from a senior executive that was published and man boy genius report. The response kinda put -- response kinda. -- the original letter we did run with a story yesterday because it was still -- -- in developing but the letter which was. Potentially read by senior and -- -- depleted with the company's upper management to make a variety of changes in how they run things one -- some issues addressed like who they were targeting how they were. We're not really according to developers how they work really working for the and user other structure of decision making was lax how. The letter also outright admitted that. The kind of laughed off that the iphone's introduction three or four years ago and that they still do look and and the and that they -- -- -- -- it does there's it's a deep letter that you have to read through. But this senior executive who still is anonymous -- yet to be named. Got this letter came out the public but these are -- things that we've been talking about a lack of focus them. A lack of getting on that horse and moving forward and innovating -- and the management structure that's been an issue to co CEOs. Who does. That that they also pointed out and this is fascinating is that this letter basically says look no one within the company feels like they can -- this stuff without fear of losing their jobs. And so that's why you know I supposedly went this route of the and the anonymous the open letter that was published and boy genius report. And they it and and yet to make it -- it talked about how it has to be a laser like focus on the consumer how developers and not carriers can make or break ram. And that it's time to be. Humble in the press have a dash of paranoia and just like it to work. So -- their -- -- response. To that how did they address that's so then -- responded and said. Willow. He certainly don't even think that this is a real person's letter but even if it is -- doing. We're doing just fine we're doing by. And -- a lot of money and in the southern Hitler's not real a lot of money and we are going through transition period it's been very difficult but we feel like we got it. Which is -- -- -- with you know I mean I guess. Actually know how you how I was gonna say I guess how do you address they have -- like it what are you gonna say but the fact is. Clearly they think that something about this is legit or they wouldn't respond -- a -- that if you're going to respond and legitimized and then put a real were spot I mean. Like everyone and you wanna say well what else -- again and at the -- nobody asked understanding. You don't. You're and net you have no obligation -- respond publicly to what appears to be an anonymous letter that may or may not be from -- -- -- and you can choose to ignore that. Because and that would send the message that you think it's not real. But if you clearly think it's real enough to respond. That this -- like we've got plenty of money -- were working on growth. That's literally what they say we have solid balance sheet strong profitability. And substantial international growth -- those were lines directly from the letter. And everyone here that everyone here that listens and watch and watches and follow their show or even reads anything related tech knows that rim is in trouble yeah and that the -- just. Posture like everything -- guys don't worry that. That that -- makes them look completely not in tune to what's happening to them. If anything it validates everything that is in this even if this is not an open letter from -- rim executive and I frankly I suspect that it is. But even if it wasn't everything they saying here is dead on. Dead on and to put -- -- response of those worked fine is just frankly embarrassing. As usual well. Although apparently the shareholders. Have rim Richard's -- are not happen. And they have at least -- enough of the mutiny. That the board of directors that rim has agreed to form an independent committee permanent task force slick -- with the name and -- and -- study aspects of the company's management structure including. Them clarifying the role of rim controversial. Post -- yet. How long have -- been saying that about how it just makes no sense. Like for the past year while and -- -- and that -- for awhile like flipping navy and they announced that stricter. While no I think they've had a structure pro -- -- Evans and that for -- like you can't have. And -- you can't there's no such thing is to people in charge there's just not like it that's not leadership. And even if it you know even if I thought that it were possible for -- structure to succeed it's pretty obvious that's not working for. -- the numbers in the first quarter -- Woke people up and -- that's -- they're looking at this -- they're like we don't you know what this is not working for us we need to reevaluate this is the right direction for CI. I can't imagine it's gonna -- How committee you know I mean if the shareholders are okay revolting. And saying like you got its -- as -- -- -- work -- -- Then there's no and in fact open letter calls for it it's like the public and those quote. The public's questions about dual CEOs are warranted the partnership is not broken but on the ground level it is not efficient. Can't be maybe we need -- Eric Schmidt rain period I mean even Google had to do it you gotta let somebody in charge some somebody asked if anyone who makes the decision. -- -- It's not and the inefficiency is exactly the problem you gotta go out a few different. Or is -- they have to come to an agreement earth that whenever it just slows things down you don't have -- like mono maniacal vision of what should happen. The company. So. There will be -- Will program. Do you do we have a -- elections. And now the fact that they're going to create a committee to -- -- -- I'd be pretty shocked at the board of directors in the committee. The task -- doesn't come back in thing. Hey I have an idea. How well one guy in charge with the vision. About neither -- and will get a new guy that's what's gonna happen to the editor of those rooms -- with the buck stops here and there. I -- that. -- the bucks -- -- here but also with the -- update and get it together yet. I we're gonna take a quick break and while -- gets it together when we come back FaceBook. Awesome events -- Finally files for IPO to -- well we'll just how much money and computer blah blah. Blah -- 800 it. Welcome back about -- -- -- Hollywood here and rent on C meets him yes man to man the controls go. Atom -- are beautiful. Beautiful. Lighting up a brag about this Apple says okay why daddy brag about it so much I have a confession to make -- Did you know how on Tuesday. It. Enemy aircraft that anything -- about outer ring -- I did not bring -- I got a call completely. Forgot eradicate and -- Arabs like. Odyssey totally delivered -- the -- usually third Adam -- None are now at at 9:40 AM Pacific time which is twenty minutes before -- -- I went into right on top of the elect. Because it's me. But right now and then you know -- -- -- He rents -- -- it's -- Matalin is one of the finest -- is here in the city. -- -- -- little butt out there good that's good I had on hand pipe. He did it would -- -- Up a tablet that's him I totally can't -- that. I hit my -- was ally. In the ideally I'd gladly give all the props to BD -- Worried right over there -- -- -- -- That but that's a red velvet -- that's one of the pretty Israeli politics that's because like words into the -- cheese frosting and -- -- that right now now we have the -- around the -- separately we should -- -- -- I think that's a good idea because people also still care about -- -- Now by infineon that happens -- When -- whatever it whenever you feel my face on -- -- that sound inside is an okay. Okay anyway okay so -- back to stories yesterday everyone -- got a little giddy and excited because. FaceBook founder Mark Zuckerberg set off a wave of speculation by telling -- reporters that he had planned to lock something awesome look. Next week what could it be could it be something a mobile gonna be the iPad Apple what could -- be able we've heard about the partnership was spotted by -- -- Europe but spot I have has also. Might have been able to find a friend in -- and FaceBook. So -- been talking. And they've had discussions -- this is according to sources in the music industry have told. Us our friends -- cent of all at CNET about integrating the music service. In a FaceBook in this is significantly once it launches here in the us than once you want -- -- waiting for this forever. -- and has to be clear we don't know fresher. If the Wednesday event is going to be related to a -- by -- but announcement although all. It certainly seems like the stars are aligning their finally and that would give spotted by. Huge -- but yeah terms of the US law to mean you have to admit that would really elevate that named him pretty mainstream. Households that there's a thing it when when someone like a CEO like Mark Zuckerberg says we're gonna launch something awesome next week. I don't you have a bet you have myriad stories of what's gonna be. If spot -- not even. In Europe space but yet and he's gonna do it and and do some American announcement. Only it's gonna be spotted by yet -- to early I think it's gonna be the mobile app initiative with iPad app. And some light I think there again it I don't think it's gonna be spot -- it seems -- seems too. Few early. -- spot but spot as the reportedly signed three of the four. Labels I had I think spotted by would announce a -- in the US before they would announce a partnership with FaceBook or. I don't think. The unique -- of -- more than anything yet because of the blue -- in sales -- in those songs and -- diet when I say. And oh well we're just throwing things here right now in -- If I -- where Edwards -- Canada where -- that if I we're going to launch -- -- the United States. And I -- coming into a crowded field that included Google Amazon and Apple. The thing that I would wanna do is attach my name to -- -- 600 million users I think that I at points like it. I feel like it makes more sense for spotted by even and FaceBook. Although -- pretty -- does not rule out I like Ingram is the instant party that know all the time. But I feel like if I'm spot I am like yeah yeah I think you idea now -- -- -- about -- -- do not want it out into the Grand Canyon all love like. I think that's a good point but a -- by wants to. I think just aligning and having FaceBook make the announcement would -- takes -- there okay fine in America they don't have much brand equity your brand power. But there's there's some value to that to making your -- -- your own announcement of your own -- -- of a -- instead of FaceBook doing it for. Yeah I do think there is though a bear had a pretty strong possibility that you may be right and if you like them announcing their mobile initiative because to me that is more. All of them and try to imagine decadent thing I'd like you know maybe I only -- and now we're gonna do something we are all of them here -- -- FaceBook Google announced the amazing mobile -- -- -- It's absolutely. Awesome but it bullying we wanna do this with rightly it's the right. Hopefully alternately like 97 more steps in terms of your privacy I'm looking forward to that but I I I think -- I was FaceBook. I would definitely think that mobile -- -- it was more. That's. -- -- but I think we're both right let's disagreed about all the right but both sold right now. -- like on the polar. Right. -- -- Apparently Microsoft. Rim. Apple and a few others have gotten together to outbid Google and by that giant collection of Nortel -- this is like. The avengers of technology coming together so we know they got Google initially -- 900 million dollars for all these. This myriad mobile patents relate to four G wireless connectivity and this is summed it up. Schools doesn't have in their war chest at all it would help them use it for defense and be a player -- These silly and milling patent wars that we don't care about -- have to talk about -- and sell. Instead they'll yes -- they weren't go way yeah. This super friends. Microsoft Sony rim and Apple together bid four point five billion dollars in cash for the assets a little higher than the 900 million that Google put a little. Also included Sony corp Ericsson may be any empty. And then yell at four times the -- -- a little over four times the amount but. Say that I am with -- in -- -- -- I am surprised that. Apple joined forces with anybody to do this I think that's why all the headlines like Apple -- that like Agassi tenderness on their own. But I mean it is. Potentially and hopefully. More helpful for the industry if a consortium -- these patents together -- mean the granite. That just gives them that super -- hourly presented push anybody else out of the market. But hopefully it would just it it -- say it is likely to be a pure protective move. On the part of many other platform. Also from what I read in the -- like temple of paragraph but earlier -- it is it appears that some of these patents are more relevant for some of the companies and others -- and that they lead. I don't Z mama daddy be split about divvying it up like marbles on a field. I wonder at what point though. These guys would cross the line into collusion. If they owned this many patents jointly and they were kind of like. Wink wink -- -- -- you John Doerr you can go ahead with that technology can I even though. That's in technically mine -- you can get and then Google is like excuse yet Google's on the outside act that -- It depends on how they yield this rate how how they -- not yield is how -- use this as a weapon. Right -- into -- if they collectively use these patents select shut down Google -- or just few Android into the dust. At what point does that sort of become sort of -- -- behavior. Gillis the interim are our resident are lowered residents that the pretty high line. Which I -- means that they can do a lot of bad stuff before they we get in trouble that's how America is. And if you're -- baker you never had trouble. It -- these and cricket that's right -- all political. Know how else. Breaking news is being has finally filed for its of its IPO. And has filed to -- is one. 1000001 dollars million dollars and get -- under one of the only IPOs that are actually making money before they file exactly is a good thing also -- thinking about buying Hulu. This is a report according to the LA times initially Yahoo! was -- There's a -- thrown out there that as Hulu was looking up for bidders to sell themselves that Yahoo!'s apart revolve but. Early preliminary talks seemed to be happening between Hulu. And -- -- and that's according to people familiar with the situation as credit by the LA times it has led -- -- -- right now. We'll we'll just we'll keep following that went yes. If you can't get a Google plus and by you know I've been checking my email every day and so -- there are no Google let's invite them you're on vacation I didn't. -- think about adding people once they got -- I just wanted to goof around with. All Brian. Sorry Larry Heath -- bought for the -- -- -- -- -- loan hinted at but apparently I could just go on eBay. You can go to eBay for everything -- ram the reason me and amber. No I had there are evidently like -- that. It got -- -- all that now there are 250. -- -- forward Google left in ninth here's the thing anemic. I'm not and I'm not -- Google plus invite experts literally because -- barely invited but he but I thought they completely shut down the invite system. Right now even if these employer offer either and mayor of these and more often in invite. Is that like for -- a future in -- once it opens up its knowledge can get in the system right now ranked so this is kind of like really stupid. But it is such an invite mechanism but that doesn't mean you you if but I was -- that it won't work I was given a number I could just invite whoever wanted -- -- really now -- -- -- -- if someone -- -- And in May ultimately try adults and -- -- -- back and I'll report back. And as a human diet can and can imagine them -- About the cost of that -- Abetted that came out a little cream cheese. Of that red velvet on an old pay day you girl -- -- auto adjudicate allowed to -- now -- -- Is there anymore. Other one more quick and apparently there's a rumor that Motorola has put all gingerbread build on hold for the Droid Q and the Droid global. So that it can work out by it and then not have that problem like the problem where did to read totally ruined my Droid that. That's a lot her age I I really I thought very seriously about throwing this over a waterfall and Amazon is -- -- -- well -- my opponent broke it. Leo -- was then it will. Was -- also because you wish that you actually using the iPhone four's camera during your trip in Yosemite. She I had another it and -- admission from Mali unsolicited. This morning I was literally like I don't know if I am going to oh and another trip without an -- -- Actively -- that I like what the -- that is amazing new. Anyway there were also reports that Verizon had called a halt to all and -- updates from Motorola. Until literally can straighten out -- they created with a gingerbread update 20. My previously perfectly good trying to other -- the camera which is crap growing pains learned. Their -- -- It's too bad. It's really of -- and -- -- its its its. -- -- -- -- Yet people. -- bath will have more we'll have more cervical points meant everything we've done in the show breaks all suggested that you guys asked for honestly I would actually my about it the wrong I like it. Russian scientists expect humanity to encounter alien civilizations. Within the next few decades according to a top Russian astronomer so that's bad. Twenty years to I wanna -- do like Iowa enemy aliens to be honest -- you guys we've already met aliens. -- I've been illegal alien -- it picketed at the cricket. Mentally we're really Alter ego but now I don't know I just I just wanna throw it out there that you like where -- Of the director of the rest and our hey baby yeah it. The director of the Russian Academy of Sciences applied astronomy institute said the Genesis of life is as inevitable as the formation of -- With another spin on aliens being really a mathematical certainty scientifically speaking. Life exists on other planets and we will find it. But engineers might one thing -- we find it. But -- I -- us we are screwed if minority find microbes on and like the moon or something we'll leave them. Kinda did but then everyone completely order that report -- You now. -- -- -- Destroys all the find means to onion yeah they're out there they're out there they're gonna come in finance and then it's gonna be like following that and. How is that -- boring. That was saw what I saw the robot that look like a low budget -- silent I'm like I'm now watching this crap I couldn't really even I couldn't make it through -- pilot. Really liked unite and attorney and I mean -- -- and -- on TV lately but like that's not -- it is and public room and board. The bomber OK to let you know why the casting. I'm not -- no -- and then the kid who supposedly is his oldest son looks like five years younger than that to me an hour to figure out that it has done. And others like. It. As well and that's -- I get to commend them. I think you -- be used. And movements that -- have for the people that make the show actually possible -- -- -- That's -- yes that not -- actually -- awesome that we have now had few call outs to the botched he began. -- I'm not tell that -- can put the box kit that -- And the mining that also entered from the perhaps credits and had threatened birds to people production -- -- On the -- unit has -- and. -- so it does take regulation -- not such -- -- -- -- I enjoy it looked when you're. To -- -- our everyday and I hope you keep up the good work itself are. I am not dead but did. -- clock and. It's horrible you need to be worked on education. But but kids here like that -- clear that aren't -- you aren't -- we -- rock. -- -- near -- -- -- near zero line where abundant and I saw but did tell it is in the house he's in the house viewed by an area I do. And -- you. You edit what class what class fills -- -- that in. I mean not any of them are more acceptable than others but you know -- -- -- hopefully not designed. Leg with PE. Now be totally fine pop culture class -- social shout out to rest -- -- Sonoma in the year and the director of that's awesome and thank you for the well which is we have several other well wishes about the fifteen undertones -- we're going back to our old remember way back in today fortunately we have that after the show. Special like after the credits through play like especially when -- little with math or put -- 15100. In the after the credits as special -- was yes thank you for a while which thank you much guys -- do email. -- -- -- Actually metal lines. That's -- Aladdin trying to -- -- and -- today that Friday we wanna get -- -- break -- says you missed the obvious connection about our patent system. It's of fingered gesture. A. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- You guys are -- I heard crickets a -- I get all come treatments at the double -- limited. And yet it alright guys you know -- salmon is that we didn't have it last -- we need to deliver this week. You know how to do it is time for computer. -- We can sell you know we decided we mix it up a little different today because the computer -- about computer love. Why not showcase some articles. Of -- below -- -- engineers have attempted is to not give robots severely alone and we're gonna talk about that later. Bass -- was created -- today that your idea. That does exercise than anything about it robot that Lara that's amazing doubted that -- -- -- -- these items that three we'll talk about the computers that last. This week we're gonna talk about computer love -- life. Six there's an awesome story Yahoo!. Yahoo! shine which I didn't even really know it -- -- it is that I personally just -- it like -- -- -- related it is and you know look at them more. To learn things not. What is wrong with me I don't know I stayed up -- 130 last night that's my fault. That's my bottom and admit that it like that's not me that I'm a little lot of guys though apparently there's this amazing story this poor girl I B withers. Got engaged to one -- Freddie born. And about the -- just right before the wedding really she got and an email from horror future. Mother and to be -- like her stepmother among which double whammy right sent an email subject lines that the email then went viral subject line. Your lack of manner. A little I think he should now before you join just FYI but it. And started just like you're a few examples of your lack of manners when you're -- guest -- -- house you do not declare what you will and will not. Unless you are positively allergic to something. You do not remarked that you do not have enough food you start before everyone else -- not take additional helping without being invited to buy your -- You're not lying in bed until late morning in households that -- early fall in line with house norm. You should never ever -- -- or about -- -- at any time and most definitely not in public. It regularly draw attention to yourself perhaps you should ask yourself why don't get married and capsule unless they own it. It is brash -- basically -- satellite radio and tacky because their parents -- Some of the total. And that area and as very about -- and it says that she Haiti's Freddie. The percent cut away so what you guys this glowing -- -- throw out to you guys what do you do. In this situation. And do you think it's appropriate for that let them. Know. I'm -- I'm not realize I'm a little bit more yeah I think that if I think that thing about like how she says. I -- Freddie and you know you should be ladylike in gracious salute your site -- a modest -- -- whenever it indeed that. I mean it's hard right because their people -- -- don't have any manners like this food issue stuff. Just stopping the somebody's house and an oddity that pattern that -- -- got food issues you're British is your problem right again. There's obvious thing they do kind of wish you can tell people. I think here's the thing I don't know but I think she's not. Now I've never -- but I've seen the dynamic between my mom and my brother and his wife and sometimes the mom needs to tell the -- So the sun can relate these things to his lady in a nice way and hopefully she had just some of these things instead of this like. This written email that is gonna. Treat this huge -- -- this awkward -- now yeah how can that not be not awkward the message is horrible it's the media audio require that so any of its unacceptable now intently after death is being if you try to talk through her son and it failed. And every attempt to use him as the instrument. So relayed this information and -- -- -- yeah completely failed and she was completely tapped out then find this was her last for this is clearly the last straw she had -- But I gotta say. Heidi. Don't marry and -- the humanitarian and Barrington family you marry the know it is this is the step mom like you now. I would say the prime wanna get out now and are actually don't really want to get out Freddie. It's readying did not -- -- marry the -- now hanging Dieter a lot lazy lay about tacky botch. And you need to get either need to but it doesn't -- of him and this month -- the the but union has mom. And the systematic -- yeah it's a step mom yeah but down. It's it's it's hard not -- the -- by the you know and with the guys down an integral he doesn't see any of these things he doesn't care. Now he doesn't care. He -- over -- -- -- it. -- innovative and it does not an -- app that. Thanks health what do you guys think we're gonna -- -- -- -- as computer love story of humor that's. -- studio or into your email yes. Are right it's encountered Taylor gave -- -- okay so I've almost sent this email several times I don't wanna be the bad girlfriend here but. I don't think I can let this one go anymore my boyfriend. Is horrible. With Internet security every few weeks -- come until full screen. You need a buyer virus against software style malware on our shared computer this is our only desktop. And have a habit of going to check my utility in bank statements on it. IX and the computer savvy half and I know this back to -- system so how do I deal with this. How. Old DL you gotta tell him at dugway credit related ads I don't know if you're asking should you break up with him or not now I don't. I think she's saying -- you acts is it possible for me to give him a lecture about eight -- security. It is. I think you have to say like -- look. I'm not trying -- -- and New York plea down I just I really want to make sure that we. Don't -- he's -- -- you know whatever it is -- I don't know how not savvy her boyfriend is. But you know some of those guys -- -- There's things organic pavement about you just need to spell it out on paper real easy I think you candid here and don't worry about -- him like it'll be -- but also Tim makes an attack -- may have. -- his finger right on the problem. Which is that it may be -- porn thing. All lot with immediately when I -- I'll. Hard. Though so there's ain't going carrying water -- -- on random links like first. First it's totally -- it have a conversation with a manipulated let our bank statements are on here that money at stake in the -- -- chat room. We gotta get you know I'm sure you've heard all about -- that you know what you -- -- -- -- damsel in distress even like. On environment like I'm scared because I've heard all these stories but act -- and I just really -- Don't economy lately I've found this list online don't -- it don't make it like it's coming from Europe and lets them light up and -- but then also I wanna look into the porn but anything. Okay let's let's put this -- -- -- you're not allowed to look at porn if -- a little savvy about this I feel she would have Tek is history and would have known. If he's not savvy he's not gonna delete the -- he -- he doesn't know about private browsing. She can check his history now it is -- should it is history shows that he was doing all the porn porn. Then maybe you need -- spice it up Taylor. Phoenix are -- in some little you know. Things to get. I don't Lara app app app I've heard I've does Jupiter I don't you did and it. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And oh yeah yeah yeah okay guys we like things a little crazy little dirty sometimes -- -- its that we globally Dallek a lady in the street to the -- in the bed. What I'm -- on a Friday episode 15100 -- Apparently doesn't she asked in an analyst who doesn't have dancing to spice it up a little model's program he didn't make it happy conversation about forty by sabaya -- from Victoria's Secret they constantly bound by it. By your -- without. -- -- -- -- -- Go I had to go to I after I feel like you weren't doing the things I want volleyball and I'm looking and looking at the charity -- and it. A good amount of people are saying we have a point right now where did not -- not. We're not seen. You have to sleep you know bring bring a game once in awhile. I don't wanna look take my a game also Larry assuming that she's the one not bring in a game and -- my decision to do this too stupid to not click on the -- -- like maybe he's covered in a game -- -- around the little fat belly hanging. And end -- And deliver and and delivering the same time every time I -- -- -- God in this day nobody can -- that is. I'm gonna the smash and grab -- -- radio then this -- -- The radio twist in the rabbit like effectiveness -- you not you not know that that is not her lawn and it goes that it absolutely goes -- it is Dallas. I'm glad you fired back that way and it's only -- and you call them back. You don't even know the guy you don't even know the guy and he said fat belly that is offensive. -- -- -- I think in the field that computer. Omega outnumbered deteriorating significantly right and healthier thinking about it Saturday something it opens -- -- -- This -- it yet. Thank god you're still here but we're probably part of -- from your answer right -- A couple weeks ago it -- and a new shuffle playlist contest here at buzz out loud it was the the baby pop admit. What music -- blatantly when I heard smash and haven't radioed. -- It's like a new company news or special moves -- Mortal Kombat but no these are bedroom moves. I can't get -- out of my head. -- -- Sure to note that the real thing with. Him. Everything on sale on its loyal that -- -- Radio -- I got that from them. Okay let -- programs there's -- and know that the navy couldn't wait for the baby pop and manic. He had to see the great world with -- -- to and he came out a little bit early. Leaving -- Mike says scrambling to make my own little mix of my life slaughter already broken and -- hope you're doing that. That you're sitting there that merely pulled one -- -- commit. But all worked out well we started the trip to the hospital with -- good -- push it. We meant to general gentle songs like -- through breathing to keep that include content we mixed in spicier numbers. Like you and me in the bottle makes three tonight to keep the muscles working but the greatest moment was turning -- -- -- hospital entrance with Bon -- blaring. That's right the PS -- -- also. Born to be my baby. -- -- a day and a half later -- list. My wife who weighed a 105. Pounds -- -- labor -- -- a very happy nine pound one ounce baby. -- element of the dirtier lady she is a soldier from here wow. Our C is -- folder that's crazy unbelievable anyway congratulations to you and little Alex danger. -- While that's awesome and got it might and he can't wait to hear his aunt Molly an uncle Brian about -- belly in the land. -- -- -- And -- everybody was apparently little clap clap for my that's great looking to make kind of gotten out of Atlanta and I have been more suggestions you can comment and we'll announce the winner next Friday. Yes that's our -- our baby pop and mixed to send us some your suggestions that you guys wanna do a noble. We'll throw it up there will will treat the Nixon who are we gonna get -- going to I don't know we'll FiOS -- -- Governor somehow. Smashing gravity killing me you've -- -- as an ingredient list. That's passing the -- -- I am. Am floored I'm not alienate early on -- last mile -- minute rant there but I'm pretty sure that all of -- -- know what I mean. I don't know exactly what that move is but I get it. We -- now we know we mean -- -- OK I. That's about nutshell that's and a data is an -- -- -- you guys think you so much -- -- witness 15100 episodes. We keep on doing it like that yet. We're gonna we're gonna keep doing it from our next week will and will resume at fifteen. And the flow back to normal and now Levy guys happy fourth we will not be here on Monday at the port the July Independence Day here in the United States. And we get the day off. To -- yes so we will see you back here on Tuesday July 5 and a wonderful weekend. On our show notes that -- -- that cnet.com and you can still even though we will be hearing -- so Collins an email. 100 when handed take on 62638. That is correct email us that -- at cnet.com alright guys see have a great weekend. But and only. Today he I think.

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