Ep. 15: Oceanic seduction
Ep. 15: Oceanic seduction

Ep. 15: Oceanic seduction

It's Tuesday August when it -- and you're listening to slash watching. Create podcast -- dozen friends and Donald now own. I'm Eric Franklin and I -- actually -- I wanna deal. We'll show you actually lay out without buzz out loud happens to me it's that the studio is in shambles. -- get the journal powered you know mixing board going over here -- right. And -- everything is that's the in -- off the shelf it's horrible hello turn out like monitor happen. They're not uses the packet and I hear that the whole place is in disarray -- -- are hoping that haven't happened. Yeah it -- but the point is I think it's alright so where do I'm actually I'm proud that we've gotten this far and if we can and it now I can't it is a ticket. -- -- as -- distances that was so -- Mars leaves for the weekend and homer and Bart are. And yes yes and the cleaned the kitchen they okay it would clean it and -- -- mean is -- it's its immaculate -- -- walk out of room and it in the door swings back youth youth expo lead to radio with that. Revenues and a -- this film is very different. Nine. Let down but we do have let's let's get -- -- we don't have without a lot to show this week but what we do have. It's pretty -- We've got the human car imagine PS human non human. -- kind of looks like -- I it's -- Chairman of electric. Cars are electric car but it has hand cranks I think I have mostly I have -- That -- -- -- write -- -- dream machine has an oddly like really hit soundtrack. For how. For home -- and -- manage Albania's. The guys who jumps -- -- it is like them. This we basically lets mobile beaten it for you to win a battery life as it goes he would say -- again that we. And -- me BA it's time to think they'll put you -- it's going around Atlanta. Let's say yeah this is this -- power off you can actually hook this up and and -- the battery that's in the air directly. But why do that and you can have everyone in the car -- -- In Florida and we said it was -- power -- -- you very popular in this okay. -- and it now has not not have a meth amphetamines although I'm sure that mildly and alleys. -- there. I mean it's the sudden he gets all of that from just about -- I -- it -- at top speed of late 2530. Miles per hour on my. Flat road going downhill from -- sixteenth. Pal disc brakes. He's wedded to assured there. Maybe if you're logging out of feeding on new age ABA yeah there he added that get a little sample here in the middle of -- -- -- -- -- So. Pretty neat -- I think and it's a little expensive I mean they're the kind of like one of like they're being cranked out one at a time when we had here I think it's even deserve one for about fifty dollars. And in the grand totals about 151500. To actually -- this thing he -- it. -- -- -- It is pricey and I have a marker -- just looking at it seriously it looks like it should be advertising some kind of like Oscar -- product yeah it's it's like happenings on its toes but it's not stretch in a way that's. Cool. -- -- to help speed that if I think sixty downhill or thirty on flat road and then about. Now Bill Clinton it's it's. -- like the hand crank kind of nature of this thing enough to want to like melody that the -- -- appeals appeals. Especially in this city or parallel parking here and I know -- -- yet -- -- -- -- -- around like music you know for a sound system or anything else they -- it doesn't have like automatic -- a Catholic loaded up -- -- some hard this summer making it becomes that this guy he can like. It might as whispered things these. Are bringing a bringing us -- do well. -- -- -- -- -- -- I've let them yet pretty neat well we have here we've got that -- bad student she'd that have been recycled into. Garbage cans so this is -- guards can. Made from garbage that's the medic concept is get it from Matt Harris cycle. And hoping you get this garbage can into. Late kind of big box at home he -- that stores by next year. And there's a as a show I guess that's on. The stylus that's all about kind of this guy's journey into turning turning garbage -- to -- you know honest. What does an image tokens and actually look at them on -- -- and maintenance. It is called -- garbage mobile garbage moguls deaths so here's this guy and he is they've essentially taken of plastic bags they've. -- plastic bags from -- the company -- terrorists -- -- from potato chip bags that chip bags. And then -- melt them down it's like one giant plastic. Hunk and the chip the mop and these little -- moon -- named in the -- -- product he can. -- Baghdad the personally thought it was just making garbage inside -- it I think that's -- -- their retail price on the is gonna be. This change my -- thirty dollars for the -- twenty dollars. Enough for -- and and the and amount of emissions like carbon version thirty -- -- -- about 40% less carbon emissions then you would by doing. From right there you know create -- created that is an angry that are -- and -- created because of do you just. By the fact that I think it's reasonable price okay twenty dollars or -- reusing -- I agree if you agree that it's if the price it really gets me -- -- -- very because for the prize as -- yellow buttons with these things it's always like. We can pay a hundred dollars more of -- that's the thing with you know combustible garbage -- they're like three times as much as -- the parent and you don't buy them back and we really did these really need to be there hasn't much they haven't kind of -- and -- small. And -- -- really easily do it -- and so. And this what's actually security it's. You know how they jump that -- -- like -- -- stories and it didn't bend or break ratings. Cool and if yes how are Fred for you fishing boats they have a yeah fishing -- -- -- -- -- recycled CDs. Just great. I guess on any link there's a link in the -- -- that that goes to baton. Speakers that they make from -- isn't she goes back and -- -- -- they're actually like that they look like -- back together full mobile speakers like half. And I think it's you know but they -- that it speakers -- saw the video last week about there's like in the sun chips bad that's -- 100% comp comfortable. But it's like it's neat note that back from material that they make it on -- like extremely loud. -- -- -- yeah it's like. And only some -- and head to head back at Fenwick he's the -- -- -- they're already really loud yeah. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Yeah and we can't have this in class -- now was canceled a human being I think we should apply to this bag and bring it into one of its that is -- -- mark and -- we can get their little lot of guys can't yet. We need to get back at Noble's million that's what we really need though. Is a boat. -- like as we do need been clamoring for that for years. One -- opinions of the ocean. And and now I'm wow. I like we got a title and a. -- -- -- And so this is actually the -- this is a regular about race in hand and fast for a little bit to the super -- there ago. Steve -- regular bad separate I was actually -- -- Al thinking how this must be man of that's the one thing you can't. This is a concept vote that's that that looks like -- zipper pull and that many many drive -- when no work and it you know boats. That ocean and weight behind it looks like this and taping of the ocean and Eric Franklin watts does in that's what that -- Apparently FB operated by remote control right now because it's so top heavy. That is if you'd be unsafe for some actually. After as the -- it goes pretty -- the seductive -- Yeah the prayer and this fifties and has spike in our chatroom like that it would be awesome if it -- the zipper it as well really giant speakers on the that he needs to work on that went into this. This I don't think it does -- -- It doesn't look cool that's a pretty they didn't show up from -- -- here here's a shot -- -- news it from a now you can't get the sense of the week we'll have to go so slow I think went ASCII and there have been better to win -- -- yeah. It needed to be -- right right about it I still -- Yeah you want about yeah you under the -- I just polish the little I want I want a smaller version I want the like the little you take it out on the lake you know little remote controlled boat. That and -- thing professional and a funny like. And then the venues and typically have to worry about all the committees of the ocean. Now the lady of lake is. Men were about as I thought the way Eric diving into my. Leak in that they don't have sound good it got there it's well maybe if you get him the next product -- -- You'll well I think. I suspect Eric minority columnists -- -- them now. This actually this is it brings up I don't think anyone really owns. -- say Internet or people is -- portable thumb drive you have to pay -- -- called the flash drive. Which comes preloaded. With all the warranty you'd ever want everywhere now -- -- -- -- -- -- -- I would be there for eight or sixteen gigabytes of not safe for work video entertainment. It's nice and it's like that W and V one that we Tuesday night and -- -- -- you might get some. The BB support 1080. 1080. -- who really that that there. Yeah second relatively well I won't -- can. A file format you're not if it got -- like too much of that like well I'm right through and -- went coming fixing gigabyte. Of that is that what's what's the limit right now for them -- The 32 that -- but certainty -- muzzle flash drive there. I've got it probably 32 you -- as you put them drive yet -- in flash drives are now up to sixty or -- Men and mean actual last -- Anyway business and you know this is only nine of a most sixteen other citizens how much fourteenth and sixteen gigabyte well again I guess -- enough theater -- to customize here. Your own mix of content doesn't lol yeah I love it when I look on the EM website there and -- it. -- it really have to do that for the sake of this piece -- -- -- -- though because it doesn't look like you customize what you put on it it looks like it comes in prepackaged you know. -- -- -- on -- what does this woman categories. Pre packaged that comes in -- it looked like they were our audience like blister packs since this is like this is Canada type in the -- slot radio porn right banks. Exactly LBV doing here into a certain thing. You know. Music wise or. Other thing yeah so lean beef the -- -- drive comes in blister packs interest. Another thing. To -- the -- He said this anyway. I don't think you get that she is although I didn't actually delve into the site to much I just looked at the top page of the site which -- retaining enough for me -- -- it really is that I think it. I had an -- says this more than when he genres that you can use more that there aren't tackling several job. I feel that I thought at least five scanner -- but let's I think the committees who who really the outside who really know yeah. And I did not text oh my god and and who really needs in the age of the Internet. In the age of outlet and then the -- has selling product back or decide it's virus -- Point -- yeah so that's that's one option okay -- -- for -- so you get but you can go to obviously streaming porn site yeah. That I'm now I've heard me sir -- home. I mean I think they're probably would they're getting -- -- of these sites semi I haven't heard about that area that's what I'm gonna say like it is either says. Well it's our theme and -- and then research yet I. Com -- -- you pay forty bucks for a four gig. Four is a porn now seems that -- -- -- mean a scam but it seems they you know racket. Yeah I don't know why you can -- roll your own. But speak you know there is -- -- there's a plethora of free porn -- -- Internet community I've heard they're you can access. And -- -- -- just does not just Google anything you eagle eye towards you could find like newsgroups you combined they're fitting stuff -- CY. I don't see how this is a good business follow all except that one thing I could see. Is that he sold these in my airport kiosks or something like that this is like that way so that people could be an appropriate on airplane yeah. Yeah okay I'm not that but and I are yeah. Of the hotel lobby here of it's you know no you have heard and don't always go home yeah and also run into the business men. From taking -- you know doing bad things on this business trip. You know needed to stay home. And -- do that. They'd have yet to do you don't see that charges on your bill if you're if you're companies that don't fear we're gonna wanna about a hundred about it on and his storage they must've been a typo. I -- the flash drive like retina that is the type of a weird that ended. -- don't think that's where it now. But and I think it's it's it's an odd like. Kind of return to like them but but -- -- Mac thing where it just like a limited selection of content in an era of unlimited. Yeah he's the -- -- -- and see anything pretty much anything mortgage you can -- I would he won the game. That's -- -- -- -- -- that makes it probably is and -- someone and then Carroll has more. More versed in this it's line of entertainment right now I am not -- I certainly know a whole lot more about clocked. And -- know about -- well this is the thing you stamp on my watching porn on it -- -- you really you can't actually wake up early for that there's an ethnically keeping going and Kate. Getting you there will be even rolling hockey clock the cousin of the cocky. If anyone remembers the -- at the clock he was with the alarm clock on wheels that would -- -- hockey is awesome and roll away from you on its wheels. This thing is like the the kind of limbless version of that but it's kind of vibrates and shakes around. And that plays its music and it is now he can -- an unfamiliar and that's with the -- -- Well -- ruling and -- that would really again. But disposable you know it was yeah yeah so I'm gonna I'm usually around here yeah that's start this can actually go to. Where you can record -- you can -- Hey wait reeker we appreciate and -- and I can't. So this is -- -- one I did kind of ridiculously adorable fiasco Forman Sony -- -- away you know that there. Sony really -- probably a little robotic. Egg thing and load it and yeah if there's last speaker -- can get this for like. Think eighty dollars the kind -- -- -- -- receiver. You know for a novelty alarm clock it's you know within reason and conversation piece. And if you get drunk you know house parties and -- -- that we have to be decided symbol on your floor and entertain people. I think that that would probably be what I used it for them and that her entertaining people at my house parties. Yeah I did bring it with me any party your are an acute. Event for the low low. -- -- -- Totally -- and you wanna introduce this next segment and it's time for for this is player fat -- were actually stemming away from that particular sites. The and that the other unions and like the cat had. That in -- -- -- -- -- Hutton has a total total tangent but this that the -- -- -- -- -- -- -- whenever he sees. -- in this room. -- -- -- Oh here idiots like the bubbles -- levels and I -- -- that -- -- insults at me coming to terms with that it's like the -- my kids like. Closest idea would a carbonated beverages is like in and the here. And -- Yes you're gonna hear that that are active and and it. It again maybe he sees me drinking soda so like -- me though it has been giving him he wouldn't he wouldn't think they call it -- nine. I'm kicking -- our speaking of Aden that soda and beer -- -- -- you fat and this is also gonna make you -- the key to 82 this is. -- that's by Anton act antagonism -- and want an editor and. So you already have the atrocity that is the -- down which of course for those you don't know is too deep fried chicken breasts that are -- which -- bacon and cheese and special off. And then this guy went and added to that by creating a special button. Made out of what else but a pleased with the law. Yes and this is like Citibank -- redundant B don't hear the different out that we're piper I guess you could if you want to give us about it -- -- -- Yeah well. -- don't have have been bifurcated can't there. This actually looks good that's actually -- -- it at being discussed in it was so bad actually -- -- -- -- mom. -- I -- didn't has yeah. So it we have yet he he found -- relishes any. Isn't gonna look at is is gonna -- -- bad to -- the morning on Saturday night. I -- -- in Vegas Waltz Vegas I mean this is that removes them without even the knife and fork that is -- it's actually I mean. -- It does birth is another thing I thought that it didn't include a link to -- it's one of the things that on the player that would ultimately be -- after the show. But it is that chicken skin analysts. -- -- -- This is good I gotta go you see they usually gavel go there will go there after the -- -- are now I think were up. Florida. Every emphatic if abnormal you know you should be hoping that her hand orange that part handled crispy creams. -- -- Yeah many things wrong so many of them -- wrong wrong things and -- -- -- if you have any comment -- are wrong wrong thing if in. Reach us at trade show at cnet.com or it all at 1870. There function and media eleven.

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