Ep. 1485: Steve Jobs building the mothership?
Ep. 1485: Steve Jobs building the mothership?

Ep. 1485: Steve Jobs building the mothership?

Today is Wednesday June 8 2011 -- -- -- meets him I'm Donald -- And I am I would love and a buzz out loud in a podcast of indeterminate length that is episode 14185. We warmed up talking about hunting creek shows that it's gonna be like ability cave man shows. Yeah. And or not. Are probably not and all that sort. But it if the occasional -- Playboy hunter references flipping and you'll understand it -- If I see my gun in the animated show you know yet if I am by you know chased after -- hair like like a Howland on the center whenever and that malware hits and outside government. On the roof out there when. It -- them drive me crazy with independent McKenna wildlife relationship and we have here in building. And also -- prevent it he worked stalling a little bit before we get that. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- To that -- that up a tiny little bit via. It is actually I mean don't you -- like -- at the big deal that's not an exciting and talked about but it is in fact it world IPV -- -- right now it's the future of the Internet Molly Wood beat the doors are open for the future how can you not get excited in my I'm super excited. Now it's it's become defense it basically didn't some of the majors -- out there Google FaceBook Yahoo! Cisco are all participating. In I PV -- and -- they're essentially double stacking. The site that they delivered today to -- being delivered over the IPV four protocol that nobody wants and Mexico way and also over I PV -- And it's sort of a test to see. You know. What kind of equipment might not work with I PV -- what errors might occur how how ready they are. But it seems like it's partially a test and in. Name only because the volume of I PV six traffic is so tiny. While there -- also the closing the doors back down after today directly dated it's kind of like -- -- little test run and then there are taking off on that if the test to see if the world breakdown or they can actually -- Yeah I -- they say that. I PV six traffic will at best today account four point 02%. A global Internet traffic at any given point during the -- so it's probably not. I mean. I should not downplay this because it is obviously extremely. Important -- -- long overdue in the transition to I PV six. And today is tested as good awareness. Campaign has like a red -- they hear it like it's not that Canada where we're gonna. UK test and we're gonna see the entire Internet buckle under the. The attempt to make the switch because -- not there's not -- not enough volume like a show enough the first electric car and putting it back in the drive and a man yeah. Picture doesn't explode. Apparently the -- doesn't. Like -- Nobody's driving yet but is still don't wanted to -- I think it mount like that thank you I'm good with those -- that they had been plenty of dress rehearsals at least at FaceBook. They've done some very comprehensive tests and simulations and have not had any effect. The -- -- users in most cases actually. The site will check your system to make sure that your system supports IP music and so every. Like all the windows operating systems from Vista on do you support I PV six -- turned on by default and the same with Mac OS-X. But if you don't have I PV six -- like for some reason your router can support it. The idea is that you should automatically fall back IPV four. And not notice any disruption that what they're testing to see is. You know in what cases will use the destruction and what does that mean is that the operating system is that your actual hardware is your router. Is that happening at the my or my grandpa like like -- does kick stand thinking what if there's gonna be it's gonna be some kind of like that the kind of email Mike. Phishing scam is gonna come out of -- people -- to install something. Some kind of malware in order upgrade I PVC is your system protected with I PV six click here to download all out -- -- -- -- am. An avenue and -- -- nonstop but the but how are they gonna get more users that run out of them yet the data link and they meet all the devices possible audience and at the break. Right in case you're wondering what would how what will so Asia already out of I PV four addresses it doesn't mean like. That no one will ever be able to get on the Internet after that it does mean there are four billion allocated within I PV four protocol. And so if four billion IP addresses have been given out. -- know -- -- also spur partly rightly -- crack spread across the world. People have. Connection problem say not gonna at the like mug someone to break the Internet connection and then -- it take that out there are some things like India world. Outrage. -- violence in the street fla. Get on the Internet. Now on on a silicon he won't know who's on and who's not you know and that means static IP addresses the guests are already assigned -- -- we need we need a way to go to tell who's on -- who's not. You're on give me like everybody else could happen if we lost you know we did TV's big thing didn't happen and -- -- -- -- online through this and -- -- -- is loving mind and a neighbor I PV six the way to prevent public. Violence violence in the history. Yet -- neo -- now its -- -- it's cooler now and then like I PV six they prevent the global rioting could get it at the -- may not. Of the so far I mean -- so currently it is a big deal that I judge the big the illness -- like how many mainstream media that they do you know. And then one right for PBS new Motorola we have the I -- lips before array that's how we -- -- The public I catalyst -- really -- -- -- -- allow and I mean I got the violence and -- human -- he -- There may be right in the street over FaceBook facial recognition the latest thing that FaceBook turned on by default it is. Facial recognition for tagging and -- so that they wouldn't turn it on automatically that it would they would roll it out some users and get some feedback can figure out -- something people really wanted. Knows that that's that it too long. You got it like that feature they did I got to that they specifically we're like we've developed the technology. We're not -- it to turn it on for every one. When -- and feed and but it it is still if he knows they can hope and well literally faces are involved in the title of build the product right. -- -- -- -- -- -- Security firms so -- and many others expressed concern that if but facial recognition technology had been turned on by default space but acknowledged. As it always does I mean really rinse and repeat right. -- Wildly invade your privacy. Artists MI -- colleges. -- and then under. What can animate then -- like we matter privately -- easier though for you to find the ways to turn -- which really is -- -- most -- -- -- ever. We made it easier we introduce these I mean screens and radio buttons right here's the deceptively. Anyway according to these security analysts FaceBook is rather -- -- Pushing your friends to go and tag you. -- but did not give you any right to pre approved tags however the onus is on YouTube and tag yourself. In any photo for anything -- -- -- if -- uploading things mean you know when you'd it's embarrassing -- apart and that minimum. It's embarrassing -- To be fair though it's still your friends are to blame like. It's like FaceBook as -- as suggesting photos that they know you're in and saying hey you're this person's friend biology -- them in this photo. And then there though that there there's actually the human element there that makes you tax rate -- -- not automatically just seeing every photo. And seeing -- base and then automatically -- -- -- -- wonder -- -- -- that because people are saying that it should concern you because so for example what if a bunch of protesters go marching on -- street -- any country that does not appreciated -- -- The secret police take a photo of the group and then uploaded to FaceBook and then use the recognition system because of they can do it on a public photo and that's the part that's creepy -- companies upload the picture from a concert. And then FaceBook -- like that over the -- -- -- down the matter over there at Donald Allen out of there as least -- meant the matter there is the you know try Apollo and like on an on and on. Then there is secret police could just like Apple in this photo. -- video system to zero dollar America and weighed about roundabout -- distant if you are smart enough to kind of gig -- gear up for protests you're smart enough to put on your Molly Wood mask. And got out of the protest. And make sure all your friends that -- -- I would meth do. And that the -- out of face recognition things -- -- even worse yet I mean your visit -- in turn your friends tagging you without your permission. And they're just doing that all the time anyway that has been it's like I -- I know I can tell you how many times there's been some awful photo from high school that showed up on my profile. And in the new speed and -- is like. OO noon and indigo -- that is just basic protocol or if they -- asked me first before you upload pictures from high school. That a lot cuter now I'm not that. That's one thing that's what they shadows and automatic settings like here's -- we've identified Molly Wood -- this old photo but you should know she's a lot -- announced the election. It -- -- tag on it like tag Molly Wood and with the with the optional additional tag. In an occupant or this is that -- if you back a little link via computer now. -- -- -- -- Lot of -- the map because actually they you know there are the negative. Implications but then there's the cool part -- you into the accumulate. Tutored -- are now and there's also this -- now can be apt name might as well. Does that phenomenon of people like standing like their old like preschool. Like class photo -- tagging all the little preschool people live with their. And then you could have little link -- like see what happened to this foreperson. -- -- you can then -- now it means the game that I just play it. When I'm down the rabbit hole -- avenue or yeah. We can do the -- and make it off the -- submitted. We're getting too excited because we are because it actually can -- -- Given -- given the I don't. It seems like the facial recognition and this is what I don't know if it's gonna be on by default -- -- it should only be on to identify. Your friends and not available for public -- And I definitely don't like them the idea it's a huge invasion in my perhaps it's tremendously. Upload a picture that debate but -- like a -- play eight or a band's website right. You look on the band's website and -- just like you could roll over a photo and these suggestions that implements them. That's -- especially because most people don't -- -- to secure their profiles and and the next thing you know you click on my. There is trying pollen that picture from that band right color and life is like here's their whole wizard of photo of the audience at a concert and suddenly -- like we thumb Hollywood's at the -- so concert. What's she doing in that cloud of smoke in the background -- now there's -- there's furiously privacy concerns there and potentially security concerned considering. The way that you know the way some other government can be I don't know but I don't know. Anyway. Just watch for the usual conflicting -- -- we've introduced the more complicated privately told me to change. Yeah how but it -- the tagging confirmation that. I don't know why -- -- keeps coming up either the answer that question in the tavern moon unnamed thing. That wouldn't be glad you're saying that I can even -- -- that the -- It went to gazed at the really fun to -- -- sometimes it's a lock around a banana -- -- -- among. I don't we -- Day in news that I cannot believe -- not happened yet. Twitter. Of also -- Which has. A restriction on the number of characters you can use on its own site has finally launched its own automatic link shortening. That that is Blake one of those things where you -- -- -- I mean I -- -- -- but like really hasn't used -- 140 characters even that is automatic automatic Goodyear is like a little button you -- the shortened URL that that could actually be some people might be upset. That there full URL and included in. One of the things they're saying is that they show -- shortened. Version of the original link so you can tell which -- the link points -- -- -- be like. The mean dot he now TO or whatever like -- it would it would display it at an and I think they're probably times when you want to show a year off and that TO. Or I wanted to be like. It -- nerd out dot -- mall mall but leave all that -- Internet icon. It sounds like though it will automatically renew it when you hit -- which I'm sure people we totally -- -- But at least they have it because I have been totally annoyed by having to go like shorten the Lincoln advancement in time and -- Now they have that make it he -- Twitter and a weirdly long overdue. And if they were working in general thanks to for the which has been -- -- -- a lot -- Yeah that -- -- is down like every other day here's -- other bragging about that in the last week that -- they'll have some income and. A polite note today -- to get rid of the feel well now that doesn't happen now and than ever that -- -- like. You're following anyone today -- Low or -- it all of my like my entire personal updates went away legislate here's your Twitter homepage should -- -- stuff. What about my 8000 update part of that that the telltale signs that the -- -- and you know. Twitter forget who you are momentarily. That it and I'll leave that and they can be proven to -- and whether. Steve Jobs went before the Cupertino City Council this last night and which -- -- Huge news all of itself is anytime he appears in public -- -- And then. Usually. All you -- over the City Council to basically asked them for. Permission. Or to kind of informed them that he would like to build a giant spaceship like tax -- Corporate building that will house 121000 place. -- he's he's giving the illusion that he's he's asking for permission and it doesn't an academy in that it's not really going to the -- -- to be clear he pointed out there -- one council member. There -- like all of the council members were just. And you've got confused -- -- crumble like here -- suggested. You know building for the new campus and we could really use with -- that he wasn't like. He becoming a -- that. Steve Jobs. You know swagger and wellness while not in -- one councilman had the temerity that they like woody -- -- for Catholic we have to bring lack. And many would like. No but that is that it open and edit data in that actually -- an elective taxpayer in the city in if you want we can got a Mountain View of in a minute in -- midday. And you -- Don't actually have we have the video the video pretty interesting can play a little bit I -- queued up -- -- The campus we'd like to build there. Is one building. Holds 121000 people. And in it's it's pretty amazing building army -- you think you're really -- like this. It's a little like a spaceship landed and definitely it's just beautiful there is. And it's got this gorgeous courtyard in the middle. But a lot more. So let's let's take a closer look at it I have a demo right here everything you know I can order it's it's a lesson. It's that simple. And so it's clearer all the way around it's you know if you build things this is not cheap -- -- And why -- it here and I -- where Apple. Today I will natively funny and and lying and it's great it's but it's not -- -- you know bosses so often see him so out of context of where I -- You used to seeing Steve Jobs. And does not in his element not giving like applies after every fifteen -- it -- still PodZinger though some of the matter at its curved. And he's wearing the same clothes from the keynote the other day. -- -- having a closet with all black turtleneck and blue jeans he -- right here -- that. -- average. That's the case he'd he did say that there would be among other things a big auditorium there are so they wouldn't have to -- slot -- up to temperatures don't generally bang literally via satellite valley we haven't keep going and doing our conferences in San Francisco bid to have the space that -- into our campus. So this is if this action as if constructed is where your W that the species and such when it held adamant I would think -- -- and certainly those. Much smaller -- now that only like 72 journalists are allowed into it would actually be potentially great for us. Although into the control freak or he would not go away right but if they can look daily failing to him and if you've been in and you know. -- ferry Donald gonna have to take pictures and blog and all the new video they'll -- that -- the keep yet. Well that would also I can imagine having -- -- total control where -- have -- camera they already have cameras everywhere on their campus where they can tell. When like our CBS truck comes Raleigh NF I think it may be active in the wrong -- -- Every -- area they can get that security guards out they're pretty quickly but it -- -- -- on their response time is way better than the Oakland Police Department that the -- There was a funny email like that -- -- Mikey read in that Steve Jobs made a presentation to the city of Cupertino and asked to build a space -- based. Building complete with its own power source development of -- death. -- -- How long do you think you gonna hang out of the -- totally blows -- Where he sadly there's a courtyard in the middle and a whole lot more and a whole lot more like my space -- -- -- little -- to -- out of this -- universe. Give me -- turn it back rock K turtle -- but seriously though twelve. Thousand people in the meeting other amenities include a cafeteria that could -- 3000 people in one sitting. I mean if you and today that applicant that you'd see that -- -- -- spread there are spread across like thirty building the app like I'll see like people who were in I like high level employees there in their product demo videos which is blocking the street path. UK brew house of a brand out there -- technique at the minds. It too important to just be out on the side lot clock and around you don't think -- testing them and give you -- Like who is kind -- the campuses can accordingly they have a little Apple Store that in there that's like. He shirt store and spelling -- her hand and of -- gold statue out the right. If not quite like the Apple -- you make an announcement like the Apple two. It kind of is they mean they really do you need a futuristic just gorgeous curved you know -- -- spaceships last. Is it flashed up -- building with of the -- Arab way to the arc reactor and yet be on the cool there's different lighting settings -- the through the power button. You know there won't be any buttons. At that at that what you got your doors on this at all but come up from -- the ground is actually an underground parking garage animals and hoping to. I don't think you recognize when we come back we will discuss whether Microsoft is going to make the -- tablet. And how they wanted to know that they had icons along the -- -- -- to be brought him. Plus did you address it. Welcome back above the allowed everyone I'm Molly Wood Donald bell joining us -- -- good -- beat him -- that controls. But that he TV we gotta get him as much as possible that we get your money's worth they got the idea. Brian -- is still in Los Angeles covering. I know he's got a videogame -- over. -- -- -- that somebody within -- game companies we the and I gathered at that they're like 48 days later rent the system. -- other body count iced -- show last -- very jealous. Seeing these three pictures you live in an article automatically tagged -- Yeah exactly they now we -- -- right when when are pretty through click and hold him he's not working today. -- -- turns out if we're told me with a company that is not good not good. -- briefly if the. Microsoft is reportedly considering launching according to dig at times though you know gives them nervous when they hit they had -- and emit. Air ball. But they are reporting that Microsoft is considering launching and own brand. Tablet PC featuring windows eight. By the end of 2012. -- -- I think it could take it -- well actually they can heating of the Zune HD as like. -- showing off. The Windows Phone 7 interface on their own device like it and the maximum styling. Kind of blueprint for what that the -- could be. I can imagine doing something back to it probably overpriced. -- done -- beautiful. Tablet. And then it's kind of bare as the blueprint for what other manufactures should -- to buoyancy and make hardware that's in that -- that -- -- with it they. Gallagher reference data in a reference yeah kinda ugly -- -- -- have have done hardware before I mean the Zune was not. They should stay away from username they call -- -- name definitely don't. Do not include the -- name but as we know with such good hardware and fairly decent software too and so if they you know they really got the design right means so far they've only ever had any hardware -- That's with the Xbox-360. Yeah that's it but I mean when they -- expire when they did design stuff in house -- that product design music and that pretty cool yeah. You know anything they can -- enough money at the design teams to make something pretty sexy. Yet but they should do it there's did you times a thing as saying that -- of the partners vendors. Are -- are feeling a little upset about that possibility but come on -- story about the market. If they make it legged battle B early three references -- -- old -- don't worry if you see me. Proudly -- is if you really does feel like that like the only palace they're generating a lot of excitement outside of the iPad right now on the -- -- -- the lower and lower price than the equivalent. Interested. And I again am I can't imagine -- gone around. -- -- -- Microsoft also yesterday Tuesday detailed some Windows Phone mango my -- out. Improvements. Forest -- drive specifically which is. You may not even know most people don't Microsoft's. Kind of mobile cloud service they say that skydiver actually -- scattered and even mobile -- that's just their kind of cloud storage and service -- -- clean house. And ultimately. In we've had talked a lot. But they're touting a -- lets Windows Phone mango. As the deepest connection to cloud storage available on a Smartphone. No coincidence then that they did guarantees daily and after that. -- -- immediately think the federal barely knew and cared. Met witnessed -- of design for the cloud from the ground up with -- they say that you will be able to use -- the share photos stored in skydive via email text or I am. That they'll be available -- you -- you found share your video on that drive browser document -- what's been shared with you and search on your document as well. There -- they have it TO. If they average fell more than 35 phones. It that would get the ought to worry about breaking bad -- and all blow up. They are hoping I think to. Sell more phones at the Nokia -- bird or have more. Penetration with that Windows Phone on Nokia phones which could get all the more interesting. If this rumor that Samsung is considering purchasing Nokia turns -- feature -- You know I just think this is so. Interesting it's catalytic like -- -- waiting back into the story directly to the deadline of Samsung declined comment on Nokia bid speculation. Okay but -- are hiding something let's start of the beginning -- where did you stop beating your right to look at the beginning of that story who -- but it. Apparently there have been reports. That sampling of interest and in purchasing -- -- and could not -- in a word they think it seems like a market -- we don't comment on rumors. The Nokia spokespeople said the same thing. But. I. Sampson purchasing a -- -- the Microsoft in the partnership. There were also reports there have been reports that -- Nokia CEO Stephen you -- that it is baseless this blog reported that Microsoft wanted to buy -- It's instead of have the big partnership to an it industry and eat them tested -- right just like we know you're dead now because the H -- -- -- we can. Dissolved the infinitely. You're not even in the equation via although Nokia does have good I mean they've had great hardware design. They have tons of name recognition worldwide -- and was able to -- we've taken over all of these markets. And then it they would also if they would also get. Windows on the old -- -- deal in that. And part of the package thing to do standard phones and Windows Phone phones -- -- to -- -- that Microsoft deal but I don't see them doing it and letting Nokia beat around the island of design outside -- amp -- No I think they would definitely -- it. Think there wouldn't be a standalone at your brand anymore I -- I think it's honestly. It's very unlikely I mean even analysts are like their -- on totally different trajectory path -- thing doesn't need help. News right now like they're doing fine theirs is being -- -- detailing how it might just be fun for them to say it like -- you know earnings report via -- eight Nokia and he can just kill them off. That's how good you are -- and right now. But I think. There is still the sense that Windows Phone 7 has the potential to become a dominant operating system because of this deal with Nokia and rightly there -- those analysts' projections that say. Within five years when it's on from the number two behind Android just because of the phone availability and I don't think that -- really want to -- down that competition. So it might make sense for. Hardware manufacturer like them to get into them to just get in there and -- like you know what. We -- the phone weird stuff on all you know we we have fifty million Android phones are here for two million Windows Phone 7. Phones over here but we make all of them found about Nokia -- -- also just that I have one horse. You know. Of Android -- emblem instead of I mean they they went fencing at some Windows Phone 7 designs to think them yet. They haven't passed blackjack more would more broken people who more would be better Hampshire more would be better. You can view from the -- of a drink your Nokia and figured out. Buff of any -- given that -- it is that it does feel highly unlikely that such an interesting to talk about. Also -- this report from music with me which is an app. And it and using it kind of data collection tools they probably didn't even know -- you -- has determined. And reported that most people only listen to about 19%. Of their music collections. He's told it through affiliate here any -- how how often need to slick looking you know like most played -- recently added section of your iTunes library. And I'm running -- this library -- library your collection. Eight with a good thing you're doing try not to make it synonymous live music. While the headline here is -- -- only 19% of your iTunes flat out again this is I think it. -- interestingly it's an Android only app in music with me. But it lets you sync your phone with an iTunes library and then select the songs albums -- playlist that you want them. They actually are pulling data from only people's iTunes levers because that the thinking thing and stuff. -- -- -- They're saying the average iTunes library has about 5409. -- which means only 12114 get -- a -- there. Which begs the question do we -- really need all of our music in the cloud right do we need to spend the week -- -- their entire music collection and Amazon and Google. Or downloading the whole collection due to things that really speak to this selective download part of night experience for any -- and -- -- an -- thing. But I think that the harder part of this is and that but the part that's really it makes me. Upset is like at for the -- that a lot music lockers are being handled -- now is that. Yet every once separate collection. Is being uploaded -- -- united getting like one reference track for the amount. Whatever that. Thought he would do -- and high -- a -- not single yeah that ambulance -- don't think -- having -- -- -- -- -- instead of well the iTunes -- -- with the iPod away which in -- The -- Natalee Holloway and the ice island which are never gonna get exactly yet now it's ludicrous though like all this think that other. Make 80% of your music collection that you don't need an avenue and 80% of the music collection that they don't need is all taking -- all the space. An -- its cloud servers. And -- -- any compatibility with the announcement but Atlanta affiliate line and Amazon and Google logic that's because they've never labeled. Don't want rampant credit labels are displaced is -- not a military mission it is -- ridiculous and I definitely. By either even then you -- -- -- that in about nine -- -- music in the cloud. I think this is the emotional connections knowing it's there. I'm young and upload all of -- -- by the act that want it all back up because one did that one day it's gonna come and -- like. And that you love the idea cold beverage lake edges in -- -- I need it. But ninety's and yet -- This weekend I spent like four hours backing up all -- gigs of music and if it's annoying them. Alex -- -- -- and is now I'm never gonna let it go even even if yeah. To -- like going through closet that's covering all these great old -- the -- and again. In other kind of data -- the and a new study from the entertainment software association suggests. That totally contrary to the perception -- public sixteen year old playing video games -- the average. Age of today's gamers. Is between 37 and 41 years old. Completely. Outside. Target demographic -- -- like eighteen to 34 -- mean they're not even there. -- does there's this whole other like I don't know emotionally stunted and you know. People think they don't -- -- there Marlene and another thing I've met a. In -- recently. I assume that the emotionally spent in the living in some perpetual adolescents. They could've been really -- games either look up Steve yeah yeah I don't think god do it -- -- -- safely here I don't know what they mean when they take gamer though you know what -- that. Like the average. Game currently hard corporate them anyway if -- out there wondering if the game -- should be adjusting their demographics. Accordingly. -- maybe -- an -- is the next baby boomer market I think -- can are that I mean look at something like what alien wire. You know it's not like -- -- being aimed at fifteen Euro -- and no not at all you know. Yeah at and I think that there decided the only. One problem with that is that in the 3741. When year old demographic isn't that this isn't typically the demographic of people that an entire lake. Week to -- Like bunkered down in their house yet connected the call of duty but. They've they've added support and a way. I'm supposed. Has probably at least that it's the lucrative demographic -- that -- -- now between that don't have any money. And that is probably -- it is though I mean to be -- it's a little bit unclear. What they mean by gamer and what they mean by gaming right so they're -- 37 the average age to play games the -- of the average buyer. Of games is 41. And that 45% of parents play games at their kids. At least weekly. So for the most part that's probably not call of duty like they might -- -- this might be including that whole entire universe. Of casual gamers which makes the whole thing Q -- what if they found the average by putting together a bunch of twenty year old an eighty year olds. You know and -- it -- who -- meeting in the middle somewhere. That's on the continent -- -- Anyway I don't actually think that apparently all of that with me. I don't really think that they're emotionally stunted and left the 37 year old I think a lot of that I know I know I've been -- one guy in particular and I know that he's the guy like right he's -- dad he's totally successful. And he's just like. It's not that I -- -- O'Donnell is nowhere near thirty my guide barely out of my money I mean like I know of I've got like totally successful normal dad does the farmers market -- -- -- -- -- that -- -- -- -- -- -- whatever -- -- And I get on the military -- -- things like it completely. That's cool I've been there. I don't think -- all emotionally stunted the one to connect with other. And then an update to the Chrome browser is kind of a quick -- but we didn't really -- -- -- for a whole cricket text and -- Google this week released a stable version of the Chrome browser that incorporates warnings about malicious downloads. And also better control over how your tracked online and that has been one of things that people have been waiting for with -- because everybody else -- the kind of do not track. Being built in Chrome has been the one browser that still allow that as an extension. But now they are making the leap a little bit to doing to -- is offering you more control its knowledge and it's not a totally. Do not track feature soon because. I think every Google actually understands that those are totally enforceable and won't be of any good at all it's. They're -- -- yes but these are this is just kind of them. Built in controls. But -- easier control. Her I can't always dug a little off the face tracking -- they had the technology via. Way to go Google way to go Google anyway if it's partly also how you can manage flash cookies. Because those were some argue that were harder to control it as compared to regular and pretty yummy -- cookies and an improved graphics capabilities. And now you know that I need to know about Chrome today but I want to Indonesia. I have now -- terribly did you mean Brian Tong. I do not -- trying to. Back -- emotionally available this all right here on the surface soon and. -- appears -- decided that and this is exciting news that the way to encourage the most innovation for its Smartphones. If you asked the hackers for help. The rather than does not mean this actually is of interest legal and potentially a feed chains right rather than locking it down -- like. Crippling the boot loader if you jailbreak the phone and clear on Rahman and or whatever. Samsung has apparently. Sent. A free galaxy S two to the -- antigen -- Really Apple sending an iPhone five prototype to the iPhone dev team. You might go to town -- awesome yes. But it's -- -- like. Here within -- you can do it because we're kind of done. -- made -- like maybe you can come up with having more creative and leave. The problem with that regulator you know lot of good ideas don't occur in a vacuum. Like sometimes you actually do need to roundtable these things. Play an engine -- does not mean it's it's a different version the -- had to -- you have to jailbreak to get it. There -- root the phone Booth it's not totally likening -- the -- and a team but he you know it's pretty. It's really saying like. -- -- -- Especially considering that Samsung has developed a pretty extensive overlaying a raise capital -- overlay there's with TouchWiz. And that there's is pretty you know. They've that a lot of time and money into UI another saying like what can you guys do to make about it they enter experience is like one where there is that a definite noticeable like hot rod community of people who just like yet. Taking it further and doing -- something more with it. I think it's smart -- Samsung to realize that and then market -- Like separate -- community Android -- routers there I'm otters -- ash -- Or Marty told them that come from a man of my patent pending don't laugh at the Internet -- -- and -- -- Don't let alone that goes. Things linking -- -- that this can -- -- -- -- News about other companies that hopefully get it. This time NBC. According to my comment and too much and -- right we were catcher but. -- -- is reporting that the that now that NBC universal owned by Comcast they have new boxes -- Steve Burke they are may be. Going to lose the tape delay for the Olympic. They gotta admit that people just aren't glued to their only their TVs and on actually checked the Internet and other sources to -- to get there might live. News about the markets seriously this year the Olympics are the most -- this past time they were the most annoying thing ever because you just could not. You could not be online because while we're building a -- get it was one thing so what we do -- -- stream a lot of games online. Or play a lot of video during the day when things were actually happening but when it was like the big. Mean you know the big fanfare type event they would hold it would not live stream them and then they would tape delay them and -- primetime and -- -- it was. Mildly understandable and it was in Beijing and there -- an eight hour time difference but when it was then. Vancouver. And those of the Pacific coast were like. I am not to -- forget Olympic broadcasts that started primetime go until it. Midnight and -- only be like I'm not staying up until midnight to -- for -- ice skating when I know for a fact that I happen. I'll let us know ridiculous anyway and then you could even go unless I know that maybe I met. Or about that than anyone else in the room but other people lamenting maybe they can make this retroactive and help erase the painful experience -- -- You know last -- no I'll always be -- But they didn't go a little way Doherty of the evening to be now if it valid I think you'd be it that's just a recognition of the 24 hour the universe we live in and be -- -- exactly -- you just can't you can't. -- that's exciting that the fact that they may in fact do that also. It's not just like they're doing it to make me less mad they lost 230 million dollars the network and on the 2010 winter games are expected to lose another 200 million. 12012 summer games. I think that they're hoping that when things they can do is is by light streaming from the those really popular online they can increase the ad opportunities. And then also not have people like me -- -- -- 10 o'clock am -- Dramatic job -- what -- also mean you don't get it. -- -- -- To our card -- monthly. Like it -- get all. Visited again so this is the going to be I think like in the -- this weekend as reported out. Ranges -- woman apparently. God there's a YouTube video showing that happening that he allegedly went out and got a tattoo. Awful sleeved -- With the faces of 152. -- perfect -- different. -- -- Which begs the obvious question. -- and hours that never. Which begs the obvious question -- -- what if they change their profile. The -- going to be I'll balance -- to better picture best that I hope before you do this you -- -- 150 friends like look make sure the profile -- you have right now is the one you want committed -- forever onto my arm. If she gets more friends this unit at more -- I know that's one thing Writely and none as she better not ever. Get rid of videos weren't exactly nice about -- your seriously not -- Of the -- friend her. While I by tagging them and honored at an afternoon of the video and after they are okay. How is awful to watch someone else get -- fuel and accused but if the worst -- the money probably like feeling the need the memory though kick -- -- -- Did not -- not go ahead vote off. Laser guided into -- that it analog facial recognition that this a lot of them. Anyway I'm sure you got a lot of your -- I'm talking entities and regret. -- -- -- She's been seeing this is that they write the letter her if the page says that YouTube paid immediate represents who I am right now -- the time we live in. Have forever though -- FF -- praise the. Are you not clear on that concept. At least as well I got FaceBook logo on there is something we -- the version of that -- -- like Friendster over your different. Something. It's happened -- him right now timely you can off. You start acting them out when names like Apple something I know seriously -- become acute think they have -- -- status update thing at little post it notes and put them on. And you -- Men and -- -- that there is spread like wildfire as you can imagine. And then finally a case that we have an internal Richard ripe with connection here at CNET and I hear these -- -- -- and and he did us the honor -- -- -- middlemen have been trying to get this put together for ever write to you -- are -- areas. And so we probably -- for -- today. A short snippet which you can find later in -- of dramatic readings from the iTunes Ullah. -- -- -- I thin it acted. On is emanate. Its legs and and they are practically out of -- -- at. If you tell them I -- with any. Ten minutes that. You can eat all fuels. At Apple -- -- -- -- -- -- Alt pop. Up at it's up to. I'll leave a thank you to mile editing -- -- -- Doug Allen and this is that -- -- supports the plan. An authority to cut an Apple event on much more dramatic. And that's good stuff there's like four different readings of -- please go to command there. And -- -- -- voice I use from now on mine enemy of the Apple software. Think -- -- -- -- to your calls and letters. Yesterday we had an email from someone who says and I -- kind of dig in this idea of cloud think. And our next caller takes. That agreement one separate. And -- -- create this additional gadget girl from Durham, North Carolina. I just was calling in response to Molly rant against the I think I try -- service. Unfortunately 83. I have to respectfully disagree I don't want all of my music stored in the cloud. BP travel a lot. You won't have access to let -- -- the airlines start giving away free Wi-Fi access on the plane. I won't have any access to -- music and listen on your device or -- your other stuff. Also in terms. I'm traveling doesn't let you travel to places that -- Internet friendly all the time or don't have really -- three G access. Which is large parts of the country won't have good access to U verse services finally even when -- -- the. America -- -- -- -- kind of a minute 33 but but. A lot of people have pointed that out to us but you know and there are absolutely fine with the thinking service that lets them download one time the music that they want over Wi-Fi and have -- available. Well -- -- there's the middle ground bright future proof -- vulnerable with the school. Mean that beta service you can pay in the -- you want a permanently stored on the device when you want -- -- if there's only 20% of your music collection ever listened to anyway. That -- -- an algorithm -- calculate can predict. What's -- percent of your music collection -- actually started it yet I still think that given a world of limited to storage capacity and non expendable storage capacity that you that you should have the option -- just like the option of -- I I think some combination of ball. Like Google music beta and Amazon -- is is the best way to go and -- under -- I remain surprised that there was no streaming. But beta coming later and then they'll be like to actually half of streaming good idea -- right at the he awaits those Steve read them and says in the email buzz at -- -- pump that together right iPad is just pushing and thinking there's no streaming ever mentioned so why not just use audio galaxy. At audio galaxy dot com you don't need Amazon Google Apple permission from the record industry or any additional storage no up -- uploading and no yearly payments. Just streaming your own music from your own computer to your device for free. That's what I -- how how are they doing that. An -- link that that seems like it secretly spotted her like wal back from the grace apparently is to streaming year old is your computers on at home and -- streaming your collection over mountain bureau on the idea hello. That is clever has a couple different services like this again it's it's it's cool hey everybody it's also one of these things where. If there's apps like that they can do that -- they fill the -- many don't need to complain about not been a mystery and I will complain about what ever I launch. Being able to -- download your music purchases critical. Now that's cool -- that lost there ground broken yeah definitely like that. OK and then -- from Australia -- in. The argument -- -- that you prosperity in -- given the -- follows we'll thankful that recently won an extremely -- challenge made by a cyber security website. Which was changed this web site home page picture and -- 101000 dollars and a position working with senior cyber security advisor. Naturally the website homepage lets changed and a message posted done that would -- the keep your money we do it for the lol. And then add his very generous as they turned around 101000 dollars people may call -- evil bastard but at least they -- data for the money. Does make an ethical could fit into the -- if they're broke it but also I would argue that really just cyber security whatever -- company and. It does not very good at this whole entrapment business because I don't know Amy lake. Self respecting hacker who would be like. -- here I hacked your website. Which by the way was recently made to be like not only a federal crime punishable by many many years of imprisonment if it comes from overseas it's like an act of war. So that they would like they give I've broken your website at my job and my money now. What -- these cuts -- war since. Yeah and I don't think that it was just. Them in like we do have for the little bit bigger than me in marketing and enjoy your walls in prison -- exactly I do like the internet's treatment prison -- The little. -- -- latest -- any title eighth in an American in England saying hey abolished. After earth. Following coverage of the Apple event in listening -- the past two days of your analysis I -- more confused than ever about -- cloud. -- -- -- -- That's probably have yet yesterday show you create hit hit the need for a Wi-Fi connection to take full advantage of most of the synching features pictures music it's better. That need for Wi-Fi combined with his disappointment that there's no streaming from the cloud only thinking thinking through the cloud makes me question me for -- cloud at all. Data goes from an I device up to the cloud and then back down -- other I devices. Why can't my computer beamer high cloud it seems the only benefits of I clout on mobile devices are contact calendar contacts calendar task. An -- data thinking which is all very wouldn't make. Catch up at the so we actually now we -- -- sold the whole thing a little bit I mean it is late catch up. To some extent sir I'm not not completely right because Google's really the only place right now that's offering that -- a one stop -- of -- While you're not saying all your mail things on your calendar sync I task -- not all there with Google and Apple thing okay now we're doing that too and don't get me wrong. That is a super useful service. And if -- -- all of your stuff and and Apple and you don't mind having the native I mean to me the biggest drawback is that it's not web based and you still have to have those native apps but. All of that thinking is still really useful. Although I'm still skeptical of the syncing experience that commuter unnerving I love how there's. These two complaints on both sides -- for Android users it's been complaints of like. For users -- -- -- liked to have figured this out how to -- sync all my photos and stuff from a computer commander device there's no like. Google product that will do that for you to -- -- iTunes does that for the iPhone. Are you using something like. Think of double twisters and demand that you think -- yet to injure to your iTunes library dandruff found. Yet that district and that and then try Google -- -- -- file format for music or literature you read out motor ever be able to admit proudly -- has always in the complaint like why -- I have to like connect my iPhone to my computer just select authorized the device and get my stuff on here. Yet -- yet. In the in the post PC world like. It's great to be able to just have and an iPad or an iPhone does run independently and it -- to have all of this data available and that you know the over the year updating I mean this is. -- -- airline is still catch up it is not and we shouldn't. I don't want anyone to portray. The whole collection of some big revolutionary thing but that doesn't mean it's not really useful. And I also are what it is the -- -- that the post PC world is really like the PC is diminished. In its role in your life. World -- they're not necessarily like that you're throwing -- computer out the window via and that's that filled important although like people say you know the bill 1000. Photo limitation is not quite there yet that the deleting after thirty day -- -- I think you still need storage and streaming and I think that's -- that one. That's as the big element of the cloud experience at least as it. Has been demonstrated so far that I think implements them in Adobe -- thing. If they could make like gay. Like a backup solution for your stuff. That's just like the what was that the time machine product yeah I'm -- hard capsule but that -- is just time capsule that stores all your stuff. It's a cloud and and his parents at the time capsule actually hitting your computer. -- -- just a backup device they're recognized. And in fact there was the report ahead of the WB DC based that that the rumors -- Some a -- a system very similar to that they where they were saying that the rumor was that it was -- -- -- cloud it was gonna be like your time capsule was your own cloud like audio galaxy model. Which didn't come to after that and mentioned time -- at all but it seems like they're does that storage pieces still -- -- -- -- from -- cloud experience. But it's but that doesn't mean -- -- It's still useful you definitely don't want you want some kind of like global device thinking yeah -- -- -- not that -- now. -- you can find the links all of the stories that we talked about today you can watch that malaria Steve Jobs -- -- video in its entirety. A read our blog be rolled out cnet.com -- that give feedback cumin 106162638. Belting. But at cnet.com is our email address Brian Tong will be back in the house tomorrow and then that means we'll be gearing up for computer -- on Friday. Just. Get your your heartfelt -- action. Come in and I guess you -- DS.

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